Giving up Wildshape


**This thread is not to discuss whether or not this is a good idea.**

A friend of mine expressed a desire to play a Druid that is a primary caster, and doesn't deal with Wildshape and other Druidiness (except the Animal Companion). Please advise me on ways to buff a Druid's overall spellcasting, preferably in ways that trade in class features not related to the Animal Companion, and bonus points if it gives up Wildshape or weakens that power.

Imagine a Druid played like a Wizard with an animal Cohort. dbook-part-1

Here you go. This guide is what I think you are looking for!

It doesn't buff casting, but this was the 3E option to trade in wildshape completely:



The druid might choose to give up her wild shape ability in exchange for becoming a swift and deadly hunter.

Bonus to Armor Class when unarmored (as monk, including Wisdom bonus to AC), fast movement (as monk), favored enemy (as ranger), swift tracker (as ranger), Track feat (as ranger).

Armor and shield proficiency, wild shape (all versions).

Despite the laundry list of benefits, this was universally (and justifiably) considered a weaker option than keeping wild shape, it was just that good. PF has nerfed wild shape and buffed favored enemy (though they also nerfed monk fast movement and turned track into a 1/2 level bonus non-feat), so maybe it's a better trade in PF?

Doesn't directly help casting much, of course. But maybe use that as a starting point.

Give him an additional domain instead of Wild Shape, done. The Druid list is, IMO, better than the Cleric list for a casting-focused character.

If you think that's not enough, look at variant channeling for Clerics. Give him one of those at level 3, with another one every 3 or 4 levels.

He can play a sorcerer with sylvan bloodline.
Or a cleric/inquisitor with animal/feather domain.

Both will give you a animal companion.

You have to take boon companion to bring the ac to charakter level.

Actually the Cleric spell list is stronger, over all. Druid has more battlefield control, but cleric has the anti-caster smack down in spades, better healing, better buffing... Cleric list is just better. More dull and boring, but stronger.

Sorry, but the guide you linked is a Core only guide that describes how to be a good Druid. I am looking for ways to trade away those features, and yes, I already read the other one, too.

I know it's a little weird to try chucking Wildshape out the window. But, it's my goal here. Yes, I know it's good.

Thenk you, StreamofTheSky.

Yes, that's a good start. In fact, if we are going for dedicated caster, pumping Wisdom and dumping more physicals or Charisma makes for a better choice anyway. More movement is always good, especially if you are trying to avoid combat.

I will look at the Sylvan Bloodline, but we already have a Sorc, and she may not want to step on class roles, even if the flavor and play is sufficiently different. Thank you.

I guess we could go house rules with it. I think an additional domain is fair, but I would have to talk it over with everyone. The party is fairly democratic. Thank you.

I don't think a Cleric will do it, unless it's basically a Druid in play, anyway. I guess there is nothing that stops an Animal/Nature Domain Cleric wearing leather and chilling in the wilds with a pet or three. I will roll that around.

I guess Wildshape is just such a core feature people haven't written much to trade it away.

You might look into the Menhir Savant, which gives you a +1 caster level boost 3+Wis times a day. Another option would be the various "X Shaman" archetypes, which let you summon a specific type of animal as a standard action. (Granted neither of them removes wildshape, but at least they lean slightly towards what you want.)

Edit: This third party archetype dumps wildshape for some spell-like abilities.

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I think it's more of: How do you buff a full casting class for casting and not break it?

I'd suggest keeping it simple and just giving a 2nd domain, as was suggested earlier.

Or just keep it because:
Wildshape is never a dead ability, even if you're not using it in combat. Other classes have to put a lot of effort to be mobile. The druid can just turn into a creature of the right movement type for hours at a time if need be, and fly/climb/swim (+gain scent/darkvision). Later they get access to even more senses and burrow.

What I'm trying to say: Wild Shape IS a primary caster ability. You cast a scaling, super-extended Beast Shape without using your spell slots. And it only gets more versatile with other Shape spells added to the options.

There is a human druid archetype in the ARG who gives up wildshape. Can't remember much about it at the moment

Feral child (human)

I'd say: play a storm druid.

You don't actually lose wildshape, but you do get a second domain and some cool abilities in exchange for some of the druidicness. Also, wildshape is really useful for a full caster. Spending all your time as a medium air elemental is incredibly powerful. Especially when your stormy powers are making it impossible for your enemies to fly near you.

gourry187 wrote:
There is a human druid archetype in the ARG who gives up wildshape. Can't remember much about it at the moment

You give up wildshape and in return you get to also lose your weapon proficiencies, become illiterate, and lose the option to take a domain.

I can't recommend it for anything but an NPC that's designed to fail.

Here's the Feral Child writeup:

How about granting an extra archetype? So far there are no two archetypes for druid which are able to stack, but if you are loosing wild shape (effectively an extra spell per day every other level starting @ 4th with expanded options and a duration lasting 60x normal) I don't see why an extra archetype of their choice wouldn't be permissible.

Note that if you did this any core options that were altered or replaced by either archetype would be lost. But they would gain all the abilities of both archetypes, even if they normally replaced the same ability.

It's an option anyway.

Liberty's Edge

He should play a Summoner.

Our Druid in RotRL has a similar fixation on her Animal Companion and keeps on being disappointed because she would want to invest her feats in making it better, but the core rules give you next to nothing for this.

The class did not exist at that time, but I really believe a Summoner would have been a far better fit to her concept, once you adapt the fluff.

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