Grey Render

Gilabrezu's page

Goblin Squad Member. *** Pathfinder Society GM. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters.


Shadow Lodge 3/5

Congrats Jesse! Long may he reign!

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I agree that this would allow for a higher level of enjoyment from the materials presented in module format. It seems like a good idea to me.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

Thanks for all your hard work Jesse. Without all the effort you put in at the top level, this never would have happened. I ran a table at this event and I can personally attest to the amount of effort that went into trying to make this the best event possible. Good job!

Shadow Lodge 3/5


Shadow Lodge 3/5

Congrats sir! Now time to get that 4th star :)

Shadow Lodge 3/5

Quite fantastic to see this resource being provided!

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I'm very much looking forward to this. I have signed up to run a PFS scenario, and would have done more then one but there were so many other fun games listed :) That got me to wondering when you might open up the flood gates for player sign-ups and was curious if you would be using Warhorn for this?

Shadow Lodge 3/5

We are looking to start running PFS sessions down in West Plains, MO. We have played a great deal of regular Pathfinder games but I am looking to become involved in society gaming. If there are people in the area that are looking for a group, or already have an established group, please let me know.

If there are groups nearby, I would love to get involved as well.