Wannabe Demon Lord |
I'd like to see more unicorn-esque creatures as well. Serou, Sz, and Monoceros being ones in addition to what you named that I'd like to see. There's tons of different types, I think I have at least 15 recorded from Asia alone. Loads of options there. Glad we already have a Qilin, that's probably the most important though, but more are certainly welcome.
I'd like to see a Cherufe as well, though I feel like the standard Lava Elemental boat has already sailed. I would like the reptilian route to be taken with it, either as a reptile made of lava, one that lives in lava or has lava powers, etc. That would probably be a better way to do it than a clone of the Magma Elemental. Unless they took some interesting path with it that I'm not thinking of, which is certainly possible.
On the Tentacle Monster subject, do with this information what you will, but we kind of already have that. Qlippoths are capable of breeding with humanoids, hence the existence of Qlippoth descended Tieflings. Made even more horrific and disturbing by the fact that it's nigh impossible for the mother to survive the pregnancy. Thus Qlippoth-Tieflings are often referred to as the Motherless. Squick of the highest order, but there you go. (Info comes from Blood of Fiends.)
Myth Lord |
Well there is a Kirin (stag) not a Qilin.
And for me the most important unicorns are the Shadhavar and the Karkadann, most feral other unicorns just replace the Karkadann.
I really want the Karkadann to be a zebra-like feral huge-horned brown/grey striped desert unicorn, and not a strange boring rhinoceros, as those are good for Mega Fauna with a different name.
The shadhavar and the bo can be merged, I want the Shadhavar to be a Indian Antelope kind of unicorn with the appetite of the Bo or carnivorous unicorns, I really don't like the name Bo, so Shadhavar or Shadhawar are better suiting, it must have some music abilities.
Indrik should be a very big unicorn, titan sized unicorn, these should be kings of the unicorns and neutral, not good or bad.
Abada should be a very SMALL unicorn, really small, like pixie size, very cute and gentle too.
Qilin could be a good natured dragon unicorn.
Sin-You could be a evil natured dragon unicorn, or one that takes order a little bit too seriously, maybe from the positive plane.
Nian is a lion unicorn, so very different, but I think its legend is giving to the D&D Tarasque, same story of it appearing once a year.
Camahueto is a sea unicorn, maybe a horned hippocampus or a disfigured cow-like unicorn with strange bizarre powers over flesh and aberrations, when you look at it for too long your flesh will be changed and you turn into an aberration.
Those unicorns are enough for me personally, but more is always welcome if they are unique enough, I don't want more than one Karkadann and I want it to be unique.
Monoceros = D&D Unicorn right? Or am I mistaken?
Serou and Sz sound very much like Karkadann or like real-life cattle? Or am I visiting the wrong page? Or do you gave them cool abilities or looks that made them look different than the karkadann? If you did share them if you want, i'm kinda curious as i'm really an evil/neutral unicorn fan.
And I agree with Cherufe, while I want it to be somewhat humanoid, reptilian features and volcanic/magma powers are a big must.
Wannabe Demon Lord |
Wannabe Demon Lord |
Yep. This creature really wasn't intended to be humorous, and there really isn't anything that silly about it. It's a plant that eats people. We have tons of those. It just happens to be a type of plant that we don't see nearly as often as say, carnivorous trees or flytraps. I'd really like to see it because A.There's never enough plant monsters, or at least enough really interesting ones, and B.It's a rather unique one on top of that.
Myth Lord |
It's so easy to make a non-funny monster from the Drop Bear.
And if you find that pictures still too silly or funny, try Paizo's Goblins, not much different there.
So I don't understand what's the problem, same with Ravid, just make it higher CR.
Also changed my project, so many new wishes made its way in.
Thomas LeBlanc RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Wannabe Demon Lord |
It would be a shame to exclude Drop Bears. They're really unusual, and pretty well known.
There's a lot of creatures that are just as "fake" in terms of origins already in the game. Snallygasters, Hodags, Wolpertingers, Hanivers, and the Fiji Mermaid inspired Ningyo just to name a few. With the right artwork they could look pretty damn cool, and the attack pattern is no different than Darkmantles, only these guys, if statted up properly, are probably tough enough to lay a beat down on a low level player. I personally don't find them nearly as comical as say, Grimples or Froghemoths. (Don't get me wrong, I love both those monsters, but I find them rather goofy.)
Hell, we NEED more Australian creatures in general, both from Aboriginal myth and modern folklore and Cryptozoology. And new monsters based on native fauna as well, both extent and extinct. The continent has tons of awesome creatures.
Actually, if it's not too much of a hassle, MMCJawa, would you mind posting what you have for Australia?
I honestly have kind of a fascination for strictly arboreal humanoids. The Asanbosan is one of my favorite monsters ever. And if you've ever seen the claws on a Koala...
MMCJawa |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Australia (and Africa) are my biggest weak spots in my grand list. A lot of the big compendium of myth and legend, either in book form or online site...haven't really delved into the literature and pulled out a lot of the monsters from those folklore (versus Greek...or Japan...or even Native American)
Here is what I have for Australia (and New Guinea because what the heck), although something I haven't looked at yet is one of Time Life Enchanted Worlds volume, which has a special spread of really horrific Australian monsters in one of the volumes.
Bariaua = Papua New Guinea; Nonhuman spirits which inhabit trees; incredibly shy and fearful of humans; commonly steal boats as they can not make their own
Burrunjor = Aboriginal/Aussie cryptid. Giant bipedal lizard that savages cattle; 25 ft tall, leaves three-toed prints.
Cheerooneer = Giant dog-headed ogres from Aboriginal mythology, slouchy with baggy skin and long arms; use dogs for hunting; can swallow vast quantities of food, and regurgitates contents to disgust enemies; predator on men
Dama Dagenda = Huli tribe, Papua New Guinea; race of dimininutive demon like creatures who harshly punish any who intrude into their domain with ulcers and sores; gifted linguists that know all languages; can be tricked not to bother people by spouting gibberish, which confuses them and stalls them while they attempt to translate
Dheeyabery = Kamilaroi Australian Aboriginal; ooze-like creatures; human-like in appearance from the front, but lumps of folded flesh from the back; hunt down anyone who intrudes upon their village
Dirawong = Aboriginal Dreamtime goanna spirit; invisible; ancient protective spirit who fought with the Rainbow serpent; giant; helped form the landscape; taught medicine to aboriginals; partially aquatic and formed rivers; maybe based on megalania
Dooligarl/Yahoo = Aboriginal; ape like humanoid; long arms with long talons, covered in long white fur, sapient; claws on feet turn backward; red eyes, fought with humans
Dulklorrkelorrkeng/Namande = Arnhem land Aboriginal; malignant, genderless sorcerers who can appear as either sex; faces resemble those of a flying fox; immune to snake venom; hunt with whipsnakes attached to their thumbs; dwell in forests with no ground water
Eer-Moonan = Australian; monster which had the body of a dog, human feet, and the head of an echidna; stealthy hunters of man
Gazeka = Papua Guinea cryptid; rhino-like beast with a proboscis like snout and hooves; 6 feet tall; possible surviving Palorchestidae
Gunni = Australian hoax; antlered wombat
Guran Gath = Aboriginal half fish/half lizard water monster
[b]Gurumukas = Carpenteria gulf aboriginal; spindly nocturnal spirit with long projecting teeth; kills people at night by biting the back of the neck; wounds do not heal unless treated by a medicine man
Hoop Snake = NA and Australia folklore; large snake which travels by rolling along, after grasping the tip of its tail in its mouth; tail has a highly poisonous stinger, which it uses to stab and instantly kill its prey;
Imjin Quinkan = Australian Aboriginal; small humanoid evil spirits dwelling in rocks and caves; afraid of fire, catch human to consume there body fat. travel by bouncing on long tails
Inapertwa = Aboriginal; rough simple models that the creator gods used to create all more advanced life
I'wai = Aboriginal; ancestral crocodile man who brought religion to the Aborigines
Julunggul/Yurlunggur = Aboriginal Rainbow serpent, associated with fertility, rebirth, and the weather;
Junjuddis/burgingin = Queensland Aboriginal; race of three foot tall hairy humanoids, with long arms and a strong odor;
Keen keengs = 2-fingered evil bat humanoids from Aboriginal myth; tall, lived in caves; worship fire; could appear as human but then grow wing membranes from their arms
Kiliakai = Papua New Guinea; forest demons that resemble wizened miniature tribesmen; may form from stolen babies who have been given demonic features and aged without changing size; malicious, steal pigs and shoot arrows poisoned with disease at people.
Kulta = Australian Aboriginal; enormous long necked and long-tailed reptilian beast, larger than entire forests; dwelt in swamps and was a herbivore. connected with living dinosaur beliefs; died out when swamps died out
Mamu = Warlpiri Aboriginal; vampiric monsters; bug-eyed, with bald heads and spine-like fur; long fang-like teeth; red in color, and appear to be coverd with open wounds; shapeshifters which can take the form of beasts, and shooting stars; dwell in hollow trees or underground; often target children; people can transform into them
Matabiri = Papua New Guinea; ugly swamp spirits, with potbellies and sunken cheeks; male and female, can cause people to swell up with disease and die
Mimis = Arnhem land Aboriginal; tall, red stick people, with thin and elongated bodies; dwell in rock crevices and are so thin that wind can break them; taught aboriginals hunting and other useful wilderness skills; usually benevolent, but sometimes will eat people
Mirreeular/Moolyewonk = Aboriginal/cryptid = predatory 20ft long plesiosaur like river beast
Mirriuula = "water dogs" Aboriginal myth; increases in size as one stares at it, starts out small but can get as large as a pony; live in rivers, have giant saucer-like eyes
Mokoi = Murngin Aboriginal; evil forest spirits which kill via illness and accidents, and can be summoned by evil sorcerers. Enjoy abducting and eating children. Take the form of reptilian humanoids or human-headed lizards.
Mura-Mura = Aboriginal; ancestral hero spirits of the dreamtime. May be propitiated to end droughts
Murray = Papua Guinea cryptid; 20 feet long theropod dinosaur, with scaly skin, head horns, and a back lined with triangular scales; long neck, short forelimbs, large eyes; semiaquatic; carnivorous.
Nadubi = Arnhem land, Aboriginal; thin powerful humanoids, with barbed, stingray like spines on their wrists and elbows; can shoot and regrow spines, which poison it’s prey; feeds on humans
Namorroddo = Arnhem land Aboriginal; vampiric spirits who travel through the air and drain the moisture of their victims; thin with long claws and long hair; skeletal bodies barely held together by thin strips of flesh; high winds are indicative of their arrival and omen of their hunts; those killed by them transformed into more Namorroddo
Nargun = Aboriginal; half stone/half woman; predatory; any weapon used against it would turn against it's owner; lairs in caves
Narrabeen Lake Humanoid Elephants = cryptid; four foot tall gray wrinkled humanoid with large eyes and a short trunk; no obvious ears; likes water
Net-nets = Victoria aboriginal; small fairies with brown skin and sharp claws; sometimes dwell in caves but mostly live above ground; nuisance creatures, that enjoy stealing things and leading hunters astray
Ngayurnangalku = Martu Aboriginal; race of humanoid cannibal that dwell beneath a vast salt lake in the Arnhem desert; resemble humans, but with sharp teeth and long claws used to capture human prey; can be detected by the absence of wind when hunting; guard a magical device at the center of the flats, capable of dragging an airplane from the sky; formed from an ancient tribe that would not give up cannibalism; cause disorientation???
Ningaui = Tiwi Aboriginal people; 2 ft tall hairy dreamtime beings; with short feet who only eat raw food; inhabit mangroves and offshore islands; nocturnal; can’t make fire, but helped give native aboriginals religious rites; can remove the poison from food; also the name of a species of Marsupial Mouse
Nyol = Victoria Aboriginal; small humanoid fairies with stony grey skin which lets them blend into the background; inhabit deep caves and only come out at night; mischevious
Potkoorok = Victoria Aboriginal; frogman, with a slimy, pear-shaped body, long fingers, and giant, webbed feet; reclusive and hides from humans in deep pools and rivers
Puttikan = Australian Aboriginal; hairy man beast with a mane and backward pointing feet; nocturnal. Devours those who have not undergone there man hood initiations. Thick inpenetrable skin; bounces after prey like a kangaroo
Ropen/Duah = New Guinea; Large nocturnal bioluminicent bat-like pterosaurs creature, spends days in caves
Row = Papua New Guinea hoax; 30-40 foot long monster, with a small, ceratopsian-like head without horns, toothless beak, and sauropod like body with stegosaur-like plates and spiked tail; inhabits marshes
Timara Quinkan = Australian Aboriginal; Good quinkans who war with the Imjin. Thin and tall, resemble smooth shadows made of pipes; can hide in cracks within rocks
Tjilpa = Aboriginal; marsupial cat people
Tukonee = Australian aboriginal; cave dwelling little people who helped stop a drought by freeing the water from the earth
Turramulli = Giant quinkan, hairy with red eyes and fur. towers above the trees and terrorizes all other Quinkans, omnivores; lazy, will steal food from other peoples
Whowie = Giant ant-lizard hybrid from aboriginal mythology; huge eyes and wide frog-like mouth; ambush hunter; emerges from its burrow at night to feed
Winambuu/Yuuri/Bitarr = NSW Aboriginal; Shadow fairies, who take the form of 3ft tall hairy dwarf creatures who enjoy playing with children; can take the form of shadows; tricksters who could be good or evil depending on the mood; sometimes act as guardians to special places
Wondjina = Aboriginal rain/cloud spirits, who when they died created waterholes; eyes and noise but no mouth, to keep the weather in; could punish with floods, lightning, and cyclones; radiated electric energy
Wulgaru = Australian aboriginal; gigantic artificial man, with pebbles for eyes, stone for teeth, straw for hair, and a wooden body. Given magical life to help with work, but only destroys. Has become a destroyer of all who dare violate tradition and rituals. Indestructible, pursues targets with no rest.
Yakiri = New Guinea; sky demons which cause thunder and lightning; kill those not under the protection of ancestor spirits
Yama Enda = Kyakas New Guinea; beautiful seductive jungle spirit; lures men into the woods, after which she transforms into a beast and devours them; sometimes called Sickness Woman
Yara-ma-yha-who: Australian; aboriginal monster that resembles a dwarf like red tarsier with a huge head, large mouth, no teeth, and suckered fingers and toes. Lives in fig trees where ambushes travelers, draining their blood with it's suckers. Then consumes a person and regurgitates them. Process repeated several times turns a person into a Yara-ma-yha-who. diurnal
Yowie = Australian cryptid; giant hominid between 6-12 feet tall; bipedal; wide and flat nose; long white hair hangs over it’s face and protruding belly; fast runners; war with aboriginals
Wannabe Demon Lord |
Thanks so much! Awesome list! A good dozen or so on there are new to me.
A few you mind find interesting that aren't on the list, so you may not have heard of include, just off the top of my head:
Tiddalik. This one recently received a Book of Creatures entry, so it's well presented there. A giant water absorbing frog.
Thardid Jimbo, a monstrous cannibal giant.
Namarrgon, a weird lightning demon who always kind of fascinated me because the native art makes it look like he has headtails like a Twi'Lek from Star Wars.
Kinie Ger, a half human, half quoll monstrosity, who ate human flesh and wields a spear.
Kadimakara, monstrous beasts who fell from the sky to the Earth and lived here in the ancient past until only their bones remained. An explanation for dinosaur fossils.
Dhinnabarrada, monstrous tribal humanoid ogres with the legs of emus.
Mamu sounds awesomely badass.
I didn't know the Mokoi was reptilian. That's cool.
I'd like to see the Gunni as a companion compatible animal type with Diprotodon like proportions. Maybe with a little version as a familiar as well.
Lot of Wendigo-like cannibal humanoids. Awesome. I find those cool.
Nice to see some more reptilian monsters, and some mythical lizardmen.
The Quinkan should be a Native Outsider group that contains creatures of all alignments.
Gurumukas could be really nasty mechanic wise, if it requires specialized spells to heel damage taken from it.
Nice Dino cryptids.
Dirawong is awesome. I love the idea of a noble Megalania outsider that would serve as a mentor for shamans and druids.
The Julunggul is in Bestiary 4.
I like the weird elephant man cryptids. They'd need a new name, but that's no big deal.
Ngayurnangalku sound like cool salt Wendigos.
Myth Lord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
From that list I like to see:
Burrunjor, like some form of intelligent Allosaurus, as otherwise it can be replaced by just another T.Rex like carnivore. EDIT Maybe this could be like the Indomus Rex from the latest JP?
Cheerooneer sounds like a cool giant Cynocephaly that commands around Dingo's.
Dheeyabery sounds like an cool ooze trickster not very far from the Nuppeppo.
Imjin Quinkan sounds like the pokemon Grumpig lol.
Mamu is my favorite, a creature covered in wounds and with bug-eyes is just awesome, I can see this as demon or devil.
Mokoi, never heard of them being reptilian men, but it could work, but you missed the most important part, they HUNT sorcerers and other magic-users. In the myth it only hunts dark magic, but I think this should change into ANY magic as they are clearly EVIL creatures.
Nadubi, this is another creature I not heard of before and I really can see happening.
Nargun, they sound like the perfect magnetic-creatures, at least they reflect things back at their enemies, could be with magnetizm. But instead of a rock female, I want a rock like water strider as they live near waterfalls.
Ropen, but I thought it was from Africa. It's lights set it apart from the Kongamato.
Whowie, found this awesome picture of it.
Wulgaru, could be some living totem thingie, as we already have wood golems, or an intelligent wood/stone golem that is covered in runic tattoos that give it boosts.
Yara-Ma-Yha-Who, my favorite australian critter.
Yowie, as evil Sasquatch with huge sabretooth fangs and sickly red fur covered with nasty insects and ticks it can use in battle.
Tiddalik, however we already have the Grodair, who is very familiar so if it is possible do something unique with it.
Some others are nice too, but remind of of other creatures I know too much.
Aeternae, please add Aeternae in some product, I really need a good picture of this creature! Pretty please! A demon with saw-like horns is just too cool to miss, and all artists are blind to it, they never draw this creature!
Wannabe Demon Lord |
The Nadubi would be awesome.
So would the Eer-Moonan, though I would up the echidna traits a bit. Maybe keep the canine proportions but give it quills. The idea of a stealthy shadow assassin echidna is too awesome to miss out on.
A lot of nice fey. Nice monstrous humanoid races too. It would be really easy to populate the Sarusan with good and evil humanoid races.
We have enough that when and if Sarusan ever gets development or an AP an Occult or Inner Sea Bestiary length book could be made with for it. Or a third party could do that. That might be more realistic.
Myth Lord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Mokoi (legends in the Megami Tensei game series) could be this annoying creature that spontaneously appears when a character/player casts too many spells or is very happy to use magic spells.
Casting too many high level spells would be something to look out for, as a MOkoi could appear out of anywhere to slay the magic-overuser.
I could live with the Mokoi being something reptilian, but I prefer them being like in this picture, hovering around like Alakazam or Dhalsim from Streetfighter.
They could be related to Baykok, but instead of powerful heroes they hunt for powerful magic users and magic over-users.
Their abilities are magic-drain, deadly aura's of silence and magic corruption, they can turn magic against the user and eliminate or hex healing/boosting spells.
Magic used against them is absorbed and used for its own power attacks, the more magic you use around or against them the more powerful they become, of course not everyone knows what a Mokoi is so foolish spell users are in for a surprise.
This would be so awesome. I love the Mokoi, one of my favorite mind-spinnings.
Myth Lord |
If they are Reptilian, I want them to be without the reptilian snout, more like Killer Croc from Batman, a flat human face with scales and fangs, but not like all other reptilians.
Humanoid Frilled Lizard could work, or Moloch humanoid, or monitor lizard humanoid or undead lizardmen, as I always thought these spirits have something undead over them.
Myth Lord |
So, sort of like the facial appearance of nagaji?
Well yes, that is a good example, I totally forgot about those!
I would prefer if the Mokoi was not reptilian looking.
How would you like to see Mokoi then? I kinda agree, never seen anything about Mokoi being anything like a reptilian, BUT then again, never seen anything about what they look like at all, only that they hunt for dark magic users and eat children, so their appearance can be altered into anything at this point.
In Megami Tensei the Mokoi looks like a green totem-doll thingy without hands and feet, and its weapon is a BOOMERANG, which I kinda like for Mokoi, its an unique Australian weapon so it suits with Mokoi, maybe it uses telekinesis to keep a few boomerangs hovering around it to keep melee attackers at bay, the boomerangs could be like spiked weapons or made of sharp steel.
It's strange, I always had a very big obsession with Mokoi, Brucha (porcupine monster) and Aeternae, dunno why.
MMCJawa |
I suspect that the Mokoi in my list might be a grandfathered entry from an older version of my list that I worked on over a decade before the current version. If I recall correctly there are actually two different Mokoi, one from Polynesian folklore which has gecko properties, and a generic magical spirit from aboriginal religion. I might have conflated those two and just generally forgot to correct it in the most recent list. I would have to track it down to confirm.
IIRC, the Imjin are actually featured in an Aussie series of children books, but do exist in aboriginal legend at least similar to the form I described them as. A lot of the fey-like creatures are from a Karl Shuker blog entry from last year (ish), while some of the more horrific undead/monstrous humanoids are from a magazine article I found online about aboriginal monsters and their incorporation into artwork and modern folklore.
Myth Lord |
I suspect that the Mokoi in my list might be a grandfathered entry from an older version of my list that I worked on over a decade before the current version. If I recall correctly there are actually two different Mokoi, one from Polynesian folklore which has gecko properties, and a generic magical spirit from aboriginal religion. I might have conflated those two and just generally forgot to correct it in the most recent list. I would have to track it down to confirm.
IIRC, the Imjin are actually featured in an Aussie series of children books, but do exist in aboriginal legend at least similar to the form I described them as. A lot of the fey-like creatures are from a Karl Shuker blog entry from last year (ish), while some of the more horrific undead/monstrous humanoids are from a magazine article I found online about aboriginal monsters and their incorporation into artwork and modern folklore.
Well hunting mages isn't that generic in mythology, I wouldn't know a single entity next to Mokoi, the Wizard's Shackle's name would suggest it is a magic user bane, but it has nothing to do with wizards or magic.
I really hope Paizo goes with the Australian Mokoi, as the Polynesian Mokoi is just another Intulo, which is also a Gecko man, or a Mo'o.
So the Mokoi of Australia stands out pretty much, it just lacks description of appearance.
Do you have pictures of the Cheerooneer, Imjin Quinkan, Mamu and Nadubi?
As you said artwork and modern folklore, so maybe there are pictures of these creatures somewhere, I'm searching high and low for pictures for my own project, but Dingo-headed giants, Spring-tailed fairies, wound-covered demons and spikey horrors aren't easy to find!
Wannabe Demon Lord |
Thanks for the clarification on the Mokoi. Now the Aboriginal and Polynesian ones will be two different monsters for me.
I'm totally digging the Imjin. I need more evil Tigger-hopping fey in my life. (There's a sentence I never thought I'd type.)
I think the Quinkan as a whole would actually work better as a class of fey than as outsiders, actually.
Myth Lord |
People look at this picture of the Imjin! Its hilarious!
Pooh Bear's Tiger is really inspired by it! It must be lol!
Wannabe Demon Lord |
Hey MMCJawa, I understand if it's too much trouble, but would it be okay if you posted all the monsters in your archive that start with A that are NOT on this list?
Abao Aqu
Abura Bo
Abura Sumashi
Adar Llwch Gwin
Aga Kurman
Ah Muzen Cab
Ahau Kin
Ahi At-Trab
Ai Apaec
Ai Tojon
Aicha Kandida
Aida Hwedo
Aja Ekapad
Aku Aku
Alaska Darkman
All Paunch
Altamaha Ha
Anak Gua Batu
Anjing Ajak
Antero Vipunen
Ao Andon
Ao Ao
Apau Perape
Ape Chupacabra
Arkan Sonney
As Iga
Asoon Puksa
Asura Wayupuk
Atascotita Ray
Atoi oi Kozo
Attracta Beast
Aun Pana
Austrian Reptoid
Avan Yu
Awd Goggie
Ayia Nappa Monster
Ayom Tannin
Azuki Arai
Myth Lord |
Too bad it isn't from mythology/folklore, its one of my favorite D&D/Pathfinder creatures.
Good thing the Gold-Digging Ants and Alicanto have the same diet and Alicanto's feathers also become gold/silver after eating it just like the Aurumvorax.
Also Ugjuknarpak, Nemean Lion and Cuelebre have its tough skin/hide powers.
Multiple Legs are with MANY creatures.
JiCi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
How much do we know about Occult monsteres being presented in this book? I hope these "ideas" get presented:
* A Kineticist creature that "merged" with his element or died from Burn exhaustion. My idea is something akin to the Animal Lord, but with elemental flavor. The idea is to present a template for kineticists who have attained a higher state of being and are completely attunded to their elemental abilities. That would be a good side effect. The bad side effect would be an undead Kineticist who died from Burning itself to death, and then become reanimated as an elemental undead zombie-like being.
In Occult Bestiary, there is the Combusted, but it is described as an undead humanoid who died from a spontaneous combustion. While it does have some of the Kineticist's features, it isn't a bonafide Kineticist.
* A Medium creature possessed with its own spirits. Let's face it: spirits can be ghosts, to the point of possessing the Medium for additional abilities. A Medium is an actual vessel for spirits and incorporeal beings. What if a spirit possesses the Medium to the point of completely surpressing its control? I'm talking about a template again, but it could be a vessel whose mind has been shattered and possessed by several spirits gone awry.
Occult Bestiary has a big fat zero reference to the Medium, so...
* A golem made of an Occultist's relics; This... sounds like a no-brainer, because some golems can be constructed from anything its creator wants. While I don't think an Occultist would sacrifice his own relics for a golem, someone else might do so after robbing an Occultist of his relics. A "Relic Golem" would be a golem with the ability to use several of the Occultist's implements.
Occult Bestiary has no reference to the Occultist, again...
* A disembodied Phantom; We have the Unfettered Eidolon, so why not an "Unfettered Phantom"? We are dealing with spirits, ghosts and other supernatural phenomena here, so a Phantom who behaves much like a ghost would be a nice addition. Whether be undead or outsider, it is a pretty simple convertion from the Unfettered Eidolon.
Occult Bestiary has no reference to the Spiritualist, yeah...
* A disembodied pair of Mesmerist eyes or a Mesmerist without eyes; I'm being a little... gritty here, but follow me here a second: Occult characters are often considered to be profane, similar to how witches have been burned on a stake. A Mesmerist's most powerful tool is his eyes. I could see Mesmerists being punished for their acts by having their eyes removed. Granted, regeneration or curing blindness can remedy to this, but still. A dead Mesmerist could have his eyes float around or lumber about without his eyes.
Occult Bestiary has a Mesmerist creature.
* A manifestation of a Psychic's discipline; I was thinking of a sleeping/unconscious/dead Psychic whose current chosen discipline manifests itself as a ghost-like entity. I could see an Astral form... without being in the actual Astral Plane. Then again, like the Kineticist, an enlighten Psychic would be a good encounter.
Occult Bestiary has a LOT of Psychic creatures.
Milo v3 |
* A Medium creature possessed with its own spirits. Let's face it: spirits can be ghosts, to the point of possessing the Medium for additional abilities. A Medium is an actual vessel for spirits and incorporeal beings. What if a spirit possesses the Medium to the point of completely surpressing its control? I'm talking about a template again, but it could be a vessel whose mind has been shattered and possessed by several spirits gone awry.
Occult Bestiary has a big fat zero reference to the Medium, so...
I hope it doesn't do that since medium spirits aren't ghosts or even dead people's souls. Though, having statistics for the legendary spirits could be interesting depending on how it's handled.
Wannabe Demon Lord |
So I feel stupid for taking so long to realize this, but the Astomoi that's going to be in B5 is the same creature as the mouthless humanoid race I've had recorded as the Astornes. Seems like there's about a million spellings for the name. Anyways, mythology fans should be pleased by that. It sounds like they're taking it down the ultra-creepy path, which is awesome.
I'm really digging the Tenome. That power they gave it is so awesomely vile. I love it. I've been really thrilled with the Giantslayer and Hell's Rebels bestiaries. So many awesome and creative creatures. I mean, we went so long without a single Protean and we get three in a matter of months? That pleases me.
Myth Lord |
MMCJawa |
I thought an alien...
What power does the Tenome has? I was not really pleased with the Giantslayer bestiaries, no mythological giants, while there are MANY in mythology. Hell's Rebels so far is promising and I liked them all in Part 1 and the Fey Vermin Lord sounds like pure fun.
sort of...but a lot of that text seems to be completely made up by the website.
Myth Lord |
Also some creatures may appear very much like other creatures, but can't paizo turn this creatures into unique boss-like versions of the creatures, for example like Grendel is unique.
In my own wishlist the following creatures are similar to other creatures that are enemies in my project, so they became more powerful bosses in the game, maybe Paizo can do the same with many.
Kallikantzaros -> Goblin Boss (An evil Goblin King with a magical axe that does great damage to plant creatures and nature, he mostly appears when winter is near.)
Scylla -> Cecaelia Boss (Instead of just tentacles the Scylla’s tentacles end in horrible wolf-like maws, for the rest they appear as giant Cecaelia. She makes her lair in strategic places within cliffs that block paths for ships so they make easy prey, she controls Charybdis and other sea creatures with her powerful mind.)
Empusa -> Succubus Boss (Flaming hair and far more powerful, the Empusa is a powerhouse among Succubi, serving the Goddess of Magic Hecate as her Right Hand.)
Cuco -> Jack o Lantern Boss (Also known as the Sackman, the Cuco is half plant and half humanoid, its pumpkin like head scars the very soul after it is viewed.)
Rake -> Grey Boss (A failed experiment of the Grey that they rather regret as the Rake also hunts his former kind, the Rake is a horrid Grey infused with demonic tissue.)
Kraken -> lusca Boss (Even bigger than the Luscas and far more sinister and evil, the Kraken rules the seas and turns every calm ocean into a red sea of carnage)
Phooka -> Carbuncle Boss (Just as cute as the Carbuncle but with sinister white, silver and black colors, the Phooka loves deadly mischief, which always ends in death, its emotion-control powers are extremely dangerous.)
Ugjuknarpak -> Ahuizotl Boss (A rare albino Ahuizotl that makes its lair in a cold lake, its fur is almost impossible to penetrate and it often hides under turned boats.)
Serket -> Girtablilu Boss (Behaving like a true Goddess the Serket rules over all Girtablilu and is seen as the only female of the species, scholars debate whether or not the Serket is really a Goddess.)
Piasa -> Manticore + Sphinx Boss (Combining the terror and strength of the Manticore with the beauty and intelligence of the Sphinx this terrible creature can become like a living wall painting to flee or stalk its prey.)
Haetae -> Taotie Boss (Having limited control over time itself this terrible construct is said to be constructed by Father Time himself, just like the Taotie it has an inner pocket plane which is said to be a time portal.)
Ahool -> Xiao Boss (The boss of crime and thievery, commanding the lesser flying monkeys around to steal for him like a true tiran, the Ahool appears to be a mixture of Olitiau Bat and Baboon.)
Grim Reaper -> Ankou Boss (The right hand of the Horseman of Death, while it loses the Ankou’s chariot of doom it gains far greater powers over death and decay.)
Gargouille -> Gargoyle Boss (While the Gargoyles resemble stone demons the unique Gargouille resembles a stone Dragon, its water spout attacks are legendary and deadly focused, it controls al other Gargoyles and can also create new Gargoyles from statues.)
Devalpa -> Mandragora Boss (In the disguise of a child or old man this plant horror asks humans to carry it around, when the victim agrees to help however they find out that the Devalpa is here to stay as its roots merge with the victims spine. This demon plant wants to find the perfect host.)
Sarkany -> Hala Boss (Much like its lesser Air Demon kind the Sarkany is master over all types of winds and hail, but unlike its lesser kind the Sarkany can take the form of a Storm Dragon.)
Boo Hag -> Nocnitsa Boss (Who needs a skin when you kill other creatures in their worst nightmares? The Boo Hag is the true nightmare queen, controlling all other dream-world creatures like the Baku, Nue, Nocnitsa and Incubi around.)
Bolotnik -> Vodyanoi Boss (The true lord of the bogs and especially over quicksand which this creature loves above all, it loves to create traps for everything that invades its beloved swamp. It is even more grumpy than the Vodyanoi)
Katsura-Otoko -> Fossegrim Boss (Only during full moons this beautiful but extremely narcissistic male nymphs plays its moon-harp to lure other beautiful creatures towards a drowning death, all Fossegrim are jealous on this pink-haired beauty.)
Haugbui -> Draugr Boss (The first victim of the curse that created these oceanic undead, he is the Draugrs captain and the only Draugr that can control and create ghost ships, in many stories he’s been called Davy Jones.)
Dalaketnon -> Svartalfar Boss (Born from the union of demon and Svartalfar, the Dalaketnon is immortal and super powerful, it can create duplicates of itself and cast powerful telekinetic spells, all other Svartalfar fear this tyrant.)
Antaeus -> Troll Boss (Being more related to Earth Trolls than to Ice and Rock Trolls the Antaeus is the size of a giant and has even more powerful regeneration powers which make it almost invincible, it has more brains than ordinary trolls as well.)
Alberich -> Dvergr Boss (Cursed by greed, the touch of Alberich turns his victims into statues of pure gold. Like his Dvergr race this dark dwarf loves replacing his flesh with metal, but Alberich replaced some of his flesh with pure gold.)
Ymir -> Frost Giant Boss (Almost godlike in power, the legendary Ymir rules over all Frost Giants and his insane aura gives the giants their limited powers over ice and cold.)
Berbalang -> Aswang Boss (While the Berbalang appears very much like an ordinary Aswang, his powers differ in many ways, as the Berbalang cannot only part with every single organ and body part, it can also part with its very spirit/soul, becoming a team of spirit and flesh.)
Jersey Devil -> Tikbalang Boss (There is a reason that Succubi rather avoid Tikbalangs, as their union brought to life a creature of such horror that even other demons fear it, the terrible Jersey Devil looks much like a winged Tikbalang.)
Akheilos -> Adaro Boss (While all Adaro species are based on smaller sharks such as the hammerhead, great white and tiger shark, the unique Akheilos has the blood of an Megalodon flowing in his veins, and his size is indeed legendary, so legendary that all other Adaro respond to all his wishes out of fear.)
Amhuluk -> Abaia Boss (While the weaker Abaia also “bless” their adopted children with new abilities and powers the Amhuluk takes this aura to a new level as it also slowly changes the appearance of its “children”, slowly transforming them into brainwashed horrors of their former self that are willing to die for their Amhuluk parent.)
Aziwugum -> Bunyip Boss (While Bunyip are powerful they are very stupid and slow, the Aziwugum however is very intelligent and fast on both land and in water, its tail is mutated into a whip like weapon that can break metal with ease while its scales are hard as steel as well. This creature is only found in cold climates.)
Ropen -> Kongamato Boss (A strange mutant among the Kongamato, the Ropen is a much bigger Pterosaur with bioluminescence and a far greater appetite, also known as the rainbow spirit this creature makes good use of its beautiful colors to lure prey into a deadly trap.)
Raicho -> Impundulu Boss (While the Impundulu are related to the friendly Thunderbirds they are much smaller than them, the Raicho however is a special Impundulu with the size of a Thunderbirds but with even more impressive powers over the weather. They even know how to control demonic storms found only in the Abyss, but Raicho take such abyss storms to Earth.)
Cadejo -> Barghest Boss (The evil power of the Black Cadejo is only limited by its gentle white counterpart, for all evil the black cadejo does the white cadejo saves a soul, they are forever linked by a magical chain that keeps them connected and when one of the two dies they both die.)
Dunter -> Redcap Boss (There can only be one Dunter at a time, and the Dunter is always the Redcap that made the most kills of all existing Redcaps, it is said that the current Dunter lost count on his own kills.)
Ceffyl Dwr -> Kelpie Boss (The most powerful Kelpie of all, being able to hover in the sky and control mists and fogs to make its prey be even more lost in the swamp it makes its home.)
Abaasy -> Fachen Boss (This cruel demonic Fachen rides the abyss on its six legged, two headed wingless hell drake, spreading hate and wrath wherever he can.)
Ballybog -> Boggart Boss (A very fat Boggart King which is carried around by his Boggart minions on a mobile throne, it takes six Boggarts to carry him around and he’s very cruel to his minions and to all other creatures and just loves to feed his Tiddalik pet with victims and water.)
Pesta -> Banshee (An unique Banshee that got “blessed” by the Horseman of Pestilence to spread pest and other diseases for him with the same wailing powers of a normal Banshee, anyone that hears their wailing becomes sick.)
Arachne -> Jorogumo Boss (The queen of all spiders, the Jorogumo are her daughters.)
Argus -> Hyakume Boss (Much bigger than the Hyakume and much more powerful, the Argus like his lesser kin loves to collect information and often fakes being some random Gods guardian, only to learn more information and secrets from it.)
Rokurokubi -> Harionago Boss (The Rokurokubi is a powerful Harionago that cannot only control her long hair but also the length of her neck.)
Preta -> Gaki Boss (Even more greedy than ordinary Gaki, the Preta takes the form of a huge dragon made entirely from treasures, gold coins and gems, this creature is greed incarnate)
Alkonost -> Harpy Boss (While Harpies are ugly and have poisonous painful voices the legendary Alkonost is a very beautiful and big Harpy with feathers in all colors of the rainbow, while her voice isn’t painful like those of Harpies it is enchanting and scrambles the senses, memories, emotions and feelings in her victims, turning them into easy prey.)
Medusa -> Gorgon Boss (The Queen of all Gorgons, she lacks the legs of her lesser kind and instead has the lowerbody of a huge snake, she can also animate statues she creates into golem-like creatures that guard her lair.)
Aerico -> Nosoi Boss (While the Nosoi are bound forever to their chest-prison and can only torture creatures when they open their pandora-like chest, the Aerico is free to roam the world and plague creatures with his terrible diseases in name of the Horseman of Pestilence whom freed this Unique Nosoi from his prison for personal reasons.)
Heikegani -> Karkinos Boss (When a very powerful and legendary Samurai committed suicide by drowning himself on the beach, an otherwise weak Karkinos crab monster was the first to feed on his lifeless body and this bound the spirit of the Samurai to the Karkinos changing not only its appearance but also granted it a guardian spirit that attacks everyone foolish enough to stand in the crabs way, the face of the lost Samurai now decorates the crabs shell forever moaning in agony.)
Ladon -> Hydra Boss (A legendary intelligent Hydra which is found serving the Horseman of Famine.)
Echidna -> Lamia Boss (While the Lamias are cursed to never have children of their own again the legendary Lamia called Echidna breeds entire armies of her monstrous children, as every creature she devours she can breed perfect copies from, creatures more powerful than herself however cannot be bred.)
Sarangay -> Minotaur Boss (A minotaur hardened by the elements, its horns became as beautiful and powerful as diamonds and it is addicted to gemstones, killing all in its path to enlarge its collection of rare stones.)
Garm -> Cerberus Boss (What can be more terrifying than 3 headed hounds from hell? Well maybe the legendary Cerberus called Garm. While this hellhound has only a single head its skinless body is always leaking poisonous blood that corrupts the entire environment, bringing the Abyss into other realms as its blood functions as a portal for demons.)
Ouroboros -> Amphisbaena Boss (A very big, winged, dragon version of the Amphisbaena. It is only called after the symbol of eternal recycle as it own poison gives it immortality and the two heads often attack and kill each other, but their magical poison instantly resurrects the killed head so they can never truly die.)
Xing Tian -> Blemmyes Boss (Armored in magical armor, the Xing Tian is the leader of all Blemmyes, far from stupid like its Blemmyes species the Xing Tian is a cruel strategist that enjoys seeing other Blemmyes die as he’s the first to feed on their corpses.)
Vritra -> Cerastes Boss (Much bigger than a normal Cerastes and far more powerful the Vritra is a dragon-like sand serpent that brings deadly drought with it through its aura, its venom instantly turns its victims into pure sand or salt and it is responsible for the creation of many deserts.)
Parandrus -> Yale Boss (A beautiful unique Yale that can camouflage like a chameleon and which serves the Sinister Erlking as mount.)
Asipatra -> Alicanto Boss (While the Alicanto eats only gold and silver the more powerful unique Alicanto named Asipatra was captured by the Horseman of War and then forced to feed on alien adamantium metal which gave the bird feathers of the same material, sharper than any other creature this bird is a powerful tool in the Horseman’s conquest.)
Aarsrivak -> Jba Fofi Boss (The Aarsrivak is special as this frost spider is a true survivor, while all other Jba Fofi would die in cold climates the will of one Jba was so strong that it eventually evolved into a spider that could even conquer cold, it is much bigger and more powerful than all other Jba Fofi.)
Hidebehind -> Ga-Gorib Boss (While normal Ga-Gorib are already very stealthy with their absorbing powers, the legendary Hidebehind takes this power to a new level, most creatures die even before they get a small glimpse of the creature as it is so stealthy it is never seen by anything other than its allies and this glutton often devours even its own allies after it goes too long without prey.)
Drekavac -> Acheri Boss (Created by the Horseman of Pestilence the Acheri are all special daughters to him, but his perfect little girl is the Drekavac as all known diseases flow around on her sickly skin, she is his ultimate creation and his favorite daughter by far.)
Nurikabe -> Nuppeppo Boss (While normal Nuppeppo are mindless oozes that absorb flesh without much thought one of them accidently fed on a powerful wizard, absorbing its wisdom, intelligence and power the Nuppeppo evolved into an intelligent ooze creature that can take the forms of other objects such as walls, it uses this abilities to hunt for more intelligent prey such as humans.)
Far Darrig -> Hellequin Boss (The most cruel and legendary of the Hellequin race is Far Darrig, this nasty jester from hell dresses himself in bright magenta cloths and hides within a treasure room which is protected by a maze full of cruel and insane traps, he loves cruel humor and feeds on the pain and suffering of other creatures.)
Sharale -> Mahaha Boss (A Mahaha that escaped his icy prison and now roams and terrorizes the forest areas, tickling victims to death and leaving them with an insane horrifying smile on their face.)
Quetzalcoatl -> Peuchen Boss (Extremely beautiful but arrogant, vain and narcissistic the Quetzalcoatl calls himself a true God, while he is nothing more than an magically evolved Peuchen. He demands sacrifices and can't stand other beautiful creatures as only he may be beautiful, still he is guarded by two Scitalis Dragons.)
Bocanach -> Huay Chivo Boss
Sekhmet -> Nagual Boss
Indrik -> Karkadann Boss
Beelzebub -> Druj Nasu Boss
Il belliegha -> Marabbecca Boss
Vatnagedda -> Caspilly Boss
Arzshenk -> Erchitu Boss
Baxbakwala -> Kaw Kaw Boss
Balor -> Tartalo Boss
Nosferatu -> Strigoi Boss
Nachtkrapp -> Valravn Boss
Hodag -> Gulon Boss
Toyol -> Tiyanak Boss
Scolopendra -> Con Rit Boss
Kasai Rex -> Burrunjor Boss
Yeti -> Yowie Boss
Nunda -> Mngwa Boss
Camazotz -> Olitiau Boss
Ngoubou -> Emela Ntouka Boss
Adlet -> Rougarou Boss
Tailypo -> Nalusa Falaya Boss
Anhanga -> Sianach Boss
Bloody Bones -> Bugaboo Boss
Kasha -> Nekomata Boss
Umdhlebi -> Jubokko Boss
Geryon -> Makhai Boss
Virabhadra -> Gegenees Boss
Sybaris -> Kampe Boss