Joe Hex |
Kalindlara wrote:Just out of curiosity, why is everyone so excited for the ravid?Dragons made of pure life that overcharges the environment into becoming alive, and who are dare devils who fly next to stars, wait before they go supernova and then try to escape at the last moment... they're pretty cool.
Damn... That is pretty cool!
Joe Hex |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Milo v3 wrote:Technically, this guy did that. Paizo is just referencing his work. ^_^Myth Lord wrote:Annunaki is the mythology monster, that they turned into the sci-fiman. I would rather the mythology monsters were mythology monsters.Milo v3 wrote:I'd be fine with the Annunaki... if it wasn't something from mythology.You don't want mythology monsters?
Off topic, but as good of place as any to mention this- Just want Kalindlara to know her posts are very appreciated. Pretty much all over the forums, she is consistently helpful, friendly, and fun. Great example of how forums should be.
Benchak the Nightstalker Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8 |
Dragon78 wrote:I am sure that the dream dragon is one of the esoteric dragons but what could be the names of the others. Maybe astral, chakra, ethereal, esper, psychic, mind, spirit, life, nature, arcane, sacred, akashic, mystic, chi/ki, blood, bone, aether, quintessence, axiom, lore, and/or chaos.I'd love to see a Nightmare Dragon, though I suspect the Dream Dragon is as close as we'll get.
They will have Nightmare Dragons. I saw the picture in the art preview seminar. The other esoteric dragons are tied in with the esoteric planes, iirc (astral, ethereal, positive/negative).
The Sakhil are awesome. They are fallen psychopomps.
Mechagamera |
We could use some more celestials.
I was under the impression that dragons came in sets of 5, so if it is dream, nightmare, astral, and etheral, then positive/negative would have to be both, maybe a 2-headed dragon.
Fallen psychocomps, does that mean steal souls or create undead? If they were chaotic, it would be kind of cool to send souls to the wrong afterlife. One would think that Salim Ghadafar would have fought some of them in PF Tales. Since he hasn't in either published tale, maybe they will have a recent event that creates the Sakhil. That would be interesting as I don't remember anyone doing a "new kind of outsider appears upsetting the apple cart" set in current times before.
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Joe Hex |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
People always give females compliments... What are they after?
Anyway, I really hope this bestiary isn't 50% sciencefiction and 50% fantasy.
It sucks that people can insult each other on here all the time, and everyone is so used to it, they hardly notice. If you take the time to let someone know you appreciate that their posts are always positive and actually fun to read- it stands out... "That person said something nice... I don't like it, nor trust it!"
Dragon78 is another poster I think is great. On this thread and the Occult Adventure threads in particular.
Sorry to be weird. Just want to support lack of snark, and general friendliness when it shows up.
As far as Bestiary 5 is looking- I think the overall theme is making the unconventional and strange work in the setting. I'm excited for the Grays. The other aliens, I'll have to wait and see. In general, I've never been a fan of fireballs and magic missiles vs. lasers- but I don't think that is what these aliens are going to be about.
Myth Lord |
My favorite bestiary is probably Bestiary 3, then 2, then 4 and then the D&D bestiary.
I really adore and love bestiary 2 and 3, i'm not a big fan of 1 and 4, one because the art isn't really beautiful and its mostly D&D creatures and animals, bestiary 4 because it has many 2-page monsters, it has many lovecraft stuff, many futuristic stuff, many templates and many monsters I really don't like, on the other hand bestiary 4 also has some of the best monsters, buggane, almiraj, harionago, bakekujira, jinmenju, vouivre, formians, fossegrim, abaia, pard, seps, ypotryll, soulsliver come to mind, but also some of the worst (for me) such as the fleshwarps, snallygaster, all those skin-stitch monsters and the 0HD races.
Only things I don't like in bestiary 3 are the rakshasa (some of them), all the clockworks and the Oni.
So I hope Bestiary 5 turns a bit more towards the bestiary 2 and 3 style.
leandro redondo |
I've trying for years to implement some sort of fey wars, but unfortunatedly most of the fey they put into the previous bestiaries were not only physically feeble ( that was something you could easily accept and work with) but laughably lacking of any kind of "wonder" or real capacity to be any kind of menace. It's very difficult to think that something that instilled so much fear in our forefathers heart could be just a few tinkerbells-like sprites. So I'd like to see some heavy-weights like the old 3.5 hoary hunter or my favourite, the leshay, with at least some sort of proper introduction to the seelie/unseelie court system and society. (The thanes and the like are more endgame monsters, instead of social creeatures the player could interact). Following that chain of thought, i'm also quite partial to the idea of creating around them a really living, magical forest, full of intelligent plant creatures and magical beasts ( for example the coltpixie, something I took from my old ADD books: the mount of fey nobles, able to ride twelve times as fast as a horse no matter its size -they could shrink to a mouse's size in a blink, with or without their riders-).
I also would like to sugest to put a few more asuras ( wonderful idea, indeed: ascets of destruction hellbent to destroy what they perceive as the failures of the Gods) and something that may help with the old problem of having long standing guardians of someplace without having to always resort to mindless undeads and constructs ( if you play a few dungeons on a row, your players end preparing only for those kind of threats, which is boring as hell). Maybe some sort of semisentient plants or intelligent oozes ( I'm actually making a good deal of use of mezlans)
Milo v3 |
I hope the fifth esoteric dragon is a positive energy based one because the Umbral dragon fits the negative energy theme to a t.
What? No, the Umbral Dragon is for a completely different plane. If they ignored negative energy under that reason I'd be rather disappointed, since it'd be the only inner plane without a dragon.
Dragon78 |
Yes the Umbral dragon is from the plane of shadows but most of his abilities are more akin to a creature from the negative energy plane.
Since Umbral dragons and any undead can be found there including undead dragons, I think the negative energy plane will be fine. If any plane needs love it is the so called plane of life, the positive energy plane.
Milo v3 |
Yes the Umbral dragon is from the plane of shadows but most of his abilities are more akin to a creature from the negative energy plane.
Since Umbral dragons and any undead can be found there including undead dragons, I think the negative energy plane will be fine. If any plane needs love it is the so called plane of life, the positive energy plane.
Based on that, any dragon and any living can be found on the positive energy plane including living dragons.
Milo v3 |
No, because most living creatures (and undead) cannot survive long in the positive energy plane.
The explodey ness only happens in small bits of the positive energy plane iirc. Not everywhere, most of the plane is minorly positive dominant (even if that made no sense) and just auto-heals creatures.
knightnday |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I'd like to see less taken from Earth mythology and more "original" monsters that owe their origins to Golarion and the associated planets in their system. While it can be entertaining to see how close/far that a mythological critter is translated over, there are some weird-@$% things that end up getting into the books that, while from Earth cultures, are weird for weird's sake and don't work (for me) with the world around it.
Yes, I'm aware of the connection between the worlds. No, I don't care. More new, interesting fey and things I haven't seen before rather than a retread of a (for instance) Japanese monster that I may have seen in another gaming publication over the years.
Berselius |
The explodey ness only happens in small bits of the positive energy plane iirc. Not everywhere, most of the plane is minorly positive dominant (even if that made no sense) and just auto-heals creatures.
I think he was also referring to the fact that there's nothing to eat or drink as well as no solid surface to walk on.
Dragon78 |
After 4 bestiaries and we only have one native creature to the positive energy plane. I hope this book gives several though I would feel lucky to get any at all.
I haven't seen an uninteresting fey yet, at least any that have made it into a hardcover bestiary.
There is going to be creatures from myth and the various earth cultures especially since most human cultures on Golarion are at least somewhat based on real world cultures. That is what Paizo does with there bestiaries there will creatures from myth, classic literature, pop culture, sci-fi, as well as completely made up stuff.
Joe Hex |
I haven't seen an uninteresting fey yet, at least any that have made it into a hardcover bestiary.
Absolutely. I just like fey and want more; not to say the ones we've seen have not been interesting.
I don't understand why we haven't had any PC playable fey. Satyrs would be awesome as a pc race.
Kalindlara Contributor |
Dragon78 wrote:
I haven't seen an uninteresting fey yet, at least any that have made it into a hardcover bestiary.Absolutely. I just like fey and want more; not to say the ones we've seen have not been interesting.
I don't understand why we haven't had any PC playable fey. Satyrs would be awesome as a pc race.
I actually was really disappointed that fauns weren't a PC race. ^_^
Joe Hex |
Joe Hex wrote:I actually was really disappointed that fauns weren't a PC race. ^_^Dragon78 wrote:
I haven't seen an uninteresting fey yet, at least any that have made it into a hardcover bestiary.Absolutely. I just like fey and want more; not to say the ones we've seen have not been interesting.
I don't understand why we haven't had any PC playable fey. Satyrs would be awesome as a pc race.
I remember thinking, that was the direction they were going with Fauns, until I got to the end, and realized, nope, just a variation on Satyrs, which were 'powered-down' enough, where they would have made a great PC race.
Myth Lord |
I'd like to see less taken from Earth mythology and more "original" monsters that owe their origins to Golarion and the associated planets in their system. While it can be entertaining to see how close/far that a mythological critter is translated over, there are some weird-@$% things that end up getting into the books that, while from Earth cultures, are weird for weird's sake and don't work (for me) with the world around it.
Yes, I'm aware of the connection between the worlds. No, I don't care. More new, interesting fey and things I haven't seen before rather than a retread of a (for instance) Japanese monster that I may have seen in another gaming publication over the years.
Keep dreaming, the staff loves their mythology (Gladly)
And what creatures are you talking about? Buggane, Harionago, Baku, Jinmenju, Bakekujira, Abaia? Why are they weird?
And yes, Medusa's, harpies, Hydra,s and Minotaurs are overused, but I want creatures like Yara-Ma-Yha-who, Aatxe and Batibat gain some glory for once and Pathfinder being the first game to have them. (if they were in every single game I would understand your bores with them, but they are in none)
Mythology monsters can be weird, but not as weird as lovecraft creations, I don't see you mention them.
And there are more than enough own-paizo creations in those books, even some fae.