Chemlak |

Long and short: not even close.
So far I've done Expansion, Tax, and Holiday edicts, as well as Population (hex and settlement) and a new rank/title/honorific system.
Which means I need to still do (ignoring the purely administrative things):
Espionage Edicts
Festival Edicts
Recruitment Edicts
Leadership Role Skills (revised)
Monthly Construction
Magical Improvements
Natural Advantages
Exotic Settlements
Kingdom Events & Danger Levels
Settlement Attributes
Going to be a while before I get all of that done.

Chemlak |

Oops, silly me - slightly more complex fix. Unhide all army tabs, unprotect all army tabs, select all army tabs. On one tab, modify data validation list criteria, replace #REF! with $L. Protect all army tabs, hide army tabs 2-9. Save.
Give me a couple more hours. Got a 3-year old to get to bed and dinner to cook.

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ultimate Rulership version 5.4e
Fixed some errors in various settlement calculations so that the Kingdom's overall settlement modifiers are correct.
Also changed the consumption display on the overall tab - it will now show negative consumption values. This will enable the variable consumption levels introduced in URule to be properly accounted for.

Seravin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

On the Mac Excel issue, I happen to have access to Excel 2010 and 2011 so have been experimenting.
Essentially any visible City sheets will cause the Mac version of Excel to crash when opening.
If I delete the first ten visible City sheets, I can then open up the URule spreadsheet in the Mac version of Excel, unhide a City sheet and rename, and it seems to work normally, albeit with a ton of broken references on the summary sheet.
Interestingly, if I delete the first ten visible City sheets and unhide City11 in the Windows version, the eleventh sheet will also cause the spreadsheet to crash on the Mac side.
I've tried deleting other sheets in addition to the city sheets, but nothing I've tried so far seems to stop it from crashing except deleting the visible City sheets first. I have tried removing the City Summary and City Overview sheets to no avail.
I'll try some more experiments over the weekend.
edit: Nearly forgot the most important part! Thank you very much for all the work you've put into this. It's been a great help.

Chemlak |

Wow. What a weird error. I'm not even sure what it suggests as the fault, other than that there's an issue with how Excel for the Mac handles "something" in the city sheets. But only the visible ones. Bizarre.
Does Excel for the Mac use the .xlsx extension natively, or does it use its own file extension? Because if it's as simple as a conversion and another copy to save, I'm all for that.

Seravin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Wow. What a weird error. I'm not even sure what it suggests as the fault, other than that there's an issue with how Excel for the Mac handles "something" in the city sheets. But only the visible ones. Bizarre.
Does Excel for the Mac use the .xlsx extension natively, or does it use its own file extension? Because if it's as simple as a conversion and another copy to save, I'm all for that.
Office for the Mac uses the same extensions as the Windows versions, so it's not going to be that easy I'm afraid.
I've been playing around some more with it today and it definitely looks like a memory issue.
Using the native Activity Monitor that comes with OSX, I was able to see that the spreadsheet consumes more than 2GB of memory when opened. It's only when I delete enough pages to get it below 2GB that it seems to open safely.
One way around that was killing the extraneous printer objects I had (explicitly, an inkjet printer that I no longer use). They'd launch at the same time, consuming more memory. Once I did that I was able to have up to 4 city sheets unhidden. Having the fifth city sheet made it unstable and would cause it to crash pretty quickly.
Later this evening, or maybe tomorrow, I'm going to see if I can remove the comments on the City sheets and see if that makes a difference.

Chemlak |

Well, damn.
Try ditching the Building Images, City Map 1, City Map 2 and City Map Master (hidden by default). I bet the size will plummet.
If that works, see if it's stable with just Building Images and City Map Master. If that works, I can easily fiddle the sheet so that the instructions for city maps come with a warning that their use can cause terminal errors when used in Excel for Mac, and leave it up to user discretion.
Other option: since the OO version is significantly smaller than the Excel one in terms of file size, opening up the .ods version in Excel for Mac might (possibly, depends how Excel handles the conversion) result in a relatively stable sheet.

Seravin |

Deleting the images in the comments in the first ten city sheets dropped the memory footprint to about 1.6GB and allowed it to open normally.
Interestingly, the deleting the Building Images and the City Map Master sheets appeared to increase the memory footprint from 1.6GB to 1.65GB. No clue why, but it's probably something I was doing.
As a comparison, the Ultimate Campaign Kingdom sheets was using about 1.38GB of memory.
Unfortunately Excel 2011 won't open up .ods files; however Open Office is available for the Mac, and it seems to work just fine.

Seravin |

At this point I think going to Open Office would be the easiest solution. The issue is clearly on the Microsoft end. I'm not sure why it thinks it needs 2GB of memory to open a 12MB spreadsheet; though one error I happen to catch makes me think that Microsoft has it running in a mini virtual machine.
I've tried everything I could find on troubleshooting the issue except re-installing Office itself, and I'm not trying that if only because it's not worth the hassle for me.
I have Apache OpenOffice 3 installed from awhile ago and it opened up the spreadsheet with no errors and it looks amazingly similar to Excel. Version 4 is available off of openoffice.org. I think it should be worth a try. Even if you're installing it only to run this one spreadsheet, it's free and it's no worse than installing any other specialized application.

Kryx |

We've just started building and I'm a bit confused about how productity updates.
It does not seem to update for a city until we put 2 buildings in.
For instance we have 1 house and 1 inn. We then put in 1 mill the productivity stays at -1 instead of going up to 0.
Is this correct? We can't find where productivity comes from.

Chemlak |

There are several factors involved.
The settlement statistics are the greater of:
1) The kingdom's overall figure for that settlement statistic
2) The sum of the settlement statistics from all the buildings in the settlement plus the settlement size modifier.
The settlement size modifier varies between UCam and URule (they use very different assumptions about settlement sizes).
So, it depends on the specific buildings you've added, and the number of lots all of your buildings occupy, and the version of the sheet you're using.
If you're really interested, unprotect the city sheet, and Unhide the columns a few to the right of the magic item columns. There's a massive array of cells there, and above that array (Cell AQ6, I think it is) is the settlement size modifier, just above the settlement type (village, town, city or metropolis). Scroll right and you'll find the settlement statistic columns (they're the last ones in the array), and at the bottom of that is a row containing the total modifier from buildings.

Kryx |

On the Overall page it seems Expansion is incorrect. The Economy and Loyalty are swapped. It's because the table in the book is reverse of the other tables.
It also seems Economy/Loyalty/Stability Edicts (H10, H12, H14) do not calculate correctly.
If Expansion is corrected:
- H10 would be "=V58+V60+V62"
- H12 would be "=X58+X60+X62"
- H14 would be "=T58+T60+T62"
Otherwise you'd have to adjust economy & loyalty to have them swapped for Expansion.
It also seems like there is no "Fort + Lair" or "Watchtower + Lair" option in the Kingdom page.

Chemlak |
10 people marked this as a favorite. |

Update 5.3f (UCam) & Bugfix update 5.4f (URule)
Ultimate Rulership Open Office
Thanks for pointing me at the issues there, Kryx. Should be all sorted and more robust, now. And there's no need to tell me how to fix the problems, though I appreciate the effort, just tell me what they are.

Canadian Bakka |

Smashing work. I have downloaded both files as my group is finally done The Stolen Lands. I look forward to the completed work. I know I will be using some of the variants in Ultimate Rulership, particularly the bonuses granted from characters who fill a Leadership Role.
Once again, cheers to not just Chemlak for his monumental efforts on these spreadsheets, but also to those who have contributed to the project. You folks are wonderful fans of the gaming community.
CB out.

Chemlak |

Thanks CB, I know that I appreciate any thanks that comes my way, and I hugely appreciate all the help I get from other people here.
Obviously I've not been doing any updates for a little while - this summer has been pretty chaotic and filled, so I've not really had a chance.
I do have some empty weekends coming up, so I'm going to take a crack at a big update.

Chemlak |

I, and the previous caretakers of the sheet, thank you for your thanks. I never would have learned as much as I have about the kingdom rules without the sheet, and just tinkering with it has taught me many things I wasn't aware of before.
If someone had told me a couple of years ago that I'd enjoy crunching my way through a 12+ Mb spreadsheet, I'd have questioned their sanity, whereas now I get excited every time I use it. Not to mention the deep satisfaction I get when I finish an update or fix a bug.
Tonight is game night for me, and I just have to hope that our party's Ruler has forgotten about his plan to divide his kingdom up using vassalage edicts to give the rest of us kingdoms to run.

Philip Knowsley |
Thought I'd check in & ask how the UR sheet is going.
We haven't done any building since my last post, & even though we need to' I'm
going through a patch where my dedication to the cause is at a low ebb - so
they'll just have to wait. ;-p
So - is the UR sheet living up to your expectations Chemlak? Anyone else?
Cheers & have a cool week.

Chemlak |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

In progress and ongoing.
I spent a little time adding some tables to the Excel version of the sheet a few days ago, and I've learned a few things I didn't know before about the Kingdom rules (thanks in part to some probing questions by PM from a user here on the forums, and also to Jason Nelson for his prompt and helpful answers to a couple of fiddly questions).
I must admit that my enthusiasm has flagged somewhat, and that's combined with real life to severely curtail my working on the sheet.
On the plus side, I do have a VERY clear list of things to do (I was bored at work one day...), and it's all relatively straightforward, just time-consuming, and I'm currently trying to decide whether or not to release updates incrementally (whenever I complete one part, which is what I've been doing so far), or just to wait until I've got the whole thing done. The former is good for bug-fixing, but the latter will provide a fully working sheet to people in one fell swoop (which will then undoubtedly need an inordinate amount of fixing).
I know that some people are holding off on grabbing the sheet until it's "done", so that one's winning, right now.

Chemlak |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Still chugging along, and I've found a couple of bugs I need to squash, too (actually, I might have squashed them already, but not documented them... That's something to check later).
I really need to come up with a plan of attack for everything that's outstanding, so that I can tick things off and feel like I'm making progress. Fortunately, I have a free weekend coming up, so should be able to get things done.

![]() |

Sounds great! Keep up the good work. I'm looking at using the UR sheet for my game. I was wondering if it is in a usable state or should I just use the UC one and wait for you to finish. I understand you have other priorities and this is not meant to push you in any way. Just trying to get a feel for the progress of the project so I can make the best decision for my group.

Chemlak |

The URule sheet is usable within its limits.
For example, it will accurately reflect populations in hexes and settlements, but doesn't currently reflect terrain types (river/coastline) for settlements. Which is actually the next thing I'm going to put in. Then again, I only found out that rivers/coastline are meant to affect settlement populations a couple of weeks ago.
It doesn't yet have the manpower rules in. Nor any of the new edicts. Magical improvements. Natural advantages. And redoing the events to reflect Danger levels is going to be interesting.
So... It's usable. Just incomplete. The only bit that's an actual error is settlement populations.
Anyway, that's the current position, and in about an hour or two I'm going to start seriously ripping into the outstanding changes, so with any luck my answer will be completely different 24 hours from now.

Chemlak |

Just to give people a heads up on where I am right now (not yet ready for release):
Settlement Natural Advantages
Settlement River/Coastline
Exotic Settlement Types
Endowment Edicts (not including captured endowed buildings)
Recruitment Edicts (simplified form, doesn't yet calculate if military force is too large)
Those are all done.
I'm currently arguing with myself about Espionage and Festival Edicts. Due to the complexity and/or short term effects of both, I'm undecided about including them as full-blown worksheets. So I'll throw that question out to you lot, as the people using the sheet: would including two very complex worksheets add sufficient value to the spreadsheet, given that they are likely prone to user error and can be effectively included by use of temporary modifiers?

Chemlak |

Thanks, chaps.
I think what I'm going to do is a worksheet for each of them that details the process for the edicts, and perhaps a "yes/no" drop down for if the edicts are active. If I can figure out how to wrangle it, I'll get it calculating the bonuses properly for festival edicts, and (much harder) espionage edicts, and put some clear instructions on the instruction sheet.
If I can't get it working automatically, I'll just get it to calculate the bonuses and leave instructions on adding them.
The big job, therefore, is to get an all-up manpower calculation working (so that it applies the loyalty penalty if you have too many armies), and add the new magical improvements to the kingdom and City sheets.
Then I have to rejig the events to use Danger properly, and it's done!
Closer than I thought.

Chemlak |

Just did a test at work (had a few minutes to spare) with a mockup (since I can't get the full sheet in the office), and I believe I have a solution for festival edicts. It's going to be a bit dropdown intensive (active y/n, civic or religious, which city, success level), but I think I can get it working in full without too much effort. And without screwing up the city sheets at all.

Lethimer |

Hi Chemlak, I actually created an account just to say how much I appreciate all the work you and others have done into creating this masterpiece! I've been using the sheet for a month or two, and for what it provides, it's invaluable! It's an unbelievable time saver! We tried the base Ultimate Campaign but felt it had too many holes, since discovering Ultimate Rulership, we've moved over, but it isn't as easy to crunch all the numbers. We bow to you supreme excel knowledge.
I would like to know, is there is a fixed population version on the horizon? I also have players keen to know if there is a "final" sheet on the so they can run their own campaigns with it with other friends. They are all suitably keen to spread this sheet around as well.

Chemlak |

Not sure what you mean by a "fixed population version", so I can't answer that. If you mean "250 population per lot, as per UCam", just go to the Building sheet and change all of the population numbers to =250*<whatever the lots column is>. Then change all the modifiable hex population figures in the Kingdom sheet to 250, and ignore the river/coastline rows when selecting which improvements go in which hex. I've left those cells as user editable on purpose.
As for a "final version", there definitely will be, I just need to get on and finish it. Of course, then I need to do Ultimate Battle and Ultimate War...
So, huge thanks for your wonderful kind words, and I'll see how much progress I can make in the next few days.

Chemlak |

Oh! Settlement populations aren't currently accounting for the river/coastline multiplier, though I've added that to my work-in-progress sheet already, so it's definitely in the next update.
Endowment edicts are on my list of "Curse you, Jason Nelson!" tasks, because they're so damn fiddly and affect building statistics in a non-consistent fashion, as well as adding to consumption. So they're on the pending list, but I need to figure out how to get them right.
(The problem, for anyone interested, is that only one of each type of building can be endowed, and the bonus only applies to the statistics that particular building modifies, and I truly dislike insane nested IF statements. Adding an "endowed" flag is easy. Making that flag only modify the correct statistics and not the others is far harder, and then only doing that to a single building when multiple buildings of that type might exist in the settlement is harder still.)
For now, just use custom modifiers and note them in the settlement's comments box.
My festival edict test went a little crazy (I think I started at the wrong end of the calculation), so I'm still trying to figure out how to tidy it up properly.

Lethimer |

Ah ok, glad it wasn't just me being a plum. It's understandable about Endowments, they seem fiddly on paper let alone in excel.
I found after converting over from Ultimate Campaign that our Fame was considerably lower and played with the calculation to find out why. I think I spotted it, but I can't tell if that was our incorrect formula. Currently the total fame modifier for a kingdom doesn't include the base 1 + 1 per kingdom size (11, 26, 51, 101, and 201 hexes) so I've just added it in as a modifier. In theory that's a simple If statement though based on Hex number.
Ok so (sorry I did a bit of fiddling to work stuff through) I think there is a cell reference that's pointing at the wrong cell. After working through the fame calculation, it seems to be doing (Law + Society)/10 instead of (Lore + Society)/10 in cell F16 on the OVERALL sheet (I might be wrong!). If I'm right it should be referencing cell J27 instead of I27 on the CITY OVERVIEW sheet. I truly hope this helps and isn't just me stepping on your feet.

Chemlak |

Believe me, bug identification isn't stepping on my feet at all!
You're not quite right about fame increases. At each Kingdom size threshold you get to add 1 to fame or infamy, your choice at each threshold. While I could create a series of dropdowns to reflect that choice, it's awkward and complex to make the sheet self-police it. So rather than cluttering up the Overall sheet even more, I've left it to users.
I'll check out the possible bugs in a little while.