Damn Pyromaniac Murder Hobos

Gamer Life General Discussion

Have you ever had a campaign with an aboveground building adventure site, that they didn't at least talk about burning down? I mean, they gotta talk about it, right? ;)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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I am intrigued by your concept of not burning down buildings, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

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Actually did it once in a campaign. Hey, man, the place was infested with vampires. It was the only way to be sure. How were we supposed to have known they had invisible coffins hidden in the old wagon out back?

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[Lurch]You rang?[/Lurch]

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The only time I've ever had the PCs intentionally try to burn a building down was in a 2nd Edition game when the Spellthief got frustrated when he couldn't figure out how to break into the local Mage's Guild building.

It ended badly for him.

That said, the subject makes me think of my favorite opening line to an novel, ever:

"The building was on fire and it wasn't my fault."

I played in a second edition game where the party tried to broker a peace with goblins and then the goblins ended up burning down a village. The village was sort of men

"Man has a love for fire. Napalm, white phosphorus, promethium, oil, gasoline, meltas, plasmas, firestorms, incendiaries, firepower, fireline, flamethrower, fireteam, firefighter, the flames of war, fire, fire, fire. What else could be said to have benefited as much from man as fire? What other element has been defended, nursed, tutored, fed, and loved more than fire? Our cities, our books, our people, our enemies, our friends, our dead, our living, our greatest works and most heinous feats; all of them, fed to the ever hungry flames, and there it is. Years of brilliant minds worked on that one. For warfare, for country, for humanity? No. We wanted to see what fire, raw unchained flame, could do."

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Had it in reverse once.

Party is supposed to defend the NPC in the building while the wizard continues to summon waves of monsters. Friend playing the NPC said "Why the hell would I do that? I've a 20 INT!" SO he summoned lots of monsters and had them ready to attack anything that left. Last creatures summoned? Fire elementals.

Pretty much every time.

I'm running Rise of the Runelords right now, and they...

Runelords spoiler:
tried to burn down Thistletop. It wouldn't burn. (Too wet!)


They talked about burning down Foxglove Manor, but decided that they really should explore it first. After they explored it, I had them find some documents indicating that Foxglove had a sister in Korvosa who could inherit it, so they didn't burn it down after defeating the Skinsaw Man.

Still later...

After killing off the disgusting and despicable Graul Family of ogrekin, and rescuing the prisoners the Grauls had been raping and torturing for weeks, the party burned down the Graul's farmhouse and barn. I actively encouraged that one.

Two sessions later...

They found a clue that the barracks outbuilding at Fort Rannick, which had been overrun by ogres, was a firetrap, so they set that building on fire, killing the ogres. Again, this one I approved of.

And finally, last session...

PFS Season 4 spoiler:
I ran Feast of Sigils as a side-quest. They came VERY close to burning down the Lethe House, and I had them make Wisdom checks to realize that setting a building on fire IN A CROWDED CITY was a VERY BAD IDEA.

So, back to Spanky... the answer is a resounding "No."

Sovereign Court

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Every. Single. Game. At. Least. Once. Usually. Multiple. Times. Gah.

Haladir wrote:

Pretty much every time.

I'm running Rise of the Runelords right now, and they...
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Still later...
** spoiler omitted **

Two sessions later...
** spoiler omitted **

And finally, last session...
** spoiler omitted **

So, back to Spanky... the answer is a resounding "No."

I guess.....if anything needed burning, it was Foxglove Manor,...
Silver Crusade

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Had a Shadowrun game where every mission involved us finding a way to topple a building to complete our mission. It was kind of comedic and the DM liked Futurama, so there was often an Orphanarium in the area as well, which of course we didn't really care too much about. Some of them took some work to include toppling a building.

Not really burning though. I guess when the military tried to nuke us, that was kinda like fire.

Now that I think about it, I think we burned the Graul place down in our first run through Runelords as well. But that was after we went in, and we had good reason. *shudder*

Yeah. The Graul Farm really deserves a good burning.

Sovereign Court

Haladir wrote:
Yeah. The Graul Farm really deserves a good burning.

Or two, or three

Graul's shack is a health hazard.

The more I hear about that place the more terrified I become.

Mostly because ROTRL is on the docket for my group after Kingmaker and CoT are done.

Let's just say I'm......happy it's behind me.

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We Murder

We Pillage

We Plunder

When we have aqcuired all our spoils

then we set the complex ablaze

unless we can find a valid use for it

Orthos wrote:

The more I hear about that place the more terrified I become.

Mostly because ROTRL is on the docket for my group after Kingmaker and CoT are done.

You have no idea how wonderfully charming and rustic them thair hillbillies are. Jes' some innocent country folk doin' what needs doin'. Yep. If'n yer lucky, yer "face" will get himself invited to some one on one time with the clan matriarch. ;-)

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Lumiere Dawnbringer wrote:

We Murder

We Pillage

We Plunder

When we have aqcuired all our spoils

then we set the complex ablaze

unless we can find a valid use for it

I approve of this sentiment and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

So, here's my thinking

1) light the building on fire

2) about 50% of the....things in there....storm out and attack you all at once

3) everything of value is damaged and destroyed

4) there's this.....massive plume of smoke that can be seen 30 miles away. The "curious by nature" are now en route.

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The players in my longest running campaign thus far actually started a cult devoted to a fire deity.

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The sad part is that if there were a wandering moster table for the graul farm that included 'honey boo boo" i'd probably just assume she was one of the graul...

Olangru wrote:
Orthos wrote:

The more I hear about that place the more terrified I become.

Mostly because ROTRL is on the docket for my group after Kingmaker and CoT are done.

You have no idea how wonderfully charming and rustic them thair hillbillies are. Jes' some innocent country folk doin' what needs doin'. Yep. If'n yer lucky, yer "face" will get himself invited to some one on one time with the clan matriarch. ;-)

That will probably be my crusader....

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Kalshane wrote:
"The building was on fire and it wasn't my fault."

The best part was by that point, you needed the qualifier.

Flooding and then freezing is the new in-thing.

One shadowrun game, we left a lot of dna and evidence around. So, my swamp alligator shaman brought up all the sewerage he could with the spirit's help as we left. Was so much better than fire.

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Poldaran wrote:
Kalshane wrote:
"The building was on fire and it wasn't my fault."
The best part was by that point, you needed the qualifier.


I love the quote because it works on multiple levels. It immediately gets your attention. If you're familiar with the series, it's funny. If you're not familiar with the series, it tells you that Harry is a person who has been in enough burning buildings that his first concern is letting others know he isn't to blame (and that apparently he usually is to blame) rather than the whole being surrounded by potential burning death thing.

Sovereign Court

*stomps through the thread*


One of my players played two separate characters obsessed with fire.

Pele, the Shadowrun Mage who bound fire elemental after fire elemental and specialized in massive AoE fire spells. Once burned down a stadium, while a game was in progress, for a distraction.

And {I forgot the character's name} who worshipped Pelor the Demon of Sun. A fire-specc'd Psion/Kineticist who routinely started (and finished) bar fights with powers like energy wave, energy ball, and the like.

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"Pyromaniac Murder Hobos" would be an awesome name for a rock band...

Phat Loots, and their new album "Pyromaniac murder hobos". It will be followed by "Evil necromancer" with such tracks as "Corrupt noble" "Surly blacksmith" and "Arrogant elf".

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