100 uses for an unseen servent.


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1. Carry a tower shield around for you so you get cover.
2. Tow a cart that you are standing in around the battle field (cart needs levitation.)
3. Torch bearer
4. Hold open a sheet to grant concealment.
5. 4 on a longer scale. (requires two)
6. Carry a scull with continual flame on it so enemies think it is undead.
7. Push large rock down a hall to activate traps.
8. Pick up drop weapons to save sheathing move actions.
9. Open a door while holding a mannequin to trigger readied actions.
10. Distract a guard so that you can sneak by.

Well there is 10.

11. Having it serve you things, while remaining unseen.

12. Throw a sheet over it and BAM! You have a ghost.

13. Custom home cleaning service.

14. Order it to pour the potion you gave it into your mouth if / when you fall unconscious. (Not sure if this works.)

15. Have it open a door while you and the others hide readying an ambush.

Shadow Lodge

2. Tow a cart that you are standing in around the battle field (cart needs levitation.)

Keep in mind it's only up to 100 pounds (45kgs) of dragging or 20 pounds (9kg) of lifting. That's a really light cart.

4. Hold open a sheet to grant concealment.

I think you mean cover - you're hiding behind something, not within something (like, say, a fog cloud).

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, Contributor

* My favorite is picking up disarmed weapons in combat. For example hitting someone with grease to disarm them then having the unseen servant drag their weapon off.
* Similarly, stealing any unattended items which might prove useful to enemies, or simply manipulating them.

Order it to pour the potion you gave it into your mouth if / when you fall unconscious. (Not sure if this works.)

It's a mindless force effect and while it can continue doing something while you are unconscious, I can't see any way you could give it contingencies.

16. Clean your house.

17. Mend your clothing.

18. Cook your meal.

19. Polish your armor.

20. Muck out the dragon cavern.

21. Sort your coin collection.by date, type, king, and value.

22. Copy out your book of dryad recipes.

23. Chop your firewood.

24. Make the skeleton dance so the enemies think it is undead.

25. Row the boat while you and your lady snuggle.

26. Change the kid's diapir.

27. Block the door.

28. Unmentionable things, although one of my GMs did houserule that they had no orifices.

29. take care of your women in places you cannot

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, Contributor

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Walter Leeuwen wrote:
29. take care of your women in places you cannot

In the back of a Volkswagon?

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30. Have it rotate quickly to create a cooling breeze on hot day

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Avatar-1 wrote:
4. Hold open a sheet to grant concealment.
I think you mean cover - you're hiding behind something, not within something (like, say, a fog cloud).

I think he means "Concealment" just like he said. A sheet between him and a single attacker makes him unseen, so 50% miss chance.

The game does a mediocre job of differentiating between cover and concealment, however, but the difference is "cover" is anything that will actually block an attack, concealment is anything that just keeps you from being seen. Obviously there are things that can do both, but I don't think a sheet is one of them.

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In the first edition Rogue's Gallery, there was a mage whose cat familiar had a permanent unseen servant to open doors for it.

@ avatar: I could be wrong about how they work but I was going of Zahir's ideas.

31. Play a gong as you enter the city.

32. Light oil that has been thrown on an enemy.

33. Delivery a note across a crowded tavern.


34. Use them to kill dragon. Walk over by dragon. Put Portable Hole in Bag of Holding. Win.

Avatar-1 wrote:
2. Tow a cart that you are standing in around the battle field (cart needs levitation.)
Keep in mind it's only up to 100 pounds (45kgs) of dragging or 20 pounds (9kg) of lifting. That's a really light cart.

An anemic wizard standing on a levitating plank is going to be pretty light. Although why bother with the cart if you're just going to have to levitate it anyway. Just levitate yourself (ideally with boots of levitation) and have the servant pull you around.

Edit: Disregard the now deleted spoiler. I re-read the spell.

35. Croupier
36. Blackjack dealer

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Unseen servents suck. You can never find them to keep them watered.

The Exchange

37: apply soverign glue

sadly the bag of holding portable hole trick would only suck it into the astral. That might be enough to get the hoard with out combat but a dragon will figure a way out then come for you.

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38. Back rub
39. Foot rub
40. Fetch Arrows from the battle field
41. Loot bodies on battle field
52. If being tracked by sent have the US take a piece of clothing in another direction

Could you have it take a book full of explosive runes next to a target and read the first rune.... BOOM

Not sure if it works or not.


Don't think they can speak...which I think is a requirement for the Rune.

Liberty's Edge

I had at one time, designed a crawling city...technically rolling, on wheels...the clockworks inside powered by masses of unseen servants...

Shut a door on an enemy while you ready a reach trip attempt when they open the door. Trip, unseen servant shuts the door again... Rinse, repeat.

ossian666 wrote:
Don't think they can speak...which I think is a requirement for the Rune.

They only have to be able to read the explosive rune, though I'm not sure they can. Will greatly depend on your DM.

EldonG wrote:
I had at one time, designed a crawling city...technically rolling, on wheels...the clockworks inside powered by masses of unseen servants...

One of my favorite 3.5 spells. Servant horde.

43. Give it a torch. Tell it to run in circles, or around something highly flammable.

Tiny Coffee Golem that was also a favorite spell of mine. The most memorable use was when one of my wizards in pirate oriented game crewed an entire merchant ship with the Servant Horde. After the party was stranded on the ship without a crew. That was a fun game.

44. Tickle monster...probably ties into #29 in unsettling ways
45. Readily available high five partner if Barnabas Stinson is nowhere in sight.
*46. Aid Another for Skills usable untrained. This one is probably off the RAW path a bit since you technically can't take 10 on an Aid Another action, and US's don't have any generally applicable skill modifiers, though they could achieve a DC 10 Aid Another result since it falls within their limit of no more than a DC 10. I'll put an asterisk on it for anyone that calls shenanigans.
47. Duping rubes into thinking you are a more powerful wizard/sorcerer/whatever-er than you really are.

48. Cheap (if you are the caster) and very cool way to serve H'orderves and Drinks at a fancy party.

49. Alarm-ish spell. Not as good as the actual alarm spell, but Tell it to bang some pots and pans together if it sees anything come close. It'd be REALLy easy to fool, but only if someone know's it's there.

Liberty's Edge

50. serves as the motive force for just about any strange clockwork thing the GM can dream up.

Snatch up a weapon from an opponent who has been disarmed.

I've gotten many a wand that way.

I don't suppose they could retrieve things from your backpack, so you don't have to waste actions to do so, could they?

52. To practice sneak attack/cleave/strangulation/smite/called-shits/murder-hobo-shiv-technique inside your magnificent mansion. Does it really count as murder at that point, or no?

Sovereign Court

53. Reload (heavy) crossbows.

Liberty's Edge

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54. Carry the halfling around when he gets snarky.

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55. Impress the yokels by pointing at something and have the unseen servant move it a little bit.

Matt Monjot wrote:

1. Carry a tower shield around for you so you get cover.

2. Tow a cart that you are standing in around the battle field (cart needs levitation.)
3. Torch bearer
4. Hold open a sheet to grant concealment.
5. 4 on a longer scale. (requires two)
6. Carry a scull with continual flame on it so enemies think it is undead.
7. Push large rock down a hall to activate traps.
8. Pick up drop weapons to save sheathing move actions.
9. Open a door while holding a mannequin to trigger readied actions.
10. Distract a guard so that you can sneak by.

Well there is 10.

1) they are not strong enough to carry a tower shield, though they can drag it along.

9) it has to be a very light mannequin, str 2 is not enough to lift a wooden mannequin, though again dragging it along is an option.

What about having it stand on a high ledge and drop things in to the fight? It can't make a direct attack, but could it drop 20# worth of weighted netting, or a flask of acid?

Alternately, have it carry 20# of rope for your animate rope spell. Walk up next to an enemy carrying the rope, you make a readied action once the rope's in place...good as throwing the thing without having to stand in front of your enemy casting.

56. Wand holder/collector:
Providing you with the right wand and collect them as you let them drop to free your hand for the next one.

"SpellX Wand" US give SpellX Wand (move action) - cast SpellX(standard action) - drop wand (free action) - US collect Wand again

57. Google Combat Item Search
Drop your backpack at the start of the combat, if you need something simply name it and the US will search if and bringt it to you. You then still have your actions to cast etc.

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58 - Invisible Tea Party. Because freaking out the rest of the party is always hilarious.

59. two words: sweat shop.

I miss that Servant Horde spell (and the the higher level floating disk one).

I also would like to see a spell that had a servant with higher strength and more intelligence.


60) Snooze in my canoe, cart, or travois while my unseen servants pull me towards my destination.

61) Harvey the Rabbit

Liberty's Edge

62) Dungeons are notoriously dusty. Give it a broom and have it sweep up before resting in a secured room.

63.) Tend bar.

In my misspent youth I had an unseen servant in a french maid's outfit carrying a feather duster on a 10' pole. She...I mean, "it" cleaned the dungeon: sweeping dust, getting cobwebs out of the corner, and more. The spell also doubled as a trap checker. Finally she/it was good at(comments redacted for prudence).

Ahem. Another thing that was a routine use of the spell long ago (older editions) was to summon one on the far side of a pit/chasm/slide etc. and have it tie off a rope.

Now in a 2e game I had my character invent a 3rd level version of the spell I called Skilled Servant. Essentially your unseen servant could use one of your skills during its duration. I created it for the sole reason of then permanizing it around my home so that my crafter wizard could walk into a room, gesture to his workshop, and have the tools start working on one project while he did another.

64.) Spread a bag of flour around the room to reveal invisible things

65.) Fan you with a fan

66.) Do your makeup in the morning?

67.) Pour water from a canteen on a flame

68.) Hang a fishing net to block small swarms

69.) Place a 10ft ladder over a pool of water

70.) Tie knots into a rope

71.) Cheat at gambling with dice?

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