Shadowy Lurker

Dazgrim's page

Venture-Agent, Australia–NSW–Chatswood 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 17 Organized Play characters.


Shadow Lodge

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At the minute I'm in the camp that thinks that the skald is too close to bard.

A few people have mentioned the skald is a little light on skill points compared to the bard. The standard suggestion, and perhaps the obvious one has been to give the skald the 6 + int skills of the bard.
Whilst I can certainly see the merit in this suggestion, I think it unfortunately pushes the skald even closer to being an archetype of bard, rather than a new class synthesising bard and barbarian.

One potential way to address this might be to change the skald's casting stat from charisma. I'm aware that this would break from the current broad pattern, whereby prepared divine casters use wisdom to cast, prepared arcane casters use intelligence and spontaneous casters (of either stripe) use charisma.
This would not be without precedent: paladins are a prepared caster using charisma and inquisitors are spontaneous casters using wisdom.

I think that thematically there could be an argument for the skald casting off wisdom, possibly with raging song coming off wisdom as well.
However, as casting off wisdom appears to be a principally divine magic trait I suggest a move to intelligence, it seems to tie in with the knowledge focus of the class and would tend to provide the additional skill points in synergistic manner rather.

I'm certain that there are aspects of this suggestion that I've not considered that will cause problems, but I offer it up for debate as an alternative to extra skill points.

Shadow Lodge * Venture-Agent, Australia–NSW–Chatswood

6 Aasimar Paladins? All in heavy armour with greatswords.

Shadow Lodge

Thanks Odea,

That's answered the question I wanted answering. It's not the answer I wanted, but that's how it goes.

Shadow Lodge

So a druid with a tiger as an animal companion would not be able to multiclass into cavalier at a later date?

Shadow Lodge

I am going to throw myself on the received wisdom of the internet as I have managed to confuse myself.

How does multiclassing work in pfs if you have an animal companion/familiar? I don't mean a multiclass druid/fighter, I understand that.

I'm confused by cases where multiple classes give an animal companion or familiar:

How would a multiclassed Cavalier/Paladin work once the paladin has his divine bond?

I assume 2 classes that give animal companions stack for the purposes of the animal companions abilities so a druid 2/cavalier 1 would have a third level animal companion (but would they have to be able to ride it?).

Can you multiclass a black-blade magus with a witch? Would the witch have to take the archetype that changes her familiar to a poppet (assuming that it is pfs legal)? If the magus can't multiclass as a witch could they go druid?

Shadow Lodge

Shroomheart wrote:
Cernunnos. He is a Celtic deity who some how became an empyreal lord on Golarion.

Cernunnos is a viable god for PFS? Why am I only learning this now? Can someone give me a steer to where I can find him? I feel a new character coming on.

Shadow Lodge * Venture-Agent, Australia–NSW–Chatswood


I'm aware it's a bit of a newb question, and I assume the answer is no, but thought I'd check:

Is Sin Magic legal for Organised Play?


Shadow Lodge * Venture-Agent, Australia–NSW–Chatswood


I've not played much PFS, but I have played a reasonable amount of Pathfinder. I've got some questions on interpretations of some rules.

1) Does a Tengu's Swordtrained ability include sawtoothed sabres and the like?

2) Whilst I know the Variant Tiefling Heritages are not alowed in organised play, are the racial traits (Blood Stalker etc.) for them allowed? The additional resources document seems to imply that they are, but I wasn't certain.

3) What are the basic assumptions made about Society members characters? Beyond non-evil. IE do they have to be literate?

4) Do society clerics have to follow a god, or can they follow a concept? If so who approves Domain selections?
