Help me Build a Pirate Inquisitor


Getting ready to start Skull and Shackles, and after much deliberation I am fairly sold on the Inquisitor class. I also love the Heretic archetype. Even if suboptimal, the escape judgment to use a move action to create a diversion to hide sounds really neat. I have ideas of being a good face, decent with spells, and (when the situation calls for) switching back and forth between melee and ranged sniping.

My main concern is how to make the build, particularly for melee. Stats are 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 9 to place anywhere I want. It seems like going Dex and Wis is the best way to go. Ranged should be taken care of with Dex, and maybe a feat or two. Melee is where I am struggling most. I am thinking a Scimitar with Dervish Dance, but that won't come online until level 3 at the earliest and eats two feats. An agile Elven Curved Blade would be cool, but that requires a feat as well, to play a Tengu, or to multiclass. With the curved blade I am considering whether it is worth it to give enough STR for power attack.

As for races, most races are allowed. I was leaning towards Undine for the swim speed, but Tengu has a lot of great stuff (minus the Con penalty), I love the defensive properties of Dwarves, and the extra skill and feat of a human is always great.

Help me make a playable character from levels 1-10 without huge gaps of dead levels. I'm also thinking a rogue dip and/or levels in Grey Gardener may be good for SA and free Vital Strike. Thoughts?

Personally, I'm not a fan of most multiclasses - short of doing so before going into a prestige class as the primary class of identity. I feel they tend to be short-sighted. Then again, I'm also unfamiliar with the inquisitor and since it's a compromise class already (3/4 BAB, 6 spell levels), then perhaps my concerns are less valid. I've also never read into the Grey Gardener. I'll defer to someone who's familiar with inquisitors.

As for Undine or Tengu - I would choose the Undine, though I feel like either one would be acceptable. I personally don't think it's worth trading a -2 Str for a -2 Con and the ability to use an Elven Curved Blade (1d10, 18-20/x2), since that amounts to an increase in damage of 2 points compared to a Scimitar/Rapier (1d6, 18-20/x2). Another factor to consider is that a Scimitar can be used with Dervish Dance while an Elven Curved Blade cannot - so if you want Dex to damage, you'll have to wait until level 7 or 8 to afford a +2 sword, not to mention that you'll be 1 point behind in attack rolls and damages from that point forward (because agile costs you the +1). So you're really only gaining 1 point of damage, for a sacrifice of 1 point of attack rolls (which is not worth it at all if you do the math) but it does save you 1 feat at the cost of being completely reliant on a single weapon - which can disarmed, stolen, or otherwise taken away. At least with the scimitar, you can keep a backup masterwork scimitar and not be completely boned if somone takes your magical +2 scimitar. One thing on the Tengu's side is that it would be much simplr to get Power Attack, which is good if you plan to two hand your weapon instead of sword and shield. Then again, if you find yourself in a situation where using two hands is not feasable - such as grappled, swimming, climbing, or worse if you lose a hand/arm (these things happen in a pirate campaign), then the Elven Curved Blade is completely shut down. Also, you can two-hand a rapier/scimitar for the Power Attack bonus if needed, and then keep a buckler strapped to the arm for the rounds when you won't be attacking to get +1 ac - just a thought.

EDIT: As a player in the same game, I regret to inform you that our stats are 16, 14, 13, 11, 10, 9. There is no 12 - unless our DM changed his mind. (Note, I've been trying like hell to convince him to do so, lol.)

Inquisitor of Gozreh (god of sailors)

S: 16 D: 16 C: 11 I: 10 W: 13 Ch: 9 (human, +2 bonus into DEX)

- Toughness (human)
- Two Weapon Fighting (1st)
- Power Attack (3rd)
- Boon Companion (5th)

- Composite Longbow
- Mop (quarterstaff) for swabbing the decks
--- Two Weapon wield that mop

Domain: Animal
- You have a quirk of talking with seagulls and dolphins
- pet parrot named "Squawk" starting at level 4

Spell Strategy:
- low Wisdom casting stat means avoid spells with saves
- buffing spells are fabulous for you

Silver Crusade

I have a pirate cleric of Besmara in PFS, with the Trickery and Chaos (Protean) domains. Besmara also gives the War (Tactics) domain. All three of those have great level 1 domain powers, so you should take a look at them.

Other than that, I'm no expert on inquisitors, so I don't have much else to say.

Seems like a very strange array for a starting build at 18 points, not sure I would want to play in that and very limiting. Given that the suggestion to put the 13 in Wisdom, your primary stat is questionable. You would be limited to 3rd level spells until you raise your Wisdom and your saves are awful. I might suggest putting the 14 in Str and add the +2 to Wisdom making it a 15. So the stats would be
S: 14 D: 16 C: 11 I: 10 W: 15 Ch: 9.
Or if you really wanted to go finesse weapons only you could swap the S and C and have better HP.
I am running S&S and they had a hard enough time trying to survive the first module with a 25 point buy. I would not want to try it with less than 20. You need too many varied skills.

I'm the DM so I can explain the stat array which is more than 15 point which is the AP standard and what the devs used to make the iconics.

Each player rolled 4d6 drop the lowest. We have 6 players so bam that became the standard stat array for the campaign. The idea being one that this crew has used for 3 APs now. The idea we are going for is one to include the feel of rolling for stats but not have huge variance in stat array within the party.

I love the mop quarterstaff by the way.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

1. Make an Inquisitor.
2. Say "Yarrr!" A lot.
3. ????
4. Profit!

lol NICE

Shadow Lodge

I suggest going with stats like


Taking the lawbringer aasimar heritage for a bonus on intimidate. Also, if any domain grants you a familiar then take raven and say he is a parrot for flavor but has stats for raven. If you want to be a captain, leadership is nice, otherwise these could do. Note that i don't like finesse characters because it makes people who do very little damage think they do more because the always hit. swap dex and str. for if you finesse and take garuda-blooded. If you can't get a familiar then take a domain that relates to water or the sea or drinking.

Grand Lodge

I'm just going to throw the [link=Cutlass] ss[/link]. Stats are martial one handed 1d6 18-20 x2. Stat Priority Str>con>wis>dex>int>cha. The heresy inquisition makes charisma moot (and goes with heretic). AC is going to be tough to pull off, and you're your stat spread isn't good for such a stat wide class. One of the Aasimar bloodlines are probably best for this, doing either con/wis or dex/wis (I don't remember a Str/wis).

I'm starting to realize I may need more stats than I have. I want to be sneaky and mobile, prefer light armor, and I'm looking for a nice wisdom to combine with the heretic archetype and either heresy or conversion inquisition to be good at face skills.

If I want to accomplish those mechanics and flavor, I feel like I need to prioritize dex and wis. Since there aren't really enough stats to make str viable, that's why I feel like I need to make Dex pull its weight. I'm thinking Dervish Dance is the only way to make that work. Perhaps I'm better off playing a bard than trying to make an inquisitor like a bard.... But, I've been dying to play an inquisitor for a long time (there's always future campaigns).

rpewin01 wrote:

I'm starting to realize I may need more stats than I have. I want to be sneaky and mobile, prefer light armor, and I'm looking for a nice wisdom to combine with the heretic archetype and either heresy or conversion inquisition to be good at face skills.

You want to be sneaky, mobile, melee, range, decent with spells, and have face skills. That is defeinitely stretching yourself thinner and thinner. You won't be bad at the skills you are after. You'll just need to set priorities.

- go mithril armor to reduce armor check penalties further
- trait: Armor Expert (1 less armor check penalty)
- wear studded leather at 1st level to have -0 ACP
- 1 rank + 3 DEX + 3 Class - 0 armor = +7

Perception / Sense Motive:
- 1 rank + 1 WIS + 3 Class = +5
- bump WIS to 14 at level 4 if desired

Diplomacy / Bluff:
- 1 rank - 1 CHA + 3 Class = +3
- a Circlet of Persuasion can add +3 to this in the future, somewhat cheap item and will let you keep the parrot?

Spell: Guidance
- adds +1 to a skill roll, apply liberally

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
ArmouredMonk13 wrote:

Also, if any domain grants you a familiar then take raven and say he is a parrot for flavor but has stats for raven.

Why the re-skin? A parrot uses the same stats as the raven anyway and both can speak one language. The only difference is in the skill bonus, and +3 to linguistics sounds better to me than the raven's bonus to appraise.

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