John Kretzer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Here, Jhon, your own ASK QUESTION theme ¡¡¡¡
As a fellow Samurai from Rokugan... what is your favourite clan? (Phoenix clan Shugenja here).
Don't you feel there a bit too much theme like that lately? :P
My favorite clan is Unicorn(Battle Maidens in particular).
As is there too many of these threads around. Well it would be a self-correcting problem. As threads will disappear off to the Abyss of page 2.
Hopefuly my will aviod that fate. :)

John Kretzer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I should take this time to introduce myself.
I have been playing RPGs for over 30 years. I started playing with my brother in solo games. It was not till my limited clloege years that I started playing with groups. I my playing I have played many different systems and with many different players and groups. I GM and play. I have also played with many different styles of gaming...and can appreciate each of them. Though I do have my favorite kinds.
This means I want to provide a service here...if you have any questions about RPG be free to ask them here. I provide you with what help you require...even if it I disagree with you hopefuly and different perspective might help you.
As to other topics I am a Jets fan. I have worked as a gas station attendenent/cashier( met alot of different interesting people there), a summer as a roofer(find out I am afraid of heights), as a car mechanic, and currently work for UPS as a unloader. So feel free to ask about football or automotive stuff.
I was born with brain damage(effecting my speech and giving me mixed dominance) so school was tough and constantly being bullied in school...so I will gladly give people insight on this topic as well.
I love to read, write(though admittly not good enough to get published), love all types of music(though my 'go to' piece of music is Beethoven's 9th), comic books(though not real currently), perfer whiskey to beer when rarely drinking. I have also some really creepy occurences in my life...most I won't share when it is night out.
Anyway the other resouce I can offer to the people of thos boards is to GM...if you need say a village more fleshed out or NPC quickly and don't have the time...after playing 30+years I might have something just lying around that with little modificition can help you out. Though send those request via PM with what you need.
Anyway come on by and have a chat.

John Kretzer |

With what people from the forum will you like more to play? And who to DM'ing?
Well that is a tough question...and one better handled diplomaticaly. :)
I would say I would love to game with Deathquaker and Mikaze. I think I would get alone with them great.
I would also love to play with you atleast in a Exalted game...as I only got one chance too and that was too short of a time as the GM moved away.
Kirth-Gensen and Ciretose are two that come to mind as GMs I would love to play with.
Of course anybody on the staff at Pazio.
But really there is notanybody that I can think of this board I would not try gaming with....even people who I have disagreed with in the past.

Emperor Floyd |

I see that my human has had one of these threads started for him. So I will allow fans of the creators of the beds I love so much as me questions on my plans for world domination, on my ongoing fueds with other pets in my area, how to join my army of growing minions, etc.
Emperor Floyd,
Emperor of Mankind(well atleast in NJ)
Slayer of Rabbits, Mice, and Birds,
Paragon of Felines.

John Kretzer |

In the long run, do you see Pathfinder and the OGL keeping the d20 alive for decades to come, or will some competitor gain dominance?
I think the D20 system will be around for atleast another decade. Probably serveral decades. It will also be around in someform....even if PF goes away...as I see people using the system to self publish games or in pdf format.
As for a comperitor araising...I think it is possible. But I don't think it will completely knock it out.
What are your thoughts on Dreamscarred Press' material for Pathfinder?
The only book I have is Psionics unleash. I am making my way through it now. I like how they have adapted the 3.5 psionic rules to PF so far.

Comrade Anklebiter |

Dear Brother Kretzer,
Have you heard the good news?
UPS and the Teamsters have reached a tentative agreement and it looks pretty awesome for us. Even those naysayers over at TDU can't find anything nay to say.
I can't wait to get my hands on those wage increases, mmm mmm, yum, although I still am not certain if those are for just full-timers or for us lowly part-timers as well. Either way, I don't believe you have gone through progression yet, so you won't be seeing them for a few years yet anyway. :(
However, with the increase in starting pay, for the first time since 198X, I think we can be looking at least a $1.50 come August. But don't quote me on that.
[Crosses fingers]
Yours in solidarity,
Brother Anklebiter

John Kretzer |

Dear Brother Kretzer,
Have you heard the good news?
UPS and the Teamsters have reached a tentative agreement and it looks pretty awesome for us. Even those naysayers over at TDU can't find anything nay to say.
I can't wait to get my hands on those wage increases, mmm mmm, yum, although I still am not certain if those are for just full-timers or for us lowly part-timers as well. Either way, I don't believe you have gone through progression yet, so you won't be seeing them for a few years yet anyway. :(
However, with the increase in starting pay, for the first time since 198X, I think we can be looking at least a $1.50 come August. But don't quote me on that.
[Crosses fingers]
Yours in solidarity,
Brother Anklebiter
Ah...that is interesting. I have not heard about anything on my end.
What is progression? As in 'I don't believe you have gone through progression yet'.

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

Have you taken an official position on one of the most important issues of our time! - the “Chainmail Bikini” controversy?

John Kretzer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Have you taken an official position on one of the most important issues of our time! - the “Chainmail Bikini” controversy?
Well I have seen great rules for the Chainmail Bikini from Snarfquest the RPG(which used D20 Rules). Which that it gaved you AC bonus = to your Cha Mod. Though it was always positive number...IE a 8 Cha would give you a +1 to a AC. I think I would generally use those rules in my games.
As to the possiblilty...I think it exists. I mean you have had male warriors rush into combat naked. Different culture have different taboos on nudity...etc. Personaly I find the female form to be the most beautiful thing you'll find in nature.
So while I am 'for it' I guess some thought should be put into it besides girl's in Chainmail bikini...just a little.
Though my best adventure( or not my best but...) I ran included a variety of women dressed in various typical fantasy armor or adventuring clothing(or what I refer to as Elven slutty...which means yeah it is slutty...but it is also classy) where it made sense. It was at a brothel that was having a Adventure's Theme Night.

John Kretzer |

Though my best adventure( or not my best but...) I ran included a variety of women dressed in various typical fantasy armor or adventuring clothing(or what I refer to as Elven slutty...which means yeah it is slutty...but it is also classy) where it made sense. It was at a brothel that was having a Adventure's Theme Night.
I should add to this that I ran that particular adventure because a player said there was no reason for those outfits...so I came up with a reason.
I am a very dangerous GM when my players make absolute statements like. Or when endlessly talk about things that are silly...like stacking templates...but that is a story for another time.

Comrade Anklebiter |

What is progression? As in 'I don't believe you have gone through progression yet'.
"Progression" is a lame-ass concept that indicates how long it takes for you to get to top-rate.
So, let's say you've been with the company X amount of years as a part-timer and are making $15/hour. You land a full-time job. You "go through progression" meaning that for 3 years (4 in the proposed new contract), every year you get a raise that bridges the gap from your current rate of pay to top rate (around $30 for a driver).
Part-timers don't have a top rate, but we go through progression nonetheless. IIRC, you've been there a little more than 1 year, which means you should have already gotten the $1 raise after 90 days (or whatever it was, I don't recall exactly) and then 50 cents on your first year anniversary. Since you were hired under the current contract, you will get: 50 cents on year 2, 50 cents on year 3, and something like 80 cents on year 4.
After that, you are "through progression" and will accrue the regular contractual raises as outlined in the new contract.

John Kretzer |

John Kretzer wrote:
What is progression? As in 'I don't believe you have gone through progression yet'."Progression" is a lame-ass concept that indicates how long it takes for you to get to top-rate.
** spoiler omitted **
Ah. Thanks for your help in navigating the new world(well for me atleast) of Unions and UPs.

Comrade Anklebiter |

No problem, since your stewards don't seem to be going out of their way to get you up to speed.
Also, as I said in Private Message, working class people and union people tend to be relatively, well, let's just say we tend not to be extroverted and welcoming to strangers. However, I'm sure if you track down one of your stewards, they will be obliged to tell you shiznit.

John Kretzer |

No problem, since your stewards don't seem to be going out of their way to get you up to speed.
Also, as I said in Private Message, working class people and union people tend to be relatively, well, let's just say we tend not to be extroverted and welcoming to strangers. However, I'm sure if you track down one of your stewards, they will be obliged to tell you shiznit.
Ah but you seem easier to track down.
To one and all please ask me lots of the questions...I am getting bored.

John Kretzer |

John Kretzer |

After the great(?) end of the world on December 2012... when is the next end of the world? We need to be prepared.
Who said that the end of world would happen quickly? Maybe we are at the begining of the end.
There is no end. For every ending there is a new start. Once we are gone the rats or the insects will take over...and we will become the new hobgoblins and orgers of the new world.
Pick whichever one you like the best.

John Kretzer |

One must remember that time is thrown off do to Daylight Savings and The Calender Shifts throughout history.
If one takes those into accounts then Dommsday is on December 26, 2013 to the Central(U.S. & Mexico) Time Zone.
This is not a question...is it is off topic. Please keep posting questions to me. ;)
Also this presuming the end of Mayan Calander equals the end of the world...which Penn & Teller exposed that myth on their show Bullshi!.