Sorcerer 6th level spell option help


I'm about to hit 12th level and I have an animal companion (sylvan) so I wasn't thinking that transformation would be a good spell to take.

As I have magical linage Fireball I can use my 6th level spell slots to cast quickened fireballs as well as any of my 2nd level spells.

I've just gone into Bloatmage so my companion has stopped levelling so the transformation spell would keep him relevant for a few more levels.

What other 6th level spells would you recommend? I've not played much at this level as a full caster so I'm looking for some help.

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stuart haffenden wrote:

I'm about to hit 12th level [...]

What other 6th level spells would you recommend?

Greater Dispel Magic.

As to the Companion, if you care about it you may wanna take Boon Companion.

As for spells, Anti-Magic Field is always a good one.

Since you seem to be the blasty type (going from your speccing with Fireball), Cold Ice Strike can be fired off as a Swift action, giving you two spells that round, which is always good.

Disintegrate has some utility options as well as being damaging.

How is your sorcerer built? What spells do you have already? Hard to tell you what to take if we don't know which areas are not/not enough covered by your spell list.
What's your book access?

The obvious choices from basic books are Greater Dispel Magic/Summon Monster VI/Chain Lightning/disintegrate/Flesh to stone, but it all depends on what you already have

Form of the Dragon I.

Make your Companion into something better.

Panquels Instant Knock Out
Fummelshein's Fermented Fractions
Dejeil's Dwindling dweomer
Spell of the infernal gratitude
Schimmelpennick's Duo decimal devisions in calthesian misteries
Archscaums golden aura of the grotesque grandeur

There are soo many spells to choose from

I know very little about your play style, but I can recommend acid fog. It's fantastic for control, gives you time to set up things if you need, and it's an excellent golem-slaying spell.

If you like greater invisibility for yourself, mislead is a great option.

More of a utility-option, really, but greater heroism is one of the strongest ways to buff skills without a bard. It can be used to help your rogue sack that epic trap, or to let yourself use magic device in a safer way. If you've bought 9th level scrolls or whatever, this can be a perfect buff for a boss battle.

For blasting, Chain ligthning is the pure one, while freezing sphere and disintegrate has some great utility as well. Create water -> control water -> freezing sphere is a super combo for drowning high CR-stuff in a cellar or its like.

some more info.

I have boon companion.

off the top of my head...
1 silent image, ex-retreat, magic missile, vanish, enlarge person
2. mirror image, burning arc, glitterdust, rope trick, create pit
3. fireball, fly, heroism, deep slumber
4. dimension door, gr. invisibility, poison
5. teleport,

focus evo, gr. focus evo, empower spell, bloatmage initiative, combat casting, quicken spelli have rods of dazing, elemental and selective

I'm a gnome

umd is about +22

sorry about the spamming, stupid phone!

mind you I am a sorcerer and spamming is my game!

Contingency, Tar pool, sirocco

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

It looks you've already chosen Mirror Image!

8 times!!!???

When selecting new spells I tend to think of them (very generally) in terms of Offensive, Defensive and Utility then pick so as to give myself options for each within a given level of spells. Obviously some spells can serve more than one function and I often lean towards these as my initial choice(s) among a level of spells.

Generally my first choices would be among these:
Disintegrate - strong utility (battlefield shaping, barrier elimination) and damage potential.
Greater Heroism - very strong buff, will help offensively, defensively and with utility.
True Seeing - enough said.
Antimagic Field - about as strong a defense against magic as you can get at this or any other level.
Contingency - strong flexible defense and utility though I'd be more likely to wait on this as a sorcerer (vs a wizard).
Freezing Sphere - what's not to love about a 40 radius effect, particularly in light of your elemental and selective rods.
Acid Fog - No SR, no save all you need is a way to keep them in the area

Not as familiar with PF (vs 3.5 spells) but the Cold Ice Strike Rynjin mentions above would go shooting towards the top of the list for a blast type caster ... 4 blast spells in 2 rounds (without even using your quicken rod) is a lot of potential pain available on call.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If you have great DCs, I recommend flesh to stone as it's essentially a save or die for most encounters. If you want to further enhance your companion creature (or your other companions), I recommend greater heroism. You're likely to see a lot more magically buffed characters and creatures at these levels too, making greater dispel magic essential.

I'd probably go with Disintegrate or Greater Dispel Magic, both of which have substantial non-combat applications as well as combat applications.

Digital Products Assistant

Merged threads.

No transformation love? It's a damn good buff for my Giant Praying Mantis.

It grants...

You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, a +4 natural armor bonus to AC, a +5 competence bonus on Fortitude saves, and proficiency with all simple and martial weapons. Your base attack bonus equals your character level

You seem to enjoy blasting. Chain Lightning is quite possibly the most effective mass target blast. Fire Snake is a good option with a lower level so you can add more metamagic but its range is pitiful in comparison. If your Dazing rod can affect level 6 spells then it almost singlehandedly will end entire encounters.

For single target encounter enders you cant go wrong with Flesh to Stone although your feats don't support it.

For a combination of utility and combat application Mass Suggestion is great.

Otherwise staples might be considered to be Contingency (better accessed by Mnemonic Vestment and a Scroll), Disintegrate (more for getting rid of Walls of Stone/Force than anything else), Greater Dispel Magic (increasingly important as you level and face more enemies with lots of spell likes), Summon Monster VI (lots of flexibility, plenty of summons have spell likes at this point) and Planar Binding (although you want Magic Circle and Dimensional Anchor).

My ac is a giant praying mantis with 2 good attacks and a decent grab. They start with a fly and climb speed.

Most the spell options are pretty much the same as what I've already got. This is why transformation, usually considered a poor option for a sorc/wiz, is looking so good.

At that level, I think you will get the most important usage out of Greater Dispel Magic.

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