100 things the villain is doing when 'scrying' is cast on him

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

511b: Orphans look to villain and then begin the Questions. "Mister, what's an ebil act? Why are you promising and acting silly? Is this part of the story? Why is li'l Tarrasque ebil?"

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512. Reading the Pathfinder rulebook. Give the players a few seconds to realize it's for the organization, not the game.

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Decorating his Christmas tree while singing carols.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Decorating his Christmas tree while singing carols.

513E: It's an Treant that he killed by chopping it down.

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514. Making ornaments for his Christmas Treant by petrifying people, painting the statues, and then shrinking them down.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

515. Picking a lock
Comic version: picking their nose
Social version: Picking their friends
Just disturbing version: picking their friend's nose

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516. Babysitting his nieces.

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Co-hosting a cooking show with Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg.

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Pole dancing.

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519. Pole dancing while the princess he "kidnapped" watches and critiques his technique.

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520. Playing Solitaire with a Deck of Many Things.

521. Saying a dramatic line aimed at the person that is scrying him... and then his mom walks in and scolds the villain for being a nerd that pretends people are scrying on him.

The villain yells at his mom for not supporting his lifestyle, and then he continues with another line after she leaves (note- the new line makes it abundantly clear that he has not actually noticed anything about the party).

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522. He's scrying. Not on the party, not on his enemies, not on his minions. He's got his feet up on a comfy ottoman, a nice glass of wine, and using his crystal ball to look into the future...for movie previews. This dastardly foe knew how Infinity War would end before the rest of us and MAY have leaked the ending....

Dark Archive

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523. Sitting through the big dance number of a cabaret performance being put on by his goblin minions, pretending to be unamused, even though he makes them do this a couple times a year. (It takes them that long to replenish their numbers between shows...)

524. Giving mandatory safety talks to his household guard and servants about touching cursed relics, entering magically defended areas of the estate, putting your hands near the flesh-eating horses mouths or going anywhere near the hell hounds at any time for any reason. ('Cause hell hounds don't play.)

525. Choosing his next evil outfit from a half-dozen suits being modeled by simulacra whose entire job is to handle public appearances, and who are stored like ambulatory coat-racks in a literal 'walk in' closet when not 'in use.'

526. Attending a funeral. The villain is in a semi private space, weeping openly, possibly uncontrollably. Once they notice they are being scryed, they look at the scryer with no small amount of contempt, and state angrily that they need some privacy, there shall be no war between them this day, or for the next ten.

Scarab Sages

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527. Sitting among a circle of children/equivalents thereof, teaching Monday School (i.e. like Sunday/Saturday School, but for diabolators/demoniacs).

Scarab Sages

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Pole dancing.

528. Pole dancing.

Scarab Sages

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Dreaming Psion wrote:

515. Picking a lock

Comic version: picking their nose
Social version: Picking their friends
Just disturbing version: picking their friend's nose

515d. Picking its friend's nose...with a lockpick.

515e. Picking its friend's nose...with an icepick.

529. Grooming his familiar...so to speak.

Scarab Sages

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530. Getting familiar with his stable-groom.

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531. Grooming his stable. It's a lot of work, keeping a living building!

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532. Making a girlfriend(Flesh Golem.)

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533. Smelling the hair of children.

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534. Practicing his rude gestures.

Dark Archive

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535. Playing chess with real people. Sadly he couldn't afford *real* Kings and Queens and Bishops for his 'chess pieces,' so he's got goblins dressed up as pawns, and human commoners as knights, bishops, etc.

536. Making goblins play a version of hopscotch that involves glyphs of warding and explosive runes etched onto the floor. "Hop, skip, kaboom!" "Okay, that didn't work. Now *you* try..."

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537. He's got a computer and he's running a bot that accuses posters of thread necromancy if the topic was over a week old.

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538. At his day job, working away seriously. Once he notices he is being scryed he exasperatedly yells at the scryer for their lack of decorum, creativity, and industrious essential. "Get a life and a job, in that order!"

539. Helping a woman give birth, with a look of utter shock on his face. She gives one final push and the crying baby comes out. The villain starts to cry as he wraps up the baby.

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540. Said villain, not a particularly physical type, is beating the absolute crap out of someone the PC recognizes. A small child is in the background, looking horrified. The villain, with effort, composes himself, picks up the person he has soundly beaten, and says "Never speak to me or my son ever again!" before grabbing the child by the arm and stomping off.

Liberty's Edge

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541. Cosplaying as one of the PCs.

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542: Trying out his villain monolog in front of his collection of MLP Stuffies. (He brought them to life by imprisoning his enemies' life force in them.)

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These are fun!
In general it'd be even better to make options that are setting-agnostic, or separate options for fantasy vs. futuristic, like my 543 below.

543. Playing an expensive vidgame
(comic: playing a children's vidgame and throwing a tantrum when they lose a life)
(PF: Playing polo on a very handsome mount, or playing hopscotch.)

544. Giving a passionate political speech to convert a crowd to truly heinous or violent behavior that endangers someone the PCs care about.
(Comic: Giving a passionate political speech to a crowd that "Evil will always win, because Good is dumb.")

545. Callously arranging how to permanently eliminate rivals or competitors that pose no serious threat to them.
(Dark: Callously ordering a slave child beaten or tortured to death, or mutilated, for making a tiny mistake while serving in their evil lair.)
(Comic: Sending their child to his room for being a spoilt brat.)

546. Casually harassing or abusing an employee/minion/servant [in a way that none of your players have personally suffered]
(Comic: Calling a rival Villain juvenile grade school names.)

547. Casually littering in a public place.

548. Annexing a town/village/neighborhood/island/space station and evicting the impoverished residents who have nowhere else to go.
(comic: Repossessing someone's spaceship/vehicle/drone/chariot/mount/home because their extended warranty has expired and the villain has been trying to reach them about it.)

549. Torturing and dismembering a tiny animal, clearly amused.

550. Ranting to minions or political followers about how disgusting and intolerable one of the PC's ancestry or religion is.
(comic: Ranting to minions about how poorly the Players have min-maxed their PCs, and how the minions had better not make the same mistakes)

551. Trying out expensive outfits and jewelry in a full-length mirror. A servant is dressing them while they stand and pose.

552. Trying out a new augment/prosthetic/magical replacement for a body part destroyed by the PCs or another party of heroes.
(Comic: Trying out a prosthetic extra head.)

553. Doing the Sunday crossword puzzle.
(PF: Working on a complicated metal or wood sculpture puzzle)

554: Overseeing Troop Deployment: The Bad Guy stands in a command center surrounded by aides and advisors.

555: Sabotaging Equipment: The Bad Guy is covertly infiltrating an outpost under the cover of night. He is planting explosive charges on vital equipment aiming to create chaos among the defenders.

556: Conducting a Strategy Meeting: The Bad Guy is in a hidden underground base, meeting with top military personnel. They are discussing the development of new counter-scrying to block enemy reconnaissance spells.

557: Reanimating a dead skunk(as a small ghast), putting it and a thing that is a danger to him in a treasure chest, and telling a minion to hide it in a famous dungeon.

558. Going through their toilette, as they are preparing for a VERY hot date. Excited to the point that it seems out of character for them, they are shocked when they discover they are being scryed upon, but they lean into it after a moment, saying the scryer WISHES they looked this good before ending the connection. If they are of the scryers intimate preference, they may actually flirt a bit, though they are clearly not being serious(not that the PC would know that...).

559. Making a very, very, very small charcuterie board for a fairy he has in appropriately sized manacles. He is doing all of this with regular sized tools and materials, and seems to enjoy showing off their culinary skill. As the scrying ends, he implies that he will show a greater level of skill as he does the same to the fairy, as this is the fairy's last meal. The fairy may or may not be known to the PC.

560. Having a deep, unknowable conversation with a wild animal that is tolerating their presence and proximity with a level of aplomb unusual to that species. The villain is speaking nonsense words to the animal by saying humanoid words that one would normally say to said animal(i.e "woof woof" to a dog, "meow" to a cat, "nunnunnun" to a deer, etc.). The villain doesn't seem to know or care that they are being scryed. The animal seems to, as it looks to the PC for a polite way out of the conversation it is having with this lunatic.

Dark Archive

561. All aflutter to press and affix their latest collection in their signed edition of Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairies.

[An Irriseni blue frost sprite, with delicate and uniquely patterned snowflake wings, common as dirt in Irrisen, back when it was all winter, all the time, but quite rare now.]

562. Drinking beer and playing darts with the boys. Completely ordinary night. What's strange is that everything about the villain had changed- style of dress, mannerisms, even a slight accent can be detected. Is this actually the villain or someone else?

563: Summoning a cartoon demon.

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