GM incentive programs

GM Discussion

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

So here in Bellingham WA, I've started a new GM inventive. When my GM's run a society scenario, I will reward them with a 1 dollar gift certificate from our sponsoring game store, Eagles Games. I started this with the month of April and gave out 25 bucks. We are a small store and just started running three tables on both Sunday and Monday. I'm trying to spread out the GM time so no one person will get burned out.

As of this time I have 10 GM's that I have in the GM pool. I have started some of these GM's with quests. From there they start with easy scenarios, that I will sit in as a player. After the game I give them pointers, and we do this for their first three games. I don't always have to sit in on all the games, a lot of the GM's pick it up quickly.

After passing out the bucks, all the GM's told me they wanted more behind the screen time and I had two players ask how they could join the GM pool.

Other things I've done is having a private pizza party for GM's, run GM only scenarios, that I will not put into the scenario rotation, and now I'm going to start a Monday afternoon campaign, with GM's getting first choice at the table.

I have a few other ideas, but I was wondering what others are doing in their stores.


Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

well done on getting your store going!

Do you know who your local VC is? (you'll find a list at the back of your guide to organised play). I'd suggest getting in touch and seeing what support is also available at a local level.

I am a member of the "Shadow Lodge" in Sydney and our local VC who I gamed with for a number of years prior to PFS manages us in a similar way. We get GM special events, especially coming up to Con (which means we aren't burning a module or scenario), whilst the stores we work with also go out of their way to make us welcome - some open early, or stay open that little bit late if we are running over etc...

Does that help?

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For the last year this has been my GM announcement for my game days:

Spoilered for length:
Hello, all,

It is that time, again. I’m looking for GMs for next month’s games at Enchanted Grounds in Highlands Ranch. This is not the open call for those games; that will happen next week after I have all the GM spots full. Watch for it then, if you are not going to GM. If you are interested in GMing for me, read on.

First, I would like to outline the benefits of GMing for Enchanted Grounds:

1. I can get you the module for free. If requested, I will provide a physical copy of it, along with faction missions and chronicle sheets. In certain cases, I can get you an electronic copy, but those cases are necessarily rare and must be discussed.
2. You will earn a $10 gift certificate to the store for each game you GM. This helps offset any cost you incur purchasing the scenario or the supplies to run that scenario.
3. You will be given access to the schedule ahead of the general announcement. For each table you GM I will allow you to take a player seat at another table. This seat is guaranteed, as you will be signing up ahead of the open call.
4. If you GM ten games at the store I will give you an Enchanted Grounds Pathfinder t-shirt.
5. As Phil McMahon once said so well, you "get to play an ass-hat that everyone can't stand for the entire night; one that everyone gets the satisfaction of killing at the end of the game." Don't sell that short. It's an invaluable benefit, and one everyone appreciates.
6. All of the inherent benefits of GMing PFS scenarios (character credit, advancement on the GM "star" tier, access to chronicle boons when made available, etc.).

So, with all that in mind, I would like to ask for GM volunteers for the following dates and scenarios:

Point number 3 is pretty important at my events. They fill up fast, and with GMs getting first crack at the list I have created a lot of demand for players to take turns behind the screen. It also serves as a limiting factor, keeping people from burning out, as they end up GMing twice a month, at most, and then play during the other two game day slots. That works out nicely.

I am about to run out of t-shirts. I'm unsure if I will make more or go the dice bag route.

The $10 gift certificate is generated by charging players $2 to play at each slot. That money is all used to buy the gift certificates. It also gives the games a "value" and thus cuts down on the no-call no-shows, as people won't simply sign up on the off-chance that they'll be able to attend. They actually plan it when it's going to cost them money (even if it's as small an amount as $2).

Everett Morrow (the VL in Colorado Springs) hosts a GM-only scenario once a month. I've thought about doing that as well. My biggest issue is finding a scenario they all will be able to play. I run the newest stuff in the store, and holding one back to give to the GMs would make my player lists difficult to fill (we have a large group, but it's been active for four years, now, so the new scenarios need to be a part of the rotation). How has this been working for you?

I'm also thinking of holding GM "clinics." The GM 101 course is an inspiration for that. And I'd love to see a local version of the "Iron GM" contest I've heard about at GenCon. I think our core GMs would really get behind that.

What doess a "enchanted grounds pathfinder" shirt look like? I assume that is a game store?

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Tim Vincent wrote:
What doess a "enchanted grounds pathfinder" shirt look like? I assume that is a game store?

Yep, Enchanted Grounds is a store. It has our store logo on the front left breast pocket area, and the Pathfinder Society logo from the Community Use Package on the back.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

lastblacknight, thanks for the response, yes I agree the venture officers are a great asset that any store coordinator, should use. I have been in contact with them, and I'm hoping we can work something out, for them to travel to my location and run the day of the demon. I know they are all very busy and my location is over 100 miles from all of them, but they have talked with me and I'm pretty sure some time in the future that will happen.

Drogon, let me just say wow, it would be great to have a store owner so into the promotion of pathfinder society. I see from your store's web page that you are very active in all sorts of games. You are to be applauded and I hope your local players base knows how lucky they are to have someone like you.

The owner of our local game store is semi active. He lets us use the game room, which I think is a blessing. We have four tables which helps us run multi game days. It would be nice to see a little more activity with the GM's promo stuff, but I can handle it for now. We are a small group so my cost is not so large yet. We are looking a doing T-shirts for the group and one of my GM's has taken it and run with the idea. He is working on a logo now. I hope to have them made before PaizoCon, so we can represent.

Because we are a small group with many new players, most of my GM's have higher level characters. This way I can hold back a higher tiered scenario and run it for them. Most of they newer players can't play in that scenario yet, so I don't loose something to offer on game day. I know that I may run into a problem, now that many new GM's are stepping us and wanting to run. I will have to think of something for them, maybe a module for them.

I also wanted to say that my players and GM's also thank me for my time and effort. They went out and got me a gift card for our local coffee shop, I drink may to much coffee. They presented it to me during one of our game days with a really cool thank you card. Stuff like that keeps me going.

Thanks for the insight on how a larger group runs their active player and GM base. I find myself modeling my group and how I run things with what you do in mind. Also thanks for being such a great example on how an owner can be active and promote our hobby.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

I'm bummed I don't have you in my area, Doug. I'm a coffee shop in addition to the game store (and we've won awards for the coffee, by the way). Seems like we'd be a perfect fit. (-:

I set the store up to be a social environment. Simply offering games for sale is no longer enough in this era of online sales, big box discounters, and Kickstarter packages. Organized play is a pretty important aspect of that social atmosphere, so I care quite a bit about how OP systems are implemented. If you have a good one, you'll get my full support. Anyone who organizers a system for me by scheduling game days, tournaments, or leagues gets 20% off on the product they are organizing for. Because Magic and Pathfinder are the two biggest sellers in the store I end up doing the coordinating for them, myself (I can't afford to give up all the discounts I'd end up giving; besides, these two games are my favorite games, which likely explains their position as my best sellers).

At any rate, I'm always looking for new ideas. And I'm always willing to share my own. If you think your store's owner is after advice or has questions about the benefits of something like this, I'd be happy to help.

By the way: to accomodate your newer GMs do what lastblackknight alluded to and offer what we refer to as "Slot Zero" runs on new scenarios. For instance, you know two new scenarios come out on the 29th this month. Schedule them for the following weekend, for GMs only. This runs them through the scenarios, and makes it far more likely that they will be willing to run them in turn.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Drogon, it's probably a good thing I don't live to close to your great store. I don't think I would ever leave. My wife jokes that she can't tell which I spend more money on, games or coffee.

Its funny I have been running public play games for a long time. I started with living city way back in the hay day of the RPGA and have been going ever since. One of our big things was the zero slot for GM's. It seems that I have forgotten my roots and let that practice slide. When I read your post I had to laugh, why didn't I think of that. Man I'm getting old. Thanks for bringing a true and tested practice back into my thinking.

Thanks for the offer to help out our store owner. I may approach him with this and see if he is receptive to a little friendly advice from a fellow store owner. I think it would be great, but I don't want to overstep. Thanks again.


Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

We also use warhorn to organise our game days (they thrive on donations).

It's a great tool for when you start getting large groups and you may need to coordinate resources.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I was thinking of using warhorn but I'm not sure we are big enough to need it. I did make a facebook group and most or the local players really like using it. We can post pictures and have a more relaxed area that we can talk and instant message. We are a small group, so I'm not sure I need anything so formal as a site to sigh up for events. I admit I have controlled our growth, as we only have a small game area, and it seems we are about to reach our limit. I think if we grow any more I will have to start another weekly game day. We meet both Sunday and Monday night as it is, and with my real job, that is about all I can do. I can see getting another person, who is willing to run a game day, pick up a third day. If we do that, I will need to use warhorn.

So do I just go to the warhorn web site and make an account, or is there more to it. I really have only used it to sigh up events at local Seattle Cons.


Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Facebook is fine (Warhorn will be there when you need it).

Grand Lodge 5/5

Doug Benson wrote:
... So do I just go to the warhorn web site and make an account, or is there more to it. I really have only used it to sigh up events at local Seattle Cons.

Go to the main Warhorn page and click the "request a site" button. Complete the short form and they'll email you to let you know the site is ready a few days later.

Remember, even if you have a Warhorn account with another Warhorn site - every Warhorn site is independent and requires it's own personal account (log-in).

There is no harm in setting a site up if you anticipate needing a sign-up site at some point in the future. It will give you a chance to play around with the site before you actually need it.

The Exchange 5/5

Warhorn also increases your visibility. I would say in Detroit Warhorn is the #1 tool for attracting new players. You just have to keep it updated. Also, there are many who refuse to use Facebook.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Note: there will be people who complain about any resource you use. Pick what works for you and stick with it. Build it and they will come. (Except for facebook :-p )

Grand Lodge 5/5

Don Walker wrote:
Note: there will be people who complain about any resource you use. Pick what works for you and stick with it. Build it and they will come. (Except for facebook :-p )


Grand Lodge 5/5

And to contribute to the point of this thread ...

For the Boston Lodge I personally do the following:

1-star GMs are presented with a 1-star certificate on the cover of a cheap 3-ring view binder (Report)

2-star GMs are given a 2-star certificate and a cheap, but nice looking compass (Explore)

3-star GMs get a 3-star certificate and a Pathfinder Society shot glass, while supplies last (Cooperate)

4 and 5 star GMs get a certificate. I don't kick in any awards at this point since they get to GM an exclusive adventure.

Beyond this, our flagship store collects $2 per player per game and turns that over to the GM as store credit so each GM (at that particular store) gets between $6 and $14 per game in store credit.

Most stores offer the games for free. Some keep a small fee. One collects $5 for the day (2 games), but gives players $6 in store credit.


Doug you are a God. When I bring food I rarely get thanked. I always try to buy something from the store when I play there.

I wish there were stores like Drogon or Doug near me.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Thanks Finlanderboy, I'm just trying to make our little area of the society a great place to play. We also have some really great players and GM's. Some of the players who don't GM will bring snacks and soda. That is always really appreciated. I'm glad to mentioned that, because I don't think I thank them enough. I can see another round of thank you cards going out. I really do love that the community up here has really bonded together and we all do little things that make our game days great.


On a similar point to this, and the Tier bennies thread... what are the chances of seeing some sort of kickback/benefit for established shops that let us run PFS?

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Draven Torakhan wrote:
On a similar point to this, and the Tier bennies thread... what are the chances of seeing some sort of kickback/benefit for established shops that let us run PFS?

Speaking as one of those shops, this is not something that should be expected. As I've tried to illustrate several times, running organized play is in the best interests of a publisher (Paizo) and the stores who host. Players in chairs translates into sales of product. That's the kickback/benefit.


Exactly. I buy my products from stores. I know ordering them online I could save a few bucks, but I look to show support for the stores that let me play there. If the stores had incentives like doug was speaking of I would make a point to spend more.

As a note. Doug I would consider the players that regularly bring things for the table and DMs to your Gm only circles. Those players are just as valuable in creating a great atmosphere. Just my two cents.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

I'm lucky enough to live in an area with two local stores who run PFS, and three or four more about an hour's drive away.

One of the local stores charges $4 a seat, but gives it back to the GM as store credit; the other store doesn't charge (and doesn't offer GM incentives either). Both stores seem quite happy with their arrangement.

While PFS is growing (generally two tables at one store, three at the other each week, significantly up from a year ago), it's pretty much in the noise as far as the stores are concerned; the really big events are Magic & Pokemon tournaments, which are an order of magnitude larger.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
JohnF wrote:
While PFS is growing (generally two tables at one store, three at the other each week, significantly up from a year ago), it's pretty much in the noise as far as the stores are concerned; the really big events are Magic & Pokemon tournaments, which are an order of magnitude larger.

If you're waiting for PFS to outgrow the TCGs, you're going to be waiting a LONG time. The store I play at has sponsored a local con for PFS twice so far and has been limited in the number of tables they can run friday nights because there's no way they can cancel Friday Night Magic for a week.

(Which btw, if you're in the Philly area, you should totally come to Seelie Court next weekend. We still have spots open. End shameless plug.)

Granted, I don't think this is a bad thing. The trick is, get some of the Magic/Pokemon people to play PFS, then talk it up to their friends. I admit, that's how I got in. I was showing up to the FLGS to play Magic when one of the people I played Magic with pulled me over to play PFS instead. Don't treat them as competing events, treat them as recruiting tools.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Iammars wrote:
If you're waiting for PFS to outgrow the TCGs, you're going to be waiting a LONG time.

Nope - not waiting for that.

I was just commenting that as the game stores already have gaming areas with space for ten times the number of people that want to play PFS they don't really bother too much about what we do in our little corner. When they've got a big tournament going on we might not be able to get table space, but the rest of the time there are probably as many people just hanging out, or painting miniatures, or ... as there are at the PFS tables.

I'm on the other side of the country (SF Bay Area). We've got our second big con of the year coming up on Memorial Day weekend (Kubla! Kubla! Kubla!) - we're anticipating something like 200 PFS tables over a 4-day event, and supposedly even some other non-PFS convention activities :-)

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I only recently joined the PFS world a couple of months ago, but in doing so, I have seen growth in our area, as well as little to no love for the GMs by the tables or the stores. I have run a couple of tables at the store, and several for my old gaming group around the house, and I feel bad for the GMs here. The store we play in is AWESOME. Immense size, a good selection, understanding staff, a few private rooms you can rent if you want to be less bothered by the din of the crowd, several beer taps, snacks, and drinks. They are sadly missing coffee, which would be lovely. That said, the store seems to care less that we are there, though many people spend money on drinks the entire time they are there (I usually have a beer or two myself). I feel like they are getting quite a bit and most of the time the best the gms get is a thank you from the coordinator, who does go out of his way to make sure they are prepped, have materials, and is VERY warm towards those that GM for him, including letting them have input on the schedule and giving them priority for games, but I think the players or the store could do more. I always make sure to buy my gm a drink at the very least, makes them feel appreciated, I think. The little things.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Heofthehills wrote:
... several beer taps, ...

This was my Phase 3. I'm jealous your guy got there, first.

Where are you located? I'd love to come in and check it out and ask the owner how he thinks it worked for him.


I make no argument there. It's just something that was mentioned by my store; in part because of the habit WOTC got into of sending extras with their Encounters set-up.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Draven Torakhan wrote:
I make no argument there. It's just something that was mentioned by my store; in part because of the habit WOTC got into of sending extras with their Encounters set-up.

Sadly the only things I recall getting from WotC for Encounters for a couple years other than the scenarios were little tokens (a pair of the same set) and a map mat, which seemed really cool but because it was frosted saw little play since no one could see the map beneath it. Shame. Was a great thought.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Draven Torakhan wrote:
I make no argument there. It's just something that was mentioned by my store; in part because of the habit WOTC got into of sending extras with their Encounters set-up.

Ah, so you mean to ask if Paizo is going to send out packages for stores to use to promote PFS. That's different. I thought you meant a reward for hosting.

That's kind of what we're talking about in that other thread. Sure, the subject is rewards for GMs, but Paizo would need a way to distribute them, and organizers are the perfect method, as it would involve the whole chain. If a VC, VL, or store organizer were to hand out packages and rewards to GMs, they would naturally do it during game days, so everyone would be able to get in on the congratulations. I would hope that they do this, at least.

But, to be clear, WotC has never rewarded me, as an organizer, to run stuff for them. It is an inherent understanding that, if I run Friday Night Magic, for instance, I get FAR more players in on a Friday than if I simply ran my own thing on Fridays. And they are right.

Likewise, I get a ton of Pathfinder players through my doors, in part because I am one of the largest presences in Colorado for PFS.

And, yes, I make sure to reward my GMs with my own efforts as partial thanks for what they do for my business. (-:


Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I know our stores benefit from the sale of drinks and food (and the physical sales of dice, books, maps etc..)

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Drogon wrote:
The $10 gift certificate is generated by charging players $2 to play at each slot. That money is all used to buy the gift certificates. It also gives the games a "value" and thus cuts down on the no-call no-shows, as people won't simply sign up on the off-chance that they'll be able to attend. They actually plan it when it's going to cost them money (even if it's as small an amount as $2).

And thanks to the example set by Drogon at Enchanted Grounds pretty much all of the stores in the area do this as well. It is a nice perk for the GM who spends the time to prep and run a scenario.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

I managed to work with the store I coordinate at, a GM discount dependent on the number of games they run with a cap of 15%. As a bonus, if a particular GM runs the entire month, they get to use that discount an additional time in the month. In the short time we started the program, we have had people step up to run a table. I am sure there will be other incentives I can have available but we are moving towards the larger goal of a larger GM pool.

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