Mutagen Question

Rules Questions

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I'm looking at making a massive-strength damage dealer, and was considering the ragechemist alchemist. At 2nd level, they get +6 to Strength when using appropriate mutagens.

What I'm wondering is does that stack with the bonuses from greater/grand mutagen?

To phrase it differently; I'm at 15th level, with a 20 Strength base. What is the highest Strength bonus I can achieve, and how?

Liberty's Edge

That's a good question, it is a non-typed bonus so it seems like it would stack with all the normal benefits from mutagen, but that just seems insanely strong to me (+10 to strength at 2nd level. . .).

My thought is that this, as written, would stack with the general bonuses from the mutagen, but that they probably have some kind of update somewhere or else should get one at some point.

11 lvls barbarian 6 str from rage,
1 lvl alchemist 4 from mutagen.

30 str all together it seems.

It replaces, it doesn't stack.

Either way, it's not worth spending half your combats in a comatose state.

Just go with a +4 str race (Orc, or Aasimar with the right bloodline and the alternate racial traits table for extra +2 str), take normal Alchemist, dip Barbarian for rage, and use enlarge person extracts.

If you want the highest possible strength in the long term, your best bet is Synthesist Summoner. The size increase to Huge gives something like +16 str, you get str/dex adjusts just from level up, and you can still enlarge person for another +2, and add +2 str as an evolution (though for 4 points per +2 str, not terribly worth it). As a charisma caster with no need for physical stats, you're also in good position to grab the Half-Orc sorc. bloodline via the Eldritch Heritage line for even more strength.

Shadow Lodge

1. yes it does

you would have a +6 strength if you were a second level rage chemist and +6 from the rage if you were an 11th level barbarian. +12 and the higher level mutagens would also gain this +2 ability.

so if you were playing a 15th level character i think the highest you could get would be ...

11 barbarian = +6 moral bonus when raging
2 alchemist = +4 strength *alchemical*
2 ragechemist= +2 strength untyped
manual of physical strength = +5 strength also untyped, but from a different source so this may stack or may not
belt of physcial might= +6 enhancement bonus
rightous might= +4 size bonus

= if all of them do stack, as i think they do, you would be able to achieve a 20+ 25= a 45 strength.

What are you disagreeing with? That's what I said. Rage Mutagen is +6. It stacks with rage, sure.

I meant rage mutagen replaces, and does not stack with normal mutagen (otherwise it'd be +10).

Shadow Lodge

you know what after thinking about it for a bit, if you dropped barbarian and went druid you could go with a huge sized elemental form, thats a
+8 size bonus, then tack on blood rage for an additional +10 (or less) then the eldritch heritage orc blood line for another +4

+8 size,
+10 moral
+6 alchemical
+5 untyped
+4 orc bloodline
+6 enhancement
20 base
+59 strength

oh damn and if you cast moment of greatness then bloodrage would net you a +20 for one attack, that would be nutz.

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