>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

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I Blame Cosmo that my Yugioh and Pathfinder collections have been up on Craigslist for thirty minutes and I haven't gotten an email yet.

I Blame Cosmo for my impatience.

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There needs to be a physical Blame Cosmo box at Paizo. Like a suggestion box, you slip pieces of paper in it when you want to blame Cosmo for something, and then, at the end of the day, Cosmo empties the box and sates his appetite on the physical manifestations of the sufferings of his co-workers.

I blame Cosmo if this isn't already a thing.

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John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for Floyd ambushing when I got my work clothes from my closet just now.

I blame Cosmo for JK leaving his Calvin & Hobbes collections or his Seller's Pink Panther videos out where Floyd can peruse and study them.

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I Blame Comso that it's been 8 hours... And I still haven't had anyone contact me for my PF and YGO collections.

I still Blame Cosmo for my continued impatience...

I Blame Cosmo for whoever told me Craigslist will get me "Quick" cash.

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... I Blame Cosmo that not everyone follows the Golden Rule of D&D Combat.... You don't need to outrun the dragon, you just need to outrun the guy with the 20ft movement speed!

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Artemis Moonstar wrote:
... I Blame Cosmo that not everyone follows the Golden Rule of D&D Combat.... You don't need to outrun the dragon, you just need to outrun the guy with the 20ft movement speed!

I Blame Cosmo that Artemis Moonstar actually believe that makes a difference. My PC found out it just means the guy with the 20ft movement dies last.

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My sister's car broke. Now I have to wake up early and drive her to school in the morning.

Cosmo is behind this. Or maybe John; figured he might try and pass the suffering on to others. Still means Cosmo is behind it because he keeps tormenting John so much in the first place.

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Tels wrote:

My sister's car broke. Now I have to wake up early and drive her to school in the morning.

Cosmo is behind this. Or maybe John; figured he might try and pass the suffering on to others. Still means Cosmo is behind it because he keeps tormenting John so much in the first place.

I would never ever do that to anyone. I have had to do the same thing a couple of times in my life. At the time I did not even know I had Cosmo to blame for it either...

I Blame Cosmo that I did not know I should blame him for all the stuff that goes bad in my life before I found this thread.

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I Blame Cosmo that I got an email at 11PM about selling my Yugioh cards for emergency cash, instead of earlier in the day when I could've got it done. Now I've gotta wait to talk to the guy tomorrow/today (the 10th), and hopefully get them sold by the end of the day.

My impatience and sense of urgency is still not appeased. CURSE YOU COSMOOOOO!!!

Also... Still no contact about my PFRPG goods. You'd think some third party stuff, other game systems, and minis would sweeten the deal and make people take notice gosh darns it!

I Blame Cosmo that I may have to use Ebay for selling my RPG books cringe and hopefully get them sold in a week... Sob Already going to have to use E-Bay for my 2E collection....

So much to sell, so little time. Seems that way anyways....

Blames Cosmo

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I blame Cosmo for the website where i make my combat maps, is failing, dsplaying empty blanc tabs on everything. Which includes not just the items, but the entire interface tabs.

Thanks alot Cosmo


I blame Cosmo for miniature greenhouse collapse, but hello! Who's this cheeky chappie, eyes a-twinkle and pickelhaube rakishly askew? Why, it's Cismo, come to solve all my problems with a bloody great rock, as he always does! Thanks again, Cismo!!!

Hail Cismo, our saviour and friend indeed.

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Okay this is a little more involved to fit the standard "I Blame Cosmo for...' format...so bear with me.

So I just got home from my friend's house and a small little sporty car was parked in front of my driveway with two police cars in with them talk to the passenger. I asked the cop if I could park in my driveway and he told me to just leave it on the street for the night. So I went inside and got the story from niece. Apparently a young girl (my niece knew her so think early twenties) and a older 'gentleman' was to use a old term 'parking' right in front of my driveway. During there...movements the girl honked the horn twice waking up my niece who than called the cops. Are hotel rooms really that expensive?

Anyway for the above I Blame Cosmo. (though that is not the weirdest story in that nature that I have)

Silver Crusade

Did you charge them for using your driveway? And would it have a been a per minute rate or a flat fee?

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Rysky wrote:
Did you charge them for using your driveway? And would it have a been a per minute rate or a flat fee?

If they did not awake my niece so she called the police before I got home...I might have.

I Blame Cosmo for not thinking of that sooner.

Silver Crusade

John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Did you charge them for using your driveway? And would it have a been a per minute rate or a flat fee?

If they did not awake my niece so she called the police before I got home...I might have.

I Blame Cosmo for not thinking of that sooner.

Well now you know for next time :3

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Did you charge them for using your driveway? And would it have a been a per minute rate or a flat fee?

I blame Cosmo for Rysky being such a hardball business execubus.

Silver Crusade

Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Did you charge them for using your driveway? And would it have a been a per minute rate or a flat fee?
I blame Cosmo for Rysky being such a hardball business execubus.

*smirks and adjusts tie and teeny tiny top hat that sits off center*

Rysky wrote:
Did you charge them for using your driveway? And would it have a been a per minute rate or a flat fee?

While per minute would seem the way to go, giving a flat fee for the hour, for roughly the same price as an hour worth of the per minute rate, lull the folk into taking the flat hourly fee simply because they may wind up using it... Even if they only use five minutes of it.

Just, make it an up-front fee. No guy wants to admit to being a five-minute man, even if it would be considered an accomplishment for much of the country.

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John Kretzer wrote:

(though that is not the weirdest story in that nature that I have)

I Blame Cosmo that people have not asked me about this story yet....

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John Kretzer wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

(though that is not the weirdest story in that nature that I have)

I Blame Cosmo that people have not asked me about this story yet....

I was going to, but then I got distracted on Wikipedia and somehow found myself reading Celine Dion's page. Disturbing fact: Celine Dion met her future husband when she was 12 and he was 38 and they got engaged when she was 19, implying that they were dating before then. I may not be a father, but I am an uncle, and I'd be very inclined to have a chat with the guy while holding a shotgun and suspending him above a dumpster filled with rusted spikes and lit gasoline.

I blame Cosmo for the dirt that appears under my fingernails 10 minutes after taking a shower.

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Tels wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

(though that is not the weirdest story in that nature that I have)

I Blame Cosmo that people have not asked me about this story yet....
I was going to, but then I failed a SAN check upon hearing the true voice of Celine Dion...

I also was going to ask, but then a package arrived from Floyd containing some primo Peppermint Express and I sorta drifted off in a blissful minty haze...

I blame Cosmo for being overcaffeinated with game mechanics on the brain at 10-til-5AM.

Silver Crusade

John Kretzer wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

(though that is not the weirdest story in that nature that I have)

I Blame Cosmo that people have not asked me about this story yet....

I was going to ask, so I am!


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Okay...I have to wait till I get back from work.

I Blame Cosmo for not having the time to tell the story right now.

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I blame Cosmo for the state of politics these days.

Back in the day, politics were simple. It was a few easy questions. "Which princess do I kidnap this week?" "Which plumber am I torching this afternoon?" "Why DO I keep leaving that damn axe out where anybody can get to it?" Go get 'em, leave out a few traps, get the troopas marching, stock up the fortresses, check on the kids, burn bang boom, problem solved.

Now there's all these extra things you have to do! All these various groups you have to placate! And the PAPERWORK! RAAAAAAAUGH!! Dammit Cosmo! I have a kingdom to run!

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, if we can blame Cosmo, we might as well blame big


I blame Cosmo for...

a) The leak that started in our kitchen - from a central heating pipe above the ceiling...

b) The ceiling coming down in the kitchen

c) The test for asbestos proving positive that moved us out of our home until it was all removed (yeah, all ceilings, not just the one that was leaked on)

d) Having to turn off the heating until it was fixed with temperatures outside of 1d6 degrees centigrade >.<

e) The first plumber turning up four hours late and then going away doing nothing and not coming back or even telling us he wasn't coming back!

f) The second plumber "fixing" the leak only to have it start leaking in the same spot again 1 day later

g) after the third plumber fixed the leak, the builders who were to put the ceilings back not being available for another month...

Yeah, what a great Easter week eh?

Ah well, it can only get better... right? Please?

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Tels wrote:
Celine Dion met her future husband when she was 12 and he was 38 and they got engaged when she was 19, implying that they were dating before then.

I blame Cosmo for the phrase "age is just a number," which you hear in these situations. With certain *very* specific exceptions, it is not.

For which I also blame Cosmo, for what it's worth.

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John Kretzer wrote:

Okay...I have to wait till I get back from work.

I Blame Cosmo for not having the time to tell the story right now.

All right this is my story. I was working at a gas station as a cashier. When a I noticed a attractive woman walking across the parking lot from the street out front. She is wearing a very attractive little tight dress like one you would wear out to a club. So she comes into the store and ask to borrow the phone. She calls the cops...and since the officer talked to her in the store I found out what happened. Apparently she was at club in the city (NY city for those not keeping track of where I live) and hooked up with a fellow who took her home. The guy dropped her off by the side of the street when he found out that she was transgendered...and she had no way to get home back to the city. She ended up I guess getting rides from various police stations...I wished I could of helped her out...by I had no money to pay a cab and I just started my shift...I did feel bad for her.

Anyway so I'll Blame Cosmo for the poor woman for a very lousy day.

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I blame Cosmo for my cat's breath smelling like cat food, it is really quite unpleasant!

Silver Crusade

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John Kretzer wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Okay...I have to wait till I get back from work.

I Blame Cosmo for not having the time to tell the story right now.

All right this is my story. I was working at a gas station as a cashier. When a I noticed a attractive woman walking across the parking lot from the street out front. She is wearing a very attractive little tight dress like one you would wear out to a club. So she comes into the store and ask to borrow the phone. She calls the cops...and since the officer talked to her in the store I found out what happened. Apparently she was at club in the city (NY city for those not keeping track of where I live) and hooked up with a fellow who took her home. The guy dropped her off by the side of the street when he found out that she was transgendered...and she had no way to get home back to the city. She ended up I guess getting rides from various police stations...I wished I could of helped her out...by I had no money to pay a cab and I just started my shift...I did feel bad for her.

Anyway so I'll Blame Cosmo for the poor woman for a very lousy day.

I Blame Cosmo for JK sharing that story.

Silver Crusade

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Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Okay...I have to wait till I get back from work.

I Blame Cosmo for not having the time to tell the story right now.

All right this is my story. I was working at a gas station as a cashier. When a I noticed a attractive woman walking across the parking lot from the street out front. She is wearing a very attractive little tight dress like one you would wear out to a club. So she comes into the store and ask to borrow the phone. She calls the cops...and since the officer talked to her in the store I found out what happened. Apparently she was at club in the city (NY city for those not keeping track of where I live) and hooked up with a fellow who took her home. The guy dropped her off by the side of the street when he found out that she was transgendered...and she had no way to get home back to the city. She ended up I guess getting rides from various police stations...I wished I could of helped her out...by I had no money to pay a cab and I just started my shift...I did feel bad for her.

Anyway so I'll Blame Cosmo for the poor woman for a very lousy day.

I Blame Cosmo for JK sharing that story.

I also Blame Him for that story occuring in the first place.

Silver Crusade

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The great Cos, some say Cosm, has wrote a book!

Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Okay...I have to wait till I get back from work.

I Blame Cosmo for not having the time to tell the story right now.

All right this is my story. I was working at a gas station as a cashier. When a I noticed a attractive woman walking across the parking lot from the street out front. She is wearing a very attractive little tight dress like one you would wear out to a club. So she comes into the store and ask to borrow the phone. She calls the cops...and since the officer talked to her in the store I found out what happened. Apparently she was at club in the city (NY city for those not keeping track of where I live) and hooked up with a fellow who took her home. The guy dropped her off by the side of the street when he found out that she was transgendered...and she had no way to get home back to the city. She ended up I guess getting rides from various police stations...I wished I could of helped her out...by I had no money to pay a cab and I just started my shift...I did feel bad for her.

Anyway so I'll Blame Cosmo for the poor woman for a very lousy day.

I Blame Cosmo for JK sharing that story.

I am sorry. I did not say it was a happy story...just weird(as in not the normal stuff that happens to me) and related to a guy being a complete jackass. I did wish I saw the car...or who it was so if he was a customer I could 'accidentally' spill gas all over his car....

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I Blame Cosmo that it took almost a year to figure out that my fiance MIGHT have gall bladder disease and need to get it removed... Despite several visits to the doctor and ER. Just got back from a very worried gastroenterologist who encouraged us to get to the ER to get a new echo next time she has issues.

I Blame Cosmo for that horrendous line all physicians tell you "If something's wrong, we'll call you". Cause stuff gets lost in the cracks.

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I blame Cosmo that I have no ability to make TV shows, or even pitch them to TV execs.

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Artemis Moonstar wrote:

I Blame Cosmo that it took almost a year to figure out that my fiance MIGHT have gall bladder disease and need to get it removed... Despite several visits to the doctor and ER. Just got back from a very worried gastroenterologist who encouraged us to get to the ER to get a new echo next time she has issues.

I Blame Cosmo for that horrendous line all physicians tell you "If something's wrong, we'll call you". Cause stuff gets lost in the cracks.

My sympathies, my mom went through this a few years ago, for which I also blame Cosmo. The doctors were much the same with her - a great deal of "well the scans/etc. don't show anything wrong" and "your symptoms just aren't matching up with that so it has to be something else" before one doctor finally said "Okay this is clearly serious and despite the scans not showing anything we need to take action soon".

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I blame Cosmo for my cousin not understanding you can't play a Mounted Combat Archer ROgue with Dimensional Savant. There's just not enough feats.

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I blame Cosmo because of coffee grounds spilled on the carpet. What did it ever do to you to deserve that Cosmo?

I also blame Cosmo because for a spit second I actually thought of reducing myself to trying to salvage and use it. That's not right.

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I Blame Cosmo for not being able to go to Paziocon or Gencon this year. He keeps doing this every year to me!!! *Shakes Fist Angrily*

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for not being able to go to Paziocon or Gencon this year. He keeps doing this every year to me!!! *Shakes Fist Angrily*

I got one over on him last year and made it to PaizoCon. :-)

His Nefariousness moved PaizoCon this year, though, so as to conflict with Every Graduation Evar, which means I'm not going. :-(


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I blame Cosmo for the Korean spam monkey gumming up the boards.

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I Blame Cosmo for my not realizing that esports was a thing.... When it was exactly the thing I was hoping would happen when I was a kid. 2 million USD prize pot in SMITE?!


Been gaming since I was 2 years old.... And now THIS happens.


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Artemis Moonstar wrote:

I Blame Cosmo for my not realizing that esports was a thing.... When it was exactly the thing I was hoping would happen when I was a kid. 2 million USD prize pot in SMITE?!


Been gaming since I was 2 years old.... And now THIS happens.


Fun fact! Smite is none of the above!

I blame Cosmo for Artemis not being a contender even if he hadn't stopped playing the above games.

Silver Crusade

Is Cosmo actually a real person? I have not seen him post in his OWN thread. Is James holding him hostage in the Paizo Office unable to get to a computer. Denying him food and water. I call on Wes to free Cosmo So his electronic minions can hear from their overlord again. FREE COSMO!!

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He's just busy spamming the site with Korean gambling websites :-)

Lou Diamond wrote:
Is James holding him hostage in the Paizo Office unable to get to a computer. Denying him food and water.

I'm pretty sure Cosmo is not subject to our petty mortal necessities...

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I Blame Cosmo for the turn for the worst my life has taken lately...my job, my family, my friends all seem to just doing exactly the right thing to make my life a living Hell.

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My body didn't digest this food properly 'cause these jalapenos are hurting more coming out than going in and that's never happened before!

For this, I blame Cosmo.

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I Blame Cosmo for being awakened a couple of hours before my alarm would go off because my neighbors are getting a new roof put on.

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GM_Beernorg wrote:
I blame Cosmo for my cat's breath smelling like cat food, it is really quite unpleasant!

I blame Cosmo that I just pictured GM_Beernog as Ralph Wiggum.

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