Dreamscarred Press introduces the Path of War

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So it's too late to ask nicely for you guys to make a martial samurai archetype?
Then I'll just hope for the best. :)

By the way will PoW2 material be covered by the Path of War subscription i bought on DrivethruRPG?

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Threeshades wrote:

So it's too late to ask nicely for you guys to make a martial samurai archetype?

Then I'll just hope for the best. :)

By the way will PoW2 material be covered by the Path of War subscription i bought on DrivethruRPG?

Ask and ye shall receive.

You'll also probably want their discipline, Mithral Current

The subscription is for Path of War, the original book (which is 4 separate releases), unfortunately not for any follow ups.

Will there be a new subscription for PoW2 then? (I feel like this has already been answered, but can't remember for sure, sorry!)

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Will there be a new subscription for PoW2 then? (I feel like this has already been answered, but can't remember for sure, sorry!)

Yes, there will be. :)


That's fine with me too, and thanks for the links Prince of Knives

Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber
Prince of Knives wrote:

Ask and ye shall receive.

You'll also probably want their discipline, Mithral Current

...well if that isn't the coolest thing I've seen posted in awhile. The fluff is just superb and every ability is just really fitting and cool. Is that being released in the next PoW? Cause if so I gotta subscribe again.

Aleron wrote:
Prince of Knives wrote:

Ask and ye shall receive.

You'll also probably want their discipline, Mithral Current

...well if that isn't the coolest thing I've seen posted in awhile. The fluff is just superb and every ability is just really fitting and cool. Is that being released in the next PoW? Cause if so I gotta subscribe again.


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It is. We also have pirates and mounted people.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

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Prince of Knives wrote:
It is. We also have pirates ***

I just envisioned an entire discipline centered around the Pirate Weapons Fighter Weapon Training group. The vision of Captain Hook performing katas in the morning to prepare his new hook-hand maneuvers so he can finally gut Peter Pan made me smile.

Liberty's Edge

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"MISTER SMEE!! Clear out this riff raff! I need space to do my morning stretches and limber up before I work out my latest plan for skewering that pesky Pan! Any swab caught lollygagging, I'll hook him myself and toss him overboard - to Hell with the plank!"

If I take the "Weapon Group Adaptation" feet I can use Mithral Current moves with my fists... Now I just got to work out how to sheath my fist so I can punch people from 30 ft away.

Maybe if I cover it with something, like my pocket... Or my other hand... What do you guys think? Is there a way of using "Iron wave" (2nd level strike) to full effect with your fists?

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

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FYI, final PDF release date is Tuesday, September 9th. :)

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DragGon7601 wrote:

If I take the "Weapon Group Adaptation" feet I can use Mithral Current moves with my fists... Now I just got to work out how to sheath my fist so I can punch people from 30 ft away.

Maybe if I cover it with something, like my pocket... Or my other hand... What do you guys think? Is there a way of using "Iron wave" (2nd level strike) to full effect with your fists?

Off the top of my head, there was a character in Negima that fought with his hands in his pockets, 'unsheating' his hand, punching, and 'sheating' it again so quick the enemy doesn't even how he got hit. Another idea would be long kimono style sleeves. Or maybe a fighting style where you hold yourself at military rest or at ease stance, with your hands behind your back.

DragGon7601 wrote:

If I take the "Weapon Group Adaptation" feet I can use Mithral Current moves with my fists... Now I just got to work out how to sheath my fist so I can punch people from 30 ft away.

Maybe if I cover it with something, like my pocket... Or my other hand... What do you guys think? Is there a way of using "Iron wave" (2nd level strike) to full effect with your fists?

As the guy who wrote Mithral Current, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to sheathe your fists by putting your hands in your pocket. But it's probably a good idea to take it up with your DM just in case.

For the record, I think its a really cool idea.

Elricaltovilla wrote:
DragGon7601 wrote:

If I take the "Weapon Group Adaptation" feet I can use Mithral Current moves with my fists... Now I just got to work out how to sheath my fist so I can punch people from 30 ft away.

Maybe if I cover it with something, like my pocket... Or my other hand... What do you guys think? Is there a way of using "Iron wave" (2nd level strike) to full effect with your fists?

As the guy who wrote Mithral Current, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to sheathe your fists by putting your hands in your pocket. But it's probably a good idea to take it up with your DM just in case.

For the record, I think its a really cool idea.

You may want to address this in the rules perhaps? Or make a feat that specifically goes with the idea of doing that and gives bonuses of some variety?


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ErrantX wrote:
Elricaltovilla wrote:
DragGon7601 wrote:

If I take the "Weapon Group Adaptation" feet I can use Mithral Current moves with my fists... Now I just got to work out how to sheath my fist so I can punch people from 30 ft away.

Maybe if I cover it with something, like my pocket... Or my other hand... What do you guys think? Is there a way of using "Iron wave" (2nd level strike) to full effect with your fists?

As the guy who wrote Mithral Current, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to sheathe your fists by putting your hands in your pocket. But it's probably a good idea to take it up with your DM just in case.

For the record, I think its a really cool idea.

You may want to address this in the rules perhaps? Or make a feat that specifically goes with the idea of doing that and gives bonuses of some variety?


Eh, I don't think it warrants a feat, why would anyone want a feat to be able to put their hands in their pockets? It's probably errata worthy though.

Elricaltovilla wrote:
ErrantX wrote:
Elricaltovilla wrote:
DragGon7601 wrote:

If I take the "Weapon Group Adaptation" feet I can use Mithral Current moves with my fists... Now I just got to work out how to sheath my fist so I can punch people from 30 ft away.

Maybe if I cover it with something, like my pocket... Or my other hand... What do you guys think? Is there a way of using "Iron wave" (2nd level strike) to full effect with your fists?

As the guy who wrote Mithral Current, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to sheathe your fists by putting your hands in your pocket. But it's probably a good idea to take it up with your DM just in case.

For the record, I think its a really cool idea.

You may want to address this in the rules perhaps? Or make a feat that specifically goes with the idea of doing that and gives bonuses of some variety?


Eh, I don't think it warrants a feat, why would anyone want a feat to be able to put their hands in their pockets? It's probably errata worthy though.

To take advantage of bonuses or abilities of course. It isn't a feat to put your hands in your pockets, it is a feat to allow you to use a weapon in a way it "normally" isn't or cannot be used. Unarmed strikes are always ready/available (unless bound/helpless/etc). They "normally" are completely incapable of being sheathed, just like they are impossible to disarm. So they are unable to be used in certain ways mechanically in game. The feat would allow them to be used in such a way they gain benefits like those in question when they aren't capable of used that way normally. Pretty much exactly what feats were designed to do.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Skylancer4 wrote:
Elricaltovilla wrote:
ErrantX wrote:
Elricaltovilla wrote:
DragGon7601 wrote:

If I take the "Weapon Group Adaptation" feet I can use Mithral Current moves with my fists... Now I just got to work out how to sheath my fist so I can punch people from 30 ft away.

Maybe if I cover it with something, like my pocket... Or my other hand... What do you guys think? Is there a way of using "Iron wave" (2nd level strike) to full effect with your fists?

As the guy who wrote Mithral Current, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to sheathe your fists by putting your hands in your pocket. But it's probably a good idea to take it up with your DM just in case.

For the record, I think its a really cool idea.

You may want to address this in the rules perhaps? Or make a feat that specifically goes with the idea of doing that and gives bonuses of some variety?


Eh, I don't think it warrants a feat, why would anyone want a feat to be able to put their hands in their pockets? It's probably errata worthy though.
To take advantage of bonuses or abilities of course. It isn't a feat to put your hands in your pockets, it is a feat to allow you to use a weapon in a way it "normally" isn't or cannot be used. Unarmed strikes are always ready/available (unless bound/helpless/etc). They "normally" are completely incapable of being sheathed, just like they are impossible to disarm. So they are unable to be used in certain ways mechanically in game. The feat would allow them to be used in such a way they gain benefits like those in question when they aren't capable of used that way normally. Pretty much exactly what feats were designed to do.

The thing is, the benefit isn't worth spending a feat on. Feats are expensive, and one that only does that? Not worth the expense when you could take just about anything else.

Prince of Knives wrote:
Skylancer4 wrote:
Elricaltovilla wrote:
ErrantX wrote:
Elricaltovilla wrote:
DragGon7601 wrote:

If I take the "Weapon Group Adaptation" feet I can use Mithral Current moves with my fists... Now I just got to work out how to sheath my fist so I can punch people from 30 ft away.

Maybe if I cover it with something, like my pocket... Or my other hand... What do you guys think? Is there a way of using "Iron wave" (2nd level strike) to full effect with your fists?

As the guy who wrote Mithral Current, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to sheathe your fists by putting your hands in your pocket. But it's probably a good idea to take it up with your DM just in case.

For the record, I think its a really cool idea.

You may want to address this in the rules perhaps? Or make a feat that specifically goes with the idea of doing that and gives bonuses of some variety?


Eh, I don't think it warrants a feat, why would anyone want a feat to be able to put their hands in their pockets? It's probably errata worthy though.
To take advantage of bonuses or abilities of course. It isn't a feat to put your hands in your pockets, it is a feat to allow you to use a weapon in a way it "normally" isn't or cannot be used. Unarmed strikes are always ready/available (unless bound/helpless/etc). They "normally" are completely incapable of being sheathed, just like they are impossible to disarm. So they are unable to be used in certain ways mechanically in game. The feat would allow them to be used in such a way they gain benefits like those in question when they aren't capable of used that way normally. Pretty much exactly what feats were designed to do.
The thing is, the benefit isn't worth spending a feat on. Feats are expensive, and one that only does that? Not worth the expense when you could take just about anything else.

I agree, although it could be made into a feat if it had some extra benefits. Letting Unarmed Strikes count as discipline weapons in addition to allowing them to be used with Mithral Current, and maybe a slight damage boost too or something. I don't know, but its worth considering.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

Elricaltovilla wrote:
I agree, although it could be made into a feat if it had some extra benefits. Letting Unarmed Strikes count as discipline weapons in addition to allowing them to be used with Mithral Current, and maybe a slight damage boost too or something. I don't know, but its worth considering.

I think that's what Chris was getting at.

Create a feat that specificies that you can "sheathe" your hands by putting them in your pockets, and then expand on the idea by allowing you some additional benefit, such as your hands counting as light/heavy blades when determining benefits related to discipline weapons or something along those lines.

I really like the idea of building on that a little bit with feats for mixing a feint in to a strike, or special equipment like extra long sleeves that allow your hands to count as sheathed and give you a bonus on sleight of hand checks.

Guys, he is already paying a feat for it, Weapon Group Adaptation. Making him pay two feats for a bit of cool factor would just make people not want to do it.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

VM mercenario wrote:
Guys, he is already paying a feat for it, Weapon Group Adaptation. Making him pay two feats for a bit of cool factor would just make people not want to do it.

The point was that Weapon Group Adaptation doesn't let him "sheathe" his fists, so providing some additional mechanical incentive to allow and optimize it a bit would elevate the idea (in addition to making it legal).

Really, I think providing an alternative route to the idea completely outside of Weapon Group Adaptation would be the way to go, with said theoretical feat letting your hands count as a specific type of discipline weapon, adding in the sheathing function, and maybe incorporating some other thematic goodness like suggested above.

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PDF version of the Final Book is available! Dead tree edition in the week or so to follow!

Check it out here: http://dreamscarredpress.com/dragonfly/Store/product/pid=139.html
Or here: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/135308/Path-of-War

Paizo site to follow, and lots of other places! You'd also do me a HUGE favor for anyone getting this to give a review to it! I'd super appreciate it!


Paizo Employee Design Manager

ErrantX wrote:

PDF version of the Final Book is available! Dead tree edition in the week or so to follow!

Check it out here: http://dreamscarredpress.com/dragonfly/Store/product/pid=139.html
Or here: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/135308/Path-of-War

Paizo site to follow, and lots of other places! You'd also do me a HUGE favor for anyone getting this to give a review to it! I'd super appreciate it!


Have I not reviewed this yet? I'ma review this, and post the review over to our blog as well once I get it up, especially since we already did an "introducing" and "in progress" article on the subject.

Hopefully the fact that I'm now working with DSP won't influence people's evaluation of my review :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Congratulations on finally making it to release.

Dead trees! Dead trees!

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The Path of War is now available and your local Paizo online store.


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What if you have the Work in Progress PDFs? That upload hasn't been updated.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Skimming the book now. Nice work Dreamscarred crew. I like.


It seems the only change for calculating Saving Throws on a maneuver is a +2 for using a Discipline weapon?
Unless I am mistaken it's sad to see how low the DCs on maneuvers will be for non-Steel Serpent users.

Well, assuming you start with a 15 in your initiating modifier and boost it by 2 from leveling...

You'll go from 10+2(Ability Score)+2(Discipline Weapon)+1(Maneuver Level) = 15 at 1st level up to 10+9(Ability Score)+2(Discipline Weapon)+9(Maneuver Level) = 30 at 17th level, possibly 32 if you take Discipline Focus for the maneuvers in question. That's not far off from what a full caster ends up seeing, and you could invest more your initiating modifier since to-hit from ability scores isn't quite as important for you as a normal martial, starting with a 17 and going from 16 (18 Disc Focus) to 31 (33 Disc Focus). Not bad DCs.

Did they keep it where some disciplines have a stance at 5th and some at 6th? That one crept up on me just recently.

Also have other classes access to disciplines or just the three new classes?

Ithaeur wrote:
Also have other classes access to disciplines or just the three new classes?

There are Archetypes that grant discipline abilities to other classes, I believe.

Ithaeur wrote:
Also have other classes access to disciplines or just the three new classes?

There is a series of feats that any class with ranks in Knowledge (Martial) or have sufficient BAB bonus that grant increasing access to a discipline of your choice. Up to 6th level maneuvers IIRC.

I'm not on my home computer so I can't check atm.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Aratrok wrote:
What if you have the Work in Progress PDFs? That upload hasn't been updated.

I updated it at the same time the final was released but for some reason it didn't take. I'll be doing it again today.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

So it crashed on me this morning trying to update the work in progress with ALL the files... so I've uploaded JUST the final release PDF. I'll try to get all the constituent parts in there once that one has gone out so people can get the final PDF today.

Thanks! It looks great. :)

Prince of Knives wrote:
Skylancer4 wrote:
Elricaltovilla wrote:

Eh, I don't think it warrants a feat, why would anyone want a feat to be able to put their hands in their pockets? It's probably errata worthy though.

To take advantage of bonuses or abilities of course. It isn't a feat to put your hands in your pockets, it is a feat to allow you to use a weapon in a way it "normally" isn't or cannot be used. Unarmed strikes are always ready/available (unless bound/helpless/etc). They "normally" are completely incapable of being sheathed, just like they are impossible to disarm. So they are unable to be used in certain ways mechanically in game. The feat would allow them to be used in such a way they gain benefits like those in question when they aren't capable of used that way normally. Pretty much exactly what feats were designed to do.
The thing is, the benefit isn't worth spending a feat on. Feats are expensive, and one that only does that? Not worth the expense when you could take just about anything else.

Whether or not it is "worth" it completely depends on what the build does with it. Some feats are sub optimal to say the least, yet they still exist to allow you to do things that you normally cannot. They are what fuel the exception based rule set. It is an option, if you don't like it, you don't take it. If you don't think it is worth it, you don't take it. It still allows something to happen that cannot normally be done.

"Worth" is completely subjective. A +2 to one of your saves in organized play could be completely worth it, yet in your home game that feat would probably never see play unless it was a prerequisite. "Worth" can completely and totally change between groups and probably the players in that same group.

A feat that allowed you to make range attacks with a weapon that cannot be disarmed, stolen or rendered unusable unless your character is rendered ineffective... Well let's say that has "worth" to some people. Whether 90% of the players thinks that it is worth it is irrelevant. It'll be worth it for the few that make use of it.

*wanders off to download the PDF*

The PDF is going through a revision (hopefully); Broken Blade shouldn't have the restriction anymore of only unarmed and discipline weapons (though specific maneuvers will and will specifically state that they do). Instead, weapons of the discipline's associated groups inflict an extra 2 damage on maneuvers and +2 to the DC's of its saves (what few there are) and that's just that. Additionally, the shield-less requirement for Scarlet Throne is gone too. Firearms (except seige firearms or siege weapons) are cool with Solar Wind too.

Some wires got crossed between myself and Jeremy so we're gonna get it sorted. When there is a new PDF I'll try to let people know, and we're going to get that fixed before it hits print. Otherwise... Errata!


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Sorry for the double post, but hey, check it out:


It's looking mighty official now!


Just got the final. Love the look and feel of it. As of right now, the only change I'd make is in the stance progression, specifically moving the 4th stance back one level (to IL 9). This gives the 5th-level stances some better play space, avoiding lumping them in with the 6th level stances. And if the initiator doesn't have access to 5ths, they just take another 3rd

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This is probably a Jeremy question, but does DSP foresee the PoW series to be popular enough to warrant more investment in the form of character sheets, fillable format cards, card printouts like for Psionic powers, an NPC book, maybe a kickstarter for a hardcover tome or even PoW3? I know I'm willing to invest in PoW 2 and any of the above products or others.

I really like the product line and as stated in my review I don't think it's perfect, but I am definitely a very satisfied customer and I absolutely love the dev to player interactions of DSP. I was not around for Ult. Psionics, but based on that release and PoW playtest I really fell in love with this company and you're my favorite publisher of ANY RPG materials.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So, good question.

Let me answer it with some context.

Psionics Unleashed was our first Pathfinder book. It was, without question, a smash hit, especially since it's one of our lowest production quality books (something we're working on, FYI.)

It is a Gold Best Seller at DriveThruRPG - something we've never had before or since. The only rank above that is Platinum, something we've never hit. Ultimate Psionics is an Electrum best seller. Path of War, currently, is Silver. Psionics Expanded, not counting the subscriptions / preorders, is Silver. The rankings go Copper (lowest), Silver, Electrum, Gold, Platinum (highest).

Now, all that is to say that, volume-wise, Path of War has not yet touched the sales volume of our psionics products. However, it has certainly been a profitable product, and therefore, a success, which is why we greenlit PoW2 before PoW1 was even fully released.

I'd say a support product like Character Sheets for PoW classes are certainly within the realm of possibility. The time the psionic character sheets took, once we figured out what we were doing, was reasonably quick and didn't cost us an arm and a leg.

The cards, however, are another matter - they are time-consuming and generally don't earn much. Whereas character sheets are a low-cost, low-profit endeavor, the cards are a high-cost, low-profit endeavor. And thus far, it's been me doing the cards - and it's not where my skill set lies.

An NPC book is certainly a possibility - we'll see how Psionics Embodied does and go from there. That's a tricky one because it tends to only get picked up by GMs, and they're a much smaller segment of the gaming population.

There is potential for a combined hardcover - we'll have to see how things develop with PoW2 and interest for it. That will determine if it gets the same level of production budget that Ultimate Psionics got, or if we do something more modest.

In the end, it's all based on how the product is received. Right now, it's doing well enough to expand the support for it, but not going insane to the level Psionics Unleashed did.

Cross posting from the OotS forums in the hopes that Jeremy sees and it can hopefully be remedied before the book goes to print.

In the book it says that the Zweihander Sentinel trades Broken Blade for Scarlet Throne, and loses Bluff (aka, the Iron Tortoise skill) but gains Sense Motive. Shouldn't it lose Acrobatics (the Broken Blade skill), not Bluff.

Also in the Dervish Defender, it says you gain Thrashing Dragon and lose Iron Tortoise. It then says that you lose Bluff as a class skill and gain Acrobatics as a class skill...except the Warder already has Acrobatics as one of his base class skills (seeing how its also the skill for Broken Blade). So does he just lose Bluff and gain nothing?

If you don't mind a request, can you bundle a page of empty cards to be printed with the character sheet? Currently I use note cards and it looks really messy.

Also I've been talking positively about you guys a lot on other websites. I'm no advertiser, but positive word of mouth can only help right? Just keep releasing the high quality products I keep seeing.

Gambit wrote:

Cross posting from the OotS forums in the hopes that Jeremy sees and it can hopefully be remedied before the book goes to print.

In the book it says that the Zweihander Sentinel trades Broken Blade for Scarlet Throne, and loses Bluff (aka, the Iron Tortoise skill) but gains Sense Motive. Shouldn't it lose Acrobatics (the Broken Blade skill), not Bluff.

Also in the Dervish Defender, it says you gain Thrashing Dragon and lose Iron Tortoise. It then says that you lose Bluff as a class skill and gain Acrobatics as a class skill...except the Warder already has Acrobatics as one of his base class skills (seeing how its also the skill for Broken Blade). So does he just lose Bluff and gain nothing?

I was confused on the question, for some reason (high on cold medicine I suspect; this cold needs to leave NOW) when I was fielding this on GiTP I was out of my mind. Zweihander Sentinels should drop Acrobatics to gain Sense Motive, not Acrobatics. And yes, Dervish Defenders drop Bluff. The reasoning for the 'gain Acrobatics' line is say you're also a member of the Veiled Moon tradition, and drop Broken Blade for it (losing Acrobatics and gaining Stealth), this would give you Dragon (gaining Acrobatics) and losing Bluff with Tortoise. Make sense?


Awesome, got it, thanks for the reply Chris.

While I have your attention, can I maybe get an answer to another question that got skipped over in the massive OotS thread?

Are there any plans in PoW2 to do a Solar Wind/archery focused prestige class in the vein of the the Dragon Fury and Umbral Blade?

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