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Paizo Employee Managing Developer

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I personally can agree that as a developer it's been incredibly difficult to keep track of the hundreds, if not thousands, of feats, traits, spells, items, etc.

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Are the repair drone in Fires of Creation and the repair robot in Construct Handbook supposed to be the same thing? They have different numbers of limbs but their stat blocks are almost identical.

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

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For the most part, yes. The intention was that one was a variant.


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Adam Daigle wrote:
Misroi wrote:
When thickening gumbo, do you use okra or filé powder?
Neither. I use roux and time. I do add okra sometimes, but not for the purposes of thickening anything. I only use filé on my gumbo once it's in the bowl.

About how much roux for your preferred amount of vegetables and broth?

I use 1/2 cup flour/oil for one pepper, one onion, and ~3 celery ribs plus maybe ~5 cups broth, and I'm starting to think that's not enough roux.
I think I dropped the roux amount to make things less fatty overall? Skimming's always an option, though!

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

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Andrew Mullen wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
Misroi wrote:
When thickening gumbo, do you use okra or filé powder?
Neither. I use roux and time. I do add okra sometimes, but not for the purposes of thickening anything. I only use filé on my gumbo once it's in the bowl.

About how much roux for your preferred amount of vegetables and broth?

I use 1/2 cup flour/oil for one pepper, one onion, and ~3 celery ribs plus maybe ~5 cups broth, and I'm starting to think that's not enough roux.
I think I dropped the roux amount to make things less fatty overall? Skimming's always an option, though!

I don't really know because I don't measure. I just keep adding until the taste and color is right.


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Dang intuitive cooks :p

Target color, then?

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

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Andrew Mullen wrote:

Dang intuitive cooks :p

Target color, then?

I cook my roux until it looks like rich chocolate. Much like this.

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Is the auwaz couatl based on any real life mythological character or creature?

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

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HTD wrote:
Is the auwaz couatl based on any real life mythological character or creature?

I'm not sure. That couatl was written and designed by Luis Loza.

Page 67 of Tower of the Drowned Dead talks about the celebrated capital of Azlant, the so-called City of Golden Gates. This must be a nickname, not a real name. What is the name of the capital of Azlant, then? Have the developers already made a name for it? I really with its name is not simply Azlant. The capital of Azlant absolutely deserves a whole new name!

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

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Aenigma wrote:
Page 67 of Tower of the Drowned Dead talks about the celebrated capital of Azlant, the so-called City of Golden Gates. This must be a nickname, not a real name. What is the name of the capital of Azlant, then? Have the developers already made a name for it? I really with its name is not simply Azlant. The capital of Azlant absolutely deserves a whole new name!

We've never put a name in print. Erik wrote that article, so he might have an idea of what the name of the city is, but since he didn't add that to the article I'm betting that he wasn't ready to have it in print or didn't already have a name selected.

I was curious if you know (or had a head canon) which “criminal syndicate” was “exploiting” Rodric’s Cove that Jana G. ford to? Was it a crime boss? An unaffiliated criminal organization? Are they a Riddleport-specific thing, or just kind of happen to be in the area? (Like an unofficial arm of the Aspis Consortium or something, maybe called the “Cindersnake Aquirers” or whatever; not necessarily that name or group, but as an example.)

And how does that work, exactly?
Is it something like:
- OFFICIALLY: the ‘Cove pays protection money “taxes” to Riddleport
- UNOFFICIALLY: JG Sr. was skimming the “taxes” and sharing with <crime group>

It’s an interesting tidbit I’m interested in weaving into background material as we play through Second Darkness, but is love to know how such things fit in. Thanks!

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

I was curious if you know (or had a head canon) which “criminal syndicate” was “exploiting” Rodric’s Cove that Jana G. ford to? Was it a crime boss? An unaffiliated criminal organization? Are they a Riddleport-specific thing, or just kind of happen to be in the area? (Like an unofficial arm of the Aspis Consortium or something, maybe called the “Cindersnake Aquirers” or whatever; not necessarily that name or group, but as an example.)

And how does that work, exactly?
Is it something like:
- OFFICIALLY: the ‘Cove pays protection money “taxes” to Riddleport
- UNOFFICIALLY: JG Sr. was skimming the “taxes” and sharing with <crime group>

It’s an interesting tidbit I’m interested in weaving into background material as we play through Second Darkness, but is love to know how such things fit in. Thanks!

Oh hey! Sorry I missed this. But... I saw that you got an answer from James in his thread, and my answer would be no different.

However, minor correction. It was Jess Gildersleeves, Jana's mom, who was doing the skimming.

Whoops! Sorry! And thanks!

Yeah, I realized I didn't know how busy/available you were, so I copied the question there (figuring it might generate different answers anyway - and if not, that would be fine).

Thank you for taking the time!

How's it going?

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Every monk needs to have an asteroid hat. Do YOU have your asteroid hat on today? ᕕ( ⁰ ▽ ⁰ )ᕗ

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Whoops! Sorry! And thanks!

Yeah, I realized I didn't know how busy/available you were, so I copied the question there (figuring it might generate different answers anyway - and if not, that would be fine).

Thank you for taking the time!

How's it going?

It's going okay. Just trying to get back into the swing of things after Gen Con madness.

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Every monk needs to have an asteroid hat. Do YOU have your asteroid hat on today? ᕕ( ⁰ ▽ ⁰ )ᕗ

I have no idea what you're talking about, but I am currently not wearing any sort of headware. :)

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I have a couple Arcadia questions (hi from Twitter!), if that’s alright?

I’m curious about modern Razatlan, in terms of how much continuity it has compared to the maybe-oppressive Razatlan Empire from before Earthfall. Is it still the largest nation on the continent? Is it a “villain state” like Cheliax, or a little more neutral and approachable?

What’s the broad strokes on the Land of Northern Lakes? We know they’re skymetal innovators and nothing else by canon, but I’m curious if they have a little more shape and identity in your head.

If you had to pitch an Arcadian AP, what would the start look like?

Anything terribly exciting and different for Ancestries in the region? We know there’s at least some of the corebook Ancestries on the continent, along with wyrwoods and a few lycanthrope-y peoples (Skinwalkers and Rougarou).

Anywhere not on the map yet that we might hope to see soon, in terms of unnamed regions and nations? I get if you can’t spoil or commit to this.

Thank you

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Also; who might I gently pester if I had questions about Garund, especially from the Mwangi Expanse on south?

If a lich is a skeletal version of itself,
And a flumph has no skeleton,
What would a flumph lich look like?

Would a bug lich of some sort look like an exoskeleton?
Does that mean shedinja is a lich?
(Warning: that link leads to bulbapedia. Terrifying.)

How much wood would a flumph chuck chuck?

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:

I have a couple Arcadia questions (hi from Twitter!), if that’s alright?

I’m curious about modern Razatlan, in terms of how much continuity it has compared to the maybe-oppressive Razatlan Empire from before Earthfall. Is it still the largest nation on the continent? Is it a “villain state” like Cheliax, or a little more neutral and approachable?

What’s the broad strokes on the Land of Northern Lakes? We know they’re skymetal innovators and nothing else by canon, but I’m curious if they have a little more shape and identity in your head.

If you had to pitch an Arcadian AP, what would the start look like?

Anything terribly exciting and different for Ancestries in the region? We know there’s at least some of the corebook Ancestries on the continent, along with wyrwoods and a few lycanthrope-y peoples (Skinwalkers and Rougarou).

Anywhere not on the map yet that we might hope to see soon, in terms of unnamed regions and nations? I get if you can’t spoil or commit to this.

Thank you

First, sorry for not getting to this sooner. I read it one day here at work and then got busy and forgot to come back to this thread.

I'm also gonna say that I try not to make definitive statements about things that aren't in print, so go into my answers knowing that they are just what I'm thinking at the moment. I also don't tend to nail things down until I've actually written it, so some of my answers might be vague or unsatisfying.

Modern Razatlan doesn't resemble the old empire much these days. The focus of the nation is very different from continental conquest and subjugation. I'd say it's probably the largest nation on the continent (or at least the northern part of the continent), so it has the same kind of problems large nations face, but it isn't much a "villain state" like Cheliax.

In my mind, the Land of Northern Lakes is a very industrial and technologically advanced collective of city states. They mine skymetals in the area and even dive the lakes to retrieve the materials they use for their machines. There's probably one or two of the city states that is in decline or is corrupt or something.

I have no idea how I would start an Arcadian AP or what it would entail.

I've thought about a bug person ancestry for the continent, and I'm pretty sure that my notes contain some other ideas, but I can't think of them at the moment. (I'd also like to either leave out skinwalkers or refashion them in some way. Even though I did the work on making them in 1e, I was following a directive and the name never sat well with me.)

Most nations on the map are unnamed, so there would be plenty, but not anytime soon.

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
Also; who might I gently pester if I had questions about Garund, especially from the Mwangi Expanse on south?

I don't have a good answer for this, sorry!

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

If a lich is a skeletal version of itself,

And a flumph has no skeleton,
What would a flumph lich look like?

Would a bug lich of some sort look like an exoskeleton?
Does that mean shedinja is a lich?
(Warning: that link leads to bulbapedia. Terrifying.)

How much wood would a flumph chuck chuck?

Liches aren't strictly skeletal, it's just that that's often the only bits left after a really long time. I think a lich flumph would be a gross deflated-looking thing until its skin got all leathery and then started flaking away. It's spikes would be preserved I guess. Hmmm.

Yes, a bug lich would look like an exoskeleton.

No comment on shedinja. I don't know enough about them.

As much wood as it could.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote:
keftiu wrote:

I have a couple Arcadia questions (hi from Twitter!), if that’s alright?

I’m curious about modern Razatlan, in terms of how much continuity it has compared to the maybe-oppressive Razatlan Empire from before Earthfall. Is it still the largest nation on the continent? Is it a “villain state” like Cheliax, or a little more neutral and approachable?

What’s the broad strokes on the Land of Northern Lakes? We know they’re skymetal innovators and nothing else by canon, but I’m curious if they have a little more shape and identity in your head.

If you had to pitch an Arcadian AP, what would the start look like?

Anything terribly exciting and different for Ancestries in the region? We know there’s at least some of the corebook Ancestries on the continent, along with wyrwoods and a few lycanthrope-y peoples (Skinwalkers and Rougarou).

Anywhere not on the map yet that we might hope to see soon, in terms of unnamed regions and nations? I get if you can’t spoil or commit to this.

Thank you

First, sorry for not getting to this sooner. I read it one day here at work and then got busy and forgot to come back to this thread.

I'm also gonna say that I try not to make definitive statements about things that aren't in print, so go into my answers knowing that they are just what I'm thinking at the moment. I also don't tend to nail things down until I've actually written it, so some of my answers might be vague or unsatisfying.

Modern Razatlan doesn't resemble the old empire much these days. The focus of the nation is very different from continental conquest and subjugation. I'd say it's probably the largest nation on the continent (or at least the northern part of the continent), so it has the same kind of problems large nations face, but it isn't much a "villain state" like Cheliax.

In my mind, the Land of Northern Lakes is a very industrial and technologically advanced collective of city states. They mine skymetals in the area and even dive the lakes to retrieve the...

I really appreciate the reply! Dying to see an Arcadia book someday - and hopefully soon!


What is your favorite post that has been eaten by the digital void that you still recall (if any), and should I bother trying to remember the one that I was posting here a few days back and was eaten by a digital void or just in Frozen accent let it go?

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

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Tacticslion wrote:


What is your favorite post that has been eaten by the digital void that you still recall (if any), and should I bother trying to remember the one that I was posting here a few days back and was eaten by a digital void or just in Frozen accent let it go?

Hmmm, I can't recall any, and you probably shouldn't bring undue distress to yourself trying to remember something that you can't retrieve.

Wise words from master of flumphs and bugs!

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In Blood of the Moon, in a year, 12 full moons are named, but what if a year has 13 full moons?

Would it be called a Blue Moon like they do on Earth?

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Who takes over Versex after the events of Strange Aeons?

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Recorder wrote:

In Blood of the Moon, in a year, 12 full moons are named, but what if a year has 13 full moons?

Would it be called a Blue Moon like they do on Earth?

That's as good a name as any, and it is recognizable enough to Earth inhabitants.

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

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SOLDIER-1st wrote:
Who takes over Versex after the events of Strange Aeons?

We never said and it wasn't something I spent much time thinking about (unless I did think about it four years ago and just forgot). I'd imagine he would be replaced by some other count or minor noble in Ustalav. I'm sure there are plenty of scheming and squabbling nobles that would relocate to a lakeside town and rule the county—after cleaning out the manor.

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Adam Daigle wrote:
SOLDIER-1st wrote:
Who takes over Versex after the events of Strange Aeons?
We never said and it wasn't something I spent much time thinking about (unless I did think about it four years ago and just forgot). I'd imagine he would be replaced by some other count or minor noble in Ustalav. I'm sure there are plenty of scheming and squabbling nobles that would relocate to a lakeside town and rule the county—after cleaning out the manor.

So, speaking of Ustalav,

Spoiler for Carrion Crown:

If Count Caromarc officially acknowledges the Beast as his son, does that mean that the Beast (if it "survives") inherits the title of "Count" from Caromarc?

Alternatively, if Caromarc adopts anyone, would they inherit said title?

It is acknowledged that Caromarc is no longer ruler of Vieland, despite his title, but said title could well be valuable in the larger politics of Ustalav - but I suppose it fundamentally depends on Ustalav inheritance laws. Can a construct even inherit things, legally, since it isn't alive? Undead certainly do inherit things, but it's not necessarily known that they're undead when they do, outside of their own highly specific and limited circles, so that doesn't really clear it up for me.

And can Caromarc bequeath his title at all, given the whole... situation in the Palatinates?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

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Tacticslion wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
SOLDIER-1st wrote:
Who takes over Versex after the events of Strange Aeons?
We never said and it wasn't something I spent much time thinking about (unless I did think about it four years ago and just forgot). I'd imagine he would be replaced by some other count or minor noble in Ustalav. I'm sure there are plenty of scheming and squabbling nobles that would relocate to a lakeside town and rule the county—after cleaning out the manor.

So, speaking of Ustalav,

** spoiler omitted **

Disappointing answer time!

I was never very well-versed in Ustalav and haven't even read Trial of the Beast or Rule of Fear in years... not to mention, I'm pretty sure we didn't get too deep into the legal system of the nation and counties. Sorry!

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Just wanted to brag about the (half) sundial I built for work.

We missed you, I'm glad to see you seem to be on mend!

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Adam Daigle wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
SOLDIER-1st wrote:
Who takes over Versex after the events of Strange Aeons?
We never said and it wasn't something I spent much time thinking about (unless I did think about it four years ago and just forgot). I'd imagine he would be replaced by some other count or minor noble in Ustalav. I'm sure there are plenty of scheming and squabbling nobles that would relocate to a lakeside town and rule the county—after cleaning out the manor.

So, speaking of Ustalav,

** spoiler omitted **

Disappointing answer time!

I was never very well-versed in Ustalav and haven't even read Trial of the Beast or Rule of Fear in years... not to mention, I'm pretty sure we didn't get too deep into the legal system of the nation and counties. Sorry!

I am so disappointed!

... anyway. :D

But, jokes aside, that's not only no problem, but makes perfect sense. And thank you for taking the time to answer nonetheless! :D

Though, of curiosity, do you know where a good place to ask such a question might be?

EDIT: To make one post of two, and clarify intent and emotions behind words.

Liberty's Edge

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Daigle: What is your current favorite record to listen to when angry or stressed out?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

5 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Just wanted to brag about the (half) sundial I built for work.

We missed you, I'm glad to see you seem to be on mend!

That sundial is awesome! Great work!

And thank you, it's good to be feeling better. :)

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Though, of curiosity, do you know where a good place to ask such a question might be?

EDIT: To make one post of two, and clarify intent and emotions behind words.

Perhaps James?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

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Themetricsystem wrote:
Daigle: What is your current favorite record to listen to when angry or stressed out?

Favorites are always tough for me, particularly music and other arts because art is so incredibly subjective. My favorites change with moods and an answer I'd give one day might not be the same answer another day. Also, anger and stressed-out-ed-ness aren't always in the same package, so that'd mean two different favorites. When I'm angry, I tend not to feed it, so I'll often listen to something soothing or thoughtful to recenter. Maybe pop on some Coltrane or early Miles Davis. Although, if I'm angry about a particular thing, I might pick something that applies. Like, if regressive and harmful politics are what made me angry, I might listen to some Fugazi or the Coup or some folk-punk. The same goes for when stressed too. I'll either listen to some soothing jazz or something fun and lively to readjust my mindset.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Though, of curiosity, do you know where a good place to ask such a question might be?

EDIT: To make one post of two, and clarify intent and emotions behind words.

Perhaps James?


What is something you've enjoyed doing lately?

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Are there any monsters you've been involved in that you'd really like to hear accounts of from actual play?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
What is something you've enjoyed doing lately?

Hmm... I've had a real crappy year and I've been staying inside at home most of the time, so I haven't really been doing much. But! A few weeks ago I got over my covid fear and went to a show to see one of my favorite bands AJJ with my friends Will and Sharaya. (The band/venue required proof of vaccination to enter and everyone was masked.)

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Are there any monsters you've been involved in that you'd really like to hear accounts of from actual play?

I'm quite proud of my fear babies, so anything with sahkils.

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"Fearbabies" sounds like what millennials would call their pet tarantulas.

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
"Fearbabies" sounds like what millennials would call their pet tarantulas.

It sounds like an edgier 90s goth version of The Muppet Babies. Is it too late to book Trent Reznor for the theme song?

This obviously needs to be fast tracked ASAP! To Netflix!!

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Stumbled across a post from you from back in 2016 talking about Three Craters, and realized how cool it is to finally see it described some detail in Guns & Gears - how does it feel to see Arcadia finally coming together some?

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I saw this thread being updated, so...

How are you now?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

5 people marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
Stumbled across a post from you from back in 2016 talking about Three Craters, and realized how cool it is to finally see it described some detail in Guns & Gears - how does it feel to see Arcadia finally coming together some?

It's awesome seeing it get more time on the screen. I'd been wanting to do more with it for years. At one point Wes told me that if I write a Campaign Setting book for Arcadia we'd put it on the schedule, but with any project that doesn't have a real deadline, I just lingered on it and made notes (and maps). Three Craters came from a city map I was doodling that was built between and in... wait for it... three big craters.

I knew Luis was a huge fan of Arcadia because he would ask me every time we saw each other at conventions, "When are y'all going to do more with Arcadia? Do you need someone to write for it?" Then I hired him and knew who to pass the torch (and my scattered notes) to.

Also, my memory is poor, what thread was the post from 2016 in?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

I saw this thread being updated, so...

How are you now?

I'm doing okay. Big picture-wise, I'm doing better than I have in a year—this past year has been brutal for me. As for current little picture stuff, I'm hungry. :)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Stumbled across a post from you from back in 2016 talking about Three Craters, and realized how cool it is to finally see it described some detail in Guns & Gears - how does it feel to see Arcadia finally coming together some?

It's awesome seeing it get more time on the screen. I'd been wanting to do more with it for years. At one point Wes told me that if I write a Campaign Setting book for Arcadia we'd put it on the schedule, but with any project that doesn't have a real deadline, I just lingered on it and made notes (and maps). Three Craters came from a city map I was doodling that was built between and in... wait for it... three big craters.

I knew Luis was a huge fan of Arcadia because he would ask me every time we saw each other at conventions, "When are y'all going to do more with Arcadia? Do you need someone to write for it?" Then I hired him and knew who to pass the torch (and my scattered notes) to.

Also, my memory is poor, what thread was the post from 2016 in?

There’s basically no book that could excite me more than a look at Arcadia - I hope to see it someday. Y’all have done an amazing job of it so far, and I’m always hungry for morez (I’d do evil things for those notes and maps!)

Your post was in a discussion of a hypothetical Distant Shores 2; you suggested Three Craters as a locale you’d like to write for such a thing.

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