Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth (GM Reference)

Wrath of the Righteous

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10th level abilities for Prestige classes:

Arcane Archer: Can create a special type of Slaying Arrow, save being DC 20+ Charisma Modifier, takes 1 day to make.

Arcane Trickster: Can add sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage if the targets are flat-footed and the spell applies hit point damage.

Assassin: Cause a successful death attack target's body to crumple to dust needing True Resurrection to bring back.

Dragon Disciple doesn't really have one but gets dragon form twice a day and blindsense to 60 feet.

Duelist: Can on a confirmed critical hit cause one of several penalties along with damage dealt (including ability damage, speed reduction, or penalties to saves or AC).

Loremaster: Can do Legend Lore or Analyze Dweomer once a day without casting the spell.

Mystic Theurge: Can cast one divine and arcane spell with the same casting time using one action.

Pathfinder Chronicler: Can once a week summon barbarians as as if using an Iron Horn of Valhalla.

Shadowdancers: Blinds foes for 1d6 rounds on critical hits in an area of dim light, damage resistance 10/- in dim light, and +2 luck bonus on all saves in dim light.


I think those are fairly comparable to other Capstone abilities, and definitely superior to the lack of Capstones for Universalist Wizards and Clerics.

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I've been looking around for some kind of answer to two questions. I figure I'll let the answer come to me now.

The twine and original glaive of Baphomet are mentioned twice in the module, both times as being useful in the final confrontation with the demon lord, but I haven't been able to find mention of their use or affects in the final confrontation or Baphomet's stat block. Do I just need to figure out how they'd be used on my own or did I miss something completely?

Does the Ineluctable Prison count as Baphomet's Abyssal Realm since it isn't part of the Ivory Labyrinth and is in fact its own separate plane of existence? Would Baphomet retain his Mythic Rank whilst there?

Liam Warner wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:

That's true. but the capstone abilities are the reward for staying the course with a single class. I happen to LIKE the idea that multi-classers minmaxing the early levels for survivability cannot get those capstones.


It also hurts those who are playing to a concept e.g. my batle mage, 1 level ranger to qualify for 10 levels eldritch knight = effectively an 18th level arcanist who's still 11 levels away from a capstone ability in the arcanist class.
Liam Warner wrote:
Tangent101 wrote:
You do realize that the Prestige classes have their own Capstone abilities, right?
Yes although I've only looked at eldritch knight and it seems a fair bit less useful.

Perhaps, but regardless, that doesn't negate the fact that the Prestige Class still provides a Capstone. It's not a matter of "not getting the Arcanist Capstone", the fact is that the concept (i.e. battle mage via the Eldritch Knight route) still gets "a Capstone". That's sort of the point. And then there are people who feel that 90% of all Capstones aren't that great. So perhaps it's all moot.

So Capstones aside, I think the main thing people were getting at is that testing the later modules while going outside the boundaries of the module expectations (i.e. Max Level is 20, Max Tier is 10), doesn't really test the modules. Unless testing isn't the purpose of your NPC exercise.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
CasusErus wrote:

I've been looking around for some kind of answer to two questions. I figure I'll let the answer come to me now.

The twine and original glaive of Baphomet are mentioned twice in the module, both times as being useful in the final confrontation with the demon lord, but I haven't been able to find mention of their use or affects in the final confrontation or Baphomet's stat block. Do I just need to figure out how they'd be used on my own or did I miss something completely?

Does the Ineluctable Prison count as Baphomet's Abyssal Realm since it isn't part of the Ivory Labyrinth and is in fact its own separate plane of existence? Would Baphomet retain his Mythic Rank whilst there?

The Glaive and ball of twine are described as having great personal significance to Baphomet. I can't imagine what mechanical benefit that entails, but PCs should be able to use them to force Baphomet to hunt them down - it might let them choose the place of the final confrontation (i.e. Alderpash's chambers). They might also unbalance him, causing him to focus his attacks on whoever has the items. I would say it is more of GM RP/Tactics impact - the GM should play Baphomet differently, especially if the PCs try to exploit this. If Baphomet saw the Monk set the ball of twine on fire, he might focus all initial attacks on the Monk (instead of the squishy wizard).

As for the realms - I think we have to assume Baphomet counts the Prison as his realm. Realistically he needs that to get in and out without trouble, and without the mythic backup, he is a very underwhelming encounter at the end of book 5.

The Block Knight wrote:
Liam Warner wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:

That's true. but the capstone abilities are the reward for staying the course with a single class. I happen to LIKE the idea that multi-classers minmaxing the early levels for survivability cannot get those capstones.


It also hurts those who are playing to a concept e.g. my batle mage, 1 level ranger to qualify for 10 levels eldritch knight = effectively an 18th level arcanist who's still 11 levels away from a capstone ability in the arcanist class.
Liam Warner wrote:
Tangent101 wrote:
You do realize that the Prestige classes have their own Capstone abilities, right?
Yes although I've only looked at eldritch knight and it seems a fair bit less useful.

Perhaps, but regardless, that doesn't negate the fact that the Prestige Class still provides a Capstone. It's not a matter of "not getting the Arcanist Capstone", the fact is that the concept (i.e. battle mage via the Eldritch Knight route) still gets "a Capstone". That's sort of the point. And then there are people who feel that 90% of all Capstones aren't that great. So perhaps it's all moot.

So Capstones aside, I think the main thing people were getting at is that testing the later modules while going outside the boundaries of the module expectations (i.e. Max Level is 20, Max Tier is 10), doesn't really test the modules. Unless testing isn't the purpose of your NPC exercise.

THEN I really missed their point. This is my A phase run through to get a hang of the rules, what works, what I need to modify, what I should keep an eye out for. I'm not even running the fights just assuming best case scenario (why the group is 20/9 at the end of book 5 and I've decided to see how far they'll go). B phase I actually run the fights will not find the best way through. Then I'll consider running it for an actual group.

Lord Snow wrote:

Another part I disliked so far (haven't finished reading yet) is the city of Blackburgh. Presenting it as a city where monsters wonder about and attack the PCs every now and then is... boring as hack.
If I ever play the adventure, I'll present the city as a sort of a dark reflection on urban loneliness. The city streets will be deserted, and echoing sounds of distant conversation could lead visitors in circles in it's bleak, empty streets. The physical confusion of the twisting alleys and empty houses should be like the physical manifestation that a lonely human could feel in a city - his social seclusion makes him feel lost, and in Blackburgh he will be literally lost. While the city is filled with abyssal life, for visitors it should be very hard to spot that. Encounters with demons will happen rarely, as the city is built in a way to prevent it's inhabitants from meeting each other.
It will, in short, be what a city in a labyrinth realm of torment should be like.

That sounds pretty cool.

The Exchange

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So for weeks now I have been dreading any of the boss fights for this AP.

but after I did a little work on the Mythic version of Baphomet I gotta say he looks pretty terrifying. Chris if you are there don't read this. ^_^

I added a few feats and changed a single ability (glaive mastery lets him attack adjacent players with no penalty).

I gave him the Furious focus, Bleeding critical and Critical Mastery feats to round out his martial design and continue the theme of a bleeding weapon. I also gave him quickened maze instead of the maze 3/day... it seemed more appropriate that he should be able to do that.

I gave him 5 mythic feats according to his tiers/ranks, Mythic Bleeding critical, Combat reflexes, Furious focus, Power Attack and Improved initiative

I maxxed out his HP, in all fairness if they are close to one rounding him I going to place a 0 after his normal HP. "gods' are "gods" after all.

I also gave him a static extra damage boost to his natural attacks because 2d8+6 strikes fear into the heart of no one.

Even though his perception is super super high I still felt the need to add the fact that he is totally aware of everything at all times on his abyssal plane since it is an extension of his consciousness.

In addition he will probably use his super miracle to reset the fight on his end around halfway through. Ressurecting all of his Balor minions etc.

So here he is. this is just a rough cut not the final version but hopefully it will offset some of the woe Gms are feeling about powerful players.


BAPHOMET mythic rank 10 (surge d12 10/day)

CE Large outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar, deific)
Init +43; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good, detect law, see in darkness, true seeing; (on his own plane he has total knowledge of the entire plane) Perception +63
Aura frightful presence (180 ft., DC 40), unholy aura (DC 32)
AC 55, touch 34, flat-footed 55 (+4 deflection, +11 Dex, +21 natural, +10 profane, –1 size)
hp 1024 (33d10+462+132+100)
Fort +37, Ref +26, Will +33
Defensive Abilities Abyssal resurrection, freedom of movement, supernatural cunning; DR 20/cold iron, epic, and good; Immune ability damage, ability drain, charm and compulsion effects, death effects, fear effects, electricity, energy drain, fire, maze, petrification, poison, block attacks; Resist acid 40, cold 40; SR 48
Speed 50 ft., fly 50 ft. (good)
Melee Aizerghaul +54/+49/+44/+39 (2d8+74/19–20/×3), gore +42 (2d8+61 plus 2d6 fire plus burn), bite +42 (1d8+61)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with glaive)
Special Attacks burn (4d6 fire, DC 42), glaive mastery, powerful charge (gore, 4d8+19 plus 2d6 fire and burn), scroll use Mythic Surge
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 27th)
Constant—detect good, detect law, freedom of movement, speak with animals, true seeing, unholy aura (DC 32)
At will—astral projection, baleful polymorph (DC 29), blasphemy (DC 31), desecrate, dominate person (DC 29), greater dispel magic, greater teleport, telekinesis (DC 29), shapechange, unhallow, unholy blight (DC 28)
3/day—quickened greater dispel magic, quickened maze, summon demons, summon minotaurs, symbol of persuasion (DC 28)
1/day—imprisonment (DC 33), mass charm monster (DC 32), time stop
Str 40, Dex 32, Con 40, Int 37, Wis 33, Cha 35
Base Atk +33; CMB +49 (+53 bull rush); CMD 84 (86 vs. bull rush)
Feats Bleeding Critical (mythic), Combat Reflexes(mythic), Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Critical Focus, Critical Mastery, Furious Focus (mythic), Greater Bull Rush, Greater Weapon Focus (glaive), Greater Weapon Specialization (glaive), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (glaive), Improved Initiative (mythic), Power Attack(mythic), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (greater dispel magic, maze), Scribe Scroll, Staggering Critical, Weapon Focus (glaive), Weapon Specialization (glaive)
Skills Acrobatics +44, Bluff +48, Diplomacy +48, Fly +49, Handle Animal +45, Intimidate +45, Knowledge (arcana) +49, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +46, Knowledge (geography) +46, Knowledge (history) +46, Knowledge (nobility) +46, Knowledge (planes) +49, Knowledge (religion) +49, Linguistics +46, Perception +53, Sense Motive +45, Spellcraft +49, Stealth +43, Use Magic Device +45; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Languages all languages; speak with animals; telepathy 300 ft.
SQ change shape (any animal, magical beast, or minotaur; greater polymorph), infernal brand, language mastery
Environment any (Abyss)
Organization solitary (unique)
Treasure triple (Aizerghaul, 2d6 scrolls, other treasure)

Aizerghaul Aizerghaul (Abyssal for ”Labyrinth’s Final Edge”) is a uniquely shaped glaive, the head of which consists of a double blade akin to a crescent moon. This blade is made of ivory, but is razor sharp and as hard as adamantine (and possesses all the qualities of that material). It is a +5 lawful-outsider-bane unholy wounding glaive capable of inflicting particularly horrible and painful wounds on good-aligned targets and devils alike. Such a creature must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save each time it’s wounded by Aizerghaul or be sickened with pain for as long as the damage caused by the wound persists. Whether the save succeeds or fails, these wounds don’t heal naturally and resist magical healing. A character attempting to heal these wounds must succeed at a DC 32 caster level check or the healing has no effect on the injured creature.

Glaive Mastery (Ex) Baphomet is exceptionally skilled at fighting with a glaive. He is treated as a 20th-level fighter for the purposes of fulfilling any feat prerequisites, such as that for Weapon Specialization. He may also attack adjacent creatures with his glaive at no penalty.

Infernal Brand (Su) The mark of Asmodeus is branded on Baphomet’s brow, yet this is no mark of fealty or servitude. Rather, Baphomet has claimed the pentagram—a remnant of the time he spend as the archdevil’s prisoner—and now draws power from it. The brand grants him his devil-like abilities of fire immunity and see in darkness. In addition, all devils and worshipers of devils take a –2 penalty on saving throws against Baphomet’s special attacks and spell-like abilities. He gains a +4 bonus on caster level checks to penetrate a devil’s spell resistance, and automatically penetrates a devil’s damage reduction with his glaive and natural attacks.
Language Mastery (Ex) Baphomet can speak, read, and understand all languages.
Scroll Use (Ex) Baphomet can cast spells from any scroll as if he possessed the spell on a spell list. Spells he casts from scrolls always resolve at caster level 27th.
Summon Minotaurs (Sp) Baphomet can summon half-fiend minotaurs, labyrinth minotaurs (see page 90), and mythic minotaurs as if casting a summon monster spell. He can summon eight half-fiend minotaurs three times per day, and four mythic minotaurs or one labyrinth minotaur once per day. This ability functions as a swift action, but otherwise works like the summon universal monster rule with 100% chance of success and counts as a 9th-level spell effect.

Supernatural Cunning (Su) Baphomet is never caught flat-footed and gains a +8 bonus on initiative checks. In addition, he’s immune to maze spells and can never become lost. He always knows the shortest, most direct route through any maze. After spending 1 minute in any maze, he understands its entire layout implicitly and can teleport to any location using his greater teleport spell-like ability.
Block attacks: Once per round, when the creature is hit by a melee or ranged attack, it can attempt a melee attack using its highest attack bonus. If this result exceeds the result from the attack against it, the creature is unaffected by the attack (as if the attack had missed).

Mythic Furious Focus: When you are usingFurious Focus, you don't takePower Attack's penalty on attack rolls that are made as attacks of opportunity. As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to negate Power Attack's penalty on all melee attacks you make for 1 round while using this feat.

Mythic Power Attack: When you use Power Attack, you gain a +3 bonus on melee damage rolls instead of +2. When your base attack bonusreaches +4 and every 4 points thereafter, the amount of bonus damage increases by +3 instead of +2.

In addition, the bonus damage from this feat is doubled on a critical hit, before it's multiplied by the weapon's critical multiplier.
You can expend one use of mythic power when you activate Power Attack to ignore the penalties on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks for 1 minute.

Mythic Combat Refelexes:You can make any number of additional attacks of opportunityper round. As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to, until the start of your next turn, make attacks of opportunity against foes you've already made attacks of opportunity against this round if they provoke attacks of opportunity from you by moving

Mythic Improved Initiative: The bonus on initiativechecks granted by Improved Initiative increases by an amount equal to your tier. This bonus stacks with the bonus fromImproved Initiative. In addition, instead of rolling initiative, you can expend one use of mythic power to treat your roll as a natural 20.

Mythic Bleeding critical: The bleed damage dealt with Bleeding Critical increases by your tier. Stopping this bleed damage requires a Heal check with a DC equal to 15 + 1/2 your tier. Any magical healing ends the bleed damage normally.
You can expend one use of mythic power to deal 1 Con bleed, in addition to the hit point bleed damage you deal with this feat. This effect increases by 1 for each additional use of mythic power you expend.

Weapon damage
Aizerghaul (2d8+2d6(lawful outsider bane)+2d6 unholy+74/19–20/×3)+1 Bleed
Sickened unless DC 38 fort save is made. Healing is resisted unless a DC 32 caster level check is made.
On a critical hit
6d8+282 +2d6 vs good, + 2d6 vs lawful outsiders
Staggered for 1d4+1 rounds DC 43 fort save reduced staggered to one round.
Bleed damage = 2d6+10 (mythic point use to cause 1 CON bleed per mythic point spent.)

Hope this helps others. And yes I am aware there are some mistakes in there. like i said before. Rough cut

STEVE HOLT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scarab Sages

Starting Book 5 tomorrow. I don't expect to get past the Iomedae encounter as the players are going to have some downtime ahead of it. I'll let everyone know how it works out.

Scarab Sages

Unfortunately I ended up being called into work on Saturday, so I didn't get to run.

The Exchange

Heh. I'm sort of pleased with my choice at the end of book 5. The transmuter I play thought about the gifts she was offered. Divine Intervention was a really nice option.

In the end? She just flat asked Iomedae if she could give her a gem valuable enough to Soul Bind Deskari with. Now, it's a question of whether or not she can pull that bit of insanity off, should they fight Deskari, which I suspect will happen.

Grand Lodge

Going to begin this book, at long last, tonight. Wrap up from book 4, treasure management, and then onto Iomedae. I've been waiting for this for months, can't wait to see what my players do with this.

Grand Lodge

... And then half the group can't make it. *sigh*

Ah well, next week!

Grand Lodge

Okay, this week there was the critical geek mass needed to play and we got started on this adventure! Group 1 navigated all the questions well within what I thought were solid responses. I did explain the consequences of wrong answers though. There were some appreciative whistles at the damage (sonic no less) that could be dished out and some quick math to see who could survive max damage. Apart from that, their feed back could be summed up as this:

1) How could a group that's been paying attention answer those questions incorrectly? I mean, we guess it could happen, but really...?

2) So, Iomedae slaps us on the wrist for getting her questions wrong. That makes sense.

About what I expected.

Now, down into the Labyrinth itself.

Anyone have any interesting tricks they used for this part? I'm not too hot on just having strings of Random encounters, and was thinking about putting in some more set piece type encounters. Thoughts?

PC's faced Baphomet and based on a couple of lucky critical rolls coupled with Quarry ranger ability and Surge powers brought the hammer down on the Demon Lord. I decided to have him seek vengeance in round 3 vs. flee as the adventure suggested and he was easily slain by the end of that round even after giving him Mythic abilities. A cool way to end the AP so I'm stopping here. The Mythic rules are cool but get a bit too over the top at tiers 5+. Not going to use Mythic rules again soon but might use a rare Mythic monster to throw a curve at future PCs.

Grand Lodge

Question? If Planar Travel is shunted to a handful of locations Like the Arrival Plaza in the ivory Labyrinth does that also mean summoned creatures would go there as well instead of their intended spot? How does this work?

Liberty's Edge

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ummm does anyone know why baphomet has a mundane ball of yarn in his vault?

He shapeshifts into a cat and plays with it.

Liberty's Edge

Tangent101 wrote:
He shapeshifts into a cat and plays with it.

it really just says it holds sentimental value to him and its the most important thing in the vault to him. so WTF? maybe he does. he does have polymorph i think

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The Legend of Theseus and the Minotaur, presumably the string the hero used (or tried to use to navigate the maze) is presumably the inspiration.

My players annoyed him by summoning 50 Fiendish cats to play with the string

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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JohnHawkins wrote:

The Legend of Theseus and the Minotaur, presumably the string the hero used (or tried to use to navigate the maze) is presumably the inspiration.

Correct; it's a Theseus/Minotaur easter egg.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
JohnHawkins wrote:

The Legend of Theseus and the Minotaur, presumably the string the hero used (or tried to use to navigate the maze) is presumably the inspiration.

Correct; it's a Theseus/Minotaur easter egg.

oh ok. didn't read it but i would have thought that his old glaive would be more sentimental.

Liberty's Edge

cdkc wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
JohnHawkins wrote:

The Legend of Theseus and the Minotaur, presumably the string the hero used (or tried to use to navigate the maze) is presumably the inspiration.

Correct; it's a Theseus/Minotaur easter egg.
oh ok. didn't read it but i would have thought that his old glaive would be more sentimental.

oh never mind. just read what that was. i thought you were referencing a paizo novel or something. didnt know you meant the greek myth minotaurs came from. ill come up with some reason that he wants it in the game.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

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Has anyone used or considered making use of the fact that the Abyss is Divinely Morphic during the battle with Baphomet? It seems to me that he can change the physical conditions of the battleground to suit his whims.

I'm not sure what action type it should be to change things. Here's the description of Divinely Morphic from the PRD:

PRD wrote:
Divinely Morphic: Specific unique beings (deities or similar great powers) have the ability to alter objects, creatures, and the landscape on planes with this trait. They may cause these areas to change instantly and dramatically, creating great kingdoms for themselves. Ordinary characters find these planes similar to alterable planes in that they may be affected by spells and physical effort.

So Baphomet can alter objects and the landscape instantly. So I'm thinking he can fill the air with toxic fumes, or remove the air entirely. He could fill the room with acid, or lava, or jumbled rocks. He could create adamantine barriers to block charge lines or flanking. He could summon all his aid then create little subchambers where each PC has to fight 3-4 minions alone.

Personally, I'm leaning toward making it a swift action to change things as it probably requires at least some concentration. Making it a free action might actually make the fight effectively impossible, but having it be a standard action seems too slow for "instantly" changing things. Making it swift means he could only do one set of changes a round. I'd also allow saving throws as appropriate to whatever effect, probably with a DC of 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Funny story about that: my players resolved to fight Bahamut as soon as he made his threat against them. They knew taking him on would be difficult and was optional, and my group was savvy enough to know he would likely be able to "morph" his realm to be whatever he wanted it to be during a conflict with the PCs.

I was debating how I was going to have the divinely morphic ability work during their encounter when the party barbarian blew my mind by doing something unexpected. In the Ivory Labyrinth, he took the tapestry depicting the Ivory Labyrinth off of the wall, brought it over to the mirror connected to it, and stuck the tapestry through the mirror.

I ruled that he effectively broke the plane, leaving only 2 quasi-dimensional locations loosely connected to one another: the Ineluctable Prison and Baphomet's Tower. Once Hell caught wind that the rules of the Ivory Labyrinth had been broken, their forces stormed in to try to "recapture" this part of Hell that had been "stolen" (or, as the devil in the prison explained to the party, that Asmodeus had allowed Baphomet to take and use for a temporary period of time), so my party battled Baphomet in the midst of a chaotic blood war between demons and devils. I never had to worry about the Divinely Morphic because the party went after Baphomet before he had the chance to reestablish control over that plot of extradimensional real estate.

May you also be so lucky as to be able to handwaive those concerns. :)

Liberty's Edge

ryric wrote:

Has anyone used or considered making use of the fact that the Abyss is Divinely Morphic during the battle with Baphomet? It seems to me that he can change the physical conditions of the battleground to suit his whims.

I'm not sure what action type it should be to change things. Here's the description of Divinely Morphic from the PRD:

PRD wrote:
Divinely Morphic: Specific unique beings (deities or similar great powers) have the ability to alter objects, creatures, and the landscape on planes with this trait. They may cause these areas to change instantly and dramatically, creating great kingdoms for themselves. Ordinary characters find these planes similar to alterable planes in that they may be affected by spells and physical effort.

So Baphomet can alter objects and the landscape instantly. So I'm thinking he can fill the air with toxic fumes, or remove the air entirely. He could fill the room with acid, or lava, or jumbled rocks. He could create adamantine barriers to block charge lines or flanking. He could summon all his aid then create little subchambers where each PC has to fight 3-4 minions alone.

Personally, I'm leaning toward making it a swift action to change things as it probably requires at least some concentration. Making it a free action might actually make the fight effectively impossible, but having it be a standard action seems too slow for "instantly" changing things. Making it swift means he could only do one set of changes a round. I'd also allow saving throws as appropriate to whatever effect, probably with a DC of 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod.

this doesnt work. according to Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lords of Chaos: Book of the Damned, Vol. 2. "despite the close connection a demon lord has to its realm, it does not exert total control over the realm, and powerful adventurers can infiltrate such realms and accomplish goals without arousing the lord's anger—if they're careful."

Liberty's Edge

cdkc wrote:
ryric wrote:

Has anyone used or considered making use of the fact that the Abyss is Divinely Morphic during the battle with Baphomet? It seems to me that he can change the physical conditions of the battleground to suit his whims.

I'm not sure what action type it should be to change things. Here's the description of Divinely Morphic from the PRD:

PRD wrote:
Divinely Morphic: Specific unique beings (deities or similar great powers) have the ability to alter objects, creatures, and the landscape on planes with this trait. They may cause these areas to change instantly and dramatically, creating great kingdoms for themselves. Ordinary characters find these planes similar to alterable planes in that they may be affected by spells and physical effort.

So Baphomet can alter objects and the landscape instantly. So I'm thinking he can fill the air with toxic fumes, or remove the air entirely. He could fill the room with acid, or lava, or jumbled rocks. He could create adamantine barriers to block charge lines or flanking. He could summon all his aid then create little subchambers where each PC has to fight 3-4 minions alone.

Personally, I'm leaning toward making it a swift action to change things as it probably requires at least some concentration. Making it a free action might actually make the fight effectively impossible, but having it be a standard action seems too slow for "instantly" changing things. Making it swift means he could only do one set of changes a round. I'd also allow saving throws as appropriate to whatever effect, probably with a DC of 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod.

this doesnt work. according to Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lords of Chaos: Book of the Damned, Vol. 2. "despite the close connection a demon lord has to its realm, it does not exert total control over the realm, and powerful adventurers can infiltrate such realms and accomplish goals without arousing the lord's anger—if they're careful."

although he probably could do some changes in the realm like the barrier thing you mentioned. he couldnt change the room their in into like an empty space made of lemons and razor blades or something like that.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

cdkc wrote:

this doesnt work. according to Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lords of Chaos: Book of the Damned, Vol. 2. "despite the close connection a demon lord has to its realm, it does not exert total control over the realm, and powerful adventurers can infiltrate such realms and accomplish goals without arousing the lord's anger—if they're careful."

Hmm, I read that section as simply stating that demon lords aren't omniscient in their realms. As long as a party doesn't attract their attention there won't be extra trouble. But if the PCs are in the demon lord's presence, I still think the lord has absolute control over physical reality in the vicinity.

The Exchange

We have passed the one character does over 500 damage in one turn. I dont allow the mythic power attack multi plyer, no mythic vital strike or he dosnt have legend item. In fact he dual wields 2 +1 swords. Level 15/7. I was still surprised by this. Course character has died 8 or 9 times now, so he is a big glass canon. Still, that is a lot of damage to one foe.

Sovereign Court

My party's barbarian/champion used sunder to break Hepzamirahs weapon in his first attack (fleet charge), In the first attack in his full round he destroyed Blancher, then sundered her armor after missing his second attack. Finally using amazing initiative he rolled a critical while using mythic vital strike (improved) and power attacking, using foe biter to double that damage. He hit her for 626 points using his Legendary Earth breaker Titans Fist. With no weapon or armor the Paladin then came in and finished her off criting with his smite using Radiance and foe-biter.

After sword of valor I've been doubling the max hp of named NPCs on top of adding foes just to deplete resources.

--Vrock & awe

Silver Crusade

I keep hearing about Caster classes (wizard and sorceress) with STR in the high 30s and claws, does anyone else keep seeing this?

My parties Wizard is a transmuter that takes form of the dragon and tears things apart with his draconic multple attacks.

He took on a Thanotic Titan alone last week (Guarding the gates of Blackburgh with his twin), the other 2 characters took out the other one.

Same wizard did 200 points of damage with a single AoO in the same session.

He admits he's a terrible wizard.

Sovereign Court

Did anyone else notice the similarities in the...

Ineluctable Prison's Vault and the Pale Man scene from Pan's Labyrinth? Is the Vilsteth demon a nod to him somewhat? How about the doors the girl unlocks with her key?

--Vrock, Paper, Scissors

anyone notice that the connections for Area K: Prison vault only got upto 90? Maybe there's supposed to be 91-100 Area O or maybe it's supposed to be 81-100 Area N - Any Ideas?

another thing I worked out to help decide what order to prep stuff in in the Ineluctable prison - the likelihoods of the PCs having been to each area after 3 area transitions - here they are:
Total chance will have been in
H 94.02%
I 53.22%
J 18.44%
K 1.84%
L 8.82%
M 3.55%
N 6.97%
O 5.56%
if ppl want to add to these numbers for more transitions or expand it with different start points (this assumes they start in G), I could put it as a google sheet and share it

turns out my calculations could have done with more work - such as reading again the bit on waxberry where she pretty much tells them to go see alderpash
I noticed after the Alperpash encounter that it seems the only viable way to get a trail from the encounter is to fight him as to redeeem him would take 'longer than the remainder of this campaign' - so if the PCs decide to redeem him they then don't get the trial - or would it be good to give them the trial anyway (maybe if they need a trial at some point)

hey - possibility I'll run Igramalash on wednesday - the statblock is missing specifically what type of fear the aura gives - here's the text from the universal monster rules:
"Fear attacks can have various effects.

Fear Aura (Su) The use of this ability is a free action. The aura can freeze an opponent (as in the case of a mummy’s despair) or function like the fear spell. Other effects are possible. A fear aura is an area effect. The descriptive text gives the size and kind of the area."
so no default as to what condition it gives - there's the 4 standard ones: shaken, frightened, panicked and cowering then others possible such as the mummy's frozen in place - I've no idea which to use

another question to add to the unanswered ones - is Aizerghaul (Baphomet's current wep) an artifact? if it is, it has no gp value (and can't be sold?) - from the info on it, it could be - it's a +10 wep with a bit extra, but it's only describe in baphomet's statblock and as far as i can see nowhere else

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dharkus wrote:
another question to add to the unanswered ones - is Aizerghaul (Baphomet's current wep) an artifact? if it is, it has no gp value (and can't be sold?) - from the info on it, it could be - it's a +10 wep with a bit extra, but it's only describe in baphomet's statblock and as far as i can see nowhere else

Artifacts can be sold for whatever the GM deems appropriate. They can also be stolen (over your dead body quite possibly) by powers who are interested in the artifact to return it to its rightful people, destroy it, use it, etc. They just can't be sold risklessly at a standard price like a normal magic item, the are Plot Items (TM).

I'd say a famous weapon belonging to a Demon Lord qualifies, ask your GM if you're thinking about selling it. I always assume Axis, Dis, and the City of Brass have fairly protected markets for that sort of thing, although the taxes or regulations may be a pain.

I am the GM - that's why I'm asking - what kinda price should they get for it (it's better than +10) and should they even be allowed to sell it?

The Exchange

redeem it and use it. sell for 300000

it can't be used by PCs unless someone for some reason let their PCs start as large

The Exchange

Have your servant hand it to you

Jeff Morse wrote:
Have your servant hand it to you

that doesn't work either - if you pick up an item it enlarges, drop it and it gets smaller again - same with arrows!

Just about to make the PC simulacra, here's the text for reference

The Book wrote:
Simulacrum creates an illusory duplicate of any creature. The duplicate creature is partially real and formed from ice or snow. It appears to be the same as the original, but it has only half of the real creature's levels or HD (and the appropriate hit points, feats, skill ranks, and special abilities for a creature of that level or HD). You can't create a simulacrum of a creature whose HD or levels exceed twice your caster level. You must make a Disguise check when you cast the spell to determine how good the likeness is. A creature familiar with the original might detect the ruse with a successful Perception check (opposed by the caster's Disguise check) or a DC 20 Sense Motive check.

the PCs are gonna be lvl 19 MT9 as this point probably (maybe lvl 20, not sure how close they are and if they're gonna go to area E 1st) - would (or did) you create a version of the PCs as lvl 9/10 with the appropriate MTs (Tier 3/4) or without the MTs - also the disguise bit - as the pleasers created them their disguise is +26 (28 if they decided to consume a soul just before doing it), so could possibly fool the other PCs (the only thing to possibly distinguish is that 2 of the PCs can transform into large/huge creatures with polymorph spells) as their perception isn't that high (currently +14, +26, +34 and +23). Is it worth the pleasers trying to fool the PCs to think that the simulacra are their allies?

Silver Crusade

dharkus wrote:
Jeff Morse wrote:
Have your servant hand it to you
that doesn't work either - if you pick up an item it enlarges, drop it and it gets smaller again - same with arrows!

That's a point of contention but the opposite is usually what is used. Set it down, enlarge, then pick up.

It's the Iconic Duergar Antipaladin from the Hell's Vengeance AP's main opening tactic (he has a large crossbow).

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Grunts affirmatively. Keeps sharpening his Warhammer.

Rysky wrote:
dharkus wrote:
Jeff Morse wrote:
Have your servant hand it to you
that doesn't work either - if you pick up an item it enlarges, drop it and it gets smaller again - same with arrows!

That's a point of contention but the opposite is usually what is used. Set it down, enlarge, then pick up.

It's the Iconic Duergar Antipaladin from the Hell's Vengeance AP's main opening tactic (he has a large crossbow).

seems relatively clear to me

core book - enlarge person spell wrote:
All equipment worn or carried by a creature is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee weapons affected by this spell deal more damage (see Table: Medium/Large Weapon Damage). Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any enlarged item that leaves an enlarged creature's possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown and projectile weapons deal their normal damage. Magical properties of enlarged items are not increased by this spell.

also he has a heavy crossbow in the player's guide - not a large one

Silver Crusade

dharkus wrote:
Rysky wrote:
dharkus wrote:
Jeff Morse wrote:
Have your servant hand it to you
that doesn't work either - if you pick up an item it enlarges, drop it and it gets smaller again - same with arrows!

That's a point of contention but the opposite is usually what is used. Set it down, enlarge, then pick up.

It's the Iconic Duergar Antipaladin from the Hell's Vengeance AP's main opening tactic (he has a large crossbow).

seems relatively clear to me

core book - enlarge person spell wrote:
All equipment worn or carried by a creature is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee weapons affected by this spell deal more damage (see Table: Medium/Large Weapon Damage). Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any enlarged item that leaves an enlarged creature's possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown and projectile weapons deal their normal damage. Magical properties of enlarged items are not increased by this spell.
also he has a heavy crossbow in the player's guide - not a large one

"All equipment worn or carried by a creature is similarly enlarged by the spell."

Does the spell enlarge everything worn or carried for the entire duration of the spell or just what you're carrying/wearing when you it is cast?

And then they changed that in the Player's Guide, because the art is obviously a Large crossbow, all mentions of it elsewhere says it's Large, andhere's Urgraz' writer's going over the subject.

going a bit off topic here (best discussed on the HV forum or the rules forum) - what would you do about the simulacra?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

For navigating the Ineluctable Prison, the players are able to make a DC 30 Survival check to choose the correct path when moving from one connection to another.

Does anyone have a good explanation of how that works? I'd rather not have a skill check when I can't explain the RP element of what's going on and for the life of me I can't think of a good reason why Survival would help.

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