Queen Esmyra

Bill Darios's page

Goblin Squad Member. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 31 posts (36 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 24 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Silver Crusade

Good luck and looking forward to the future!

Silver Crusade

Congrats everyone!!

Silver Crusade

Good luck in all your future endeavors! You certainly will be missed.

Silver Crusade

Very nice

Silver Crusade

It is with great pleasure that I introduce Daniel Telford as the new Venture lieutenant of Long Island, NY.
During the past couple of years Dan Telford helped to rebuild the Long Island PFS lodge. He runs excellent games, sometimes several per week. Meticulous with getting the scenario right. Always adds in role-play and flavor. He loves to create homemade cardboard maps and terrain. Very knowledgeable about the rules and always available for new players questions. A great friend to all pathfinders and truly loves pathfinder society. Welcome to the ranks VL Dan!

Silver Crusade

Very excellent :)

Silver Crusade

Congratulations to a good guy.

Silver Crusade

That's really excellent and a nice update. Love the new symbols.

Silver Crusade

Been trying to report a game of Fires of Karamoss and its still does not appear in the reporting section

Silver Crusade

Good luck. Hope it turns out well. I know how these things can go.

Silver Crusade

Congrats Gerald!

Silver Crusade

medtec28 wrote:
Was hoping there would be more than just season 6 up there this year. Guess I'll be doing other things at gencon this year.

There is season 7 as well

Silver Crusade

Thank you all!!! Hope to be seeing you soon!

Silver Crusade

Great job, congrats!

Silver Crusade

Good work!

Silver Crusade

An awesome achievement!!

Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade

Session #1: March 15, 2013 Thornkeep The Accursed Halls at ConnCon

Session #100: Dec 14, 2013 The Traitors Lodge at Online VTT Gameday 2

Session #150: July 6, 2014 Risen from The Sands at Dexcon 17

I qualified for the requirements for the 5th star on July 11, 2014 by running Ruins of Bonekeep Level One at ConnectiCon.

Silver Crusade

Mine looks good now.

Silver Crusade

I am still 2 short. Perhaps it is the Beginner Box Bash Demos, since I have 2 of those.

Silver Crusade

I also did run several Kids track and Beginner Box slots. Those should be 1 table credit each. If the We Be Goblins Too! is not the issue then Beginner Box and Kids track probably is.

Silver Crusade

One issue seems to be that We be Goblins Too! is not showing GM ranking +2.

Assuming that is the issue with my table credits then that still does not resolve the entire problem. My only guess at that point would be that perhaps the retired scenarios are not part of the tally. (First steps II and First steps III)

Silver Crusade

Things seem to be improving every few days. I should have 150 table credits now, although it shows 142.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What you think?

New Look of D&D.

Silver Crusade

Great to be part of the team.

Thanks everyone

Silver Crusade

Must drop out. Sorry.

Silver Crusade

Half-Orc Barbarian Lvl 4

Silver Crusade

Nice to have forum :)

Silver Crusade

Great news!! Congratulations!

Silver Crusade

Nice. I love Dragons

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Double assign!!

"...she can assign assign to one of her characters."