The Waking Rune - Hard Mode - Wall of Honor

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I wanted to make this thread, to the same format as the "Level 12 Seeker" thread, to list all of the players that have completed "The Waking Rune" on Hard Mode on tier 7-8 or 10-11. (Just like the "Level 12 Seeker" thread, please no spoilers)

This scenario brings not only a sense of closure to heroes and adventurers that have fought the Lissalan cultists for so long, but bears a new beginning. These elite few answered the call to arms and through their physical prowess, magical expertise, and mental stamina were able to defeat a terrible power that threatened not only Varisia but Golarion as a whole.

Please list your character (full name if you like), character and class, and tier you played at. Though Hard Mode does not give any rewards, it does give bragging rights, so lets see it Pathfinders!

Silver Crusade

Harold the Cleric. Tier 10-11.

*blows on his fingertips and rubs them on his breastplate*


Angrid Luin - Diviner of the near future and master of the blooded rites (Bloatmage). Tier 10-11.

Claims the moniker "the Runeslayer" as his own.

Casts prestidigitation on Harold's breastplate. Super shiney!


Sheila "Wielder-of-the-Ebon-Branch" - boomerang sap master. Tier 10-11.

Totally hit a runelord with a boomerang, and didn't even die.

My contribution: Dealt upwards of 250 nonlethal damage to his poor wizardy noggin over 3 throws.

Dark Archive 4/5

I, just wow.

I mean Wish is just such a game changing thing, I can't see how anyone managed to do anything to delay him enough to stop him from casting it.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Ramsisa the Cleric Teir 10-11

The Inheritor proved too tough for the runelord of sloth.

2/5 *

Sin of Asmodeus wrote:
I, just wow.
I mean Wish is just such a game changing thing, I can't see how anyone managed to do anything to delay him enough to stop him from casting it.

A lot of GMs can't even run the low level stuff properly, let alone epic level. I'm not sure I could run that scenario tbh, not the way it should be run.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

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Something that might make this thread even cooler: tell us your character's greater contribution in the fight against Krune.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

Ephinia - Eldritch Knight in tier 10-11.

Getting rid of the runes...and landing the killing blow (although did pretty small amount of damage myself).

Sovereign Court 4/5 ****

I was once but a humble Osirion sand merchant, but how I have grown.

I survived a horrible wilting for 123 although my brave Roc companion gave his life. Instead of fleeing from this horrible sight I stayed firm and pounded him with my rocky fists only ducking through a wall in my elemental form at the last moment. Alas that did not save me for Krune soon reclaimed the endurance brand I wore and next time he fled the onslaught of the party he found himself alone with my unconscious form and plunged his evil spear into my rocky form, transforming me back into a human.

This attack was his downfall though, my death had bought my companions enough time to locate Krune and dimensional door a mighty warrior who slashed at Krune with amazing speed and alacrity, cutting him down before he could escape again.

In memory I have had the Rune of life tattooed over my heart.

The Exchange 4/5 *

Zazo, Owner of Zazo's Alchemical Emporium
Zoradon, Guardian Against Chaos
(Alchemist / Master Chymist - Tier 10-11)

Zazo: Zazo's Mind-Bender, now in stock! Get your own version of the fantastical alchemical creation that took out a Runelord, for a mere 500 gold! Guaranteed to leave any who stand in your way completely bewildered!

Zoradon: CEASE YOUR DECEPTION, FOOL! Customers, this merchant reveals not that only he can stabilize his own creation enough to be used! His product, though powerful in my hands, would be naught but herbs and alcohol in your own!

Zazo: Shut up, Zoradon! You're costing me sales! We'll never be able to open a branch in Magnimar at this rate!

Grand Lodge 5/5

Less than 15 posts for spoilers of some sort to show up. Fantastic.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Less than that, Seth; first spoiler was post #5, a mere half-hour after the OP requested a lack of spoilers. Though I see the spoiler tags finally got edited in. Thanks, mods!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Xar'Zith Zook Furrygen Nackl - master of the Storval Stair Manuever
Mutt - "mighty warrior"

Soryan tells the tale well... but alas was not alive to see that despite the one round 250 damage Mutt did... it was the lingering ice surrounding him that laid him low!

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

Seth Gipson wrote:
Less than 15 posts for spoilers of some sort to show up. Fantastic.

Actually I may be guilty of this in part. I did not read the "no spoilers" part closely enough before suggesting others mention their greatest contribution. If the no spoiler version is preferred, please disregard my earlier suggestion.

Grand Lodge 5/5

John Compton wrote:
Seth Gipson wrote:
Less than 15 posts for spoilers of some sort to show up. Fantastic.
Actually I may be guilty of this in part. I did not read the "no spoilers" part closely enough before suggesting others mention their greatest contribution. If the no spoiler version is preferred, please disregard my earlier suggestion.

Meh. I dont think anyone would care if the spoilers were posted just so long as they are spoilered. It's nothing surprising to me, since Ive already looked over the scenario, but it seems like spoilers have been running rampant lately. :/

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Sin of Asmodeus wrote:
I, just wow. ** spoiler omitted **

potential reply:
I have yet to play the scenerio, but perhaps he does not have wish prepared? Just a thought. A very high level wizard would need to keep the gloves on a bit in order to not totally demolish foes who are only half his level or there about.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Don't really appreciate the passive aggressive posters who decided to come in to a celebration thread and post their doubts about the players/GMs who went through this ordeal.

4/5 ****

Opps, sorry I missed the no spoiler bit and posted a story as per John's request.

Dark Archive 4/5

I will say this, I do apologize to Nathan for my small spoiler, but it remains a sincere statement. I [edit] was unaware of how the board's add spoiler tags, so again I apologize for that part, but not the passive aggressive part. ^^

[Editor's note; I showed him how to add spoiler's, since he is a stupid Cheliaxian.]

Game plot spoiler:
Having run it multiple times, but my chance to play being at Gen Con, I will be rife to see how my prepared GM dismantles my group piece by piece. ^^ DEATH FOR KRUNE.


Sin of Asmodeus wrote:
I, just wow. ** spoiler omitted **

He did cast it...

For a real hard mode - try doing this with a random group of players at a con with no week of prep and in a normal slot. Normal mods are hard under those conditions.

Dark Archive 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

I played this first slot at PaizoCon.

We did NOT go hard mode.

a full basket of cheese MIGHT stop hard mode from wiping parties. But it'll be a near run thing in most cases.

The Exchange 5/5

Gorgo Grumlock, Tiefling Sacred Servant (Paladin Archetype) of Abadar (Travel Domain). Tier 10-11 Hardmode under a VL. After being put into a position to do so by the parties trusty wizards (Telekinetic Charge), and granted great speed and heroism (Greater heroism and haste) made a full attack on Krune with smite up. Unfortunately 3 of my attacks missed due to unforeseen random events in the cosmos (3,4 and 9 on the die), luckily my Nodachi struck true twice severely injuring Krune (15 and 19 crit threat with bless weapon), followed up by the Zen Archers arrows and overall aided by our Wizards buffs Krune died where he stood before having a chance to retaliate. Abadar was smiling upon us, since I had a sense of dread pass through me that all of my friends except for one would have died within moments if we did not strike out as we did. (Winning initiative is awesome.) After reporting my findings and deeds back to Paracountess Zarta Dralneen and the rest of the pathfinder society my 33rd mission for the society ended and I was granted the title of Seeker for my heroic deeds, I can only hope the eyes of the ten will be watching me as I further my adventures.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I finally played Waking Rune. Wasn't on "hard mode", but I felt like posting anyway. :)

Played at subtier 10-11 with my 11th-level Eldritch Knight.

The first fight began with the monster using disintegrate to one-shot the 8th-level conjurer who was playing up. Whoops. I and a ranger did some hacking (though I had a mix of bad attack rolls and bad luck with displacement, so really it was mostly the ranger).

Since I was flying, I helped ferry people over the trap on the stairs.

I contributed to disabling one or two of the runes (we ended up getting all of them).

The ranger used his gloves of reconnaisance to peek at the central chamber, which of course revealed the caster and two mooks who were working on waking up Krune. So I used dimension door to bring the whole party right next to the caster. She never got a turn. :)

Then Krune came out, and I pretty much stopped contributing. I don't remember what I did on round 1 of that part, but I spent the next 3 rounds trying to use pilfering hand to steal his uber-rod of doom. But even with both Prescience (as a diviner) and Fortune (from the party witch), for a total of three d20's per attempt, I never managed higher than an 11 on the die. But even more sad than that, I remember announcing a result in the low 20s, which means I must have been forgetting to add my INT mod to the check, which would have been a +5 increase. I have a feeling I'd have succeeded on the first pilfering hand. D'oh!

But in the end, we succeeded, mostly because of our heavy-damage ranger and some well-chosen buffs (someone put up a life bubble, saving us all from an early cloudkill).

But I get points for being in the room, right?

5/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 4

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Subtier 10–11
Other than fight off the runelord's minions while Lialda kept the master busy, Ajit Karan's greatest accomplishment during this scenario was to orchestrate the combination of an emerald elixir, bull's strength, greater false life, infernal healing, and summoning of a lantern archon to cast aid - all to get enough hit points, temporary hit points, and Constitution score so than when the ring of delayed doom stopping ticking from the horrid wilting he could stabilize at one hit point above his negative (newly-enhanced) Constitution score.
Many thanks to Lady Lumikello, Samhain, Shelly, and Malonyx who each have their own contributions to document. Thanks to our great GM as well.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It wasn't so bad. Or at least I don't recall it being so bad. I just remember it being a magical place.


Subtier 10-11 with 4 players, and Hard Mode devours the 4 player adjustment too, so it was even harder. One of our 4 was a Rogue 8 or so playing up.

Lazeril's #1 contribution was upping his caster level temporarily to the point where he could usually

counterspell one of Krune's spells each round via dispel magic. #2 contribution was planar binding that angel we befriended in Refuge of Time to fly in with his antimagic field at the start of the fight, but Krune's prior wish took care of eliminating that. Still I landed a dimensional anchor on him and it stuck and he wound up in a chokepoint where he couldn't move, trapped between two groups of us (though he didn't mind it much since it was a good place to cloudkill).

Even so, we still only won because Krune eventually ran out of powerful stuff. If he had possessed more high level spells, he would have eventually killed us because we took forever to finish him off.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

August Bane Lvl 10 Paladin of Erastil playing tier 7/8 hard mode.
Other 5 pcs were lvl 7-9.
Really need a longer than 4 hr time limit on this mod. GM soft balled it but still managed to kill 2 pcs. Krunes staff was never used.


joe kirner wrote:

August Bane Lvl 10 Paladin of Erastil playing tier 7/8 hard mode.

Other 5 pcs were lvl 7-9.
Really need a longer than 4 hr time limit on this mod. GM soft balled it but still managed to kill 2 pcs. Krunes staff was never used.

Just curious on this one--Why would the GM softball when the players specifically asked to play hard mode? That seems like a mean thing to do.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

Mark Seifter wrote:
joe kirner wrote:

August Bane Lvl 10 Paladin of Erastil playing tier 7/8 hard mode.

Other 5 pcs were lvl 7-9.
Really need a longer than 4 hr time limit on this mod. GM soft balled it but still managed to kill 2 pcs. Krunes staff was never used.
Just curious on this one--Why would the GM softball when the players specifically asked to play hard mode? That seems like a mean thing to do.

Was disappointing. Perhaps not prepped enuff.

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusader Shikibu (Freebooter Ranger 6/Living Monolith 4) played the high tier on hard mode.

I had purchased a Wind Fan during an earlier adventure b/c a Gust of Wind effect was needed during it, and used it twice during this fight to disperse Cloudkill before it shredded. Krune had a hard time keeping summoned minions around as Shikibu's greataxe, Ohno the Ono, kept criting them for massive damage. Krune eventually started running out of spells he could throw at us... in the end, only one of our ninjas was dead, the other ninja was down several thousand gold in consumables, our witch was momentarily feebleminded, and our two ranged characters had run out of ammo by the time Krune was finally taken down. I had some Con damage, but had not even been brought below my temp HP.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Name: Xanatos Grey
Designation: Level 12 Magus (Lvl 11 during scenario)
Status: Missing in Action
Last known location: Krune's Temple
Incident Description: Disappeared after Krune's defeat; believed to have died along with the runelord

This was all back before Gencon right after the scenario released

5/5 *****

Krune had a hard time keeping summoned minions

I am always curious about how Krune manages to get any summons out given their 1 round casting time. On hard mode he only has quickened SMIV and V which summon pretty much speed bumps at the high tier.

what does Hard Mode mean? New to GM'ing PFS, Ran first game friday, running again this Friday. Thanks.


andreww wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Answer: Rod

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steve Miller wrote:

Subtier 10–11

Other than fight off the runelord's minions while Lialda kept the master busy, Ajit Karan's greatest accomplishment during this scenario was to orchestrate the combination of an emerald elixir, bull's strength, greater false life, infernal healing, and summoning of a lantern archon to cast aid - all to get enough hit points, temporary hit points, and Constitution score so than when the ring of delayed doom stopping ticking from the horrid wilting he could stabilize at one hit point above his negative (newly-enhanced) Constitution score.
Many thanks to Lady Lumikello, Samhain, Shelly, and Malonyx who each have their own contributions to document. Thanks to our great GM as well.

I believe my contribution was arrows. Lots and lots of arrows. Meanwhile, my owl companion hung limp from my belt like a chicken on display at an Asian market.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ashe wrote:
what does Hard Mode mean?

If the players want a higher difficulty and are alright with no extra rewards for it, they can fight Krune at full power. In Hard Mode, Krune does not lose ANY spells due to disabled runes, and gains the ability to cast wish. Note that other effects of disabling the runes do take effect, just not the expending of prepared spells.
5/5 *****

Mark Seifter wrote:
andreww wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Answer: Rod

It doesn't quicken

Oh man! It would have been a lot less fun if he had the actual version of the rod, rather than what the GM misread, as it's actually weaker than a Staff of the Master. With me counterspelling one spell per round and him not able to Quicken useful high-level spells, it would have been a snoozefest. I'm really glad we had the super hard mode.

Dark Archive 3/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ninja VS. Krune:
When the mission briefing said "ZOMG YOU MIGHT BE FACING A RUNELORD!" I bought my ninja, with UMD +18, a scroll of anti magic shell. Thought it might come in handy. After Krune did all his big nasty tricks...I moved next to him and used the scroll. Needless to say...his life got much worse after that. I retired the ninja on this scenario...because after you kill a runelord, what else can you do to top it?

Kyle Elliott wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I was a part of that table you momentarily sat in on as an alternate a month ago. We didn't die.

The table didn't run in hard mode, but I did vote for it, so that counts for something, I think.

After you fight a Rune Lord? I don't know... You go and win the Hao Jin Tapestry for the Society and then jet off to Alkenstar with your Quadirian friend to go smuggle firearms for the Sczarni and Quadirians... Er, extend the reach of the Society into Geb, The Mana Wastes, and Nex.

No Spoilers:
Krune failed a fort save versus sound burst, so the rogue moved up and full-rounded him. My barbarian moved up to full round him; hit three times. Scored his third crit of his career. Krune dies. Had that full round been on character delivering it, my "-1" would have survived (beat that, Krune!) Also, totally saved (without rolling a 20) on the two spells he's known for; that felt really good. (And, the rest of the party was pretty epic; everyone played a pivotal roll which doesn't seem to happen too often with all the cheesed characters. The sound burst was just hilarious, though, since there didn't appear to be anything he could do about the effects of the spell.)

But you're right, everything else just rings hollow now.

Edit: Thanks Kyle Baird for that high CL wand on that one cert; a wand that countered Krune's magic was amazing and saved our skins.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Sigh Kyle,

How much did you spend on that run to win? 60 K of consummables?

And at least I destroyed your wind fan Shikibu!

Dark Archive 3/5

Taenia wrote:

Sigh Kyle,

How much did you spend on that run to win? 60 K of consummables?

And at least I destroyed your wind fan Shikibu!


Lantern Lodge 5/5

Taenia wrote:

Sigh Kyle,

How much did you spend on that run to win? 60 K of consummables?

And at least I destroyed your wind fan Shikibu!

That sounds about how much our group spent on consumables.

21k per, three different characters. Still have a leftover scroll of Raise Dead.

Sczarni 1/5

Played this (10-11 hardmode) at PaizoCon in a PUG with Greenshield as GM. We survived... barely.

Fijit, lvl 10 bard

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Dorian Orlovsky Aldori (Fighter 9 (Aldori Swordlord) / Monk 1 / Aldori Swordlord 2)helped win the day.

I actually used dimension door to get in behind him in round 1 and disarmed his staff on the second round. Then the rest of the group wailed on him.

Four of us hit level 12 that night.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Necroing this thread, because the more Krune stories, the better.

Ferious Thune "the Risen" 11th Level Sorcerer in Subtier 10-11 (not hard mode, though)

This was a while ago...

My biggest contribution was in exhausting about half my spell slots destroying the runes. Enervation was a big help, as well as several intensified, empowered snowballs, shocking grasps, or scorching rays. In the actual fight with Krune, I was mostly relegated to dimension dooring people around. However...

This fight had one of my favorite sequences, wherein Krune hit us with a Maximized, Empowered Horrid Wilting for, I think, 156 points of damage. I failed my save, but thanks to a decently high Con, Toughness, and False Life, I was only a little dead. The Magus also dropped dead, as did the 9th level Cleric that decided to tag along with the otherwise 11th level party. But that's where the fun began...

The 11th level Cleric that was with us made his save and lived through the Horrid Wilting of Doom. He was then left with a dilemma... who to use his Breath of Life on. With none of us dead characters allowed to advise him, he had to pick one of us to bring back. I make it a point before a high level session like that to run through all of the things my Sorcerer can do, and even though he didn't remember exactly what those all were, he remembered that I might have something up my sleeve, and he chose to bring me back, rolling enough on the Breath of Life to get me conscious.

Another stroke of luck is that we were all next to each other (having recently completed one of the many Dimension Doors). So I become conscious, then stand up and activate my spring-loaded wrist sheath to take out a scroll of Breath of Life (I had previously checked with the GM that he was ok with that combination). Only problem, I'm a Sorcerer, Jim, not a Cleric! I then proceed to calculate what I needed for my UMD roll, then comb through every boon I have to see if there's anything that will help. With other players and the GM starting to get impatient, I figured out I needed something like a 6 or 7 on the roll (DC 29, I believe). I finally roll, and I get a nat 20, for a total of 40-something.

But I still have to decide who I'm going to bring back. On the one hand, the 9th level Cleric might have a Breath of Life of his own. On the other hand, he's a 9th level Cleric who got hit with a Maximized, Empowered Horrid Wilting. So I bring back the Magus. Turns out it was the right choice, as I think even a max roll with the scroll's caster level would not have been enough to bring the dead Cleric above negative Con.

So in the span of a few seconds, three characters died, and two came back to life. Following the scenario, I went ahead and spent the 1 Prestige to become Ferious Thune "the Constant," as, for the second time, he got a glimpse of Pharasma's Boneyard (1st time, Harpies!).

The honor of actually taking down Krune went to the Druid, who hit him with a combination of a Sirocco, his animal companion's full attacks, and then after a round, his own full-attack as a Dire Tiger.

Needless to say, when presented with the opportunity to gain one of the runes, I chose Life.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

My party got decimated in the first fight. Bad party composition and varying player skill level vs draconian veteran gm = tpk. As A result, I have shyed away from society and am totally seeing it as little more than a power gamers bravado festival any more, with less RP than playing Skyrim.

I switched to APs and I am happier

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Delia O'Deaves wrote:
I switched to APs and I am happier

I am happy for you.

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