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Hi all,
I don't believe I've ever posted on these boards before. I've been tossing around the idea of running another PBP recently, and wanted to see how much interest there would be on the boards.
Granted, I haven't chosen an AP yet, though I do have a few I am more particular towards.
Currently I've been running a PBP with some friends, however it's been going a bit slower than I'd like and due to some busy schedules I worry it won't be able to continue. Hence my coming here to look around.
For those curious on my experience, here is my gaming resume, so to speak:
Pathfinder RPG: Been playing this regularly (once a week at least) since Pathfinder Beta. Before that, I regularly played in D&D 3.5 games.
GMing: I've been an active GM since about two years before Rise of the Runelords first came out, when I ran an Age of Worms campaign. Before that I GMed sparsely.
House Rules: I try to keep the house rules to a minimum. The game has enough congestion in spots as it is. I occasionally feel the need to make a new rule on the fly if some new release seems far too powerful, but this is few and far between. Last one was regarding the Juju Oracle, before that... I dunno, something in 3.5?
My other house rules concern how Reincarnation works (in favor of a more balanced outcome) and how Crafting works (same general rules, just clarifying DCs here and there).
Style for PBP: I prefer to avoid MapTools/other live programs for most of the posts. It's nice to be able to write in my spare time at work or at home. For longer battles/dungeons, however, I fully support using those applications to speed things up. I regularly use MapTools for my home game (VTT from a laptop to another TV on the table) and am more than familiar with it.
I encourage anyone curious about my games to check out my personal forums. The Rise of the Runelords game going on now is in its infant stages, but you can find a good example on my writing style / how I handle posts and battles there.
Forums require email verification, and the answer to the question is "Game of Thrones".
In short:
Current PBP is going at a snail's pace due to real life events. I am still actively interested in running a PBP campaign at a decent pace (posting once a day or so). Posting here to see who all would be interested.
I'm fairly open on characters (generally stick to core races + some non-core, all classes, most everything else is fine) and which AP to play. It's safe to say that if it's legal for PFS on the Archives of Nethys, then it's fine with me. I'm still ok with 99% of non-PFS legal material, I just like to know about it ahead of time.
AP wise, again, I'm open to whatever. My general preference currently is something like:
Rise of the Runelords
Shattered Star (though it'd be amazing to do that after RotRL)
Reign of Winter
Wrath of the Righteous
any other
No guarantees on if this will happen or not. It's likely to, as I definitely want to run a regular game, but if the other guys are able to get back into the speed of things then I may end up focusing more on that.
I will say that if I *do* choose to run one here, it will only be after I've officially cancelled the other. I'm not about to try and run both and risk bailing on either.
Let me know! Again, check out my forum here if you want an example. Registration requires an email verification, and answering a simple question (hint: it's "Game of Thrones").

Lunchbox3000 |

I have never done a pbp style game but I am down to try it. I'm open to play any of those APs however I have run most if rotrl and been prepping to run reign of winter for my at home group. I am also currently in kingmaker. Just thought I would chime in that I am interested and would like to see how pbp works. Thanks.

Taffer |

I would also be interested in this!
Of the APs you mentioned above, Kingmaker is the only one that doesn't really interest me. I would also like to add Carrion Crown to the list though.
(For the record, I have NOT read any of these except for some of RotRL...I'm basing my opinions on what looked fun to me from the brief public information on the APs.)

Saronian |
Let me know! Again, check out my forum here if you want an example. Registration requires an email verification, and answering a simple question (hint: it's "Game of Thrones").
What series will end with everyone dead?
I'm good for Rise of the Rune Lords, Carrion Crown, Skull and Shackles, and Kingmaker. I am ok with the others if you want to try them out, though.

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Thanks for all the feedback guys! Guess there are a good amount of people looking for games now :)
I am going to talk to the players in my online game later today, but it is looking like I will be canceling that one in favor of starting something else up. Only one of the players in it posts with regularity, and he would be someone I keep over. The others are good friends, but don't seem to have the time for an online game to really go anywhere (to give an example, that game has been going for 7 months and we're not even 1/4 of the way through the first book).
After talking with Matt (the one guy I'd keep from the other game), I am narrowing down the campaigns I'd run:
Reign of Winter
Skull and Shackles
Shattered Star
Rise of the Runelords I feel is something I should hold on; too many people have played it, and I think I really just need to do an in person game of it someday. Maybe as a hook to bring in some new players to Pathfinder. :D
Reign of Winter I've been interested in for a while for the time/space travel aspect and the Russian folklore bit. Skull and Shackles looked like good ole' pirate fun. Shattered Star seems awesome, and would be a nice one to play for anyone who also played/dabbled in RotRL, CotCT, or SD.
More to come later!
Edit: I still am interested in Wrath of the Righteous as well, and it's tentatively on their as a 4th option. It's less higher up than the others because, as a GM, I like to know what the whole AP is going to look like before I run it. I love to drop in little bits of foreshadowing here and there, and it's hard to do so if I don't have every book for an AP.

Deliverance |

Reading your first post I was like "Looks interesting, but not sure on the AP selection", then in your second post, you narrowed it down to the APs id want to participate in, HUZZAH!
Very much interested.
Id likely be looking to play an oracle or cleric in a dedicated support / social role, although that is by no means a commitment (I actually often start with one idea, before ending with something completely different.

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Hi all,
At this point, I have made the decision to end my current PBP. The posting in it is just too slow for my tastes, and as I already game in person with most of the players anyways, I feel like it would be better to make a PBP with those I don't already game with. Spread out my circle, as it were.
I am going to be bringing one player over from the other game for sure. He was the only player to consistently make detailed posts on a regular basis (for those looking at my personal forum, it's the player of Valak). Beyond that, I am open to having 3-4 other players (total of 4-5).
There were a lot of responses, so I want to narrow it down a bit. Please read the below guidelines and follow the 'application' if you are still interested.
Posting Guidelines
- Game will (very likely) be run on my own forums here. I don't know if that is a deal breaker for any. I do love Paizo's forums, but there are a few features of my own that make it easier to run games (personalized and protected subforums for private information, embedded image viewer, minor others). Hopefully this isn't a problem for anyone, though if it is, I'd be curious as to the reasons.
- Players will be required to post at least once every other day in a fairly detailed fashion. I don't need a chapter each time, just something more than a sentence or two. Maybe some introspection, not asking much. Obviously the faster players respond, the more can get done. With a PBP, responses are the key in ensuring the campaign can get completed in a reasonable amount of time. I will be making it my own goal to post at least five times a week, assuming enough player response. The most I ask from my players is at least three times a week, or once every other day. More is welcome. If a player occasionally cannot meet these requirements, that's fine. Real life happens. If it becomes too regular, I will speak to the player about it, but may have to look into replacements to keep things going. Please note this is a last resort, I hate having to remove people if at all possible.
- Game will use one of the following Adventure Paths, which the group (once confirmed) will vote on to decide. Any player should be alright with these paths, and preferably not have played/read/etc. any of them (if you've read the first part or played a bit, I understand, but more than that may be too much): Shattered Star, Skulls and Shackles, Reign of Winter
- Character creation will be finalized once an AP is picked, but overall it will be fairly simple. 20 point buy, standard races allowed, some non-core will be allowed (based on AP), all classes except Gunslinger (my reasons for that can be explained later), any material off the Archives of Nethys that's PFS-Legal is almost 100% fine, anything else *should* be fine but I'd like to look it over first (if it was only illegal because it related to crafting/leadership/etc., fine, if it was illegal because it's super evil, probably not fine)
- No evil PCs. I've done those campaigns before, this won't be one of them. Even Skull and Shackles. Not saying you have to be good though.
- Players should be open to using MapTools or some other similar tool for longer battles/dungeons. Short stuff will be done on the forums as often as possible, but if the combat is large or there is a lot to explore, I'll try and get everyone onto Skype or something to move through it faster.
I don't know a lot of you on here, and want to make sure I know your style before we get going. I won't lie, I'm going to be picking the people I think will be best suited for the game, the order in which you respond isn't a factor.
To apply, please either email me or post here with the following:
- A summary of your gaming history. How long have you been playing Pathfinder? Do you mostly GM, or play? What else have you done?
- The kind of character you prefer to play. Do you mostly like tanks, support roles, or what?
- How often you think you can post. Is once every other day fine? Do you think you can post more? Do you anticipate a lot of conflicts, or maybe some specific ones? (eg: "I'm getting married in a month, so won't be able to post around then, but otherwise can post regularly" <-- fine by me)
- How familiar are you with Golarion? The AP, whichever it is, will be set here, and it is very helpful to have players who understand and are familiar with the setting.
- Have you had any involvement with any of the three possible APs? If so, how much?
- Provide some kind of writing sample. Make up a character and write something for them. The setting is you are newly arrived in Absalom, just off the boat, your only prospect of finding a job a note from an old friend directing you to the Society's Grand Lodge. Go. Shoot for your average posting length (IE: if you wouldn't regularly post a page long response, don't post one here. I imagine most should be around a paragraph or two [if short] in length.)
Looking forward to hearing back from all of you. I'll let this sit for a bit, and will revisit on Sunday (I'm a groomsmen in a buddy's wedding tomorrow and am going to be busy the rest of today and tomorrow). At that point I'll look at the applications and figure out the players. If you have any questions, post here and I'll try to respond. :)

Taffer |

For your posting guidelines... I do not have MapTools. I do have a Roll20VTT account though. (Never used it yet, but I have it.) I also have a headset and microphone, but no webcam.
As for the APs you listed, I am good for Reign of Winter (preferred), and Shattered Star. It looks like I'll be playing in a Skull & Shackles PbP elsewhere. It wouldn't be fair to you to play it here too, with possible spoiler knowledge. And I would have more fun playing something else. (I realize this could disqualify me from a position, should you choose to play S&S, and I completely understand.)
In response to your application:
Gaming History: I'm 42 years old, started gaming when I was 12, with the Red Box Basic Set. Most of the time in that period, I have been the Dungeon Master. I have played D&D almost exclusively, until I discovered Pathfinder, and made the switch about 2.5 years ago.
Character Preferences: I seem to gravitate towards arcane casters and rogues. However, being a dungeon master, I can have fun playing just about ANYTHING. When I do get a chance to play, I usually roll my character last, see if there's any holes that need filling, and try to fill them. (Which means when I play, I usually play a cleric.)
Posting Frequency: I have no problem posting once every other day. I have no problem posting once a day, or possibly even a few times a day. I do run my own table game every other Saturday, however, so I would not likely be posting until after 9pm (EST) on those days.
Golarion Familiarity: I am fairly familiar with Golarion. I own all the Paizo books for Pathfinder (with the exception of a few that were just released), and I've read a couple of the region books (Dark Markets and Guide to Darkmoon Vale) all the way through, glanced through several others, and I've read the Inner Sea World Guide cover to cover.
AP Involvement: As stated above, while I haven't been involved yet, it looks like I'll be starting in a Skull and Shackles PbP elsewhere. Shattered Star and Reign of Winter, I own the books for each, and while I've quickly glanced through them, I have not read nor played in any of them. (Nor will I, should I end up playing in one.)
Here's a writing sample.
Moving down the dock, Talon did his best to block out the stench of the place. Like most big city docks, this one was crowded with people, boats, and cargo being loaded or unloaded from the nearby ships. And it stank, of unwashed people and of fish. (Why do docks the world over, whether they deal with fish or not, stink of fish? he thought to himself.)
Upon reaching the end of the dock, he found a semi-secluded spot where he could keep from being jostled about by the crowds. Pulling the note from his pocket, he read it again.
"The Pathfinder's Society's Grand Lodge," he muttered to himself. Looking around, he tried to find someone official-looking that he could ask directions from.

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A summary of your gaming history. How long have you been playing Pathfinder?
- Gaming overall for the past 25 years
- I know the Pathfinder rule set to a good extend
- I don't know Golarion's fluff that well (i have been playing mostly Pfs game)
Do you mostly GM, or play? What else have you done?
- I do both (70% play, 30% GM)
The kind of character you prefer to play. Do you mostly like tanks, support roles, or what?
- I enjoy playing every role and pretty much every class (tough not a big fan of monks)
How often you think you can post. Is once every other day fine? Do you think you can post more? Do you anticipate a lot of conflicts, or maybe some specific ones?
- No IRL conflict and i post between 5-7 times trough out the day
How familiar are you with Golarion? The AP, whichever it is, will be set here, and it is very helpful to have players who understand and are familiar with the setting.
- i am familiar with the basic setting of all 3 ap
Have you had any involvement with any of the three possible APs? If so, how much?
- i can't play S&S as i am involved in a game here on these boards
Provide some kind of writing sample. Make up a character and write something for them. The setting is you are newly arrived in Absalom, just off the boat, your only prospect of finding a job a note from an old friend directing you to the Society's Grand Lodge. Go. Shoot for your average posting length (IE: if you wouldn't regularly post a page long response, don't post one here. I imagine most should be around a paragraph or two [if short] in length.)
Zandar was rather happy to a certain extent, he had promised Arstil he wouldn't stay more than a month in Sargava before returning to absalom, but this morning he was getting sea sick. Zandar had been on a few boat trips , but it always took him a few days to adjust, and the first morning was always the worst, and this morning was of no exception. Having spent much of it in his cabin he eventually made his way outside his stomach still aching. The fresh air felt nice on his face but the dizziness of his stomach wouldn't go away. And so he just stood there for the afternoon just gazing at the horizon wanting to throw up periodically but having nothing left inside of him to do so.
Soon he would be disembarking, the familiar sights of Absalom always held something special for him. But before he could get home and relax he had to report to the Pathfinders. As he gathered his thoughts he prayed to any Gods that would listen to help sooth his stomach. It was never good business to give out your report to the higher ups while trowing up on the silk carpet.

Lazlo Woodbine |

Hi there.
Gaming History: I'm 33 and I've been playing pen and paper RPGs for 20 or so years. Mostly various D&D versions, but when I was younger I used to make up whole rule systems for my friends to play. I've been playing Pathfinder for only 6 months, but know it very well already as I've spent most of that time GMing.
Prefered Character: I'd like to play an enabling support character in this game, so perhaps a bard or a cleric? If there's something from the party we're missing though, I'm happy to fit in with what's needed. I'm just happy to play the game. I really enjoy coming up with backstories so whatever I play I'll try to make it rich and interesting.
Posting Frequency: I'm self employed so can easily take time out to post a few times a day.
Golarion: Other than the gods, I don't know it particularly well as most games I've played are homebrew. If you want me as a player I have no problem reading up on it before the campaign starts.
AP involvement: I haven't played any of the APs you're thinking about. Any of them is good for me.
Writing sample:
Josper pulled himself out onto the dock. As the water drained from his ears, the captain's angry shouts followed him across the water, rising above the sounds of the bustling harbour.
Josper turned and gave the red faced man a cheery wave. He really should calm down before he burst a blood vessel. And If he didn't want stowaways, he shouldn't charge such exorbitant prices!
Aside from a few glances drawn by the captain's shouts and Josper's sodden appearance, nobody was paying him much attention. Josper loved this about big cities. People here didn't have time to pry into the affairs of others, and a man could quietly get along with his own business.
Ah yes, business. That was why he was here. Josper pulled out the soggy piece of parchment from his belt pouch, and carefully unravelled it. The writing was smudged, and there was a substantial tear down the middle, but it was still legible.
The Pathfinder Society Grand Lodge. That's where Geral's note told him to go, so that's where he would head. The man had never let him down yet, and his note promised some lucrative work. 'Lucrative' sounded extremely enticing. 'Work' sounded less so, but he was down to his last few coppers, and really a man needed a some gold in his pocket to properly appreciate a big city like Absalom.
The captain's shouts were getting louder. They'd finally retrieved the oars from the sea where Josper had thrown them and were rowing a dingy toward shore. Time to be off then. Josper glanced again at the directions on the note, and set off towards the Foreign Quarter.

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So very interested, Blake!!!
I've played with you before at Paizocon. I've been an avid gamer for years, and have both GMed and played in Pathfinder campaigns.
I tend towards liking 'natural' type characters (rangers, druids), but typically, I like playing whatever my last character wasn't.
I should be able to post at least every other day if not every day. It will probably be in the evening, because several gaming related sites have been blocked by my workplace. On my home PC I can meet all of your requirements.
Familiarity with Golarion: Pretty damn proficient, and what I don't know, I'll be driven to look up.
Panzo Fairwind sighed as he turned the corner and the comforting smells and sounds of the waterfront district were gobbled up by the City at the Center of the World's urban bustle. Cities weren't his favorite, but then again, there were no other cities like Absalom. His hometown, Cassomir, was big, but Absalom dwarfed it tenfold. Keeping one hand on his belt pouch and one on his sword hilt, Panzo made his way through the streaming humanity (and clusters of other races) as he proceeded on towards his appointment in the Foreign Quarter. Dodging between an axebeak cart being driven by a hulking half-orc in a wide brimmed hat, the large bird hissing threateningly, and a group of gnome mimes putting on a complex spectacle for a roadside crowd, Panzo made his way up the street, over gutter filth and past heaving-chested whores. Truth told, he favored most of the whores with a lascivious grin and wink, however.
"Business comes first, love," he chuckled "then sport if there's time enough. And there's always time enough."
A short time later, he stood before the main gates of the Grand Lodge of the Pathfinder Society and a weary looking guard.
"Name's Panzo Fairwind, friend, and I am officially setting forth my claim of desire to be a Pathfinder. Show me to my trials and let my greatness ring forth!"

Justin D'Rite aka Sluuth |

Count me interested.
I have played RPGs for 30+ years. Pathfinder is where I think the D&D game should have gone. Fourth edition feels like a Warhammer miniature game where you get only one figure.
I have been a regular poster on these boards. This paladin character has gotten the farthest by moving to the second stage of Age of Worms on these boards. He is probably my best example of a consistent posting history. I am DMing an elf vs dwarves (2 groups) homebrew and an adaption of N1 The Cult of the Reptile god on these boards. I am 70% play 30% DM.
I am very familiar with Golarion and the dieties. Of the three adventure paths you mentioned, I am interested in all of them. I have not started Reign of Winter and only opened the puzzle box in Shattered Star before the game ended. Skulls and Shackles I have completed book 1, but not farther.
As for characters, I can play any class. As we have plenty of old schoolers on these boards, my latest thought is a traditional dwarf or human tank fighter. Yes I know a synthesist summoner or a beastmorph alchemist is better for powergaming, but a 'plain fighter' feels retro. Especially if we do Reign of Winter, where a northern Ulfen fighter seems thematic. I can almost hear Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song playing now. For Skulls and Shackles I have a great idea for a sorceror.
For my writing sample I played the pampered and rich pregen elven bard Ereviss Ciedrel in Carrion Crown. I think I was definitely 'In the Zone' with that character at the Professor's House:
"Lady Ziorec, I would love a reading. But first I would like to cast some magic myself. Jevalt, nothing untoward I assure you.
Ereviss turns his back to the group and speaks and gestures with his delicate hands. His small frame grows and his features seem to change. When he turns around, he is the spitting image of the Professor with all his mannerisms and affectations. His voice changes from a deliberate, perfectly measured voice to that of the professor.
"My friends, I am glad you all came. Your presence has touched me more than you can know. I considered you all to be more than proteges; I considered you family. There is nothing you could have done to prevent my death, and in a way my demise serves a better person. I am proud of who you are, but more importantly, for what you will become.
Actual tears stream down his face and he is truly crying. Pausing and waving his hands in the air and composing himself; he speaks again. His performance is now less sincere, but more polished. Definitely this is now Act 2.
"You will find Ereviss to be quite a capable young man. Under his frivilous exterior is a frivolous interior, but under that frivolous interior is a natural leader. I give him my highest recommendation. Ladies, if I was 30 years younger (and still alive) I would love to cavort with him in a nearby hotspring. He is quite 'the catch'.
Oh, by the way, Jevalt is quite the cad once you get to know him. I can tell you about our adventure by the hot springs later. Do not let his gruff exterior fool you.
After Ereviss turns his back his features change back to the features of a young elf. He turns to face everyone again.
"That first part really wasn't me you know. I was just playing a part. That second part, well I always have to embelish and push a good thing too far you know."

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I am interested in trying out pbp. I have only tried it a few times and both times the GM dropped the group.
My gaming experience is mostly as a GM. I am 53 and was GM for my kids and their cousins and friends for nearly 15 years. My oldest kid has now gone to college and therefore, I am playerless!
We played mostly 3.5 AP and some homebrew campaigns.
I own several PF books, but never played them. I hoped my kids would like to continue playing on a weekly basis when they went through high school, but I was not very kindly dropped in favor of girlfriends and boyfriends.
The last one did play a final game, and brought over her middle school friends that used to play with us, for a final, spring break, week long game. They were clearly motivated by charity!! But it was fun, and I do appreciate the gesture.
I have glossed over the PF books, but I have not read them systematically.
As for characters, I am inclined to simple, one race, one class ones. I avoid evil characters, but dislike righteous ones (they are bummers in gameplay, and in real life!!).
As for writing style, here it goes.
"He looked at his toes, dirty and scabby after several weeks at sea. They contrasted with the whitewashed planks of the Absalom pier.
It was midday, no shadows could be seen in this moggy, unkind day.
He looked at the directions he had in a small and dirty piece of paper. He was jobless and almost out of coin. If there was no job to be had, he thought, he could always pickpocket some wealthy bastard.
He looked up, and saw some faces looking at him with curiosity, and some hostility. Clearly they had never seen someone like him... "

Saronian |
•A summary of your gaming history. How long have you been playing Pathfinder? Do you mostly GM, or play? What else have you done?
Been gaming for the past 5 years. I have done some group playing, but due to being in the Army at the time, I have done several play by post games. I mostly am the player, since being the GM takes a lot out of me at times.
•The kind of character you prefer to play. Do you mostly like tanks, support roles, or what?
I prefer playing either support roles or secondary combat roles. The two classes I liked the most is the Oracle (I have experience with an Oracle of Battle and an Oracle of Life) and the Alchemist.
•How often you think you can post. Is once every other day fine? Do you think you can post more? Do you anticipate a lot of conflicts, or maybe some specific ones? (eg: "I'm getting married in a month, so won't be able to post around then, but otherwise can post regularly" <-- fine by me)
I can post at minimum 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) though I have been known to post more often, especially if the pace slows down.
•How familiar are you with Golarion? The AP, whichever it is, will be set here, and it is very helpful to have players who understand and are familiar with the setting.
I am reasonably experience with the setting. I also have most of the hard cover book s and several of the supplemental as well.
•Have you had any involvement with any of the three possible APs? If so, how much?
I have reasonable amount of experience with Skull and Shackles. I have the first part to the Shattered Star and have not read any of the Reign of Winter.
•Provide some kind of writing sample. Make up a character and write something for them. The setting is you are newly arrived in Absalom, just off the boat, your only prospect of finding a job a note from an old friend directing you to the Society's Grand Lodge. Go. Shoot for your average posting length (IE: if you wouldn't regularly post a page long response, don't post one here. I imagine most should be around a paragraph or two [if short] in length.)
Standing on the boat, Ezekial gazes at the city scape of Absalom. Looks like my old friend wasn't kidding about the place, Ezekial thought as a gangplank gets put on to the deck of the boat. I just hop it goes good for everyone involve.
Walking down the plank, Ezekial steps onto the dock, note in hand. Taking one last look at the note, Ezekial goes over to a merchant. "Excuse me, sir, but do by chance know where the Pathfinder Lodge is?"

Kpatrol88 |

Well it seems that I'm running a bit late here (busy weekend myself), but I might as well put up my application and see what happens.
- I've been playing Pathfinder on and off for little over 2 years by now, finding it most agreeable to me out of all of the versions of D&D out there. I've got no GM experience, but I am very familiar with PbP games.
- I mostly like playing combat support characters (although I did have a short stint as a sorcerer once), but usually I make a character by choosing a certain overall theme I'd like to explore at the time (investigator, hired gun, etc.) and go from there. Alignment-wise, I dislike playing as evil or chaotic neutral characters as I can't get in the right mindset for them.
- I can post at least once daily barring extenuating circumstances. I am still in college and coursework will have to take precedence over the game, but for the most part I should be able to squeeze in a post at least once a day. That said I do have an unavoidable conflict later in the week. On Thursday, I'll be going out of town for the weekend to attend my grandfather's funeral/family reunion up in Chicago and will not return until Monday. There's a good chance I'll still be able post while there, but I don't want to promise anything.
- I am fairly familiar with the Golarion setting in a general sense. I have access to all the books so it'll be easy enough to look up any references that I need to know for a campaign.
I have not played any of the 3 AP's you've listed. I am only familiar with the first act of the RotRL AP so it'll be a nice surprise for me no matter which AP you choose.
Darius once again found himself on the shore of a foreign town. Not that he complained, mind you. The life of a knight errant was not an easy nor glamorous one, no matter what those foppish bards say. To survive life as an adventurer you needed to be quick on your feet and had to be pragmatic mindset. Which is what brought him here to this port in the first place.
The mercenary looked down at the slip of paper clutched in his hand. On it was nothing more than a name and address. He had received the tip from an old friend, Samuel. The merchant was reliable and had a fairly extensive network of contacts so Darius trusted him that the job was legit. He tucked away the piece of parchment in one of his many pockets and headed towards the town proper. First thing's first he need to find an inn.

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Hey guys! So sorry this ended up taking so long. My desktop computer, which had been having issues recently (blue screens after a shut down) finally started having more problems fairly regularly, and was hard locking after being up for 5 minutes. I gave up trying to fix it, and moved over to a laptop later on after attending a post-wedding meetup.
Anyways, I talked it over with Matt, and we decided to go with the following 5 players (in order of application):
Lazlo Woodbine
Thanks to all who expressed their interest, it took us a while to narrow everyone down to the above five. Apologies if you were not chosen. :(
For those that were picked, please reply as soon as you can and let me know you are still interested. Matt (Attic Whisperer on the boards) and you all can help figure out which AP to pick.
Based on the five of your's AP preferences, it *sounds* like Shattered Star or Reign of Winter may be the best pick. Only Taffer has played Skull and Shackles, but that still leaves us a couple to pick from. I've been interested in both SS and RoW (probably SS a little more, since Varisia is always fun), but I will go with what the players prefer.
So what do you think guys? Shattered Star or Reign of Winter?
Oh, and once we decide on AP, we'll move the discussion over to my own boards. Assuming you confirm your interest, please register on http://karuikage.net/forum when possible. We'll figure out the AP here, then I'll create a subforum for it over there.

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Alright all, I just spoke to Matt. He is leaning towards Shattered Star as his AP preference. Since that gives us three players for SS and two for RoW, with myself leaning towards SS, it sounds like Shattered Star is the best fit.
I am going to set up a sub-forum on my own boards for character discussion/creation and the rest. Once various threads are setup, you will be able to subscribe to them so you can be contacted when new posts are up. This is an optional practice for most of the threads, but I would like it if you did this with the main story thread (once started) so we can keep the game flowing at a good pace.
If there are any more questions that you need to ask here, let me know. Otherwise, I will see you all at the other boards! :)