Thassilonian Magic

Pathfinder Society

Shadow Lodge Venture-Agent, Australia–NSW–Chatswood


I'm aware it's a bit of a newb question, and I assume the answer is no, but thought I'd check:

Is Sin Magic legal for Organised Play?


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

IF you don't find it in the Campaign Guide, or Additional Resources than it's not legal. No exceptions.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Additional Resources wrote:

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic
Equipment: riffle scrolls (any spell augmented by the Silent Spell metamagic feat; price equals the spell's effective level x the caster's level x 25 gp); Feats: all feats on pages 10 and 15; Prestige Classes: A cyphermage replaces any Spell Focus feat for Scribe Scroll as a prerequisite, and may not choose the swift scrivener ability from the list of available cypher lore; the divine scion functions as written; Spells: all spells in chapter 5 except impart mind, and spellscar Other: all magical tattoos on page 16, both the spellscar and outer rifts oracle mysteries on pages 30–31 (the spellscar oracle does not gain access to the eldritch scar, primal mastery, or trigger primal magic event revelations), all archetypes on pages 32–43 except the primalist wizard archetype, with the following restrictions: only elves may be spire defender magi, a tattooed sorcerer may only use her create spell tattoo power during days spent in play (ie. not between scenarios), a vampire hunter inquisitor does not gain the silversmith ability, instead replacing detect alignment with detect undead; the Varisian Pilgrim does not replace her 8th-level domain power with Blessing of the Harrow.

No mention is made of the Thassilonian Magic.

Edit: Corrected source.

Dark Archive 4/5

No you cannot use Thassilonian Magic. However, that doesn't mean that they won't release a boon that allows it in the future, just like with other banned items.

Scarab Sages 5/5

There is a boon for it now that makes it pfs legal

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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There's a boon reward from


That makes the thassilonian specialist wizard option from Inner Sea Magic legal.

Dark Archive 3/5

If you get the boon, you can use it. You do need access to page 17 of Inner Sea Magic, whether PDF or the hardcover.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Outside of the boon, which I believe was a Paizocon special, what I said applies.


Walter Sheppard wrote:

There's a boon reward from

** spoiler omitted **
That makes the thassilonian specialist wizard option from Inner Sea Magic legal.

*Jaw drops*

It actually happened? And I didn't have to transfer millions of dollars into Mike Brock's or Vic's bank account? Sweet!

So does this boon allow you to retrain the character playing the scenario into a Thassilonian Specialist, or does it let you start a new character that way?

Dark Archive 3/5

Start a new character that way. You don't need a con boon to get it, it's a boon in a later scenario for season 4.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Chris Ballard wrote:
Start a new character that way. You don't need a con boon to get it, it's a boon in a later scenario for season 4.

I would think that the PC who can earn it needs to have survived the scenario, though.

I believe that there has been some talk of the mortality rates for that scenario already...

Don't read the spoiler. Really. It can cause pain.

Student of Thassilon: Through the study of Redacted’s sanctum and personal effects, Pathfinder sages have deciphered many of the secrets of Thassilonian magic and how to avoid the sinful excesses that twisted Xin’s magic. When building a new character for Pathfinder Society Organized Play, you may make use of the Thassilonian magic rules on page 17 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic. As with other rules outside the core assumption, you must provide a legal copy of the book to use this option.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

LazarX wrote:
Outside of the boon, which I believe was a Paizocon special, what I said applies.

It wasn't a PaizoCon special. It is available to everyone who plays and suceeds at the correct scenario.

It is actually pretty rough to play as, because oh man losing those schools forever sucks pretty damn hard.

Fun flavour though!

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Depending on what Traits from Ultimate Campaign are allowed, there's a Magic Trait that lets you use Intelligence instead of Charisma for Use Magic Device. If you're also a follower of Nethys, there's a Religion Trait that lets you treat Use Magic Device as a class skill. Combine the two, and your Thassilonion Specialist has a pretty good shot at using spell-trigger and spell completion items.

I'm crossing my fingers...


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Can the retraining rules be used to retrain an existing character with the boon Kinevon mentions (Student of Thassilon)?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
CWheezy wrote:

It is actually pretty rough to play as, because oh man losing those schools forever sucks pretty damn hard.

Fun flavour though!

Back in the day, that's how ALL specialists ran. And they didn't get any extra bonus for it, either.

LazarX wrote:
Back in the day, that's how ALL specialists ran. And they didn't get any extra bonus for it, either.

Bit of a necro, but in 3.5 you got to choose what schools you wanted to forbid making it an easier choice. Spell bloat made conjuration and transmutation go too, and a few of the schools lagged behind(enchantment still does) and were easy to pick to forbid. What really makes the Thassilonian magic rough is that you don't get to pick what schools you take and leave. They're prepicked for you.

5/5 5/55/55/5

LazarX wrote:
CWheezy wrote:

It is actually pretty rough to play as, because oh man losing those schools forever sucks pretty damn hard.

Fun flavour though!

Back in the day, that's how ALL specialists ran. And they didn't get any extra bonus for it, either.

and we walked up hill to the dungeon, both ways!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:
LazarX wrote:
CWheezy wrote:

It is actually pretty rough to play as, because oh man losing those schools forever sucks pretty damn hard.

Fun flavour though!

Back in the day, that's how ALL specialists ran. And they didn't get any extra bonus for it, either.
and we walked up hill to the dungeon, both ways!

We rolled for our THACO and we liked it!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wearing armour lowered our AC, and we liked it!

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

The Grandfather wrote:
Can the retraining rules be used to retrain an existing character with the boon Kinevon mentions (Student of Thassilon)?


Liberty's Edge

We rolled 3d6, 6 times, in order.

Scarab Sages 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

When being an elf was a class ....

I remember using uneven sided rocks for dice and using dinosaurs as dragons when we larped. Those were the days.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Hmm... Do you get the boon if you GM the scenario?


FLite wrote:

Hmm... Do you get the boon if you GM the scenario?

Only if you choose to not cross it out on your chronicle. :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Of course now I have Patton stuck in my head.

To Paraphase:

"No fool ever won a boon by dying for it, He won it by making the other poor dumb fool die for his boon!"

(Patton used saltier language, bu you get the general picture.)

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