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I would like some help solidifying a character concept. I am trying to make a character that is super fast. High initiative, lots of attacks or swift action spells, fast movement rate, high as, etc. As far as I can tell, the kensai magus archetype is the best way to go, but the time oracle seems to have some promising things as well. What other options are there.

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Well, you could take a human specialist wizard (Diviner) with Improved Initiative, and make Dex your priority after Int; that will slowly enhance your initiative to ludicrous proportions. Many arcane spells of the Transmutation school enhance mobility, rate of attack, etc.: and focusing on spells that release volleys, have several targets, or are AoE will allow you to damage lots of people. Trouble is, I'm not sure a wizard was what you had in mind.

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Well, you could take a human specialist wizard (Diviner) with Improved Initiative, and make Dex your priority after Int; that will slowly enhance your initiative to ludicrous proportions. Many arcane spells of the Transmutation school enhance mobility, rate of attack, etc.: and focusing on spells that release volleys, have several targets, or are AoE will allow you to damage lots of people. Trouble is, I'm not sure a wizard was what you had in mind.
Yeah, a wizard isn't exactly what I was thinking. I want someone that can melee.

KainPen |
cast haste on your self every situation. you can never get more then 1 swift action. so you are kind of stuck there. haste = super fast. adds 30 ft of movement and extra attack at max bonus. if you want super speed with lots of attacks you have to play a monk. no body gets faster or has as many of attacks because of ki pool and flurry of blows.
oh i forgot every time you take fleet feat it adds 5 to your movement but you are limited to light armor. It can be taken more then once and stacks with it self. so take fleet and improved iniative and you are good to go. I got a fighter in my group that got boots of striding and spring and took fleet a 4 times moves at 60 every turn, 80 if hasted.
you could take it 10 times add the boots and have movement of 90ft every move action.

Turin the Mad |

... and let us not forget the Fleet feat (which can be taken multiple times). 10x Fleet = +50' speed at 19th.
And I believe that there are a few / is at least one favored class option that increases speed. So by 20th, with selecting Fleet say, six times, and investing your favored class option into speed, that would ramp up one's base speed by 50 feet while leaving four general feats open for Improved Initiative, any appropriate Trait(s) and the like.

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Urban Barbarian can rage for more dexterity = faster
Alchemist can take a mutagen for more dexterity = faster
Dervish Dancer Bard gets enhancement bonus to move speed while dancing. starts off as 10', eventually gets up to 30'.
Also has some dances that mimic haste, or just cast Allego (like haste, but self only and get it sooner)

Spudster |

Travelling domain for clerics...
Travel Domain
Granted Powers: You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.
Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Dimensional Hop (Sp): At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per cleric level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought.

KainPen |
Urban Barbarian can rage for more dexterity = faster
Alchemist can take a mutagen for more dexterity = faster
Dervish Dancer Bard gets enhancement bonus to move speed while dancing. starts off as 10', eventually gets up to 30'.Also has some dances that mimic haste, or just cast Allego (like haste, but self only and get it sooner)
Just a note
That movement with the bard is not going to stack with haste. it still just 30ft bonus. haste grants enhancement bonus to move speed. So it stack with fleet and barbs faster movement. It does not stack with monk's, bard, or boots of striding and spring as it labled as enhancement bonus.
MacGurcules |
Sounds like a monk to me. You get loads of bonus movement and flurry. You can take some SLAs with the Qinggong archetype and eventually Quicken Spell Like Ability as a feat. Once you start getting into the higher levels, the Dimensional Agility chain can have you blipping all over the place through Abundant Step.
Alternately, a synthesist summoner could get a load of natural attacks and a bunch of movement bonuses through evolutions and they get a similar Dimension Door ability. Quicken metamagic via feat or rod will get you the swift spells.

Barry Armstrong |

Yep. FASTEST you can get a melee is going to be monk. Perhaps a synthesist summoner, but I don't have the patience to calculate the necessary eidolon abilities.
(Note I didn't say strongest, most effective, highest BAB or AC or DPR. Just FASTEST.)
You want:
base movement rate
Monk's scales with level, can be boosted with Fleet, Abundant Step, Dimension Door, etc...
initiative bonus
Monk will already have high DEX, take Imp Init, maybe choose Ifriti for the racial, perhaps a dip in Witch for scorp familiar, etc...
attacks per round
Monk has flurry, can be increased by haste, etc...

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kensai magus.
It has a very high initiative bonus and all of the movement/haste spells you could need to augment your mobility.
Add the dimensional dervish line and you will be able to hit and move very large distances very quickly (eventually basically pouncing at long range).
That or a synthesist summoner with the same line of feats; there are all sorts of tricks to being fast when you can augment yourself and get a dim-door spell like ability as early as they do.

sunbeam |
Well if you want to get weird with it, you could dip Oracle one level too. Both Metal and Flames have early revelations that can give you a 10' move increase.
So if you go Travel Cleric, then take 1 level of Barbarian and 1 Oracle level you could have a 60' move before any Fleet feats, Racial favored class options, items or spells.
If you are going to level up Cleric or perhaps Oracle I'd go this way. If you truly want the most speed you could get, all Monk with 1 level dips in both Oracle and Cleric are the best you can do.
If I am doing this correctly 18 Monk = +60' move. Appropriate Oracle = +10,' Travel Cleric = +1.'
With your base 30' move, you get 110' of move. Before any feats, racial bonuses, equipment, or spells.

Outlaw Corwin |

Don't forget rarer races can give movement bonuses. A Sylph has decent ability modifiers for a kensai, and a free 5 foot movement bonus. But if you really wanna make things interesting, play a strix. 60 Foot fly speed from level 1. This will fall off a bit by level 20, since a monk would have 90 foot land speed at 20, but well worth it I think. After all, what use is a few more feet of movement when there's a wall of fighters between you and a wizard. Or if the wizard levitated up 40 feet.
I wouldn't recommend it since it's kinda a dick move imo, but if you want a sweet movement form & amount there tis. G'luck

Corlindale |
Synthesist Summoner is probably the best option. There's literally no limit on how many evolution points you can spend on your fly/land speed, so just go nuts there. You can achieve a fly speed of more than 400 ft before buffs (but spending that many points on speed is probably a waste). I don't think anything else can get close to that.
As an extra bonus synthesist also gives you a ton of attacks/round - and it's arguably the best class for taking the Dimensional Dervish-line of feats, which will let you teleport freely around the field with each full-attack (you could refluff it as super-fast movement if you want).

Blindmage |

Also Elves can get Run as well as +2 to initiative buy doing a racial trait swap:
Fleet-Footed: While all elves are naturally lithe and agile, some also are naturally speedy and have a strong desire to rush into situations rather than worrying about looking ahead. Elves with this racial trait receive Run as a bonus feat and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks. This racial trait replaces keen senses and weapon familiarity.
There's also the Reactionary trait and another one that add +2 to your initiative.
In my home game I run (a primitives, pre-human evolution game) all elves have the swap as well as the Eternal Grudge swap.