Applications for Roll20 Shattered Star adventure path need 4-5 players


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Looking for 4-5 players to start a roll20 shattered star adventure path all players will also need Skype and Dropbox. games will be every Monday at 9:00 PM EST- 1AM EST.

Character creation

Characters start at Lvl 1
Ability scores and starting money will be rolled before the game starts so don't post them for your characters i am mainly looking for background race and class info in your app.
you may use any official pathfinder rule book and player companion but if you use anything that are not in the core books please tell me where you got it from.
you may use any race in the Advanced Race guide and any non evil alignment character, any class and class archetypes are allowed.
You may pick one trait for your character but work it into your background.
also please don't be a munchkin.

you may use -Players-Guide also

if you have any questions about something specific you want for your character please message me.

Alternate time for camp is Saturday 11:00 PM - 3 AM EST Please post what time works better for you.

Got a half elf summoner for the sat time so far

I can do both times fine, also experienced and never played this AP before so i'm pretty keen to join up if you'll have me. I'll send you a message with my skype info so we can talk about it if you like.

edit: can't seem to send you a message, you'll have to send me one instead with your skype info I guess :/

Alright, so I can't seem to message you either.

I got an idea for a gnome magus. I'll submit the backstory soon, once I figure out how.

Also I prefer the Monday time slot.

Hmm try my Email

also i believe i got a cleric also and with 3 people for the Saturday time it looks like that's when we will play

Players so far

Half Elf Summoner
Dwarf Cleric
Dwarf Ranger (subject to change)

Sent you a message.

Silver Crusade

I shall send you a message as well

Game filled thanks for the interest

Did you ever get my message btw?

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