Advice to build a [James Bond Style Spy]!


Hi all, I'm looking to start a character who specializes in sneaking around, deceit, and information gathering. He's gonna use guns and be a suave gentleman on top of it all. He's also going to be very gadgety, using a variety of wands and wondrous items to accomplish various goals.

I'm going with a straight Ninja though I am taking several rogue talents. This is pathfinder society so I'm pretty much capped at lvl 12.

For race I'm going with Aasimar[Azata-Blooded]. I know I could be human to get an additional feat but I felt like Darkvision + Resists + bonus to diplomacy + 1/day use of Glitterdust was better than a single feat.

20-point setup with +2 dex/cha from race:

STR 10
DEX 16
CON 10
INT 16
WIS 10
CHA 16

That gets me 12 skill points per level, which is necessary because of all the noncombat stuff my character needs to do

Below is an initial feat/talent progression....if you would do it differently please advise me :)

1: Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Firearms)
2: Vanishing Trick
3: Precise Shot
4: Coax Information
5: Skill Focus[Use Magic Device]
6: Guileful Polyglot
7: Extra Rogue talent: Fast Stealth
8: Forgotten Trick
9: Extra Ki
10: Invisible Blade
11: Alertness
12: Assassinate

Skill focus is usually a wasted feat, especially in your case with 12 skill points per level. Try weapon focus, improved initiative, or toughness.

I Hate Nickelback wrote:
Skill focus is usually a wasted feat, especially in your case with 12 skill points per level. Try weapon focus, improved initiative, or toughness.

Well the reason why I want Skill Focus[UMD] is because I want to be able to use wands in combat, and without high UMD on a non-spellcaster that is not practical.

For instance, I want to start a fight off by hitting my bullet pouch with a Wand of Abundant Ammunition since bullets are so costly. I could also hit myself with a Wand of Resist Energy in fights with lots of fire AOE.

Also the 12 skill points per level allows me to have many different skills (breadth) but it doesn't provide depth. After all, I can only put 1 rank into a skill per level....

Is it really not worth it?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

1. For PFS, you can't use a gun unless you have the Gunsmithing feat. So you're pretty much going to have to take a level in Gunslinger. Even then, you're not going to be very good at it (and starting at about level 4 or 5, absolutely terrible at it) unless you invest a LOT more feats into it.

2. You can't take Precise Shot unless you already have Point Blank Shot (see point 1)

3. 10 CON on a d8 hit die (apparently with Favored Class Bonus going into skills as well) is iffy, to say the least. I'd highly recommend going for 14 CON and 14 INT instead; I don't think you'll miss that one single skill point.

4. Have you considered the Master Spy prestige class? It sounds like something you'd be interested in.

Here's my suggestion:

STR 10
DEX 16
CON 13
INT 14
WIS 12
CHA 16

Gunslinger1: EWP(Firearms), Gunsmithing, Point Blank Shot
Ninja2: Sneak Attack +1d6
Ninja3: Precise Shot, Vanishing Trick
Ninja4: Sneak Attack +2d6
Ninja5: Combat Trick(Rapid Reload), Deceitful
Ninja6: Sneak Attack +3d6
Ninja7: Iron Will, Fast Stealth
MasterSpy8: Sneak Attack +4d6
MasterSpy9: Deadly Aim
MasterSpy11: Sneak Attack +5d6, ???

If you want lots of languages, you take take the Truespeaker alternate racial trait to get 2 languages per rank in Linguistics. But if you're willing to be a human instead, you can have Deadly Aim by level 5, and boost your combat ability quite a bit.

Scarab Sages

I really don't think Ninja/Rogue is the best choice for this. Urban ranger or one of the non-performing bards like Archaeologist or Detective both have almost as many skills are are much more useful than the limited ninja tricks and sneak attack you get from ninja. Or if you want you spy to work for a religion instead of a government, Inquisitor is one of the best spy classes in the game.

RainyDayNinja wrote:

1. For PFS, you can't use a gun unless you have the Gunsmithing feat. So you're pretty much going to have to take a level in Gunslinger. Even then, you're not going to be very good at it (and starting at about level 4 or 5, absolutely terrible at it) unless you invest a LOT more feats into it.

2. You can't take Precise Shot unless you already have Point Blank Shot (see point 1)

3. 10 CON on a d8 hit die (apparently with Favored Class Bonus going into skills as well) is iffy, to say the least. I'd highly recommend going for 14 CON and 14 INT instead; I don't think you'll miss that one single skill point.

4. Have you considered the Master Spy prestige class? It sounds like something you'd be interested in.

Here's my suggestion:

STR 10
DEX 16
CON 13
INT 14
WIS 12
CHA 16

Gunslinger1: EWP(Firearms), Gunsmithing, Point Blank Shot
Ninja2: Sneak Attack +1d6
Ninja3: Precise Shot, Vanishing Trick
Ninja4: Sneak Attack +2d6
Ninja5: Combat Trick(Rapid Reload), Deceitful
Ninja6: Sneak Attack +3d6
Ninja7: Iron Will, Fast Stealth
MasterSpy8: Sneak Attack +4d6
MasterSpy9: Deadly Aim
MasterSpy11: Sneak Attack +5d6, ???

If you want lots of languages, you take take the Truespeaker alternate racial trait to get 2 languages per rank in Linguistics. But if you're willing to be a human instead, you can have Deadly Aim by level 5, and boost your combat ability quite a bit.

Hmm well thanks for correcting me. PFS has so much FAQ stuff that's not in PRD @_@

My plan with going with guns was to attack from invisiblity, therefore granting me flat-footed touch sneak attacks. Does my shooting really have to be that great in that case?

Is Master Spy really worth it? I did actually think about it before. It seems to have lots of nice bluff and disguise capabilities....but Master Spy also gets 3 fewer skill points per level (6+int mod, as well as losing 1 from my Ninja Favored Class bonus) and I lose the chance to get the Assassinate or Invisible Blade ninja master tricks.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Whether it's worth it depends on what you want your character to excel at. If you want him to be more of an assassin, then no. But if you want to be a master of social skills and investigation, maybe.

RainyDayNinja wrote:
Whether it's worth it depends on what you want your character to excel at. If you want him to be more of an assassin, then no. But if you want to be a master of social skills and investigation, maybe.

I guess I haven't really decided.

Thanks to everyone who posted, I need to spend some more time to think about where I want to take this character. I'm probably going to stick with the gunslinger/ninja route, if for no other reason than that it just fits the character's style better.

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This is going to sound outrageous, but I'd go straight Wizard.
Every "gadget" is a new spell he can add to his spellbook.
You've got a ton of skill points from high Int.
No need for UMD checks for wands.
You've got access to all kinds of surveillance technology (scrying) and skill-trumping spells like knock and invisibility.

Silver Crusade

Kirth Gersen wrote:

This is going to sound outrageous, but I'd go straight Wizard.
Every "gadget" is a new spell he can add to his spellbook.
You've got a ton of skill points from high Int.
No need for UMD checks for wands.
You've got access to all kinds of surveillance technology (scrying) and skill-trumping spells like knock and invisibility.

This man knows what he's talking about.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
This is going to sound outrageous, but I'd go straight Wizard.

Shouldn't Q be the wizard cohort?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

James Bond is too physical for a Wizard. I'd go Unarmed Fighter 1/Master of Many Styles 2/Ninja 4/Master Spy X. Get Weapon Finesse (so you don't have to invest in Str) and the entire Crane Style chain by level 3, then go Ninja for the sneak attack and skills. So you can go hand-to-hand, or snipe with a hand crossbow instead of a pistol. And you'll still have enough skill points for the critical social skills.

RainyDayNinja wrote:
James Bond is too physical for a Wizard.

Any wizard worth his salt is going to have decent Dex and Con. Drop Int a bit (because you're not trying to use save-or-lose spells and don't have to jack your DCs that high) and you can afford to not dump Str either. Wham -- physical is covered.

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