Whirlwind Attack - worth it ?


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for my fighter .
lvl 7, almost 8.
have most of the trip "tree" (improve, greater ,felling smash) + expertise + power attack + furious focus + combat reflexes.

at level 8 i'll be able to have dodge-mobility-spring attack .
level 9 Whirlwind Attack.

a few Q's:
1. spring attack was nerfed heavily sadly, now it's a full round action so - no felling smash or vital strikes. also, you cant you cant use it all the time, if opponent is upon you...

2. Whirlwind Attack - seem great, but even with "lunge" (at level 10) how many time you really use it ?
is it worth the 4 feats?

That depends. How often will you be fighting humanoid opponenets vs multi-legged large+ creatures?

multi-legged large+ creatures can still be attacked :)

but the thing is, as levels go up, DM's tend to bring more BBEG and less many folk. to prevent them form a headache

The important question is - do you have someone in your party who can cast enlarge person on you (or can you get intelligent item which would do that or supply of postions)? Extended reach from Large size combined with big number of opponents makes for a great Whirlwind Attacks.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I highly recommend a cloak of the hedge wizard and several potions of enlarge person.

The only problems with whirlwind attack is that to get full use out of it, you need to put yourself in harm's way (surrounded by multiple foes), so be sure to have a stellar AC. What's more, it is a full round action, which means said bad guys will usually get to attack you first.

That being said, I really love it and have used it to great success.

666bender wrote:

for my fighter .

lvl 7, almost 8.
have most of the trip "tree" (improve, greater ,felling smash) + expertise + power attack + furious focus + combat reflexes.

at level 8 i'll be able to have dodge-mobility-spring attack .
level 9 Whirlwind Attack.

a few Q's:
1. spring attack was nerfed heavily sadly, now it's a full round action so - no felling smash or vital strikes. also, you cant you cant use it all the time, if opponent is upon you...

2. Whirlwind Attack - seem great, but even with "lunge" (at level 10) how many time you really use it ?
is it worth the 4 feats?

I don't know if its worth it for your Fighter, not at this point.

I've used it to great effectiveness on a couple of Fighter builds, but one of the benefits of it is a well-designed Fighter can get the entire Whirlwind Attack chain by 4th level - meaning that with a reach weapon you can make an attack against everyone within 10' (more, actually) 2 levels before anyone else gets their first iterative attack. Combat Reflexes at 5th and Lunge at 6th and you're a walking Fireball every round. Dazing Assault at 11th level and it can get even more ridiculous.

I'm not a big fan of building melee types around combat manuevers, in part because they tend to be less and less effective as you level up (fewer enemies vulnerable to it, CMD's get ridiculously high), but I can't imagine that I would ever try to chase combat manuevers AND WWA... even with all those bonus feats you're just spreading yourself too thin.

One little point about WWA - a lot of people aren't aware that they can take a 5' step during a full attack action, which makes WWA with a reach weapon even more effective.

well... it's a COOL maneuver to use, that's for sure.
effective? really depend's on the battle field.
the main problam is the cost- ont can get weapon focus+greater focus+specialaztion + imp critical for the cost of that chain.
dodge - is semi effective - AC tend to be futil unless focused upon
mobility - can be usefull, but less and less with spring attack
spring attack -used to be one of the best, now almost futile axept round 1. no vital strike,no movement when opponent is 5 feet away, no manuever options. sad how pathfinder were so afraid they almost killed it.
WWA - can go from nice to the best thing in the game... but it is ncie to have for the few times the goblin hoard is blown in a full round swing :)

is there a way to threat 5 ' as well ?
i mean, with a reach weapon and lunge you cover 10+15 ' distance.
but, as non orc (no bite) holding a 2 handed weapon, is there a way to inclode 5' reach as well ?

If you're concerned about being able to take AoOs in a full 15' radius around you, I don't think you can.

On the other hand, if you're just wanting to whirlwind everybody within 15 feet of you, that can be possible. Couple of methods.

First is what Wiggz suggested - make sure you have Lunge and a reach weapon, attack everybody 10'-15' from you, then take your 5' step so that any foes who were adjacent to you are now 10-15' away, and attack them.

The only problem I can see with that method is that sometimes you might not be in a good position to take a 5' step and attack everybody you want. If you're really surrounded by foes, for example, you will likely end up with some who are still adjacent to you and thus not attackable with your reach weapon.

The other method is to use the Dwarven Dorn Dergar, then Darting Viper. Attack everyone 10'-15' away at reach, then use your swift action to shorten the length of the chain to attack everyone adjacent to you. No 5' step needed. Or, depending on the battlefield, you could plan it out so you begin attacking everyone adjacent to you, lengthen the chain, attack (w/out Lunge), *then* take your 5' and put yourself in range to attack foes who were out of your reach previously.

The problem with this is that it takes at least one feat and maybe 2 (if you're not a Dwarf), and it's pretty situational.

Why not just use great cleave...?

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Why not just use great cleave...?

Because targets need to be adjacent to one another AND its reliant upon successfully hitting every step of the way. Those are some pretty big limitations.

If you were getting it at level 4 or 5 AND could find regular tactical use besides that action to Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility and Spring Attack, I guess yes.
But at the level you're getting it, you should be getting 3 attacks a round on a regular basis (I guess you're getting Haste, right?).
How often will this feat give you more than 3 attacks/round?
And how many time this case will pop up with creatures that your sorcerer can't handle with a well placed Fireball?
How many times your magician will ruin that opportunity to be surrounded because, well, it's his job after all to divide and conquer?

To sum it up, I wouldn't take it.
Personnaly if I'd want to punish many opponents/round, I'd rather go with some way to improve my reach (probably Enlarge person then lunge to threaten adjacent squares as well), and take the Cleave tree (Cleave/Greater Cleave/Cleaving Finish/Improved Cleaving Finish), as well as Combat Reflexes/Stand Still/Combat Patrol

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but for cleave tree to work they can be no space inbetween targets they have to basicly be lined up for you and use spend 4 feats to emulate wirlwind and your can't not miss. roll a 1 in that at all and your attacks are done. it is way to situational and you end up -4 to AC.

while wirlwind can be done when ever. you get benfits of it subfeats to use when ever you end up with -1 ac to if you lunge. Dodge addes to AC aswell as CMD, mobility add +4 vrs AAO to AC and CMD. Spring attack lets you avoid AAO vrs reach. Combat Expertise also stacks on top of that. addeing +x to AC and CMD, and fighting defensive and 3 ranks of acrobatics add another +3 that added to AC and CMD at level 8 you net total +10 to AC vs AAO and cmd +6 vs attacks and CMD for -4 to attack roll vs aao so you can run right past and into middle of large group and not have to worry about being hit or tripped or stopped.

All of it is useable when ever and indepented of wirlwind. so you spend 5 feats that give you 5 different benfits, or 4 feats for a very situational weaker version emualtion of 1 feat.

Stand still is also weak as it required target to be right next to you. it can't be done with a range of more then 5ft. I housed ruled in my game to area threated instead of adjacent. It way to weak and almost never comes up.

if you can combine combat reflex and trip tree have and good dex you can expect 2 to 3 attacks per target in a round. 1 for coming with in reach, 2 for falling prone with in reach(greater trip), and 3rd when they either crawl away or getting up from prone. you also have limted actions at also. Also there is no save vs half damage compaired to a fireball, so at that level fighter should be doing almost 30 to 40 pts of damage per aao so looking at 90 to 120pts of damage not includeing crit. all aao are made at max attack bonuse your not likely to miss.

OP yes it is worth the four feats. with your current setup you get to power attack a whole group with no minus as raw whirlwind is consider 1 attack even though it tragets all with in reach, furious focus give you no penalty for 1st power attack. if a dm says no or house rules other wise the feat still works together on frist target and it not wasted.

KainPen wrote:
nut for cleave tree to work they can be no space inbetween targets they have to basicly be lined up for you and use spend 4 feats to emulate wirlwind and your can't not miss. roll a 1 in that at all and your attacks are done. it is way to situational and you end up -4 to AC.

Bolded section is a houserule, so not truly relevant to the discussion.

The Exchange

Doggan wrote:
KainPen wrote:
nut for cleave tree to work they can be no space inbetween targets they have to basicly be lined up for you and use spend 4 feats to emulate wirlwind and your can't not miss. roll a 1 in that at all and your attacks are done. it is way to situational and you end up -4 to AC.
Bolded section is a houserule, so not truly relevant to the discussion.

Cleave ends if you miss. That's not a house rule.

Dark Archive

It's generally worth it for a trip build. While it's true you'll have less guys @ high level, you'll often have "more than one" you can hit. I play a trip-polearm fighter in PFS, and he regularly gets some pretty fierce whirlwinds. To make it even better I splashed as an Inquisitor of Gozreh, letting me swift-action Enlarge person 5 times / day, giving me an effective "whirlwind" reach of 25 feat (after lunge).

It lets you effectively crowd-control a huge group, and doesn't cost you against single enemies. There's no other feat (or feat line) for a polearm tripper that really gives you that level of versitility for polearm players.

the only disadvange to Whirlwind is that you can't move and more then 5ft step and do it in the same round. but A moble fighter archtype can as well as make full attacks while moving. that weakens cleave chain as feat even futher. That and if you decided to trip with it and in the middle of your wirlwind you fail by 10 or more. because your trip your self or if it is a trip weapon you drop the weapon to not trip your self on that failure. it is a feat chain that every feat can find a use for at any level. Cleave just weakens more and more every level after 6ft. Fighter in my group notice it at level 8 retrained it for lunge. He still gets use out of lunge. The AP we are doing is monstly fighting large number of humionds. Cleave is just to depented on enemies tactics to be useful all the time.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

The Polearm Master archetype has an ability called "Pole Fighting" which can help with this. With it, one can use a reach weapon to hit both 5' and 10', add in things like size and lunge and the above mentioned 5' step, and suddenly you can take swings at quite a few people in a Whirlwind Attack.

Dark Archive

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Picking up unarmed strike lets you do the same, without having to worry about being a polearm fighter. You lose your polearm-specific bonuses, but can hit close people with the whirlwind.

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666bender wrote:

is there a way to threat 5 ' as well ?

i mean, with a reach weapon and lunge you cover 10+15 ' distance.
but, as non orc (no bite) holding a 2 handed weapon, is there a way to inclode 5' reach as well ?

Armor spikes.

GeneticDrift wrote:
Doggan wrote:
KainPen wrote:
nut for cleave tree to work they can be no space inbetween targets they have to basicly be lined up for you and use spend 4 feats to emulate wirlwind and your can't not miss. roll a 1 in that at all and your attacks are done. it is way to situational and you end up -4 to AC.
Bolded section is a houserule, so not truly relevant to the discussion.
Cleave ends if you miss. That's not a house rule.

My mistake, I misread that and thought he was saying you miss on everything with a Whirlwind attack if any of them are a 1. Reading over again I see he meant Cleave. Apologies.

Lantern Lodge

I personally dont think Whirlwind is right for ur character because u dont have the build to effectively use it. Getting the Trip feats and furious focus is spreading what feats u have very thin as stated above. But also were Whirlwind truly shines is when u have a reach weapon and/or ability to increase ur size. Best thing for that is a whip build with a wand of enlarge person or a friendly wizard willing to cast enlarge on u. That would give the whip character a 25ft reach dealing a 1d6 plus what ever is on the whip. Admittedly that not much damage but it gives the fighter the ability to do static damage to every thing around it while picking off multiple weak targets that survived the 2handed attack of the barb in the party if u have 1.

Shadow Lodge

if i had to choose between going with cleaving finish or whirl wind attack i would chose greater cleaving finish. it is the same number of feats for a similar effect.

power attack, cleave, cleaving finish, great cleave, greater cleaving finish is actually easier on your fighter in terms of feats because you dont need to waste one on spring attack or mobility.

and whats best is if you like going for big hits with a reach weapon you can clear the board using combat reflexes in conjunction with greater cleaving finish+spiked armor (or IUS) can net you 20 hits in a round... that is from personal experience.

so basically forget dodge-> mobility-> spring attack -> whirlwind and go for cleave->cleaving finish->great cleave->greater cleaving finish

I don't think it is worth the feats in general. It seem like ... maybe 50% of attacks are full attacks if you aren't an archer. That is kind of optimistic.

Then you have to have targets in range. You also have the need to not be concentrating on one opponent.

It just doesn't come up that much for me, maybe someone else has a different experience.

Psion-Psycho wrote:
I personally dont think Whirlwind is right for ur character because u dont have the build to effectively use it. Getting the Trip feats and furious focus is spreading what feats u have very thin as stated above. But also were Whirlwind truly shines is when u have a reach weapon and/or ability to increase ur size. Best thing for that is a whip build with a wand of enlarge person or a friendly wizard willing to cast enlarge on u. That would give the whip character a 25ft reach dealing a 1d6 plus what ever is on the whip. Admittedly that not much damage but it gives the fighter the ability to do static damage to every thing around it while picking off multiple weak targets that survived the 2handed attack of the barb in the party if u have 1.

the cost is painfull... when cut down to trade off its :

dodge+mobility+spring+WWA =
+1 AC alawys
+5 AC when moving
ability to position well / play ping-pong with 1 BBEG (spring)
""fireball"" - attacking 5-15' all around when alot of mini opponent.

the alternative is :
+7 to damage when using felling smash (vital strike)
+10% for double damage (imp crit)
either +1 to hit and CMB AND +2 damage (focus+SP )
OR grapple (imp unarmed+imp grapple)

so, looking at the tree feat, it's a choise between becoing a real killer Vs 1 opponent Vs being OK Vs 1 opponent AND being a mobile killer of doom.

interesting possibilities.

Ravingdork wrote:

I highly recommend a cloak of the hedge wizard and several potions of enlarge person.

The only problems with whirlwind attack is that to get full use out of it, you need to put yourself in harm's way (surrounded by multiple foes), so be sure to have a stellar AC. What's more, it is a full round action, which means said bad guys will usually get to attack you first.

That being said, I really love it and have used it to great success.

Wow I missed that...a full round action and not a full attack. Granted I've nevver used it. So how does that work with initiative?

I think it suffers from mismatched prerequisites.

Spring Attack is generally a terrible feat and redundant with its own prerequisites. If I wanted spring attack I'd go druid or synth and pick up flyby instead. I might well still go for dodge and mobility so no saved feats, but at least flyby is still a standard attack.

But even if you do want spring attack in spite of its flaws you want it for a mobile combat build and then along comes whirlwind which is for static combat.

And then there's combat expertise. Haven't we been taxed enough already?

Dark Archive

just take it

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lemartes wrote:
So how does that work with initiative?

Bad guys win initiative: They surround you in flanking positions and each get an attack. PROVIDED you survive, you may use whirlwind attack.

You get initiative: You run into a mob of enemies, possibly provoking, and attack one. Then on your NEXT turn after they have surround you in flanking positions and each gets an attack, you can make a single attack against all those within reach IF you are still alive.

Notes: It's generally better to delay and let multiple enemies come to you and then bop all of them with it. If they don't conveniently get into position for you, you can still take your turn to do something useful later in the initiative round.

I happen to have an amazing trip/reach build that trips everyone within his reach. Tripping his foes also gives him bonus attacks against each one (which I sometimes use to disarm them just for kicks). It's an awesome mass debuff in the right situation.

Ravingdork wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
So how does that work with initiative?

Bad guys win initiative: They surround you in flanking positions and each get an attack. PROVIDED you survive, you may use whirlwind attack.

You get initiative: You run into a mob of enemies, possibly provoking, and attack one. Then on your NEXT turn after they have surround you in flanking positions and each gets an attack, you can make a single attack against all those within reach IF you are still alive.

Notes: It's generally better to delay and let multiple enemies come to you and then bop all of them with it. If they don't conveniently get into position for you, you can still take your turn to do something useful later in the initiative round.

I happen to have an amazing trip/reach build that trips everyone within his reach. Tripping his foes also gives him bonus attacks against each one (which I sometimes use to disarm them just for kicks). It's an awesome mass debuff in the right situation.

may i get a linki-link for your happy trigger tripper?

Dark Archive

You don't need a weapon for what it's worth; even untrained in armed attack you can trip short-range, no armor spikes necessary. You just don't get your magic weapon-weapon training bonuses.

Reach + weapon will prevent the "if you survive" scenarios above; you should be tripping opponents as they close.

If you are a tripper, and especially a reach tripper, whirlwind is amazing even if you didn't really plan for it at the beginning.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

So, it seems people only want to use Whirlwind Attack if they are in a position to Death Blossom. I don't get that.

Alright, it takes a lot of feats to get to Whirlwind, I understand that, but taking 3 primary attacks against each of 3 foes is better than 1 primary and 1 secondary against a single foe, right?

Sure, being invisible and getting into the middle of a back of baddies and then mopping them all up is uber, but it's not the only way to use the Feat.

Grand Lodge

The best whirlwind attacker build I've ever heard of is a whip user. That's a base 15' reach, more with lunge. The plan is to get the most out of the build, so they went greater trip to provoke an AOO when they trip (10' threatening reach with whip mastery chain) which would still give them the attack off whirlwind with combat reflexes.

The next part is for high level play and fixed the problem of positioning. The build then included a 3 level dip into horizon walker. Then take the dimensional agility chain to dimensional dervish. You can now teleport where you want and then whirlwind attack, doing the trip AOO strategy.

One thing I'm curious about though is the interaction between Dimensional Dervish and Whirlwind attack. Dervish allows you to teleport in between attacks in your full-round action. Can you theoretically whirlwind multiple times, teleporting between different patches of enemies?

This is a very feat intensive build by the way.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I'm certain there is a whole thread devoted to this, so not to belabor it here, but I am unconvinced of the trip AOO Whirlwind strategy being legal, as

PRD wrote:
When you use the Whirlwind Attack feat, you also forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities.

And I believe the extra attacks provided by Combat Reflexes are thus forfeited.

Attacks of opportunity are not extra attacks for taking a full-attack action. They are neither bonus or extra attacks but free attacks.

"Sometimes a combatant in a melee lets her guard down or takes a reckless action. In this case, combatants near her can take advantage of her lapse in defense to attack her for free. These free attacks are called attacks of opportunity. See the Attacks of Opportunity diagram for an example of how they work."

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
666bender wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
So how does that work with initiative?

Bad guys win initiative: They surround you in flanking positions and each get an attack. PROVIDED you survive, you may use whirlwind attack.

You get initiative: You run into a mob of enemies, possibly provoking, and attack one. Then on your NEXT turn after they have surround you in flanking positions and each gets an attack, you can make a single attack against all those within reach IF you are still alive.

Notes: It's generally better to delay and let multiple enemies come to you and then bop all of them with it. If they don't conveniently get into position for you, you can still take your turn to do something useful later in the initiative round.

I happen to have an amazing trip/reach build that trips everyone within his reach. Tripping his foes also gives him bonus attacks against each one (which I sometimes use to disarm them just for kicks). It's an awesome mass debuff in the right situation.

may i get a linki-link for your happy trigger tripper?

Marcellano is 7th level in this PDF, but I've since played him to 9th-level, where he has Power Attack and Fast Learner as well.

If you're getting the spring attack tree anywho it might be worth it. On its own its.. meh. I've had it as a player and for a character, and even TRYING to surround him with mooks so he could use the feat, other players would pick things off on his turn to reduce its usability.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Nothing quite like being in a 5-foot wide hallway at the back of the PC line and being able to spring through everyone in front of you to trip and disarm the enemy before springing back to the safety of the rear.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Tarantula wrote:

Attacks of opportunity are not extra attacks for taking a full-attack action. They are neither bonus or extra attacks but free attacks.

"Sometimes a combatant in a melee lets her guard down or takes a reckless action. In this case, combatants near her can take advantage of her lapse in defense to attack her for free. These free attacks are called attacks of opportunity. See the Attacks of Opportunity diagram for an example of how they work."

Nonetheless, the Combat Reflexes feat calls them "Additional Attacks." Now if someone wants to argue there is a difference between additional attacks and extra attacks, I suppose they can, but it seems clear to me that the additional attacks from Combat Reflexes are specifically disallowed when using Whirlwind Attack.

Combat Reflexes wrote:
Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Dexterity bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
Nonetheless, the Combat Reflexes feat calls them "Additional Attacks." Now if someone wants to argue there is a difference between additional attacks and extra attacks, I suppose they can, but it seems clear to me that the additional attacks from Combat Reflexes are specifically disallowed when using Whirlwind Attack.

I believe the intent is to prevent the use of any extra-attacks granted from things like two-weapon fighting, flurry, bab iteratives and the like, all of which require a full-round attack action to be used, and would stack with whirlwind attack without the forbidding language.

Full Attack wrote:
If you get more than one attack per round because your base attack bonus is high enough (see Base Attack Bonus in Classes), because you fight with two weapons or a double weapon, or for some special reason, you must use a full-round action to get your additional attacks. You do not need to specify the targets of your attacks ahead of time. You can see how the earlier attacks turn out before assigning the later ones.

Whirlwind attack is specifically referring to these additional attacks you normally get to make when taking a full-attack action. Not AoO which are not "additional attacks" but are instead free attacks.

Additionally, your quote of combat reflexes refers to them as "additional attacks of opportunity", not merely "additional attacks". We all know an AoO is different from just an "attack".

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Attacks are attacks, and Combat Reflexes clearly gives you more of them under certain circumstances, which I believe Whirlwind denies you.

Anyways, despite multiple requests in other threads, the issue has never been FAQ'd.

Shadow Lodge

The big key to using whirlwind attack effectively is reach.

Advice: take a whip with you and know how to trip with it effectively.

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:

Attacks are attacks, and Combat Reflexes clearly gives you more of them under certain circumstances, which I believe Whirlwind denies you.

Anyways, despite multiple requests in other threads, the issue has never been FAQ'd.

Whirlwind Attack wrote:

Benefit: When you use the full-attack action, you can give up your regular attacks and instead make one melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each opponent.

When you use the Whirlwind Attack feat, you also forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities.

I read the second paragraph as When you use the Whirlwind Attack feat (by making a full-attack action), you also forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities (that you would normally get by taking a full-attack action).

I understand you disagree with that reading. Honestly, for the pre-reqs, I'm inclined to give a more liberal read to whirlwind, as it really just sucks.

What if you have a 15 reach. Can you remove a hand off the haft of the weapon as a free action. And punch the rest in 5 feet with a spiked gauntlet? Can I use power attack with whirlwind and dazing assault ?

Shadow Lodge

d6 spiked armor is better then a d4 spiked gaunt

Grand Lodge

Lobolusk wrote:
What if you have a 15 reach. Can you remove a hand off the haft of the weapon as a free action. And punch the rest in 5 feet with a spiked gauntlet? Can I use power attack with whirlwind and dazing assault ?

Yes yes and yes. Another fun one is using a reach weapon and pushing assault. Now you attack everyone around you with your reach weapon AND they're all thrown back. Whirlwind attack always reminds me of anime...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

In our games, we still grant AoO's even while using whirlwind attacks. Game designers have specifically stated this is RAI.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

As an aside. Some people expressed concerns about how to get Whirlwind opportunities, since you seemingly have to wait a round and get surrounded, or move in, provoking AOOs, etc., wait a round, and whirlwind.

Two thoughts occur to me, both involving mounted combat:

1) The Roughrider Archetype has: "Leap from the Saddle (Ex): At 7th level, after a roughrider's mount takes a single move, he may attempt a fast dismount (DC 20 Ride check). If he succeeds, he can take a full attack action. This ability replaces armor training 2."

2) I'm not sure dismounting is even necessary. When mounted, you occupy all 4 squares of the mount, which would make your whirlwind arc even more impressive.

Anyways, just some food for thought.

Grand Lodge

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:

Two thoughts occur to me, both involving mounted combat:

1) Good stuff...

2) I'm not sure dismounting is even necessary. When mounted, you occupy all 4 squares of the mount, which would make your whirlwind arc even more impressive...

I'm pretty sure you would have to dismount. When your mount takes a single move, you're only allowed to take a single melee attack (although you are allowed to take a full-ranged attack). The dismount ability is what gives the ability to full attack. Cool stuff.

Couldn't he immediately follow the fast dismount with a fast mount and then take his full-attack action (assuming the fast-mount was successful)?

If it did not succeed he would spend a move getting back on, and then only be able to take a standard attack.

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