silverace99's page

Organized Play Member. 94 posts. 9 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 17 Organized Play characters.


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Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
There may be PCs capable of disabling the security system such that Phalanx does not know where they are, especially if the party has the Technologist feat.

I can't think of many ways to do that....I know there is a ninja trick that can make something seem operational after it's been disabled, but that's it... :)


Hi guys, I have a question....

On page 17 under "Development", the scenario says that if the PC's survive the gravity/laser traps and make their way deeper into the ruin, Phalanx will send up the Fabricator Robots from Area C2 up to attack them.

...wouldn't that situation happen 100% of the time? If so, why is there a listed encounter in area C2? Are these two totally separate groups of fabricator robots?


Two of the players who reserved did not RSVP. Sign up on the Warhorn if you are interested in playing and you will be contacted, thanks.


Famed Pathfinder Bodriggan Wuthers disappeared from his dig site beneath the House of the Immortal Son in Taldor's gilded capital of Oppara. Once a grand temple to Aroden, the Immortal Son is now Oppara's most opulent theater. Sent to locate Wuthers, the Pathfinders must attend an opera with members of the Oppara elite in order to gain access to the secretive theater's dig site.

Sign up on Warhorn

mplindustries wrote:
conan_the_barbarian wrote:
Wouldn't a Deep Bog be a whole square or a group of whole squares? The swarm only occupies one square, so it would have to be either all in or all out.

Swarms are all 10'x10', meaning they occupy four squares.

As to the original questions:

#1: You calculate cover based on tracing a line from corners of your squares to corners of theirs. If two of the swarm squares are in cover, you should just trace your line(s) to the non-covered squares.

#2: The bomb, frustratingly, cannot do full damage because you cannot directly hit a swarm. The Splash damage, however, would deal full damage--150% damage, actually, due to their AoE vulnerability.

For #1: So in other words, for all intents and purposes you think swarms wont' get improved cover?

For #2: This is totally off topic but in fact you can directly hit a swarm (common misconception tho...). The rule is as follows (just so we get it out of the way and back to the main topic)

From PRD wrote:
A swarm made up of Tiny creatures takes half damage from slashing and piercing weapons. A swarm composed of Fine or Diminutive creatures is immune to all weapon damage

Ok thought exercise for the day:

Let's say a small swarm is half in, half out of Deep Bog (the other half is on solid ground)

Deep Bog provides Improved Cover to small or smaller creatures within it.

Question 1: If the swarm is half in, half out, does it benefit from Improved Cover?

Question 2: If half the swarm is in the water but an alchemist throws a bomb at the half that is on land, should the bomb do full damage?

Thoughts appreciated :)


Jeff Merola wrote:
silverace99 wrote:
Jeff Merola wrote:
The secondary success is to rescue 3 pathfinders AND defeat Tygora. The reason you only get half if you bypass the encounter is because you don't get the Ifrit's gear unless you also get rid of their boss.

Ifrit's gear? you mean Valsog's blacksmith?

I'm talking about the Alchemy shop where you have to save the owner's shop from being burned down. What relationship does rescuing all 3 pathfinders have to do with that part?

No, I mean the ifrits who are trying to burn down the shop. If you bypass the encounter, you don't get the gear they were carrying (unless you fulfill the secondary of saving all the pathfinders and defeating Tygora, in which case you're assumed to be rewarded from somewhere else), which is the reason for the reduction.

Ah ok I can buy that. Sure wish they had explained it in the scenario.


Jeff Merola wrote:
The secondary success is to rescue 3 pathfinders AND defeat Tygora. The reason you only get half if you bypass the encounter is because you don't get the Ifrit's gear unless you also get rid of their boss.

Ifrit's gear? you mean Valsog's blacksmith?

I'm talking about the Alchemy shop where you have to save the owner's shop from being burned down. What relationship does rescuing all 3 pathfinders have to do with that part?


Got another question about the Alchemy Shop battle. It says, "If PC's bypass the encounter but only fulfill the primary success conditions, reduce their gold earned by half the value below"

The scenario's secondary success condition is to rescue 3 pathfinders. I fail to see what that has anything to do with the Alchemy Shop fight. Did they instead mean that you have to prevent the shop from exploding? It's very vague.

Undone wrote:

6) Can anyone explain wishcrafting to me? I've read it 5 times and don't get it. You still have to spend a standard to use it right?

Yeah it's not really that great. Ignore the tactics, save wishcrafting to make some effects last longer (like...greater invisibility) or increase damage of a fireball.


Got a question about the Alchemy store fight....are there supposed to be stats for Morak?

The map clearly tells you his starting position and that he uses aid another. Yet there's no stat block.


Kevin Ingle wrote:
silverace99 wrote:

Got an issue here....every time I use adobe reader to extract the map images from the pdf (filtering out the text), copypaste gives me a black image. Is anybody else having this problem?

Just to make sure it wasn't me, I opened up another scenario pdf from season 5 and copy paste of the maps worked just fine.

Known Issue

At least it's not just you ;)

Thanks, switching to Nitro PDF reader worked for me. Good lord tho, it's quite the memory hog.


Got an issue here....every time I use adobe reader to extract the map images from the pdf (filtering out the text), copypaste gives me a black image. Is anybody else having this problem?

Just to make sure it wasn't me, I opened up another scenario pdf from season 5 and copy paste of the maps worked just fine.


I can easily see why replay would be not allowed normally. What has really bothered me is the insistence that GM's who put in all those hours and money to make PFS a success only get one replay per star per LIFETIME.

I hardly think GM's being able to replay on average a couple scenarios a year would ruin Pathfinder Society. I sincerely hope that was discussed in your meetings and that something will be done about it eventually.


Starglim wrote:
Boons for the Sczarni faction are no longer available to anyone. The GM can hand out and run the Sczarni mission for no mechanical benefit for any player who wants to do it, just as for season 0-4 faction missions.

edit: nvm I see it in the season 6 guide:

"Liberty’s Edge faction PCs qualify for Andoran faction
vanities and mission boons available in past seasons.
Likewise, Dark Archive faction PCs qualify for Cheliax
rewards, Scarab Sages as Osirion, The Exchange as
Qadira, and Sovereign Court as Taldor. Without a boon
that states otherwise, a PC cannot earn Sczarni vanities
or boons."

That is so bizarre. Why is Sczarni getting specifically called out here ?


Let's say an an example, that I have a player who is in the new Exchange faction.

I run a season 5 scenario Sczarni-specific faction mission.

3 Questions come out of this:

a) If the player was Sczarni before moving to the Exchange, does he get to try to succeed at the old faction mission?

b) If the player was NOT Sczarni but is now in the Sczarni/Qadira combined Exchange faction, does he get to try to succeed at the Sczarni faction mission?

c) What happens to these faction missions in the future when there are no longer any characters who were Sczarni?

Obviously I value opinions, but what I'm really looking for here is an official ruling either through documentation or developer comment.



Got a question about the Demonic Windstorm that occurs if the PC's follow Sir Ilivan back to Nerosyan instead of rescuing the soldiers.

The scenario states that an easy DC12 Perception check is needed to find the cave and ignore the Windstorm effects, and even if the PC's don't see it, Sir Ilivan automatically notices the cave. It also states that it takes 3 whole rounds for the storm to take maximum effect.

So in essence, no party ever is going to fail to find the cave and get stuck out in the storm. So is there even any point for me as GM to prep for it? Seems like a pointless thing to add to the scenario....


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 4–5).

Volunteers are needed to escort the body of a deceased venture-captain across the parched Qadiran desert to Katheer. The Silken Caravan offers passage, hauling exotic treasures across the perilous sea of sands. You'll brave bandits, spies, and unwelcome mourners hell-bent on paying respects to your dead companion. Worse still, the caravan's mistress, a satin-swathed Qadiran princess, has designs of her own on you and your cargo.

Written by Greg A. Vaughan

Sign up on Warhorn


Spot taken.


One spot left. Sign up on the Warhorn.


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1-2 and 4-5).

Information in the Shadow Lodge headquarters in Whitethrone leads you into the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in search of an abandoned tower of a lost Ulfen king. The powerful weapon rumored to be there could be disastrous if it falls into the hands of those who plot the Pathfinder Society’s destruction; who will find it first?

Sign up on Warhorn


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1-2 and 4-5).

Information in the Shadow Lodge headquarters in Whitethrone leads you into the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in search of an abandoned tower of a lost Ulfen king. The powerful weapon rumored to be there could be disastrous if it falls into the hands of those who plot the Pathfinder Society’s destruction; who will find it first?

Sign up on Warhorn


thanks for clearing that up guys :)


Got a question about the final battle initiative count.


On initiative count 15 when the PCs enter the area,

the shemhazian demolishes approximately 15 feet of the
northeast wall as well as a 5-foot section of the stairs as
it tears into the tower. On initiative count 10, Ollysta
arrives with two crusaders, and the trio tries to hold off
the shemhazian while the PCs combat the abrikandilu
demons and activate the weapon.

Does this mean that the Shemhazian arrives at turn 15, and then 10 turns later Ollysta arrives?

Or does it mean that Ollysta arrives at turn 10, and 5 turns later the Shemhazian arrives?


Jeff Merola wrote:
Drop the "plot" part and that's exactly what kept them inside.

The forcefield only prevents teleportation; it doesn't prevent them from walking out, and they can easily destroy the puzzle door.

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Smashing their way out would also have left a hole in the defenses for demon cults to invade through. The archons are lawful enough that I don't see them doing that just for their own personal comfort.

Maybe it is just my love for the scenario, but I don't find any of that part a problem.


They cling to their assigned duty to defend the tower
Just found that bit. Sometimes the chains keeping you imprisoned aren't physical.

I would buy that, except that the scenario specifically states that they are now Chaotic Neutral (not lawful) and they are eager to find any way to escape. Basically I'm seeing a lot of contradictory things in the scenario text :P

If my players start poking holes in this story (and oh boy they will), I need an explanation that makes sense! Else I throw the plot train at them haha.


James McTeague wrote:
silverace99 wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Teleportation magic is blocked to prevent outsiders from breaching the defenses. The archons have to walk outside before they can teleport.

Ok, but presumably the Archons haven't walked outside because they are bound. Yet the scenario says their service has long ended, so they shouldn't be bound anymore...

Doesn't make sense to me.

They haven't walked outside because the aura of the building stops teleportation and they can't get through the locked doors. The "bound" in that sentence references to how they are stuck, not that they are still in their year of service.

The doors have only 10 hardneess and 60hp, they should have been able to knock them down by now. Even the PC's can destroy the doors according to the scenario......

Personally I think this whole part was poorly written. If my players question why the Archon's couldn't leave, I'm just going to tell them a plot forcefield kept them in haha.


TriOmegaZero wrote:
Teleportation magic is blocked to prevent outsiders from breaching the defenses. The archons have to walk outside before they can teleport.

Ok, but presumably the Archons haven't walked outside because they are bound. Yet the scenario says their service has long ended, so they shouldn't be bound anymore...

Doesn't make sense to me.


In A3 with the corrupted Hound Archon's, I'm confused why they cannot use the teleportation circle if the PC's remove the prisms?

Their summoning contract was only for 1 year which has long passed, so they should no longer be bound to the tower. Yet the scenario says,

"The hound archons (see below) are unable to use the circle, bound as
they are to this area."

And yet, the solution given is for the PC's to use a wayfinder to disrupt the Defense Field, allowing them to teleport out. So clearly they are not bound!


1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I was playing a PFS scenario where one of my party members surrendered to guards and went to jail. Nobody could figure out what the official rules were for him to get out. We figured:

a) Pay 5 prestige for a pathfinder team to get you out
b) Pay some amount of gold as a fine

But We couldn't find anywhere where this information was specified. Is anybody aware of documentation that covers this for PFS?


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1-2 and 4-5).

When the Decemvirate sends the PCs to the Viking city of Trollheim in the frigid northern Lands of the Linnorm Kings to deliver a package to an allied scholar there, the Pathfinders soon find themselves unwelcome visitors. Forced to navigate the rugged, isolated city and interact with the standoffish natives, can they deliver their cargo to its target, or will they find themselves exiled from the city... or worse?

Sign up on Warhorn


Now that most of the previous factions are retired, the existing Faction Guide is mostly useless.... Is there a Faction Guide detailing faction prestige awards and such for the new factions?


2 spots left.

Hi, I have a player in Pathfinder Society who started out lawful (monk), then took levels in Barbarian, which says "Alignment: Any non-lawful".

Can he do that? I actually don't see anywhere that says the alignment is a pre-requisite for taking levels in a class that has a listed alignment, only that for some classes there is a penalty (like Druids, Paladins, Monks).

Would greatly appreciate it if someone knows the answer and can point to a source!


Scenario: PFS: 05-03: The Hellknight's Feast (Level 5-9)

Date/Time: Saturday, August 30th, 2014 @ 3:00 PM EDT US [-4 UTC]

GM: Stephen Lam

Game Client: Google Plus Hangout and the VTT


A Pathfinder Society Scenario for characters of 5th to 9th level (Tier 5–9).

War between demons and the civilized peoples of the Inner Sea region has broken out in the Worldwound far to the north of Absalom, but despite the regional implications of an Abyssal victory, many nations are ambivalent toward the cause. The Pathfinder Society, at the urging of Silver Crusade leader Ollysta Zadrian, arranges a formal banquet to be hosted by newlyweds Michellia and Damian Blakros, at which the society's agents can attempt to sway the political opinions of Absalom's movers and shakers. Will the Pathfinders succeed in securing the much-needed military support of Absalom and other nations bordering the Inner Sea, or will the crusaders and Pathfinders fighting on the front lines in Mendev find themselves standing alone before the demonic hordes?

Written by Tom Phillips.


Free account required:

This game is a part of VTT Game Day 4. For more games and info check out the official game list.


Please sign up here: SIGN-UP HERE


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Levels 3–7.

Absalom is Golarion’s busiest and most populous city, but one of its largest populations goes largely unnoticed. You must venture into the sewers beneath the City at the Center of the World to stop the meddling dragons within from disrupting a vital Pathfinder Society operation.

Written by Dennis Baker.

Sign up here:


1. John Pierce - Grenadier 1
2. Adam K - Qinggong Monk/Zen Archer 1
3. Michael Pluta - Winter Witch 3
4. Steven Beverage - Monk 2
5. Ryan Flannery - Ninja 4



A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Levels 1–5.

As the Pathfinders approach the village of Nesting Swallow in the Tian nation of Shokuro, they find it besieged by a gang of tengu bandits. Before their contact in the village will aid them in restoring the Iroran relic that brought them hundreds of miles to the isolated town, the PCs must repulse the attackers, using every ounce of tactical mettle and military strategy they possess to train the villagers, augment their defenses, and ultimately face off against the bandits' charge.

To reserve a spot, you must email me at with the following information:

Your Name:

Character Name:

Character PFS#:

Race, Class, Level:

Anything unusual about your character you'd like to tell me, to speed up gameplay (i.e. less lawyering :) )

Character Token, if any (Please send a 1:1 aspect ratio image, or it will look squished)

Pre-mission Purchases, if any:


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th to 11th level characters (Tiers: 7–8 and 10–11).

Panic grips Absalom when a huge crystalline sailing vessel appears suddenly in the harbor. Identified as the King Xeros of Old Azlant, the ship presents a great opportunity for the Pathfinder Society. You and your fellow adventurers are summoned by Venture-Captain Adril Hestram and dropped aboard the King Xeros to explore it and report back. Only, what you find isn't an empty vessel, but a sinister ship with a vile intent.

To reserve your spot, email with all of the following information:

Character Name:

Character PFS#:

Race, Class, Level:

Anything unusual about your character you'd like to tell me, to speed up gameplay (i.e. less lawyering :) )

Character Token, if any (You must send me a 1:1 aspect ratio image to fit roll20 squares)

Pre-mission Purchases, if any:


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Levels 1–5.

In the distant land of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society's Lantern Lodge sends a team of agents high into the mountains of the Wall of Heaven to an abandoned Iroran monastery in search of a powerful relic to assist them in ensure victory in the upcoming Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Though the monastery has long laid unused by the faithful of the Master of Masters, it is not completely devoid of danger, and the PCs soon discover that merely retrieving the ancient artifact is but the beginning of a much larger quest.

The Edge of Heaven is the first scenario in the three-part The Quest for Perfection campaign arc. It is followed by Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-11: The Quest for Perfection—Part II: On Hostile Waters and Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-13: The Quest for Perfection—Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow. All three chapters are intended to be played in order.

I'm running for a friend with a higher tier character, so I will give first dibs to players with level 4-5 characters.

To reserve a spot, you must email me at with the following information:

Your Name:

Character Name:

Character PFS#:

Race, Class, Level:

Anything unusual about your character you'd like to tell me, to speed up gameplay (i.e. less lawyering :) )

Character Token, if any (You must send me a 1:1 aspect ratio image to fit roll20 squares)

Pre-mission Purchases, if any:


1. Andrew Lovejoy - Ranger 3
2. Jeremy Burton - Barbarian 2
3. Micheal Shaw - Cleric 1
4. Phillip Baker - Rogue 1
5. Blue - ? 2
6. James Plutt - Summoner 2
Kieron Henry - Freebooter 2
Roman Terry - Magus 2
LC Bruner - Two-Handed Fighter 3

Jiggy wrote:
silverace99 wrote:
interpretation that Slide along =/= pass through
"Slide along =/= pass through" is not a rules interpretation, it's English literacy. Unless/until the rules define "pass through" as a special game term, then it's just the English meaning of the phrase "pass through", because the game is written in English. Since "pass through" means to go from one side of something to the other without going around it, any reasonable person can already determine whether or not a given line passes through something.

That's where I'm not sure I agree. I have now had TWO tables argue with me on this very point, that if your drawn line touches every point of a border, is it considered passing through the border or not?

I'm on your side on the interpretation obviously. But each table was 50/50 split argument on the interpretation and it's not like they are illiterate as you are suggesting.


1. Andrew Lovejoy - Ranger 3


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

Few societies have so vaunted a tradition of leading crusades as Taldor, yet the constant revisions to its history by scheming factions leaves the truth obscured by countless acts of political modifications. Even the lauded Kitharodian Academy’s texts are riddled with these changes, so when a secretive ally approaches the Pathfinder Society with information about a hidden archive that contains the unaltered histories, the Pathfinders plan a daring infiltration to recover the secrets of Taldor’s past victories so that Mendev might benefit from the discovery.

Content in "Library of the Lion" also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Cheliax, Grand Lodge, and Taldor factions.

To reserve a spot, send an email to [] with all of the following details:

Player name:

PFS Character Name:

Char PFS#:


Pre-mission Purchases, if any:

Token, if any (please provide 1:1 aspect ratio image):

Any unusual abilities/tactics you'd like to share with me, to avoid too much in-game debate:

Jiggy wrote:
silverace99 wrote:
It would seem bleeding obvious that there is no cover right? Except by the RAW, any line you draw from any corner is going to slide along the border of one of the walls, resulting in cover.

"Slide along" =/= "pass through".

"Border" and "square" are part of the same sentence, sharing the requirement of a line "passing through" them in order to create cover.

The line in the example passes through several borders, but the borders passed through are the vertical ones, none of which are providing cover. The border where the wall is (the horizontal one) is not being passed through.

I think your interpretation that Slide along =/= pass through would definitely solve the issue and I agree with it, but I feel like the core rulebook isn't sufficiently explicit about this. At the very least it needs to be clear enough to solve any table arguments as soon as the rule is read out loud.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I know this is an old thread, but I definitely want an answer to this question and I'm not totally satisfied with the answers.

So the original example:

W = Wall
A = Attacker
T = Target


The general consensus in this thread seems to be that if you draw a line that passes along the edge of the wall, it does not count as cover. HOWEVER from the PRD combat section:

To determine whether your target has cover from your ranged attack, choose a corner of your square. If any line from this corner to any corner of the target's square passes through a square or border that blocks line of effect or provides cover, or through a square occupied by a creature, the target has cover (+4 to AC).

By RAW this would imply that when you draw a line to the two bottom corners of T's square, you have to draw it along the border of the wall, which would mean there is cover.

However that would cause a major contradiction with N N 959's example of a straight 5-foot wide corridor:


It would seem bleeding obvious that there is no cover right? Except by the RAW, any line you draw from any corner is going to slide along the border of one of the walls, resulting in cover.

That makes no sense....I feel like the rules are kind of broken. Is there anything in the rules anywhere that would clear up this mess?


1. Andrew Lovejoy - Ranger 2
2. Phil McElfresh - Ninja 2
3. Don B. - ? 1
4. Matt H. - Archer 1
5. James Plutt - Summoner 1
6. Tracy M. - Oracle 1
Todd Reidenbach - Witch 2


1. Andrew Lovejoy - Ranger 2
2. Phil McElfresh - Ninja 2
3. Don B. - ? 1
4. Matt H. - Archer 1
5. James Plutt - Summoner 1
6. Tracy M. - Oracle 1


For character levels 1-2. This mission is long and potentially deadly so inexperienced players may wish to pass on this one.

Deep below the anarchic city of Kaer Maga, someone—or some thing—has begun stealing corpses from the city’s most prestigious tomb, the Godsmouth Ossuary. Fearing the worst, the clerics of Pharasma in charge of maintaining the crypts quietly call for aid, not wanting to risk their own members in combating whatever horrors may have crept in from the tunnels and hidden chambers of the legendary Undercity. Yet when the PCs venture below the closed-off sections of the crypt, what they find may be more than they bargained for. For beneath the infamous crypt lies a temple from an ancient empire devoted to sin, and a former Pharasmin cleric who’s weathered his goddess’s wrath to create an army of undead minions, their dead flesh standing ready to support his heretical plans.

I will be running this over TWO sessions, May 7 and May 14. You must be able to participate in BOTH sessions to earn completion credit.

To reserve a spot, send an email to with the following information:

- Name

- Character Name

- Character PFS#

- Faction

- Race/Class/Level

- Pre-mission purchases if any

- A token, if any

- Any unusual abilities/tactics you think I should know about so that we can minimize debate during gametime

- Character Perception Modifier (including any conditional modifiers)


1. Andrew Lovejoy - Ranger 1
2. Steven Sweany - Unarmed Fighter 1
3. Mark Stratton - Cleric 6
4. Chris Chapman - Inquisitor 1
5. Steve Gladstone - Fighter 1
6. Bruce Goldstein - Sorceror 4
David Granstrand - ? 1
Matt H - Oracle or Witch 1
Jeremy Burton - Barb 1 or Wizard 6


1. Andrew Lovejoy - Ranger 1
2. Steven Sweany - Unarmed Fighter 1
3. Mark Stratton - Cleric 6


1. Andrew Lovejoy - Ranger 1

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