Can we ban Lessons of Chaldira from PFS?

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 2/5 *

What was deemed so great about magical knack? Multi-classed casters are usually a train wreck anyway.


Chalk Microbe wrote:
All it took was a cursory glance to overturn the magical knack ban. Why can't this be overturned without much thought or debate too?!

actually it took requesting it to be looked at since the beginning of the campaign and a well thought out post by Jiggy to get that decision over-turned.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

We're moving off topic. (I'm shocked! (laugh))

Is Lessons of Chaldira a very powerful trait? Yeah.

Is it too powerful? Arguable, but I think it's more powerful than I think a trait should be.

Is it so good that everybody's going to start taking it, now that it's in the spotlight? Hard to say. Maybe, but (a) it's defensive, and aggressive traits seem more popular, and (b) it requires faith in an obscure halfling deity. So that's an impediment to any PC who wants to worship another god.

And if there ends up being a bunch of Chaldira-worshippers knocking at the door to the Grand Lodge, maybe that might be fun, too.

Should it be removed from PFS? We've done our part; now it's up to the venture officers and campaign leadership to hash out.

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

Why was magical knack banned to begin with? It just supplements builds that are, on average, not strong to being with.


No real clue David, except possibly related to a 3.5 feat that was the basis of a lot of odd builds, or perhaps due to potential confusion over what it did (clear to me, but not to all).

4/5 *

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I tend to (try) to make rather powergamey characters, and I don't think I'd take that trait. I'd much rather have extra class skills, or a static bonus to prop up a weaker save. I don't remember the exact math on it, but I think a reroll of a d20 works out to something like a +3 bonus on average. Personally, I don't think that a +3 bonus on one roll per day is really that more powerful than a constant +1 bonus.


I think magical knack is over powered. You can dip in other spell castor classes to give your spells further benefites without losing strength in them. A level 3 blasting a 6d4+13 burning hands that slows if they fail their save comes to mind.


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Yeah, this is the first time I've ever heard of that trait. And despite how powerful it's being described as, I'm still not going to take it.

Though reading this has motivated me to put together a halfling theme build and make her the luckiest adventurer on the planet. Still wouldn't be that dangerous, though. Maybe if I got all the 'luck' traits/feats together AND created a dual cursed oracle...

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

Some explanation of that would be great, but I still think that dipping from one caster to another is usually a weak move.


even better

human wizard
wayang spell castor(spelling the one where MM is one less level)
magical knack

wizard evoker admixuter
oracle waves or winter for slow spell revelation
dual bloood sorc, white dragon/orc

Feats spell specialization
Rhime spell
Allied Spellcaster

rod of intensify
6d4+13 slows on failed save entagles no matter what.

Give me time I might be able to find something better.

Keep in mind onc eyou get higher levels you can start doign this with fireball too.

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

How is this any worse than exploitative builds like the stat dumped fighter archer?


lets see a 3rd level fighter be able to do this much damage and effects in a 15 foot cone.
average 25.5 damage on a failed save DC only 16 reflex 12 on made save. Can slow, will entangle. Can hit more than one target.

Yeah. Much worse.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I say let the people get the use out of their Faiths of Purity purchase.


heh - clearly some people haven't seen fully optimized fighter archers (or zen archers) or fully optimized gunslingers in action. When they get going they can frequently mow down a lot of opponents by themselves.

That said while they are crazy good and somewhat broken - they aren't perfect or without flaws - and in the hands of a good player can be fun for everyone (DM included).

[mists and fog and light effects for example can really ruin most archer's days - until they are really high level]


Then enlighten me what they can do by level 3?

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

Finlanderboy wrote:

even better

human wizard
wayang spell castor(spelling the one where MM is one less level)
magical knack

wizard evoker admixuter
oracle waves or winter for slow spell revelation
dual bloood sorc, white dragon/orc

Feats spell specialization
Rhime spell
Allied Spellcaster

rod of intensify
6d4+13 slows on failed save entagles no matter what.

Give me time I might be able to find something better.

Keep in mind onc eyou get higher levels you can start doign this with fireball too.

That's far from the most exploitative thing I've seen in PFS.


then why ask the build info and not foo pah the damage when I first said it.

Dark Archive 4/5

That is certainly not as destructive as a core sorcerer with colour spray.

In any case, the argument isn't that this is the only overpowered thing left in PFS. The argument is that this trait and the Improved save feats do very similar things, and that this trait, despite being meant to be half a feat, is much better at it.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Maybe we'll get really, really lucky, and they'll update Improved X save to something like:

You now have Good saving throw progression in this save category. If you already have a Good Saving Throw progression, you gain no additional benefit from this feat.




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I am so tired of the let's ban something!!!!111!!!! threads.

They suck a lot of fun out of the game.


Yes color spray with a heavens oracle is way OP. Although core Colour spray does not work well past level 3 since many things are getting over level 4.

Although that combo can grow to other spells as the tri class, levels.

You could give up the cold stuff and be a gnome sin magic instead and do extra castor level damage with fire spells.

Dark Archive 4/5

Finlanderboy wrote:

Yes color spray with a heavens oracle is way OP. Although core Colour spray does not work well past level 3 since many things are getting over level 4.

Although that combo can grow to other spells as the tri class, levels.

You could give up the cold stuff and be a gnome sin magic instead and do extra castor level damage with fire spells.

Colour spray works on anything that is affected by mind-affecting effects. A failed save is worth at least a round of stun. That's more than enough time for an enemy to be dog-piled into submission, or to have its weapons confiscated, considering it drops them.

ANYWAY, we're not talking about your ridiculous damage build that isn't actually that ridiculous. We're talking about a trait that is more powerful than a trait should be. If bracers of falcon's aim were banned because they were too cheap for their benefit, then I would say this trait is also too cheap for its benefit.

The fact that it's not widely in use at this time is good news. That means that there are less people upset about having to find a new trait should it be banned. It's certainly not an argument that just because something is obscure, it shouldn't be considered for banning.


Well you could do more damage as a gnome, less feat intensive and give up slow and entangle to do 7d4+15 damage in a 15 foot spray, but that is probably not much damage either in your games.

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

Finlanderboy wrote:
then why ask the build info and not foo pah the damage when I first said it.

Because I was just curious how you came up with that.

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

"ANYWAY, we're not talking about your ridiculous damage build that isn't actually that ridiculous. We're talking about a trait that is more powerful than a trait should be. If bracers of falcon's aim were banned because they were too cheap for their benefit, then I would say this trait is also too cheap for its benefit."

I agree in theory, but I think the banhammer should be applied as little as possible. This is kind of a hard call, imo.

Grand Lodge 4/5

This is very powerful for a trait.

Whether or not everyone is taking this or not is completely irrelevant when you study the trait on its own terms and how it interacts in the overall game balance.

I could make a trait that allows you to cast Major Image five times a day using your hit dice as caster level. It'd be overpowered in terms of game balance, but it'd likely be unpopular because the majority of players want something that makes them hit harder and faster instead of create illusions.

I'd be cool with it if it were for good aligned halflings only, but if we have to give it thumbs up or down then I say down.


KestlerGunner wrote:
I could make a trait that allows you to cast Major Image five times a day using your hit dice as caster level. It'd be overpowered in terms of game balance, but it'd likely be unpopular because the majority of players want something that makes them hit harder and faster instead of create illusions.

Excellent point.

One of the reasons I brought this up was that Lessons of Chaldira allows you to re-roll failed saving throws. That's pretty much the only thing that kills high-tier characters in PFS. So, personally, I see saving throw re-rolls even more valuable than an extra (secondary) attack, for example. I wouldn't have created this thread if it let you cast free illusions :)

The Exchange 5/5

Samuli wrote:
KestlerGunner wrote:
I could make a trait that allows you to cast Major Image five times a day using your hit dice as caster level. It'd be overpowered in terms of game balance, but it'd likely be unpopular because the majority of players want something that makes them hit harder and faster instead of create illusions.

Excellent point.

One of the reasons I brought this up was that Lessons of Chaldira allows you to re-roll failed saving throws. That's pretty much the only thing that kills high-tier characters in PFS. So, personally, I see saving throw re-rolls even more valuable than an extra (secondary) attack, for example. I wouldn't have created this thread if it let you cast free illusions :)

heck, I'd go for the Major Image trait! even if it were only once a day! I'd even go for a Minor Image 5 times a day....

the save re-roll? not so much. There are better traits out there I'd rather go with.

Sovereign Court

That is a bit more powerful then half a feat should probably be so that probably should get looked at.

Why ban it from the PFS though? I'm not seeing the connection.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5

When it comes to banning anything from PFS and I look at it like this.

1. Does it slow down game play? IN this case (Lessons of Chaldira) Nope
2. Does it allow one player to dominate a table and remove the spotlight from other players.- No
3. Have I seen "X" issue at tables - No (Not one single time so far)
4. Is "X" issue seen as a requirement to have for PC's of that build? - No
5. Is "X" issue more useful/powerfull compared to things in the same catagarory? (Traits, Feats, Spells) Yes

To me this trait is very good. Reactionary to me is the most used trait of all time (In Virginia at least)and I don't think it passes my litmus test for banning.

This trait is good but I wouldn't ban it and I think there are other issues that should be in the spotlight before this trait.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Samuli wrote:
KestlerGunner wrote:
I could make a trait that allows you to cast Major Image five times a day using your hit dice as caster level. It'd be overpowered in terms of game balance, but it'd likely be unpopular because the majority of players want something that makes them hit harder and faster instead of create illusions.

Excellent point.

One of the reasons I brought this up was that Lessons of Chaldira allows you to re-roll failed saving throws. That's pretty much the only thing that kills high-tier characters in PFS. So, personally, I see saving throw re-rolls even more valuable than an extra (secondary) attack, for example. I wouldn't have created this thread if it let you cast free illusions :)

I've seen a lot of T-shirt rerolls be worse. When a 4 is needed to succeed, they roll a 3, reroll and get a 1.

In my experience, I'd say roughly 50% of the time, rerolls are worse if not the same.

This really isn't as powerful as you seem to think it is.

Is it better than those three improved <save> feats you mentioned? Sure.

But I think that's more an indictment on those three feats, than of the trait in question.


Paul Rees wrote:

When it comes to banning anything from PFS and I look at it like this.

1. Does it slow down game play? IN this case (Lessons of Chaldira) Nope
2. Does it allow one player to dominate a table and remove the spotlight from other players.- No
3. Have I seen "X" issue at tables - No (Not one single time so far)
4. Is "X" issue seen as a requirement to have for PC's of that build? - No
5. Is "X" issue more useful/powerfull compared to things in the same catagarory? (Traits, Feats, Spells) Yes

That's cool. That's just not how the design team operates. It can be clearly seen from the Bracers of Falcon's Aim case, for example. The answers to your questions for that item are identical: no, no, no, no, and yes.

I guess we've done our best here. I'd like to hear from a comment from Mike or the designer team.

2/5 *

Samuli wrote:
This can be compared to Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Lightning Reflexes, or Improved Iron Will. They have the same mechanics, except that Lessons of Chaldira can be used to any type of a saving throw, and can be used after a failed saving throw. Which means that it's better than any of those three feats. Traits should be as effective as half of a feat.

I agree 100%. Every new PC I make will have it.

Dark Archive 4/5

Jason S wrote:
Samuli wrote:
This can be compared to Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Lightning Reflexes, or Improved Iron Will. They have the same mechanics, except that Lessons of Chaldira can be used to any type of a saving throw, and can be used after a failed saving throw. Which means that it's better than any of those three feats. Traits should be as effective as half of a feat.

I agree 100%. Every new PC I make will have it.

Jason, you should know I respect you very much at a player. I hope when you say that, you are agreeing with the need for this trait to be removed.

2/5 *

Correct, I agree with the OP. I'm being a bit facetious as well. :)

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I don't think this is a game breaking trait... don't see a problem with it. Also, if people take this trait I hope they don't forget they might be asked to present the source this book is found in. Probably not a big deal at the local level, but cons might be different. If the re-roll was more than once a day it would need to be tweaked and turned into a feat.

The argument of "this is over-powered" could be applied to other traits if someone wanted it to be.

5/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jason S wrote:
Samuli wrote:
This can be compared to Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Lightning Reflexes, or Improved Iron Will. They have the same mechanics, except that Lessons of Chaldira can be used to any type of a saving throw, and can be used after a failed saving throw. Which means that it's better than any of those three feats. Traits should be as effective as half of a feat.
I agree 100%. Every new PC I make will have it.

Funny. I own the book, and haven't had a PC with it yet and currently have zero inclination to make a PC with it even after this discussion.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

The trait is great if people are only worried about mechanics and stat blocks. I will add my name to the list if others who have noted they wouldn't take this trait. Depending on the circumstance, many traits could make a character broken.

I hope people aren't trying to go out of their way to get things banned because they discovered it to late to apply to specific characters or something.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Just for myself, I have seven characters in active play and none of them have this trait. Granted I did not know about it, but if I had the opportunity I would not rebuild and/or take Additional Traits to get it. And I have no plans to take it with any future characters.

I don't think that it needs to be banned.

Shadow Lodge

Samuli wrote:
Paul Rees wrote:

When it comes to banning anything from PFS and I look at it like this.

1. Does it slow down game play? IN this case (Lessons of Chaldira) Nope
2. Does it allow one player to dominate a table and remove the spotlight from other players.- No
3. Have I seen "X" issue at tables - No (Not one single time so far)
4. Is "X" issue seen as a requirement to have for PC's of that build? - No
5. Is "X" issue more useful/powerfull compared to things in the same catagarory? (Traits, Feats, Spells) Yes

That's cool. That's just not how the design team operates. It can be clearly seen from the Bracers of Falcon's Aim case, for example. The answers to your questions for that item are identical: no, no, no, no, and yes.

I guess we've done our best here. I'd like to hear from a comment from Mike or the designer team.

Actually, for Bracers of Falcon's Aim, it be at LEAST "no, no, no, yes, yes".

Those bracers were so good at that price point that no archer in their right mind would EVER take a different arms slot item, period.


SCPRedMage wrote:
Those bracers were so good at that price point that no archer in their right mind would EVER take a different arms slot item, period.

Yeah, there's absolutely no chance that some combination of free will, individuality, or priority variation would ever result in any other outcome.

"No archer ... EVER ... period."


Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5

SCPRedMage wrote:
Actually, for Bracers of Falcon's Aim, it be at LEAST "no, no, no, yes, yes". Those bracers were so good at that price point that no archer in their right mind would EVER take a different arms slot item, period.

I don't want to turn this into a discussion of what item is to strong. I don't speak for paizo as that is what MJM (Mike, John, Mark) are for but until a piece of gear, trait, or feat just corners the game I don't expect too see a lot of bannings.

People paid money for there books / PDF and this is the reward for doing so.

If a player decides to do the math and find the perfect build for what they want then I am OK with that as they are getting what they want from the game as longs as it doesn't encroach on other people love of PFS.

When I do see things that i think could be an issue (Such as the Master Summoner for me) I start taking notes so I can provide a feedback of actual game occurrences.

When it comes to the bracers I have not seen an archer style build use them and I have seen many of archers rule a battlefield. Are they cheap for what they do? I think so just from my casual glance.

But before Paizo WIELDS the BANHAMMER i bet they do some data collection first. Also note that little 5 step process is just my thought process. I don't know what the criteria is for the MJM is for such things but it is how I collect feed back.

Liberty's Edge

Samuli wrote:
One of the reasons I brought this up was that Lessons of Chaldira allows you to re-roll failed saving throws. That's pretty much the only thing that kills high-tier characters in PFS. So, personally, I see saving throw re-rolls even more valuable than an extra (secondary) attack, for example. I wouldn't have created this thread if it let you cast free illusions :)

So, you want to ban this trait because it makes killing high-tier characters in PFS more difficult ?

Note that it does so only by lowering the chance of a random PFS PC-kill (ie, bad roll on the saving throw).

I, for one, prefers that my high-level PFS characters, which I spent MANY sessions leveling and improving, do not die (and thus lose precious resources to raise) just because of a low die result on a single saving throw.

And honestly, paying a trait for this is the right price IMO.

BTW your example of extra (secondary) attack surprises me, how many PCs would take a trait that gives this extra attack ONCE PER DAY ?

Sovereign Court 4/5

Some might argue that the trait by itself is not all that powerful. Thing is, the trait is way too powerful in comparison. Making a feat inferior should already be a warning.

Then again the trait might stay legal and eventually, maybe, the trait will be revised in some future booklet. Same thing happened with Heirloom Weapon.

Definitely going to take Lessons of Chaldira for my extra-cheesy Aasimar Urban Barbarian/Dawnflower Dervish Bard.


Deussu wrote:
Definitely going to take Lessons of Chaldira for my extra-cheesy Aasimar Urban Barbarian/Dawnflower Dervish Bard.

Uhh..Dawnflower other words you worship Sarenrae, not Chaldira.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

Let's look at some examples of feats that are worse than *any* class skill trait:

Elemental Channel - Do you really fight elementals that much?
Eschew Materials - Does having to have a spell component pouch really hurt wizards that much?
Run - I so rarely see people do the 3x or 4x run in PFS, I can't imagine augmenting it would be worth a feat OR a trait.
Eagle Eyes - I've never seen the distance modifier on perception checks come up.
Go Unnoticed - You succeed on a stealth check, but only on the first round of combat. Yay?
Leaf Singer - Oh no, I seem to always be out of range for bardic performance, and I'm always in a forest! Whatever shall I do?
Razortusk - I have never bemoaned the lack of a bite attack on my half-orc.
Shadow Strike - How many times are you flanking creatures with partial concealment as a rogue?
Stone Singer - See Leaf Singer.
Taunt - Who in Golarian loves to demoralize but doesn't have a high intimidate?
Vermin Heart - Really? This is even a thing?

This is just what I picked up from a cursory glance at the CRB and APG. I'm sure that there are a lot of other terrible feats that I could find if I went further. Just because something is better than a feat - even a feat that does the same thing - doesn't mean that it's overpowered or should be banned.

The Exchange 5/5

Netopalis wrote:

Let's look at some examples of feats that are worse than *any* class skill trait:

Elemental Channel - Do you really fight elementals that much?
Eschew Materials - Does having to have a spell component pouch really hurt wizards that much?
Run - I so rarely see people do the 3x or 4x run in PFS, I can't imagine augmenting it would be worth a feat OR a trait.
Eagle Eyes - I've never seen the distance modifier on perception checks come up.
Go Unnoticed - You succeed on a stealth check, but only on the first round of combat. Yay?
Leaf Singer - Oh no, I seem to always be out of range for bardic performance, and I'm always in a forest! Whatever shall I do?
Razortusk - I have never bemoaned the lack of a bite attack on my half-orc.
Shadow Strike - How many times are you flanking creatures with partial concealment as a rogue?
Stone Singer - See Leaf Singer.
Taunt - Who in Golarian loves to demoralize but doesn't have a high intimidate?
Vermin Heart - Really? This is even a thing?

This is just what I picked up from a cursory glance at the CRB and APG. I'm sure that there are a lot of other terrible feats that I could find if I went further. Just because something is better than a feat - even a feat that does the same thing - doesn't mean that it's overpowered or should be banned.

Here's an odd note.

Let's say you want to be able to Disable Device in case you end up at a table with no one to do it. (Yeah, I'm looking at you rogue players that don't put even one rank in DD). So you take the Trait Vagabond Child and make it a class skill. this give you a total of +4 in the skill (+3 for it being a class skill now, and +1 as a trait bonus).

Wow... this is better than Skill Focus.
Skill Focus = +3
Vagabond Child = +4.

In fact, most any trait that deals with a skill gives this same bonus. Tomb Raider gives a +1 to Perception and Kn(Dungeoneering) and makes one a class skill... so Clerics would get a +4 to perception, for a trait.

Skill Focus Perception = +3 Perception
Tomb Raider = +4 Perception & +1 Kn(Dungeoneering)...

Guess we're going to have to ban Tomb Raider from PFS - wait, it's a PFS Campaign Trait, so you have to be in the campaign to get it...

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

I thought about including skill focus in that list, but it stacks with the bonuses from traits. If you already have a particular class skill, skill focus is more useful.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Skill focus also works even if you have no ranks in it, so the comparison should be +1 for the trait versus +3 from the feat.

The Exchange 5/5

Netopalis wrote:
I thought about including skill focus in that list, but it stacks with the bonuses from traits. If you already have a particular class skill, skill focus is more useful.

True, but if you already have the skill as a class skill, you wouldn't pick the trait. The trait is for those skills that you WANT, that aren't class skills. But you know that Netopalis, this is for the guys looking to ban traits that are stronger than feats.

How about the feat Martial Weapon Prof.? Say, Martial Weapon Prof. Short Bow?

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