caubocalypse |
22 people marked this as a favorite. |
Welcome Pathfinders!
The Web is a pretty big region to cover, with many different websites, modes of playing (through Play-by-Posts (PbPs) or virtual table tops (VTTs) to name a couple), time zones, and languages. Instead of trying to traverse the Internet and message all the groups, Pathfinder Society saw it befit that we create an exchange on the Paizo forums.
This forum is meant to...
...allow Pathfinders to learn how to play Pathfinder Society on the Internet!
...enable everyone (from GMs to players) to find "How To's" and online seminars on the different methods of play. a central location for organizing online game days (that will have Paizo product and prize support).
...give a space for different online groups a chance to advertise their communities and their games.
...establish an arena to advertise for online conventions (that will also have Paizo support).
...foster an atmosphere of fun for Pathfinder Society Online Community.
...and to do much, much more!
Please make sure to spread this message amongst online communities and let everyone know this is the one-stop shop for all things Pathfinder Society Online. I have no doubt that this 'region' will be one of the biggest for Pathfinder Society.
Thank you, and happy gaming! I look forward to playing and GMing a table online with you soon!
Iammars |
Speaking about advertising, if you're looking for online games, the Pathfinder Society Online Collective has many games via VTT every day. Feel free to join in the fun!
Unknown Ediology |
Let me add my thanks to the others so far. Online play (Play by forum) is the only way I get to enjoy Pathfinder at the moment. Having such an invaluable resource will undoubtedly greatly enhance the quality of the games I both play and GM.
I also can't wait to see what others start to come up with!
Grayn |
I fully support this, but there is already an online section of Paizo's forums with a dedicated tab at the top of the site. I worry that the new PFS online board will get overlooked by prospective GMs/players, since they will naturally focused on the boards that are labeled "Online" and "Recruitment".
If the PFS specific board could get a link as a sub-forum on the Online page, I would think the new board would see a lot more traffic.
Grayn |
Its not that I don't agree about having a specific board for PFS. Its that I am afraid most of the new PFS players will gravitate towards the tabs that say "Online" and may never find this board (which is not only buried fairly far down in the Paizo forum boards, but also pretty far down in the PFS boards).
As I said, a simple link at the top of the Online tab, like the ones for PbP boards, would help direct a lot of interested players to the appropriate forums.
Just my two cents, though.
UllarWarlord Contributor |
Greetings to ye foreigners!
I hail from a small thread in Smogon...but I'm excited to play with others too! Here's to that!
caubocalypse |
Its not that I don't agree about having a specific board for PFS. Its that I am afraid most of the new PFS players will gravitate towards the tabs that say "Online" and may never find this board (which is not only buried fairly far down in the Paizo forum boards, but also pretty far down in the PFS boards).
As I said, a simple link at the top of the Online tab, like the ones for PbP boards, would help direct a lot of interested players to the appropriate forums.
Just my two cents, though.
From what I gather, your casual PFS gamer does not know about the online tab. Ad like Sior said, going there you can easily get lost among games that are not PFS-specific.
Like I said above, this place is not only to organize, but to be a place where all Pathfinders can come to learn everything there is to know about Online Play!
Keht |!forum/pathfinder-society-online-collectiv e
I see, good ole BBCode...
Thank you Joesph
Avatar-1 |
Only just noticed this forum!
We're over at for online play. Register, mark down what scenarios you've already played, and you'll start getting invites to games. We've got an active chat room as well, accessible via the front page or using an IRC client.
And if you have questions, ask. We like questions. A lot.
Fleanetha |
Congratulations to the new Venture-Captain and wishes for every success in the role.
Our group has played PFS for a long time now on-line as we are friends in disparate geographies, but we are now moving to try out Adventure Paths. This means I'll need to start looking online for PFS goodness.
I am intrigued then as to how this works? This is a forum so will just get longer and longer - is there one place which holds a list of what one needs to do to get ready for online gaming; a list of games being offered and how to join?
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 16 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hey, Fleanetha:
Online gaming works virtually like "real world" game play.
The only difference is you will use a Virtual Table Top, and Virtual Dice Rollers, to play - as apposed to doing it all manually yourself.
There are lots of online play groups - one group calendar can be found here [Uses and G+ Hangouts for voice]:
There is a Google Plus Pathfinder group where you can find some online games:
You can also find a lot of pick up games, and such, here:!forum/pathfinder-society-online-collectiv e
There are lots of different tools for online play - each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
One of the more popular VTT tools right now is a browser based tool called [Free]:
You can find their intro video for new players here:
Another Web-Based game client is inferno:
Other popular clients for virtual play that are more "traditional" installed clients are:
MapTools: [Free]
Fantasy Grounds 2:
(These three clients require installation and configuration of game clients, unlike the other that simply work in your browser window.)
And then, of course, here down the road, we will have Paizo Game Space for online play. (Still in rudimentary beta right now)
There are a number of us who would be willing to walk you through the various ways to get online and playing - just let us know and we will setup a time to help you get going.
Or feel free to ask your questions here in the post, or via PM here on the forums, as well.
Have a great one,
- Jesse
Congratulations to the new Venture-Captain and wishes for every success in the role.
Our group has played PFS for a long time now on-line as we are friends in disparate geographies, but we are now moving to try out Adventure Paths. This means I'll need to start looking online for PFS goodness.
I am intrigued then as to how this works? This is a forum so will just get longer and longer - is there one place which holds a list of what one needs to do to get ready for online gaming; a list of games being offered and how to join?
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
DM Beckett |
If you check out THIS post, (6th post down), I give a step by step breakdown and a lot of tips for how to create and run a PbP game (focused on doing it on these boards mostly).
Also, feel free to PM me if you have any questions, and I'll see if I can help. I don't want to speak for everyone, but in my experience other DM's and players are notably helpful in introducing new players to the media of online play, so it never hurts to ask. :)
Jan Pralle |
Cool! We already had an online convention in May with two tables PFS and for the next I'll come here before. I also have several years experience with online VTT rpg plus the con. So if I can be of any help, just contact me. Best at, because I'm not visiting the Paizo pages very often.
Rhys "Reese" Proudfoot |
Hello, I am not new to RPing or Pathfinder, but I have not played an online PFS game yet, but would like to.
I am more interested in Pbp then VTT as my at home time is mostly given to my wife and burgeoning family.
Just wanted to say hello.
Definitely give it a try! I was skeptical at how well VTT would translate the feel of actual tabletop. After my first game, I'd say it does pretty well.
The table top group closest to me meets once a week. I got hooked on PFS after the initial game. Since last week, I've played 4 VTT games. All of them have been great. There's a little more set-up involved, but once everything gets going, it's quite similar to the real thing. I still prefer actual table top, but VTT is a great alternative!
Keht |
Hello, I am not new to RPing or Pathfinder, but I have not played an online PFS game yet, but would like to.
I am more interested in Pbp then VTT as my at home time is mostly given to my wife and burgeoning family.
Just wanted to say hello.
There are plenty of PbP games and gamers here. you should be able to easily find a game.
Rhys "Reese" Proudfoot |
I am more interested in Pbp then VTT...
Reading comprehension fail on my part with my earlier response, oops. That's what I get when I reply without proper caffeination while at work! I haven't tried Pbp specifically for PFS, but I've done it in the past with DnD. Definitely a good thing when you've got lots of other priorities. Welcome to PFS online!
thesageoffun |
just saying hi i am new to pathfinder and i have played dnd a few times im sure they are the same have not played online and i would like to any help with this also creating a char is kinda hard as i have not played in about 5 years (was in military no time) but now i have time so i would like to start