paladinguy |

First, a general question about archetypes: Do I have to choose it at the beginning of the game, level 1? Or can I choose it much later on?
Specifically, this archetype: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin/archetypes/necromancer s-of-the-northwest---paladin-archetypes/chevalier
The main drawback is that you lose all of your paladin spells. I've never played a paladin, so I don't know how good their spells are. But I've hard Litany of Righteousness is good, and I would guess some of the others like Abdar's Truthtelling can be pretty useful also.
So, how good is that archetype? Is it worth giving up the pally spells? On a semi-related note, what are the best Paladin spells?
Thanks in advance.

phatbac |

Ok first things first, archetypes you select when you make the character.
Now as to the archetype you mention. it is 3rd party so make sure your GM allows that, many do not! It seems like a mounted focused character which can be good if you build them well. Personally i prefer the cavalier class if i am gonna go mounted, but you could do it with the archetype if really wanted. understand that a mounted character is good in an out door campaign, but in a dungeon not so much. the only exception to this is the gnome/halfling esp the halfling. Halfling because they get an alt race feature (halfling outrider) that gives some skill bumps and a small character because your mount is medium size so it can go anywhere the party goes, (except of course up and down ropes and ladders) so you can go into a dungeon with a small character and a medium mount although realize you wont be able to charge very much in that situation and mounted is all about the charge.
As for spells with the paladin, i like "grace" as my favorite first level spell. it is a swift action to cast and allows you to move through combat without provoking attacks of opportunity. there are many other good spells for the paladin but be aware that there is a lot of swift action spells out there and if you have never played a paladin before they are all about the swift action economy. Since many of their abilities are swift actions (lay on hands, use smite evil) and so is a lot of their spells and you only get one per round you have to manage that well.

phatbac |

Hero's defiance is a good spell. it doesn't automatically heal you if you die but allows you to use a lay on hands (if you have one) on yourself if you fall below zero HP and you still have roll and hope it soaks enough damage to keep you up (which it may not) also its an immediate action (which takes up your next swift action and therefore you cant lay on hands your next turn) and so we are back to swift action economy.
true grace may not be the best spell for an archer Pally, i just said it was my favorite 1st level spell. There are plenty of good ones. actually lesser restoration is a good 1st level paladin spell so its only 25 gp to have on a scroll for when you might need it.

ngc7293 |

I don't think this is an Archetype, but a Prestige class, note:
RequirementsTo qualify to become a chevalier, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Alignment: Good. Most are neutral good or chaotic good, with a rare few lawful good.
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Skills: Diplomacy 1 rank, Knowledge (local) 1 ranks.
Special: A would-be chevalier must have succeeded at a challenge requiring great heroism; for example, they must participate in an encounter with an EL at least 3 levels greater than their level. (Being carried through an encounter by a group of more experienced heroes is not courageous.)
It reads like a prestige class.