
Olangru's page

81 posts. Alias of Turin the Mad.


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Gentleman Nurn wrote:
Olangru wrote:
You are all equally worthless.
Now now, you of all people should know the value of good cannon fodder, old friend. Yeeeesssss.

They are great for eating, egging by the salaads and slowing down those meddling kids adventurers.

*puffs smelly stogey*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You are all equally worthless.

Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf wrote:
If you've got sharp enough teeth and a cast iron stomach, anyone is edible if you're daring enough.

Or demon enough. Noms.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Tengu are edible ... merfolk are edible ... centaurs are edible ... works for me.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
deusvult wrote:


** spoiler omitted **




2 people marked this as a favorite.

All too easy ...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I feel like chicken tonight ... ;)

psionichamster wrote:


Kill zem all!

Wait until Carrion Crown begins in (most likely) April my friends...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lumiere Dawnbringer wrote:

We Murder

We Pillage

We Plunder

When we have aqcuired all our spoils

then we set the complex ablaze

unless we can find a valid use for it

I approve of this sentiment and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Orthos wrote:

The more I hear about that place the more terrified I become.

Mostly because ROTRL is on the docket for my group after Kingmaker and CoT are done.

You have no idea how wonderfully charming and rustic them thair hillbillies are. Jes' some innocent country folk doin' what needs doin'. Yep. If'n yer lucky, yer "face" will get himself invited to some one on one time with the clan matriarch. ;-)

Whatever works baby, whatever works. puff

Have you danced with the devil by pale moonlight?

puffs stogey

Type this, rant-boy. ;-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

puffs on his stogey

Time to see if the locals can handle 'tricks or treats' ...

Leafeater wrote:

I am in a game where we just had a player join the party.

Problem is he seems set on roleplaying against other members of the party.

I can tell he is not really trying to make life miserable for the rest of us, it just that he ROLEPLAYS his character too much...
He does whatever he feels his character WILL DO, even if such actions are harmful to other party members.

For example, he will use bluff, steal from and use spells against other member of his own party. When asked why he does this, his reply is that he is roleplaying his character. As there are no evil party characters in our adventure, care to guess what his alignment is?

To make matters abut worse, I and the other member of the party are NG and due to the nature of our characters, we can't really "take actions" against his character for in-character reasons.

He seems a nice guy out of the game, but goes "in-character" during the game. When told about how some of this actions are not helping the party, he seems offended and insist that the action make logical sense and is "what his character will do". When questioned further, he starts saying that we are nitpicking on his character and goes on to defend his actions.

What can we do to convince him that his roleplaying is getting on the nerves of the other players? AND get him to understand it without going all defensive?

Frag the character in his sleep, take his stuff, incinerate the remains. Better yet, animate the corpse as a scroll caddy and have his zombified tucas carry his own loot back to the fence for you. Then incinerate the zombie in a really big fire. A note to the GM can work. Or man up and do it anyway.

No one reads my mind and takes my loot without suffering accordingly. If there is a reason, it's simple: God / [insert character's diety name here, ideally the one the pain in the butt character worships] told me to do it.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

Who will run you and Mr Straw? That is the key difficulty...

Da Monk has accepted. If anyone can run THAT many characters, it is him. Plus I know he has experience with both clerics and rogues.

all too easy ... *puff* *puff*

So many to kill ... so little time ... *puff* *puff*

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

This coming Sunday Our Heroes once more assemble to continue their trek northerly along the mighty Sellene River.

Will they all die horribly ?

Will only their 300-odd followers die horribly ?

Will only some of their 300-odd followers die horribly ?

Will the dolls be the sole survivors left to pick up the reigns of the campaign ?

Will they continue their tradition of killing everything and taking their stuff ?

Will they raze Cassomir to ashes in an orgy of arson and violence ?

Stay tuned for the ... *grrkk*

Reins of the campaign. Reigning is exclusively what monarchs do, which...

Oh dear. Was that a Red Mantis? :-?

I know nussink!!

carborundum wrote:

Thought of another...

** spoiler omitted **

*puffs a rather rank stogey* excelleeeenntt ...

Troy Pacelli wrote:

Wow, I've been away from the boards for almost a year and was surprised to see this thread still bumping. If anyone is interested, I've detailed our entire story. Here is the beginning of "Here There Be Monsters" and here they start on the mountain pass and begin their encounters with Olangru. I incorporated many (most actually) of the ideas presented here as well as many others that flowed from my own sick mind. Hope you like it!

I will be enjoying this read very soon ... *puffs*

VictorCrackus wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
VictorCrackus wrote:

*peers at the maze counter for the monk* GO GO MONK OF THE SACRED MOUNTAIN!

Also. Lets add some glamored clothes that look like some hilarious armor, and a black tabard.

I shall challenge the wizard to combat at a small creek.

When he casts maze, I shall chuckle and point at him.

"I move, for no man!"

Obviously quite a bit of set up.. But hey. Its funny.

:) Only if you're 16th level - and only if you have not moved at all. Makes said monk rather easy to get around doesn't it?

Thats what you think.

Just wait until the monk pulls open his robes to reveal...


Yeah. Watch out and stuff.

^_^ Tentacles ... my boss just loves tentacles ...

stuart haffenden wrote:
Olangru wrote:
stuart haffenden wrote:

I've only played in Savage Tide so I've not read it through. I hated it! In fact the whole group hated playing in it. Being stranded on an island with no "ye 'ol magic shop" was torture, not my cup of tea at all! We abandoned the game as no one was having fun.

Gee what a shame ... no Magi-Mart ...

I know!, Like, what were they thinking...??? ;)

;) Here's a cigar ...

stuart haffenden wrote:

I've only played in Savage Tide so I've not read it through. I hated it! In fact the whole group hated playing in it. Being stranded on an island with no "ye 'ol magic shop" was torture, not my cup of tea at all! We abandoned the game as no one was having fun.

Gee what a shame ... no Magi-Mart ...

Yasha wrote:
Not a problem Torsin, I could hardly forget you folks! To your success and to your not dying horrible, painful deaths! I know Turin will try.

They will be ... >:D

Jay Walsh wrote:
Gururamalamaswami wrote:

I think that, in part, your party build is punishing itself. A pyschic warrior is tough but is not a full BAB fighter. Your sorcerer gives up a level of spellcasting as a Dragonheart Mage and gets a puny breath weapon in return. A straight-up wizard has access to 5th level spells.

The CR system is designed (optimally) to work with a fighter, a cleric, a wizard, and a rogue.

How is your party's cleric designed? Is he a healbot or can he turn on the Divine Favor/Divine Power/Righteous Might combo and kick some ass?

He is generally a heal bot but he can turn it on. The problem is being the only healer and with 4 PCs things like the CR 5 demon force him to heal almost every round.

Oh I forgot to mention the PW is PW 4/ FTR 4, he took 4 levels of fighter and specialized in the war axe.

I think the boss demon and construct might TPK and I am worried. The 3 CR 5 demons could have killed them outright.

Kill zem ... kill zem all.

They've had plenty of clues, information and loot to be so poorly prepared at this point. Toy with them, torment them, toss some into the cooking pit, make them strap on girdles of gender bending. They're not "dealing" with dumb carnivores ... they're dealing with me. And I don't play nice. >:)

psionichamster wrote:

Well, our Wrap-Up session of Council of Thieves went pretty much exactly as expected.

Highlights include: Jackson the Bard talked both Chammandy and the Tiefling Prison Warden into truces, leading to a MUCH easier final fight.

Barbed devils + class levels are fun, but still no match for a smiting paladin.

Hellknights + Aura of Justice against Rogue/Assassins is just overkill. I mean, how smooshed does one rogue need to get in one turn?

Healing Domain Cleric + Close Wounds = PC's stay alive, even when they shouldn't.

A full report to follow, but rest assured, HALO has managed to turn the tide of Devil Worshipping, Shadow-monster wielding House of Thrune patsy's, and is now firmly in control of Westcrown.

Noone died :( during the final adventure, but I wasn't really expecting any of those "BBEG's" to pose a significant threat to my group.

Sounds like they need some encouragement to "voluntarily leave the country" ... *puff* *puff*

Orthos wrote:
Cesare wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Olangru wrote:
Hrmmm ... sounds like a dozen or so well-earned Cleric levels may be just the ticket. Cleric ... of ME !! puffs on a rather rancid stogey
Olangru, Prince of Demons? Has a nice ring to it....
It appears that one can never be rid of Olangru -- he seems to have sabotaged this thread like he has so many others...

*waves Olangru over* C'mon big guy, share this one with me.


Sabotage = positive thread contributions ... ^_^

pals up next to Orthos


Prince of Demons has a nice ring to it indeed ...

Cesare wrote:
Olangru wrote:
Orthos wrote:

I got much the same response, to which I happily responded with something along the lines of "Muhuhuhahahahahahahahah!!!" I have a most excellent evil laugh and so few chances to use it. >:D

Cesare wrote:
When the savage nymph's face opened up like a perverse flower revealing sinew colored tendrils, one of the female players at my table literally yelped in shock and disgust.
That was the response I got when my players discovered Tavey Nesk in the Fogmire Temple (see the Olangru thread). Several had to excuse themselves from the table for a few minutes, so I've kind of promised to reel back on the horror stuff in the future, heh.
Don't go and do the bold "highlighted" part above ... well, without me causing it at least. >:D

Ho boy, don't get me started on Olangru. Even though they finally defeated the fiend, my 10th level PCs still refuse to walk through Fogmire.

It may have something to do with the fact that he demonically possessed Tavey and caused the entire party to experience Exorcist flashbacks.

Or it may have something to do with the fact that a young couple (whom they rescued from Siege of the Spider Eaters side quest) happened to skip off the cliff with looks of pure possessed ecstasy the first thing in the morning.

Or it may have something to do with Olangru teleporting the cleric into the lava pit and then gleefully conjuring up a wall of stone over the opening while the poor woman roasted.

There are more, but these are the most notable. As a result, I have a special place in my evil GM's heart for this bad boy.

Orthos wrote:
Oh I got plenty of cackles during your chapter, sir, and I anticipate plenty more when you make your return appearance.
Oh pray tell, what would this "return appearance" entail?

Hrmmm ... sounds like a dozen or so well-earned Cleric levels may be just the ticket. Cleric ... of ME !! puffs on a rather rancid stogey

Orthos wrote:

I got much the same response, to which I happily responded with something along the lines of "Muhuhuhahahahahahahahah!!!" I have a most excellent evil laugh and so few chances to use it. >:D

Cesare wrote:
When the savage nymph's face opened up like a perverse flower revealing sinew colored tendrils, one of the female players at my table literally yelped in shock and disgust.
That was the response I got when my players discovered Tavey Nesk in the Fogmire Temple (see the Olangru thread). Several had to excuse themselves from the table for a few minutes, so I've kind of promised to reel back on the horror stuff in the future, heh.

Don't go and do the bold "highlighted" part above ... well, without me causing it at least. >:D

Orthos wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I will chastise their offspring throughout eternity, the ultimate recurring nemesis! Molestation, gender-bending, using their friends' brain pans as ashtrays ... these are just the beginning of a malevolent relationship!


I do miss Ray Liota so ... such a large brain pan ...

Orthos wrote:

Heeeeeeey Olangru....

** spoiler omitted **

A most worthy contribution to the mortal gene pool.

I must be more ... aggressive ... there may come a time when some scum comes along and rubs out my superior patronage. The sowing of many, many wild oats must ensue!

*leaves a stogey of continual burning behind*

I would suggest Climb speed equal to land speed, with the loss of winged flight. This is awesome! KuTGW - and I shall have to re-introduce Olangru to future campaigns. *grins evilly*

psionichamster wrote:
Bonus points: they're halflings, cannibals, and been afflicted with the "savage" template.

Hook them up with a certain species of vermin and a certain ... inclination ... and the Disciples of Olangru are on a good opening act.

puffs on a stogey

Mmmmm ... a hint of humiliation, a touch of terror, dipped in reduced broiled sweetmeat. Delicious.

Orthos wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Savage Bard? Inspire Courage with "Break their limbs, render their bodies, LEAVE NONE WHOLE!" takes on a whole new meaning with a party comprised of characters with sharp teeth. >:)
I know what I'm slipping into next chapter during the dry points... >:D

You could call them "Disciples of Olangru" ... >:D

Orthos wrote:

Epilogue: Olangru, your vileness has been so pronounced, so offensive, so reprehensible that you've actually caused a player to - due to your actions alone - rethink their entire forward path. Shariss, the Skarn Barbarian|Incarnate in my party, was so traumatized by the events that she saw in the Fogmire temple that she's chosen to take up the path of the Hellreaver and devote the rest of her adventuring days to hunting down and destroying fiends.

Well done you dastardly ape you.

Excellent ... let her know that she will bear offspring worthy of my lineage.

Or not ... surprises are always fun!

Orthos wrote:
Olangru wrote:
Bellona wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The group is now leaving the temple with Urol, Amalla, and genderswapped Avner (and still don't know its him) as the only survivors from the Sea Wyvern ...
Olangru wrote:

Lights a fat stogey, grinning from ear to ear

After all, a father must check in on his children from time to time. You know, just to make sure the mothers deliver them with minimal complications...

Oh dear. Yet another reason for Avner(a) to be traumatised! And were any other female characters in Olangru's vile clutch for even a short time?

Amella / Amalla ... the saucy wench whose spirit is nigh-untamable.

Good times, good times.

Yup. Lirith had also been captured but she ended up dying and got zombiefied and left in the ruins to taunt the group.

Ah, but there are certain planar locales that possess greatly accelerated time flow relative to the Material Plane.

They may find Lirith's "offspring" at some later point yet to be determined ... >:)

Bellona wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The group is now leaving the temple with Urol, Amalla, and genderswapped Avner (and still don't know its him) as the only survivors from the Sea Wyvern ...
Olangru wrote:

Lights a fat stogey, grinning from ear to ear

After all, a father must check in on his children from time to time. You know, just to make sure the mothers deliver them with minimal complications...

Oh dear. Yet another reason for Avner(a) to be traumatised! And were any other female characters in Olangru's vile clutch for even a short time?

Amella / Amalla ... the saucy wench whose spirit is nigh-untamable.

Good times, good times.

Orthos wrote:

Well, my group finished up the temple tonight. Epic final combat against Olangru and the golem, complete with a very cinematic ending: the Skarn Barbarian critted and got the "Blown Back" card, so I flavored it that her arm spines (she'd gotten disarmed during the Olangru fight and never bothered to pick her scimitars up, neither pierced the golem's DR) caught the golem's heads beneath the jaw and tore them off. In the words of the warforged's player: "SHORYUKEN!!"

Finished up the issue with Tavey by having a delayed necromancy effect turn him into a Crypt Thing and sent him after the PCs; a couple almost failed the save against its Scatter Defilers ability which would have teleported them off in a random direction; there was a pretty good chance they would have been ported through the wall into the shrine next door, where Olangru and two of his mates (survivors who had fled from the Blood Room fight after one got her throat slashed) were waiting with Urol and would have played merry hell... err I mean merry Abysm with a lone party member or two. C'est la vie.

The group is now leaving the temple with Urol, Amalla, and genderswapped Avner (and still don't know its him) as the only survivors from the Sea Wyvern, with the exception of course of Skald and Churtle who went on the Nightshark with the rest of the party. Yasumoto knows the Wyvern is crashed somewhere and Amalla knows where, but is in no shape to lead the party to it right now, and by the time they get back to Farshore they're going to have their hands full again. Everybody else is dead, Dave.

Well done, Olangru. You were everything I expected and more, and failed to disappoint. See you in another incarnation.

So many temporary set backs... all some one needs to do is perform the proper ritual ...

Lights a fat stogey, grinning from ear to ear

After all, a father must check in on his children from time to time. You know, just to make sure the mothers deliver them with minimal complications...

And I need a new ashtray.

One does enjoy such amusements. I'll have to bust out the special enchanted stogies for this one ...

Orthos wrote:

Got to display the Genderswap Belt and the Brain-in-a-Box today, on Avner (though the party doesn't know it's him yet, and s/he's too traumatized to answer questions) and Tavey respectively. The latter not only nearly made a couple of my players need to run to the restroom to empty their stomachs (and grossed out a few of the characters to boot), but caused an in-party fight to the death when the ninja put the boy out of his misery and the warforged crusader charged him with murder, and now will not stop until he's been executed for his crime.

Somewhere an evil monkey is cackling.

cackles gleefully

All too easy ...

Silent Man wrote:

Can't wait, I've got my gameday spread all layed out (nachos, beef jerky, hotdogs, chips ahoy, the works)and my favorit chair all ready to go....

What? gratuitous violence makes me hungry.

Pull up a chair, light a stogey and watch the carnage with me.

Just don't put on that spiffy magical belt on the chair there, and you'll be fine.



An appropriate fate for such an ass - being made into a piece of one for my pleasures.

Orthos wrote:

Given what I have in mind for one of the prisoners, this may be more horrifying than you may expect!

Well, perhaps not YOU, considering you did it... but I digress. ;)

Poor Avner.

Men get slaad eggs 'implanted'. I have this buddy up the coast aways, within easy teleporting distances you see - a few quick hops each way, and a little packet of 'presents' are available.

Brutalizing them is certainly not out of the question. After all, an ape's gotta do what an ape's gotta do. And with some style ... the cigar ash has to go somewhere, and occasionally one has got to put it out in a hurry - say, in an eye.

Orthos wrote:
Olangru wrote:
I, of course, am awesome. ^_^
Yes. Yes you are. Cigar?

Absolutely. I wonder if your heroes will recoil in horror when they realize the women they recover have been ... fertilized. :D

I, of course, am awesome. ^_^

My parallel universes' representatives continue to perform very well.


Orthos wrote:
carborundum wrote:
Sounds like an awesome fight, Orthos! Here's to more challenges on the Isle!

I'm having three replacement characters incoming - Dres's player is becoming a Warforged Crusader|Cavalier, Faelyn's a Barbarian|Incarnate, and Avander is switching to a Duskblade of some sort. Basically, I'm losing one of the party's heaviest hitters (the others being the Ninja and the Summoner's Eidolon) and two of the weaker members, and replacing them with three very heavy hitters.

Meaning: I am pulling zero punches from this point on. The players will crush nearly everything that lets them, so it's only fair enemies be designed to do likewise. I have some particular fun planned for Olangru.

I crush many ... I intend to crush your "heroes" as well.

As the saying goes, the best things in life are to crush your enemies, see them driven before you ... and to hear the protestations of their women! >:)

Tom Qadim wrote:
Urizen wrote:

Unless, she's a MILF Barracuda that keeps her opinions to herself.

Tom Qadim thought those were called 'Cougars'.

Olangru observes that 'cougars' are mammals, not Fish. Therefor, Olangru observes that the fish-equivalent of such are 'barracudas'.

Olangru leaves an excellent pie for Mr. Fishy made from his last abductee before teleporting away to acquire more ingredients.

Sharoth wrote:

Evil, mean, cruel, nasty, vicious!

Did I already mention Evil? As in EVIL?!?

~grins~ Enjoy your taunting!

The dragon puts the lotion on its scales or it gets the flea-bath again.


Urizen wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Urizen doesn't concern himself with semantics.
...or facts.
Who needs facts when you have huge incisors? Heretics can be tasty when you gnaw out the pulp.

Olangru is not picky about heretics. Olangru thinks that fishy heretics taste as good as non-fishy heretics.

Olangru leaves an offering of pie for Mr. Fishy before teleporting off to abduct a heretic for the inquisition.

Power Word Unzip wrote:
Killing PCs makes everything better.

Yes, yes it does.

Full Name



Human-Taldan (Versatile)


Wizard (Illusionist) - 1





