Wondrous item or something?


looking for something that gives you HP or reduces the damage you take that you can buy in pathfinder, has to be in one of the books.

atm all I have noticed is adamantine armor and the resist buffs.

Belt of Constitution will boost your Con and so grant you HP.

By reduce damage you mean Damage Reduction. Try these-

Belt of Stoneskin

Wings of the Gargoyle

Scarab Sages

Emerald Ellipsoid ioun stone. +5 temp hp. Stackable.

The Exchange

False life and aid both grant temporary hit points, albeit not permanently. You can bottle aid as a potion, whereas you'd have to be an arcane caster or have plenty of Use Magic Device for a scroll of false life.

There are also some sidelong or attack-specific methods: a minor cloak of displacement or shield of arrow deflection don't actually reduce damage suffered, but they do turn a hit into a miss, and in some cases - such as a confirmed crit - that's better than DR.

Not exactly what you asked for, but ring of regeneration would accomplish a similar goal of keeping HP.

thanks, the cloak is probably doable. at my level will have to see if gm has it somewhere.

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