[LPJ Design] More Machinesmith Content in the Future. Questions answered and asked.

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So they can generate items from nothing, potentially magic items, but they are non-permanent. An interesting trade-off. Outside of the material cost of the prototypes needed for enchanting things, is there any limit to the number of constructs that can exist simultaneously?

A thought that comes to mind is if the Constructor might have the ability to semi-permanently reduce their number of uses per day by one to maintain a constructed item for as long as that mobius energy is so allocated...

There is no limit to how many can exist simultaneously. However it also has comparatively fewer charges than other greatworks. And you can only make one item at a time as of this moment.

A semi permanent and even permanent option is available in later upgrades including material expansions.

It's an item that rewards creativity and investment with a very powerful and versatile capability.

Silver Crusade

pendothrax wrote:

I am wondering if there will be any updating or additions for the fleshwraith as well. as it stands, by raw the hivemind greatwork does not allow all of it's daily charges to be used until 5th level. are there any erratas or expansions planned?

As the designer himself, I can assure you it's on my to-do list. I just had no free time to do anything related to game design since I got a full-time job in between the job itself, school, health and friends - at best I can still peruse the boards from time to time like today to stay tuned or help my DM when required.

May I inquire about this issue you find with the Hivemind greatwork ?

What you can expect from the future errata :
- typos and blurry parts corrected ;
- a boost for the Host through aberrant talents (anyone wants a tongue-like skin to taste anything by touch and be even more creepy when you tell people how delicious they taste ? additional eyes to surprise people trying to sneak on you ? acidic blood ? tendrils to crawl on surfaces ? a sticky tongue ? hurl your own blood through your eyes to blind/sicken people ? drink blood like a giant mosquitoe ?) ;
- ... and some goodies, like an additional greatwork and possibly one more gadget per available greatwork.

This 2-star review from Endzeitgeist was a hard blow, and I hate the idea of leaving behind work that is not satisfying enough. Be sure I'll want the revision to deserve at least a Seal of Approval.

Just need to reach a high enough level to cast Time Stop.
Or take some levels in Time Thief. (Check it, that's awesome.)

Like the new Greatwork.

Also the stuff about the Host getting talents intrigues and excites me.

TarkXT wrote:

There is no limit to how many can exist simultaneously. However it also has comparatively fewer charges than other greatworks. And you can only make one item at a time as of this moment.

A semi permanent and even permanent option is available in later upgrades including material expansions.

It's an item that rewards creativity and investment with a very powerful and versatile capability.

I find myself thinking of ways to employ the new archetype you've cooked up, and as far as the constructor goes the I wonder if the Machinesmith needs to be proficient with the item being created in order to create using the Constructor. Would the constructor grant proficiency with the item created if the Machinesmith isn't proficient with the weapon, or would the Machinesmith have to take the -4 penalty on attack roles for using a weapon they're not proficient with even though said weapon was created through the constructor?

Just as crafting a sword doesn't make you proficient in said sword neither does using the constructor make you proficient in it.

Ah, okay then! Now to create my gnome Machinesmith with the ability (alternate racial trait Master Tinker) to be considered proficient with any weapon he/she has personally created! :) God I love the Machinesmith..

Daniel Turner Zen Archer wrote:
Ah, okay then! Now to create my gnome Machinesmith with the ability (alternate racial trait Master Tinker) to be considered proficient with any weapon he/she has personally created! :) God I love the Machinesmith..

That certainly has some strange possibilities.

I know, and it'll be interesting how far I'll be able to go before my GM says that enough is enough. Heheh, no worries, I'll be careful once the baddies start to fall!

Is there already a way that machinesmiths can convert themselves over to a more technological body gradually? Sort of like the alchemist or the ediolon thing.

With a prestige class yes. The transmechanical ascendant iirc.

Silver Crusade

For the interest of people asking about the 'Fleshwraith' Machinesmith variant class, here is the playtest for the revised version !

Liberty's Edge

Loving the revisions so far on the fleshwraith. feeding the hivemasters to the vermin companion for stat bonuses is really thematic and fun.

Silver Crusade

I'm glad you love the revisions, pendothrax. The thing here was to avoid options that would clearly improve the fleshwraith... or give her awful options just for the sake of having them.

I know the stats of companions may sometimes be a bit underwhelming, so this grants the ability to give just the little boost to attack, AC or HP needed for one round. Add in the ability to grant evolutions to a vermin, and later you can steal the spotlight for one round of insect rampage.

Remember that the ability to feed hivemasters to a vermin may be used on any ally vermin, not only on the companion - so you can also improve your summoned insects, and even your summoned vermins (improving a swarm's Constitution for one round may seem like a waste of time, until you remember the save DCs against poisons/nausea are based on it...) !

Silver Crusade

To the people who were waiting for an errata to the Fleshwraith : I've just sent one to LPJ Design. You may find it (including the bonus content) here :


Hmm.. the main pathfinder site still hasn't updated their site to have these new archetypes for the Machinesmith yes.

The Exchange

Wait what are we missing? Someone catch me up! Also, you just need to either pm me here or email me direct at jreyst@gmail.com to get stuff added to d20pfsrd.com (assuming that's what you're talking about that is!)

d20pfsrd.com wrote:
Wait what are we missing? Someone catch me up! Also, you just need to either pm me here or email me direct at jreyst@gmail.com to get stuff added to d20pfsrd.com (assuming that's what you're talking about that is!)

I downloaded the "Cutting Edge Machinesmith" files for the Machinesmith from this site via the download pages, yet the content itself isn't on the main d20 pages. The content has new base greatworks such as the Converter and the Mobius Suit, as well as the new Archetypes of Gadgeteer and Wonderbuilder, in addition to new gadgets, tricks, and augmentations. I could send you my copies of the files themselves if that helps?

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Daniel Turner Zen Archer wrote:
d20pfsrd.com wrote:
Wait what are we missing? Someone catch me up! Also, you just need to either pm me here or email me direct at jreyst@gmail.com to get stuff added to d20pfsrd.com (assuming that's what you're talking about that is!)
I downloaded the "Cutting Edge Machinesmith" files for the Machinesmith from this site via the download pages, yet the content itself isn't on the main d20 pages. The content has new base greatworks such as the Converter and the Mobius Suit, as well as the new Archetypes of Gadgeteer and Wonderbuilder, in addition to new gadgets, tricks, and augmentations. I could send you my copies of the files themselves if that helps?

Hi Daniel, I am Louis Porter Jr owner of LPJ Design. We offered D20pfsrd the original Machinesmith PDF that we did so they could place it up on the site for people to use evaluate and comment on. LPJ Design didn't offer them the follow up products for Machinesmith because we thought it was reasonable to have people pay for the add-ons to the base class we gave away for free. I mean we still have to pay all the writers and artists who worked on these projects. I mean we are a business and if we give away everything for free, we will be out of business. Doesn't that seem reasonable to you? Thanks for the interest in the Machinesmith and the support.

Hi Daniel, I am Louis Porter Jr owner of LPJ Design. We offered D20pfsrd the original Machinesmith PDF that we did so they could place it up on the site for people to use evaluate and comment on. LPJ Design didn't offer them the follow up products for Machinesmith because we thought it was reasonable to have people pay for the add-ons to the base class we gave away for free. I mean we still have to pay all the writers and artists who worked on these projects. I mean we are a business and if we give away everything for free, we will be out of business. Doesn't that seem reasonable to you? Thanks for the interest in the Machinesmith and the support.

Ah, that's fine! I just wanted to know why the content was available for purchase but not on the srd.

And as an update I just sent to full draft of the new stuff last night. It will include a new greatwork, more prototypes and of course lots more machinesmith tricks including gadgets that can be used as a base for mobius weapons or mobius armors. I would have included more stuff including a pari of archetypes, a couple of feats, and even a few gadgets that can be attached to mechanus's but when the document I put together was much, much bigger than the cutting edge machinesmith I decided to stop. :)

So more to look forward to in the near future and perhaps the far future.

TarkXT wrote:

And as an update I just sent to full draft of the new stuff last night. It will include a new greatwork, more prototypes and of course lots more machinesmith tricks including gadgets that can be used as a base for mobius weapons or mobius armors. I would have included more stuff including a pari of archetypes, a couple of feats, and even a few gadgets that can be attached to mechanus's but when the document I put together was much, much bigger than the cutting edge machinesmith I decided to stop. :)

So more to look forward to in the near future and perhaps the far future.

O_O Now I'm quivering with anticipation for this stuff to come out!

Huh, just got the Machinesmith and the Cutting Edge supplement. Love this. I'm making an engineer for a coming necro-steam-punk campaign, and the machinesmith fitted like a glove for my concept. Just one question.
The way that the greatwork entry is worded made me wonder if there are rules form more than one greatwork. Like, I start with an analyser, and at 10th lvl, instead of upgrading him again, I choose to create a mobius weapon, no upgrade version. Is that possible? Or I'm just being obnoxious, and the intent is to have one greatwork and just that one, never changing it? Or something between: if your greatwork is destroyed, you can create another type.

I mostly certain that is the second option, but there's no harm in asking, right?

I thought the intent was to have a single greatwork...but I could be wrong. Been awhile since I read it over.

You only ever get one greatwork. Though I believe there is an archetype that allows you to get more than one.

You're right. I just saw the Wonderbuild archetype in Cutting Edge. It may or may not fit in my character. I'll look up. But thanks for the look up.

So almost a year later we get back to this. :)

Edited stuff headed my way earlier which I sent back after confirming whether me and the editor needed to have pistols at dawn. I can't tell you when or where the new content will show itself as I merely have suspicions but not all the facts.

But, for those whom I got hyped up about this it's worth getting hyped again. Good stuff coming.

Oooh, neat. I thought this had been discontinued.
One question, on which my buy of this may be decided:
Can I pilot my Mechanus, turn it into a mecha?

No. That sort of role is covered in the mobius armor.

Still can't wait, Tark. Wish that Back to the Future car was real so I could get that content NOW.

Moar? Can I use it to melt things?

There's at least two implements of melting. Creative players will find more.

Just popping to let you know it should be seeing release very soon.

I'm rather excited for it to finally see the light of day. Much of it is meant to help bring the machinesmith to a more consistent level throughout particularly the mobius weapons as I felt that they were very anemic in terms of options and overall use. It also helps to hopefully bring the machinesmith to be a bit better at combat. If you wanted to see a vision of that I'd say look at Tony Stark from Iron Man 3 where the overall emphasis was not on the Iron but the Man.

With the constructor I'm hoping to explore an idea of support not really covered by other classes as the group's quartermaster. The machinesmith is basically Micro, or Q with the exception that while these characters are content to wait in the van the machinesmith is happy to go along drop automatic crossbows and provide solutions "at hand" to his group.

Psst! Psst! Look at this...

Well.. this is ultra necro..
but there also is seemingly a relatively few spots for Machinesmith questions so might as well keep it in a relatively similar area...
Such a fun class, I have a few small questions however.
Sooo questions!

My first is Explosives Expert EX: .."Whenever the machinesmith uses a spell, prototype, or item that deals damage in a radius "
So.. radius. What exactly does that imply? There are a few things (off hand the only thing I can think of is that level 4 bomb prototype, which is an empowered splash weapon. I don't think there is any low level prototype which surprises me) but i'm not sure if it was meant for Aoe effects that aren't cones or lines? (i.e. not for the alchemical sprayer haha)
Like does it apply to splash weapons ? (that prototype spell says radius in its effect and is a splash weapon...but i'm not sure)
how about something like a pellet grenade (this directly states a raidus burst so I assume it does)
Basically I'm trying to decide if its worth it, as currently off hand it seems like very few things would actually take the application.
If I ha my analyzer saving a scroll of fireball, that would gain the bonuses of the expert then yes?

I'm hoping that it is actually a lot more open ended than requiring the words "radius" somewhere in it. It would help me use a lot of fun little side items and such. Granted with craft Wonderous I bet one could work with a dm to make some fun tools with it. Elemental grenades or something. upgraded splash weapon style

Next question is about the constructor. Its very well designed and worded.. but something I can not figure out if it can do is... Alchemical weapons. Acid, Alchemist flask's Pellet Grenades, Thunderstones, a pile of gunpowder (for blowing up a wall etc)and the like.
As near as I can tell, you couldn't until level 10 or so. Is that correct? I am somewhat assuming the alchemical items are considered complicated things.. but I suppose except for pellet grenades and gunpowder, the rest might be simple existing things, and you just have to buy the glass or something
Maybe after level 5 you could even make the wonderous item version of some of the alchemical items..but, maybe not? Given the restrictions on the creation.. no spell replication, no effect on distruction, no charges. Unless the item was something like "speak a trigger word and the Bottle rocket flies at a target of your choosing exploding in x damage" or something might work.. I wonder if "on hit" effects would be valid/ like a stack of bolts that do some kinda cool effects on impact would be valid
Would be great for the Jeff (earthbound) Precis (Starocean second story) and a few other craft based characters that I'd love to create.

This is just a comment.. Is there something I'm missing about the utility tool when compared to Traveler's anytool (which I assume came out later. but I don't know the dates for sure). With the exception of using the utility too do something like "replacing a key" or some crazy puzzle piece, i feel like the any tool is more usable and more reliable.
If I'm not missing something, anyone have good ideas for that skill?

Last of all! http://paizo.com/products/btpy91pb?Classes-of-NeoExodus-Machinesmith
Is this the most recent Machinesmith ..thing? Or are there some supplements out and about that I simply haven't found?
I know at one point there was a prestige book, an a book that featured the creation masterwork, a bio archetype, and a mobius suit. But I haven't seen that around on paizo, but I know they came out a while back so I'm wondering if they were all entirely rolled into one product.

Thank you for reading this really quite long and somewhat rambling question post

The first question: yes anything that deals damage in a radius including alchemical items, spells, etc. Not cones or lines but radius.
This of course includes spells copied with an analyzer.

As for the second question; No. Alchemical items have chemical components and materials for them must be provided.

The reason for this is the same reason that you can't make certain magic items. Balance. There's lots of avenues for abuse and I wanted to avoid that.

Ultimately if you want a character that can "make bomb" at will bombardier archetype machinesmith and alchemists are just fine for that.

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