Life after Lantern Lodge (Where is everyone heading off to?) - (Spoilers!)

Lantern Lodge

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The Scarni appreciate my skills.... Yes I think I shall join them I was always a few short of a Murder......

Shamus caws at the joke himself and holds out his arm "Shall we head over together then?"

Lantern Lodge

With the letter of introduction providing the good graces of a new Master, I feel that Taldor will allow me to take up noble title, even it is honourary and possibly start my own Clan.

Liberty's Edge

"Well, this is a dilemma."

"Here I go and join up with the Lantern Lodge just because I want to see the world, and get a free trip from Goka to Absalom. Then, the Lantern Lodge goes and closes up shop while I'm still going through Pathfinder basic training in Absalom. I haven't even gone on my first mission for the Society yet. What's a fun loving Kitsune to do?"

OOC: Hoshi is level 2 on GM credits, but I haven't played him yet. I went Lantern Lodge because he's from Tian Xia, and I took a Lantern Lodge trait when creating him, but I haven't quite nailed down his personality enough yet to know what faction would best suit him.


Shamus Woodgear wrote:
The Scarni appreciate my skills.... Yes I think I shall join them I was always a few short of a Murder......
Shamus caws at the joke himself and holds out his arm "Shall we head over together then?"

Indeed let us form a Mob and head on over.

Grand Lodge

Well met Hoshi, a young squat monk of Tian descent smiles at him, I understand your dilemma all too well. I have only been a Pathfinder a short time as well, though I have had a few missions. With the recent success of Lady Amara Li, and her decision to set up a Grand Lodge in Goka, I find myself in search of a new "home" as well.

Fung Xi stands up and moves to pour himself some hot tea, and offers some to the Kitsune. There are two distinct possibilities, yet a myriad of paths. I believe that pledging to the Grand Lodge would serve the spirit of Lady Amara's wishes the best. But the alternative it to find one that serves the song in your heart. That song is telling me the Silver Crusade. However, your song may be different... Taldor, Cheliax, Szcarni, Qadira, they each have something that may resonate with your desires and goals.

The monk sits back down in his chair and brings the tea cup to his lips, May the song ring true, my friend.

Liberty's Edge

"I can't see joining the Silver Crusade. Sure, I respect their ideals and such, but all that honor and dedication stuff just isn't for me. For that matter, I can respect the whole freedom thing Andoran has going on, though they seem somewhat obsessive about getting in other people's business. Cheliax looks way too structured and disciplined a country for a free wheeling guy like me, even if I were willing to associate with devils. Those Sczarni guys look like cheap thugs, and Osirion looks like it's for dusty old guys who like to read."

"So let's see. That leaves Taldor, Qadira, and Grand Lodge."

"As someone who likes to travel, and wouldn't mind making myself rich, working with the Qadiran trade princes on stuff like trade routes could be a decent business opportunity for an enterprising fellow like me. But given my past affiliations, I'm not sure if Qadira would take me."

"Technically, I'm a citizen of Taldor. Or at least, I'm a citizen of Amanandar, the Taldan colony in Tian Xia. I learned to fight while in their militia, which also earned me permanent citizenship. Of course, I only did that because it seemed like a good place to settle, but then I got antsy and decided I wanted to travel instead, which led me to this whole Pathfinder thing. But I may still go back there some day when I get tired of adventuring."

"So I guess it would make sense to hook up with the Taldor faction, but I'm really not into that whole old aristocracy thing. I'm just not the type to get tied down to commitments, ya know? But I guess that's a point in favor of just sticking to the Grand Lodge and trying to stay out of the whole faction politics nonsense."

Grand Lodge

Fung bows his head slightly, I agree with you there. That I do not want to get caught up in the politics between Factions, is the greatest argument for the Grand Lodge. I mean, I can still do good under the flag of the Grand Lodge... Do I really need to fly the banner of the Silver Crusade to do good? I think not.


A petite, Tian-Min tiefling dressed in a ragged (yet lovely) kimono shuffles into the room followed by a small red panda. Hello everyone!, she cheerfully raises a small sake bottle. Who wants to join in a toast? Chibiko pours for all who want some... the tiny bottle seeming to contain almost an endless supply of sake. She raises her cup, Here's to those of us abandoned by Li as she pursues her dreams of glory... may we all find homes harmonious to our dispositions.

She wipes her mouth with the back of her sleeve. I have no regrets... I've done all I can to support this "Lodge"... so I wish Li good luck and I hope she gets exactly what she wishes for. Chibiko's lip curls upwards as she contemplates her last statement. The red panda starts to chirp at her excitedly.

Yes, yes, Om. I will get to that next. She turns to address the assembled throng, I had purchased a vessel quite some time ago- using my influence within the Lodge... and now I plan to strike out toward the Shackles and make my fortune. Anyone interested in joining my... eclectic little band of treasure seekers?

OOC: Chibiko is a 15th level Witch, earned 72 prestige for Lantern Lodge, and is looking forward to a nice retirement pirating aboard her junk- "The Lonely Wandering Star". I guess it is Sczarni time for her- with her personality, I think it is the best fit. She was working off a penance of servitude with Li and often drug her feet on missions with much complaining. And yes, she has a "flask of endless sake". ;-)

Grand Lodge

Fung Xi smiles at Chibiko, I will join you in a toast.

Lifting the small cup, To Amara Li, and the Grand Lodge of Goka!

The stout monk tosses back the shot and closes his eyes as warmth spreads out from his belly. Many thanks, my friend.

Lantern Lodge

I just tended my formal resignation to Amara-Li and now have no idea what to do with myself. I mean, I haven't had a mission in Tien-Xia for awhile now, and have to admit that there will be no more coming on the horizon. These last few missions against the Lasallans have my soul feeling bruised, and I am not thinking very straight lately.

I know I cannot stomach working for the Taldans again, even if they do have someone different from Baron Dalsine running things. Maybe my ideals are slipping, but the Crusaders and Andorans seem too zealous – and I have had my fill of zealots lately! The Scanri are right out … I might as well go back to the Taldans if I were interested in shaking people down.

I hear Grandmaster Torch not taking any new recruits, which is good, because I wasn't really into his message anyway – I think that guy is only out to serve himself. I have never really been interested in the Osirian way and don't come from that area, and dealing with devils is right out. This would leave working for the Qadirans, or becoming a Decemvirate demagogue. At least with the Qadirians, it only about money.

I have to admit, the Lantern Lodge was a good fit for me and I now feel out of place.

Grand Lodge

I understand how you feel, Master Draxx. I feel like a child that has been shoved out of his home. It is time to 'whet' my teeth. In honoring Master Li, I have chosen to represent my homeland well to the masked Ten, the young brother straightens his monk's robes.

I only hope to see Master Li again in future missions.

Dark Archive

(You see a young Tien human with light brown hair, drinking from a mug of tea:) To Master Li. May she have success in her future journeys.

Oh, by the way, you may not know me. My name is Ataru, future master alchemist. I had been asking Master Li if she could get me in contact with some established alchemists. I had been wanting some particular formulas so that I could fulfill my dream of getting near...her. (Ataru looks off in the distance, a trickle of drool leaving the corner of his mouth.) But now, with my oaths to Master Li ended, I can now get my wish granted. I'm off to the Chelish embassy. Wish me luck!

The Exchange

Shamus Woodgear wrote:
The Scarni appreciate my skills.... Yes I think I shall join them I was always a few short of a Murder......
Shamus caws at the joke himself and holds out his arm "Shall we head over together then?"

Indeed let us form a Mob and head on over.

I think I shall join you.

I have found myself at a loss, but having received an invitation into the Sczarni, I think it would be a good place to join when the Lantern Lodge is defunct. They would appreciate my skills and I know a lucrative opportunity when I see one.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Where should a wayang go?

The Lantern Lodge was a ticket to explore the world; now it is gone, but my home is Absalom. Should I turn to the Sczarni? They say they could make use of my... particular talents. They are hardly up to the standards of honor that I learnt from Amara Li. The Silver Crusade are honorable - so honorable that they cannot see the end of their noses. Where does a wayang go? Where does the Dissolution direct me? Maybe Andoran's claims of freedom for all extend even to the creatures of the shadow.

Silver Crusade

Kesel wrote:
Should I turn to the Sczarni? They say they could make use of my... particular talents. They are hardly up to the standards of honor that I learnt from Amara Li. The Silver Crusade are honorable - so honorable that they cannot see the end of their noses. Where does a wayang go? Where does the Dissolution direct me? Maybe Andoran's claims of freedom for all extend even to the creatures of the shadow.

I faced a similar choice after recent events brought an abrupt end to the Shadow Lodge. The fact that some of the Silver Crusade cannot see the end of their noses is the very reason why I chose to throw in my lot with their cause. Someone needs to sneak in the shadows for the good guys because the bad guys are certainly not going to agree to fight fair and honorably!

Sovereign Court

having defendud Lady Amara Li frum bad thugs, she has releesed me from hur servis. I hear Taldor si hiring Ulfen Gourd, so i am seeking to plej myself to Lady Gloriana Morilla. Amara Li so nise, she giv me lettur of reccomendashun.

Sovereign Court

I am at a loss.

I ventured out into the wider world to restore fortune and honour to the Goemoto family name after my father squandered both. After arriving in Absalom, a place where I heard an adventurer may find both, I met Amara Li. She offered me a way to still serve the interests of Tien Xia and the honourable ways of my ancestors, despite the reputation of my clan. I humbly accepted, and went forth to prove myself worthy of that trust in word and deed, serving as (hopefully) a true samurai.

I am glad that she could fulfill her designs and ambitions, and the standing of our noble homeland in the world has risen. Yet I still feel that I myself cannot return to those ancestral shores just yet. Mistress Li encouraged us to keep doing noble deeds within the Pathfinder Society, but I can't seem to find a worthy new master to which I can pledge my swords.

The Taldan's nobility offers a familiar structure, and many have assured me I could easily rise within their ranks, yet that same thing rubs me wrong. One does not get a title lightly in Tien Xia, it should be earned. Only then it is a mark of honour and respect. They lack the sense of tradition and honour that should keep the power of a true noble in check, and serving their ambitions could bring me at odds with the duties I still feel to Tien Xia.

The Silver Crusade serve a worthy cause, but their gods I do not know. Their temples are foreign to me, and the way of meditation and respect for my ancestors I learned is foreign to them. A person's soul shows in their deeds, my instructor said, not in the temple.

Although I have met many noble pathfinders from all factions within the society, the policies of quite a few of those I cannot agree to. Neither the overbearing Andorans, nor the greedy Quadirans, and especially not the greedy Sczarni. Although some interactions with Zatra Dralneen were ...interesting and stimulating, I cannot agree to the ambitions of the land she represents.

The Ossiriani I know little about, and I am not given to scholarly pursuits, but I hear they have a connection to a long past, something that is somewhat familiar to me.

If you , my brothers and sisters, could lend me your perspective in these matters, I would be very grateful.

<Junichiro bows deeply in the traditional manner>

The Exchange

I have faithfully served Amara Li's interests for the past year or so, and in doing so I have brought glory to her house, my dojo in Goka, and most importantly my own name and that of my eternal Lord. Now that time is at an end, and I must claim my birthright as Pasha, serving under his excellency Aaqir al'Hakam for the glory of the nation of my birth, Qadira. By the will of his unmatched might, I shall ever strive upwards for the Black Daimyo.

Brothers Logheir and Junichiro, I will advise you not to throw in your lot with the filthy Taldan She-Gorilla and odious swine she surrounds herself with. While we must tolerate them within the Society's influence, they are not worthy of the service of loyal sons such as yourselves.

Sovereign Court

er, tu laet. Lady Morilla's partys okay, but i miss Lady Amara Li's tea ceremonys.

Lantern Lodge

Bayani is still out on a mission; no doubt he will be very surprised when he returns to Absolom to find his faction dissolved. He has been curious about Qadira, both about the whole dervish dance, and their long history of magical arts.

Grand Lodge

I was born to serve. The Grand Lodge seems to be the most simmilar to the Lodge I serverd Amara-Ko. So that is where I shall pledge my honor.

Liberty's Edge

Rashida wrote:

I have faithfully served Amara Li's interests for the past year or so, and in doing so I have brought glory to her house, my dojo in Goka, and most importantly my own name and that of my eternal Lord. Now that time is at an end, and I must claim my birthright as Pasha, serving under his excellency Aaqir al'Hakam for the glory of the nation of my birth, Qadira. By the will of his unmatched might, I shall ever strive upwards for the Black Daimyo.

Brothers Logheir and Junichiro, I will advise you not to throw in your lot with the filthy Taldan She-Gorilla and odious swine she surrounds herself with. While we must tolerate them within the Society's influence, they are not worthy of the service of loyal sons such as yourselves.

Do you think Qadira would allow a citizen of Amanandar, the Taldan colony in Tian Xia, to work for them?

As an enterprising kitsune eager to find new business opportunities, it seems like my skills could be put to good use, and we could have a profitable business arrangement. But as a former member of the Amanandar militia, I was taught that Qadira is the enemy. I'm not so hung up on ancient feuds, though. Taldor and Qadira may be rivals, but that feud just gets in the way of trade, doesn't it?

The Exchange

We do not discriminate against any who work for/with us, based on any factor. You will be judged on your own abilities and performance, nothing else. Welcome.

Trade Prince Tariq

Grand Lodge

Posting as Ryoshi Cho
A half-elf of Minkaian descent quietly enters the room, his black hair tied into a topknot. As he bows deeply, the sihedron brand on his forehead draws your attention.

"Haikei, Honorable Pathfinders of the Lantern Lodge." he speaks with a strong, but quiet voice.
"I am Ryoshi Cho, yojimbo of Hime Jadaran Tsukiyo, daughter of the honorable Utare daimyo Jadaran Hiroshi. When we left Sakakabe Province to seek our destiny, we floated aimlessly through Tian-Xia like cherry petals on an uncertain wind. Our destiny lead us to Goka, where recruiters for Taichou Amara Li pointed us towards the Inner Sea. We defeated a master in a fortress, sabotaged cultists, cleared out vaults and laboratories. Our path was clear, to bring honor and the light of the Lantern to the Pathfinder Society. Our efforts were rewarded when the Lantern Lodge was made the official Pathfinder lodge of the Land Across the Crown."

"However, to continue our adventures on this half of the world, as Hime wishes, we must align with one of the local interests of the Inner Sea. Brothers and Sisters of the Lantern Lodge, I ask your advice. To whom should we pledge our allegiance?"

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