Dragonlance campaign interest check


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Hey gambit, check your messages.

Congratulations, Gambit! That sounds great.

I don't mind waiting, or even starting an improper game for now, but I'll still be interested in joining this when it starts up.

Grats on the job, and sorry to hear about no game. That is indeed good and bad news.

Interesting, everything about alchemist extracts reads like Arcane, except the one fact that it does not expressly say "arcane spells"

PRD wrote:

In many ways, they behave like spells in potion form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by effects like dispel magic using the alchemist's level as the caster level.

....In addition, he receives bonus extracts per day if he has a high Intelligence score, in the same way a wizard receives bonus spells per day.

.....An alchemist can also add formulae to his book just like a wizard adds spells to his spellbook, using the same costs, pages, and time requirements. An alchemist can study a wizard's spellbook to learn any formula that is equivalent to a spell the spellbook contains.

Most of the choice of wording makes them sound like their magic, although internal, and in 'potion' form seems to derive from an Arcane source. Every other spellcasting class mentions whether they cast Arcane or Divine. Alchemist is the only class with spellcasting that does not originate from either of the two sources. I'm curious as to what the general community considers them to be. I've always just assumed it was Arcane by the wording chosen.

EDIT: HERE is a link where James Jacobs mentions that their magic is Arcane, but they don't cast spells so are not Arcane Casters.

Grand Lodge

Continuing on my train of tought:

you could actually use the upcoming month before your relocation to get the selected char their own solo intro adventure up until full party goes out adventuring

I think you ll like florida....

Rumal, something to consider, divine casters can also make potions given the proper feat. Would that make them arcane potions?

Is someone else going to pick up this game or is the discussion more or less over?

I sent gambit a question regarding this campaign. I offered to start it and run a mini advwnture until he relocates and is settled in. I am waiting to hear back from him, since its bad form to shanghai another dms campaign recuitment.

He he Great Call Bruhma. Like i said we can use the time he is off line to run mini adventure from each character's starting point to the formation of our adventuring group.

I hope that he replies. If he does not, Bruhma, what were you planning on doing?

Id start the group as strangers in Solace. Everyone is at the Inn of the Last Home. Circumstance would push everyone together and force them to work together.

But, that all depends on gambit.

Visiting the land marked Home of the Heroes of the lance / War of the Twins is indeed a good pilgrimage for wannabee Heroes (of either Light or Dark fate)

I apologize if this is not a kosher question but maybe we can put Gambit's game on hold until he says he can do it and then do another one in mean time?

Sounds reasonable to me. Likely we would effectively do the adventure(s) before Gambit's one, we just need a DM/GM. I wouldn't be a good choice, haven't played enough myself.

I have an adventure thought up. But the group wouldnt start knowing each other.

Ill wait til gambit gets back to me about this, or tomorrow afternoon before moving ahead with this.

How on earth did I miss this recruitment thread? Argh am I too late to submit? I've been wanting to play a gully dwarf cleric for a long time now. I know it is outside of the specific racial parameters but he is ready to

My phone ate half my post. So here is the abridged version. Gully dwarves are the nuisance race and dubious cousins of the mountain dwarves. The are a most unworldly and simple people who have spent most of their racial history as slaves. Xenophobic and peculiar, they can survive in the most unpleasant places with the most inedible foods.

Bardy is level 5 but I'd obviously drop that down if selected.

So excited! This was the series of books that started my reading addiction many years ago. My kids are reading them now.

Oh snap! I just finished reading the rest of the thread. Grats GM and good luck in your new job.

If anyone decides to pick up this campaign, count me in.

Shalafi, I don't think you read or understood what I wrote. I did not say they were arcane because they made potions. In fact I implied that ALTHOUGH their magic was internal and a type of potion, it derives from an Arcane source.

That means that I think it is Arcane DESPITE being a potion.

Did you miss the point where they get extra spells like a wizard, or where they can learn formula from a wizard's spellbook. Lastly, did you also not see the part where James Jacobs himself said they were Arcane, just not arcane CASTERS?

So, what that means is, they are in fact arcanists by the fact that their extract ability is driven by an Arcane power source. They do not qualify as arcane CASTERS for feats or PrC's, but they are arcane nonetheless.

Rumal, I saw it and understood, I was just giving you something to think about, which apparently you did not.

If this is something that we do, I recommend that drop a few arcance casters since we will need a fighter or two.

My minotaur sorcerer can go into melee and bash things! Planning on making him as much of a Gish as a I can but going straight sorcerer which does mean he'll only be effective in melee in low levels.

Though it would be awesome if I could use the Battle Sorcerer variant.

What was there to think about? You implied that I thought their potions had anything to do with them being arcane. I neither said nor inferred any such thing. In fact I agreed that making potions was irrelevant to their power source. All you "gave me to think about" was something I had already discounted. Potions have no bearing on the discussion. The things they share with only Wizards, Witches and Magi are what's relevant, that being extra spells per day as a wizard and learning/scribing spells like a wizard. All four of them do it, all four use Int to cast, all four prepare, and all four are arcane. Regardless of whether they can make potions or not.

I am kind of done with this discussion, Rumal.

Might I suggest that if this campaign ever gets a gm that the two of you play Tasslehoff and Flint? Or even Raistlin and pretty much anyone else. You got the roleplay down anyway.

I love Raistlin!

Hello all, I apologize for my delay, I was at an SCA event this weekend and as such was out of pocket. First off, thanks for all the understanding and well wishes, I appreciate it.

Secondly, Im not sure what the move/new job will all entail, as such I dont want to give anyone false expectations or hopes. So as far as my involvement is concerned, this is a canceled campaign, with the possible chance of reengaging at some point in the future.

Now Bruhma, if you would like to step up and take over DMing duties, even using my timeline in doing so, I would be more than honored and you have my full blessing. I look forward to seeing how it progresses, and where you decide to take it.

And by Reorx's Beard, take care.

Alright everyone, sound off if u still want in on this DL campaign. Please include your character class.

Still posting same char :)

One kender handler.......errr twf rogue present.

One half-elf summoner (Sorcerer) if needed.

The list of potentials:
Kender rogue
Elf bard
Half elf sorcerer

Gully dwarf cleric. Backstory and level may need some tweeking as Bardy was originally destined for a different DL campaign.

Hope the gully dwarf race will be OK. I think I negotiated with the other GM what domains were appropriate for Reorx. And there was some racial penalties. But I believe we added an extra con bonus due to the ability to eat pretty much anything and survive.

Make sure to reference the timeline found at the first posting.

I enjoyed reading that timeline. It brought back a lot of memories. I believe Bardy’a backstory still fits that timeline.

new recruitment thread found here.
Lets continue this discussion there.

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