mariogolbee's page

Organized Play Member. 20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters.


For those us who have been waiting to sign up for games to play at Virtuacon 2013, today is the day! If you don't know what it is, go take a look. You will need to sign up for an account at RPG Geek in order to sign up for games. Please, please, go into your email settings and check the box to get your messages forwarded, so that you are at your table come game day. Hope to see you at the best three days of virtual gaming!

I still can't get the links to work here, so you'll need to copy the address and paste it in to the address bar on your web browser.

DM Beckett wrote:
So its too late?

Mr. Beckett, please send a message to Wavemotion over at RPG Geek if you still want to participate. GMs were to thumb their game listings by yesterday evening in order to verify that all information is correct and his or her participation. If you sign back on, please submit the PFS GM survey immediately and follow any other instructions in your inbox at the Geek. Thank you.

Rob, you're good. Thank you.

Yes, thank you! It was epic!

I still need 1/3 of our GMs to go to RPG Geek and fill out their PFS GM surveys. If you have already, than you! If you have not, please do so now. I will be handing the information over no later than this Wednesday, 08/28, or the morning after. Thank you!

Kris Vanhoyland wrote:

Here you go.

Congrats to our first two online VLs!

Thank you!

Arthur and Brandon, please take a moment to say hi over at RPG Geek when you get a chance, if you would. You'll have to copy and paste that address as I have attempted to make it a hyperlink several times without success.

Congrats, guys. I've experienced nothing short of excellence from the both of you in games you've run and any other online interactions. This is a great day for online PFS!

Last week I sent out GM surveys in regards to prize support, scenarios, etc., to all PFS GMs participating in Virtuacon 2013. Thank you to those who have filled them out already. For those who have not, please check your inbox at RPG Geek and get the surveys back to me. There are is also a message regarding how to get your messages forwarded to your email address, for those of you who aren't receiving them by email yet. I will resend the surveys later today, but we only have a limited amount of time to get all of these in. Thank you!

Here is an early thanks to everyone who has signed up. We have nearly 40 PFS tables spoken for and nearly 100 total tables for the con. I believe these numbers to be staggering, for they are far greater than we had imagined.

We don't have a final tally on tables yet, though, as there are some GMs who still need to check their inboxes on and submit GM surveys. GM surveys need to be in by this Wednesday, August 14th in order to be submitted in the convention program. So. get those surveys in! Also, anyone who signed up to run a PFS table will be receiving an additional PFS GM survey from me this week. Please get these back ASAP, so we can ensure Paizo support in a timely manner.

Thank you all!

I do have most of my sheets in digital form somewhere. However, the sheets which are in digital form are in JPEG, PNG, PDF, and in GM's drop boxes. I also have physical sheets from F2F games. At one point I tried the suggestion of using a drop box. After a while I had a cluster of files, some which would not read in the box, and a whole bunch of IDK what from other people's boxes.

Requiring digital copies of everything means one I have to get access to a scanner and sort these digital files out somehow. I know I have learned a thing or two about files, etc., since playing online, but I don't plan on having everything digitally in one place anytime soon. I already tried it and it was a PITA. So, I print everything. If I am playing online with a GM who would expect to see my sheets I would in turn expect them to LMK ahead of time. If they can't just look at my sheets through a perfectly good camera lens as I hold them up for them, I simply won't play. However, if a GM lets me run through a scenario and then actually holds my sheet at the end for not having digital copies of everything having not informed me they would be checking them or holding my sheet, then shame on them.

I see why digital copies are emphasized here, especially for play by post/forum games, but when playing a virtual tabletop is not simply showing a physical copy using the live camera acceptable if the player and GM both have access to this technology? Is not ruling that it must be a digital copy simply a technicality? A player just has to produce the chronicles, do they not?

And... the list is almost closed. Any final takers?

Awesome! The more GMs we have the less players we will have to turn away. We now have over 80 tables with about a third of them being PFS. It's really quite remarkable.

Paz, thank you for answering that question in perfect detail.

The formats we are using are RPGgeek as our central location of the con, Google Hangouts for voice Roll20 for maps, if necessary. Google Hangouts is the main "platform" for playing. Not all games will need maps. However, if they do, Roll20 is easy to use for both GMs and players alike. I know there are some other free programs out there preferred by some, such as Maptools, but they also are said to have a much steeper learning curve. We will have guides for how to use both Google Hangouts and Roll20. Many of us will be available to answer questions and walk anyone through the process if someone wants assistance.

Yes, you should be getting a private message as stated by rknop. Thank you.

UE, you're doing just fine. Thanks for your help.

The deadline for GM signups has been extended to July 20th in order to hopefully get just a few more GMs to accommodate more players. Come sign up!

Hi everyone. Thanks to some fantastic online PFS GMs answering the call to run games, we now more than 15 PFS tables out of 60+ total tables at Virtuacon 2013! We are still working out details, but thanks to our GMs and our awesome new online VC, we should now be receiving prize support from Paizo. We can still use more GMs. Please take a look at the information in this post and consider joining us. There are a few days left to sign up. Thank you!

Hello fellow RPG enthusiast! I would like to invite you to attend (or GM a game or two) at VirtuaCon 2013 - an online role-playing convention - running games for a full weekend (October 18th, 19th and 20th) with participants from around the world. This convention is being organized by members of, the world's largest database for information about Role-Playing Games and sister site to the well-known RPGG is one of the best places on the internet for all your role playing needs and wants, and is also a great forum community!

This event will be run via, a virtual tabletop, and Google Hangouts, which combined is very cool way to connect with other rpg enthusiasts, try out new games, or play some old favorites - with new or old friends who live nearby or on the other side of the planet. VirtuaCon 2013 uses these technologies to help you enjoy great role-playing games, right at your home: Come and join the fun! Play a game or volunteer to run a game for others!

We are still looking for gamemasters to join us, support their favorite games and spark the imagination of fellow players. About forty games are already scheduled, but we expect high interest and don't want to send interested gamers away. So get out the GM's guide for your favorite system and incite others! Have a game you always wanted to try but never got round to it? VirtuaCon is only a click away, waiting for you!

We will be offering tech support (live during the con) and help in any way we can. GM's will also be rewarded with a special microbadge to display with your avatar on - and of course you are entitled to bragging rights!

Just go to and create a free account. Then head over to and post that you're willing to GM. All the details (timeslots, technical stuff) can be found on our promo page at

We're looking forward to welcoming you on board for VirtuaCon - unofficially dubbed "The Best 3 Days in Virtual Gaming". Hope to see you there!

Congrats, Keht! You certainly have earned it. I've sat at a few of your tables and have had a blast!

Awesome! Thank you guys for putting this up. I have seen Joseph all over the place posting and getting to know folks. Thank you, Joseph!

I came here after looking for a PFS scenario on, and it looks as though the scenario is being run by you. I just want to confirm that you are NOT running this as a PFS scenario, but as a regular PFRPG scenario, correct? If so, I will simply move on, if not, I would like to play, but you can’t limit player’s existing anything, IIRC, in PFS play.

So, please let me know. I already jumped through enough hoops at your whom to find you here. I’m just looking for a quick PFS scenario for my first level ninja between the First Steps PBF we are taking a short rest from.