Bestiary 5 Wish List

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Wannabe Demon Lord wrote:
So, does anyone know where the contest entries are being posted? I'd love to see if any of my guys got made.

You have to read here *clicky* for the entire conversation and links.

This is the top 5

Top 5:
Taniwha by Wendall Roy (I think this was your wish)
Warpstar by Douglas Schaub (This was a wish from Dragon78)
Sianach by Joe Kondrak (This was a wish from me)
Nightbloom by Nicholas Wasko (This was a wish from me)
Splintercat by Mike Welham (This was a wish from atheral me thinks, as he was the first to wish for the Splintercat, I wished for it too later in the thread, I don't know if you also did.)

Silver Crusade

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The Alot please


Ok, that is the weirdest thing I think anyone has added to this wish list.

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I'd like to see a 0-hd playable race of the aberrant type.

Former Fiend, I have been wanting for that since the ARG came out along with an ooze one, an undead one, and more fey, monstrous humanoid, and plant based ones.

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Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

The Alot please


I like this idea, Alot.

The Evil Queen wrote:
Wannabe Demon Lord wrote:
So, does anyone know where the contest entries are being posted? I'd love to see if any of my guys got made.

You have to read here *clicky* for the entire conversation and links.

This is the top 5

Top 5:
Taniwha by Wendall Roy (I think this was your wish)
Warpstar by Douglas Schaub (This was a wish from Dragon78)
Sianach by Joe Kondrak (This was a wish from me)
Nightbloom by Nicholas Wasko (This was a wish from me)
Splintercat by Mike Welham (This was a wish from atheral me thinks, as he was the first to wish for the Splintercat, I wished for it too later in the thread, I don't know if you also did.)

Cool. Really glad to see Splintercat, Sianach, and Taniwha. The Taniwha I believe was referenced by both me and MMCJawa at least a couple times each.

As for the Ettercap, there is no way in Hell it was based on the Arrach. Ettercap is, I believe, the word for spider in one of the languages in the Tolkien mythos, taken from a European language, I forget which one. It may be the correct name for Shelob' s species, though I don't know for sure. The D&D monster was named in homage of Tolkien, though is an original concept, not one taken from the lore.
The Arrach, on the other hand, is not a spider like creature in the actual mythology. It is a word in Gaelic (maybe), that sounds coincidentally like the Greek word for spider. Since the monster itself was described very ambiguously, at least in any sources I can find, it's pretty reasonable to make it spider like but know that it wasn't intended to be. The interesting thing, however, is that Athach (as in those weird looking three armed giantoids) seems to be a type/regional variation of the Arrach. So they actually DID use a variant of the creature, as itself. They didn't steal the beast, they used it.

Next time, before making absurd claims, please do some actual research first.

Oh right, we also need a 'Creature with Frickin' Laser Beams on its Frickin' Head' Template.

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In terms of PC races (off the top of my head), I'd like to see:
PC compatible Lizardmen! I cannot tell you how necessary those are to me! Dino folk are acceptable as well, but to me most possible types seem like they would need hit die.
The Cynocephali! Perfect for a race of dog people.
Aberrant race
Bug race
Undead race
Giantkin race
Bat race
A big, hairy, wookielike humanoid.
Non fish like aquatic race
Centaur shaped race
Race with a snakelike lower body
Protean spawn race
Some absolutely horrifying, and monstrous looking, but intelligent and friendly races. Several of them.
A race with completely alien physical traits merged with human ones in such a way that they still look sexy.
Fey race.
Some really weird, nonhumanlike, races with no basis on any of the norms for PC races in gaming. Monstrous and bizarre enough that they would fit in in the Star Wars cantina scene and look fine battling Ultraman.

Mysterious Monsters Revisited references Arcadia as having a race of half Sasquatch creatures, that I think would probably fill the "wookie-like" race niche

I'd like to see a dino race, but one that gets it's inspirations more from our modern views of dinosaurs. so something that maybe looks like a feathered Troodon or deinonychosaur.

MMCJawa wrote:

Mysterious Monsters Revisited references Arcadia as having a race of half Sasquatch creatures, that I think would probably fill the "wookie-like" race niche

I'd like to see a dino race, but one that gets it's inspirations more from our modern views of dinosaurs. so something that maybe looks like a feathered Troodon or deinonychosaur.

That would be cool. Small, feathered, intelligent Troodons. Not even necessarily "anthro." I could see them doing that. Considering that Paizo does seem to do its best to respect modern paleontology. I was very, very happy when I saw the Velociraptor in B4. Finally someone realises that the ones in Jurassic Park were actually Deinonychus. And, well, feathers. Awesome.

I dont care for p-races at all. But I hope no mythology creatures are used to create them. Just original designs and mythology creatures as solid cr choises not as cr 1,2

Looks like the Warpstar used several things I was asking for, interesting.

A "wookie-like" race would be interesting, hope they make it monstrous humanoid.

I would love to see races:

Fey blooded
More planetouched
-positive energy
-negative energy
Magical Beast
more Fey
more Plants
more Monstrous Humanoids
more bird(hawk-medium, humming bird-small size)
centaur-like(medium size version)
snake lower body one
more aliens
more aquatic(both fish-like and non-fish-like)
Cyclops one
three eyed race
tiny size one(fey)
minotaur one
medusa-like one(well snakes for hair)

Dragon78 wrote:

Looks like the Warpstar used several things I was asking for, interesting.

A "wookie-like" race would be interesting, hope they make it monstrous humanoid.

I would love to see races:

Fey blooded
More planetouched
-positive energy
-negative energy
Magical Beast
more Fey
more Plants
more Monstrous Humanoids
more bird(hawk-medium, humming bird-small size)
centaur-like(medium size version)
snake lower body one
more aliens
more aquatic(both fish-like and non-fish-like)
Cyclops one
three eyed race
tiny size one(fey)
minotaur one
medusa-like one(well snakes for hair)

In other words, everything should be a P.Race lol.

Also I found a creature that could replace the Kaster or combine its features.

Katsura-Otoko (the beautiful man of the moon in japanese myth) could have the Kasters gems.

EDIT 2: Ikiryo: There aren't many monsters based on Envy (one of the 7 deadly sins) and this creature is Envy's champion unit.
Green (the color of envy) ghost-like creatures that manifest when a evil person suffers from severe envious feelings, the envy becomes a creature on its own to torture all objects of the evil beings envious feelings.
- These creatures are spectral but not undead.
- These creatures have 2 sets of eyes, so four eyes in total.

I'd really want some of the PC races to be mythology based, personally. Good list Dragon.

Okay, I've held off on this request long enough, due to avoid spoilers for the new Dresden Files book. There was a monster in there that was absolutely amazing, it was mythical, and Native American, and that was the first time I'd heard of it. And yes, it's legit, I did the research.

Genoskwa: Enormous, malevolent, Sasquatch break away species. They bred with fiends, giving them tremendous powers. Gigantic and much more evil looking than a Sasquatch, they have stone like armor plates all over their body and incredible powers of Terramancy. They, unlike Sasquatches, are completely carnivorous, and despise all other sentient species but will work with them for their own gain. Regularly bind devils and other fiends to gain power. Shouldn't be less than CR 15.

Note that I was describing Jim Butcher's version of the creature, not the mythically accurate one.

I really dislike the less than CR1 take on the creatures, I really hated this with Undine, Oread and Sylphs. Rather seen them as none-Playable races.

I don't mind creatures like Cynocephali being created into P.Races, but anything on my personal wishlists I rather see above CR 1 (or CR 1 itself) and not as P.Races.

I would also like to see a Frankenstein monster style race but as humanoid with a trait similar to the constructed trait of androids. Though they would not be immune to emotion, fear, and moral bonuses but would have a dray back like a phobia of fire or something like that.

Some races based on myth, some based on sci-fi, some based on TV shows/movies, it's all good to me.

The Evil Queen wrote:

Splintercat by Mike Welham (This was a wish from atheral me thinks, as he was the first to wish for the Splintercat, I wished for it too later in the thread, I don't know if you also did.)

AWSOME! Love that critter...ha now to take the opportunity and create a Hunter with a splintercat companion.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

ok, as you guys wished for it and I missed the template rule - gah - here is one take on the Vila that was requested (posting here rather than in the competition thread as a gift to all the bestiary request list thread participants...

This is unedited from any feedback and as entered in the competition, so if you use it, you might want to double check my maths, etc.

Hope you enjoy it.

The ethereal beauty of this ghost-like lady is that of the angelic host given form, from her shoulders sprout large feathered wings normally found on a stallion pegasus. She wears a diaphanous sky-blue cloak made of the stuff of clouds.

Vila CR 9
XP 6,400
Female fey vampire
LE Medium undead (augmented fey)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13

AC 23, touch 17, flat-footed 18 (+2 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 natural)
hp 121 (15d8+54); fast healing 5
Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +12
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; DR 10/magic and silver; Immune undead traits; Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Weaknesses vampire weaknesses

Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee slam +8 (1d4+4 plus energy drain)
Special Attacks alluring dance, blood drain, breath steal, children of the night, create spawn, dominate (DC 22), energy drain (2 levels DC 22), jealous stare, pining departure, storm breath

Str 16, Dex 18, Con —, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 26
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 24
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness
Skills Bluff +27, Perception +13, Perform (dance) +12, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +12; Racial Modifiers +8 Bluff, +8 Perception, +8 Sense Motive, +8 Stealth
Languages Abyssal, Common, Sylvan
SQ gaseous form, shadowless, spider climb

Environment temperate forests
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Special Attacks The vila’s special attacks are unchanged from a base vampire with the exception of children of the night – she calls swarms of forest birds, usually ravens, treat as bat swarms.

Special Qualities The vila’s special qualities are unchanged from a base vampire with the exception that she cannot change into a form other than that granted by the gaseous form ability.

Alluring Dance (Su) A Vila is most often encountered when she is in the throes of her wild moonlit dance, either in an open glade within a forest or flitting from tree to tree, luring their prey deeper into the woods. Any living male creature seeing their dance must succeed a Will save (DC 22) or join their dance as if dominated.

Breath Steal (Su) A vila can suck the breath from a dominated male target with her kiss. On a successful touch attack, the vila kisses the target causing it to become fatigued and deals 1d4 points of Constitution damage. The vila heals 5 hit points or gains 5 temporary hit points for 1 hour (up to a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to its full normal hit points) each round it steals breath.

Jealous Stare (Ex) Once every 4 rounds a vila may stare at any living female creature within 60 feet. The target must succeed a Will save (DC 22) or flee for 1d3+1 rounds. If the save is failed, after fleeing the target may return but gains the shaken state for the remainder of the encounter. The target must run away from the vila for each round they are fleeing. The target may not be affected again from any vila’s jealous stare for 24 hours.

Pining Departure (Su) On her death, or if she is forced to flee, the vila targets any living creature bestowing it with all her sorrow requiring the target to succeed a Will save (DC 22) or become sickened for 24 hours due to overwhelming grief.

Storm Breath (Ex) Once per day, a vila may scream her sorrow creating 60 foot cone of buffeting wind. All creatures in the cone must make succeed a Reflex save (DC 24) or be knocked prone and be pushed along the ground 10 feet away from the vila.

A vila is the spirit of a betrothed girl, often a wild free-spirited girl who lives to dance, who dies before their wedding night. They rise, unable to rest in their graves, having lost their chance to dance their wedding dance and experience the throes of passion that the wedding night promises. They flee the place of their death and sorrow seeking to hide in the embrace of deep dark forests, where they will lure men with their dance, seeking that which they lost in life.


I found a new broom-yokai, a good-alignment Tsukumogami (animated objects) that uses its magical broom body to sweep away evil spirits from a house.

Awesome idea, and unlike many good-alignment monsters (think Shedu/Lammasu) that I really dislike, this creature is actually awesome.

There is also this good-scarecrow Tsukumogami named Kuebiko, it also protects farmers from evil creatures and spirits during the night in the field.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh dear lord, so basically I *am* a back yard broom-yokai >.<

Do not tell the wife of this phrase! :P

now that the Nightbloom won the competition, I really hope to see that version in the Bestiary 5! Together with my other nightshade wish, the Nightslither (ooze nightshade) and maybe a nightstalker (hunting beast/tiger nightshade)

And two people made Shadhavars for the competition, that means people pretty much like the evil-unicorns, so they should probably end up in Bestiary 5 :-p

After looking through the hardcover bestiaries at the giant vermin that have several different types, I will list which ones are still needed to be in a hardcover.

Spiders- We have them all.

Scorpions- We have them all.

Centipedes- We still need house, sewer, hissing, and great forest.

Crabs- We still need king, coconut, rock, great reef.

Cockroaches- We still need giant hissing, venomroach, spitting, sawback, and dragonroach.

Jellyfish- We still need crimson, vampire, and whaler.

Solifugid- We still need dog-eating, yellow terror, razormouth, banshee, and duneshaker.

Sea Anemone- We still need common, blue hair, coffin, dark forest, siren's bed, and deep tiger.

I also noticed that the giant cockroach and giant jellyfish are missing a tiny size version.

I hope they add more original mantis and beetles monsters as they are lacking. I really thought the spider and scorpion adds in bestiary 4 were boring.

For each group I will pick the two I want to see the most.

Centipedes- hissing and great forest

Crabs- rock and great reef

Cockroaches- spitting and dragonroach

jellyfish- crimson and vampire

Solifugid- yellow terror and duneshaker

Sea Anemone- coffin and dark forest

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Updated request list - I am now up to 1st July this year, so just three months and a bit of posts and I have caught up fully :)

Dragon78 wrote:

After looking through the hardcover bestiaries at the giant vermin that have several different types, I will list which ones are still needed to be in a hardcover.

Spiders- We have them all.

Scorpions- We have them all.

Centipedes- We still need house, sewer, hissing, and great forest.

Crabs- We still need king, coconut, rock, great reef.

Cockroaches- We still need giant hissing, venomroach, spitting, sawback, and dragonroach.

Jellyfish- We still need crimson, vampire, and whaler.

Solifugid- We still need dog-eating, yellow terror, razormouth, banshee, and duneshaker.

Sea Anemone- We still need common, blue hair, coffin, dark forest, siren's bed, and deep tiger.

I also noticed that the giant cockroach and giant jellyfish are missing a tiny size version.

Cool list, but where are you getting those names? Are they real species?

They are mentioned within the Bestiaries as variants of the more common giant vermin, without stats

Cool. Seems like some of those are based on real world species, some aren't.

Cuelebre - Flying Snake dragons which scales become harder with age, becoming almost industructable when they reach 100 years. Their skin (when reaching 100) is harder than Adamantium, and so their skin is wanted to create weapons from.

Petsuchos - The mummy crocodile with a strange alien mechanism on its head that fires laser-like beams of light.

Manaia - New Zealand myths about creatures that can appear like birds or like Seahorses. That gave me the idea to turn them into chimerae composed of Hummingbird and Seahorse parts, being flying seahorse monsters.

Scitalis - An update, I really want this to be a rainbow-dragon with scimmering scales which bedazzle any onlooker. much like in this picture.

And last but not least, a awesome guy on Deviantart (named Emeraldfury) has created the best version of the demonical twins from Native American myths i've seen to date!


Also i've never been a huge fan of the Cat Sidhe because I like the Nekomata better for that role, but Emeraldfury just created the best version of Cat Sidhe ever!
So I like to see the Cat Sidhe in a form similar to this.

Can anybody post as many mythological constructs as they know off? I'm in need of some.

I already know about most of the Japanese animated-objects so they can be left off the lists.

Maybe there are some cool monsters with those so I can wish for them too.

Thanks for the link to that gallery! Amazing artwork! Some of the best interpretations I've seen of some of the obscure creatures.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Useless trivia for the day - I have collated request up to:

Jul 5, 2014, 04:53 PM

And my COUNTIF "*Wish List*" and SUM entries tell me that up to that point, in this thread alone, there are 2,348 unique requests!


Good enough till Bestiary 20.

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2,348(and counting) unique requests, WOW, that is like enough for 7-9 hardcover bestiaries.

But now all the Lovecraft monsters are gone, i'll kinda doubt seeing any more than 1 more bestiary, maybe for the Devil-Lords.

I also hope all the monsters from the Monster Codex (like the Gnoll Flind) are only for that book and don't end up in the Bestiary 5. While I didn't mind the monsters from the Bonus Bestiary and strange monsters revised (Flumph & co) made it into a bestiary, these monsters would be too many and it would kinda cheap in my eyes.

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The monster codex is a hardcover whose rules/creatures will go up on the PRD. It's probably a safe bet that nothing in this book will be reprinted in a bestiary.

Grand Lodge

i don't know if it was alredy posted, but i would like to see the Coeurl


Paizo got permission to use the Coeurl in 3.5, but can't reprint in Pathfinder without getting permission from the current rights holder.

Anyone willing to post all the monsters they know with musical (or just sound) based abilities, particularly evil ones? I kinda need some for a completely unrelated story idea.

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These are all the creatures from my lists that have sound based attacks, songs, laughter, whisper or other sound oddities (like the Manananggal) abilities and powers.

I've also added the mimicry creatures.

- Shadhavar
- Siren
- Sirin
- Alkonost
- Bukavac
- Barghest, Cadejo and probably all other dog monsters.
- Ahkiyyini
- Ahuizotl (mimicry)
- Banshee
- Boobrie
- Cu Sith
- Encantado (dolphin form)
- Harionago (Laughter)
- Jinmenju (its fruit)
- Kokopelli
- Mahaha (mad laughter)
- Olitiau
- Sagari
- Crocotta / Leucrocotta
- Vila
- Wendigo (whispers)
- Camazotz
- Lorelei
- Fossegrim
- Ahool
- Amarok
- Harpy
- Poltergeist
- Manananggal

- Faun & Satyr
- Muse
- Selkie (singing probably)

My question back at you Wanabee is, how would you picture Ga-Gorib (African Myth) in pathfinder? What appearance? Abilities?

I know he has been mentioned before but I would like to see Krampus. Though I would like him to be fey or monstrous humanoid, not an outsider. I want him to be LN or CN and still punish bad children around winter time or in cold regions in general.

Can't believe i've ignored these two little pearls all this time!

The bizarre Zhen comes from Chinese Mythology.
They are beautiful birds (probably birds of paradise, but I love the bird in the picture, its perfect) that ate many snakes and other poisonous creatures so that their feathers became green and poisonous, so toxic that it kills you before you swallowed it. Instead of this Lavellan poison, I think it would be better to give it the ability to have hallucinating poison.

The jaguar-people known as the Nagual come from Aztec mythology and are pretty awesome and very different from Catfolk.
They always resemble jaguar-men and mostly women that use magics and which act much like warlocks, they summon other wild beasts to their aid and are like the Ewah, very xenophobic.

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The Evil Queen wrote:
My question back at you Wanabee is, how would you picture Ga-Gorib (African Myth) in pathfinder? What appearance? Abilities?

He's an interesting one. The myth described him as a four armed beast which lived in a pit and threw rocks at people to knock them in and kill them. The only further description it gave of the creature (that I'm aware of) was its leopard like spots. With that as what's known about the monster, I imagined as a vaguely ogrelike, four armed biped. Its arms are long and muscular, and its hands are dexterous despite having large, shovel like claws for digging. The beast's main attack is similar to the Argopelter, grabbing large objects and hurling them at tremendous speeds, fast enough that it can cause any matter to have a cannonball like effect. The creatures skin is knobby, with the mentioned leopard spots and a short ridge of spines going down its back and ending on its rather stubby tail. The creatures legs are, like its tail, rather short and thick and its feet are rhinoceros like. Its neck is thick and brutish, and its head is rather feline, but with a very thick jawbone, and its teeth are small but needle like. Lastly, it has four black eyes, just because that would make it look more alien.

So yeah, my version of the Ga-Gorib. I'd be fine with however the design team decides to picture the creature, as long as it shows up, but thats how it looks in my personal setting. I assume it lives somewhere in Garund.

Thanks for the list. Very helpful.

I find Ga-Gorib hard, as it is so similar to many other creatures.

Nargun has the same ability of rebouncing stuff.
Nependis and Argopelter behave a bit like it.
Gegenees has six arms, turning Ga-Gorib less unique if they both show up in a game.

- Aberration(s)
- Dragon(s)
- Constructs; Clockwork, Alchemical, Golem, Robot.
- Magical Beasts
- Monstrous Humanoids
- Ooze
- Fey
- Outsiders (without the Native subtype)

[X]Were (like JackalWere) template.

MMCJawa wrote:

To be honest, now that Dreamscarred Press has a dedicated Psionic bestiary, I don't really feel much need for Pathfinder to adapt most of those monsters.

I would rather have new monsters that play with the themes for occult magic than revamp existing Psionic monsters, especially since I am not sure they actually will fit will with what Paizo is doing in Occult Adventures.

DM/GM who don't allow 3pp stuff, players/DM/GM who want them more in line with official rules, ease of use, etc...

The only problems with a race that is a non-native outsider is that it is a lot harder to bring back to life plus it can be banished to it's home plane. Though constructs and undead are also hard to "revive".

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Weekly collation spreadsheet update : Requests to 1st August now included, 2427 unique requests and rising ;)

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