Pathfinder Enemies


Dark Archive

Is there an "enemy" group to the Pathfinders? Perhaps one that deliberately seeks to oppose them at every turn? I want to create a group of rivals for my PCs that start out relatively equal to the group, but eventually become a real threat to their lives.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Used to be the Aspis Consortium, though I'm not sure if this is cannon anymore.

The Aspis Consortium is the closest thing I've seen. It isn't so much "deliberately seeks to oppose them at every turn" as it is "both sides want the same sorts of things (namely relics and such) and repeatedly come into conflict".

I could see a cult of Norgorber being opposed to a group of Pathfinders, depending on the circumstances. Pathfinders like to uncover and record information, and followers of Norgorber hoard secrets.

Dark Archive

Okay, sounds like the Aspis Consortium is the closest to what I want. Thanks!

Not all PCs outside of PFS need to actually be part of the pathfinders. ;)

Feel free to create your of rival team Rocket to oppose this group of PCs.

Really, any group that wants to protect secrets that the Society's trying to uncover could be an enemy. That can range from a rival treasure-hunter force (like the Aspis) to a secretive cult to a government.

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