For The Glory of Icathia Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Dhampir Stormborn Sorcerer 5/Summoner 1/Archmage 1
Init: +2 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 17 | FF: 15 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Percep: +8

Just a heads up. I'm moving offices at work sometime this week, and I don't know if the I'll be able to access the forums as frequently. So my posting my drop a bit. Thought you should know.

Alrighty. Not like I've been setting a good example lately anyway :P

Male Dhampir Stormborn Sorcerer 5/Summoner 1/Archmage 1
Init: +2 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 17 | FF: 15 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Percep: +8

Guess the movie:
"We were all outside the ship exploring the southern tip of syrtis major. Suddenly a sandstorm came up and we started back. I was driving the jeep. Sand was so thick we could barely see. We were almost back to the ship when Cartwright just disappeared. One minute he was there and the next minute he was gone as if something had just plucked him out of the jeep like... candy out of a box. We heard a strange sort of sound. Then we saw a dark shape, coming towards the jeep, we started shooting at it. A few moments later, Cutter and all the rest were gone. I was the only one who made it back to the ship. When the sandstorm let up, I went out to look for them, there wasn't a sign of them."

"Well then how do you explain the bullet hole in the skull?"

"Well we were all firing at this, thing, guess the one who got the bullet was lucky."

Movie Game: The Reckoning:
It! The Terror from Beyond Space.

"This cricket compass will catch the light and point the way to the labyrinth's location. Be warned: they say the walls of this maze drive men to madness. But if you can find your way, the blade will be yours."

"Thank you, Wise Wizard."

"Not so fast. First you must answer a riddle. What journey be long and twisted and sensitive at hand? To what end must man go to discover the depths of his ecstasy? Think hard strong warriors."

"F#+%! I know this! I got it! You want us to twist, what is long, with our sensitive hands?"

"He wants us to jerk him off!"

"Just touch the tip and twist it."

"We are not going to do that."

"If it's for the quest, we will do what needs to be done."


Updated the map of Zahvroma in the campaign tab to include some landmarks.

Male Dhampir Stormborn Sorcerer 5/Summoner 1/Archmage 1
Init: +2 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 17 | FF: 15 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Percep: +8

Is it.....:
Your Highness? That seems right. Ironically, the wife is watching Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

"We have different weak points than you do. Next time, a blow to nerve plexus here, will produce the result I think you were looking for."


Did we end up abandoning the pseudo kingdom building thing? I think this is the third group I suggest move into the fort that's turned us down.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

We keep picking people who for some odd reason don't want to move into the middle of a warzone. Fid some people living under the worst oppression possible and they'll jump at the offer. Asking people who've survived the hell hole the land has become by doing what they're doing isn't going to convince them they need to try something different.

Sādhanā pretty much has it. I believe this is only the first group that you've made that offer to. Godrick took you up on your suggestion of picking up folk from Jin Zhao.

Having some 11th anniversary time. I'll get something up in the main game later tonight.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Congratulations you too, have fun!

Male Dhampir Stormborn Sorcerer 5/Summoner 1/Archmage 1
Init: +2 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 17 | FF: 15 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Percep: +8

*Raises a glass of [insert drink here]* And here's to you having many more decades of happiness.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Awe, thank you everyone for the well wishes. It's been 11 years, and though it hasn't always been easy, I wouldn't trade them for anything. There were alot of people when we first got married that were saying it wouldn't last a year because we didn't know each other long enough, but sometimes it doesn't take forever to realize who you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Male Dhampir Stormborn Sorcerer 5/Summoner 1/Archmage 1
Init: +2 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 17 | FF: 15 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Percep: +8

I know exactly what you mean.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

I need a snack, I think I'll have some apple and cheese.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

It was sort of funny, because we never actually talked about getting married. We weren't really dating, in fact the closest thing we came to a date was on a few occasions when we went walking all over glendale and burbank together for several hours. Just walking and talking. But we never actually had a real "date". Whenever we went out somewhere we were always surrounded by other people.

One night while out on one of our walks, we were getting close to being back at my friends house when Henry suddenly grabbed my hand. He looked into my eyes and said that he wasn't trying to pressure me, but that he felt he had to tell me how he felt about me and told me that he loved me. I had never had a guy be so open and honest with me before, it kinda blew me away.

It took me a while, (about a week), to figure out how I really felt about him.

One day he went with me and a couple of my friends to my therapist appointment with me, since we were going to the park afterwards. I don't remember much of the conversation with that therapist except for the last bit. She asked me if I ever did anything impulsively without regard or thought of consequences. I looked at her and said,"Oh no, I always have a plan for everything."

When it was over we went to walk out of the therapist's building and behind me and my friend Megan, I could hear henry and my friend paul talk about rings for some reason, not sure how or why that came up. But I remember hearing henry say,"When I get married I'm gonna have a cock ring for my wedding ring."

They were both laughing and before I realized what I was about, I spun around and looked at henry and said,"Oh the HELL you are." At which point he just sorta grinned and said,"What makes you think I'm talking about you?" Paul said,"Yeah Kat, why do you think he's talking about you?" And I just blurted out, "Well? Are ya gonna marry me or not?" And without a seconds hesitation he said yes. Paul was an ordained minister, so we had him marry us on the spot in the parking lot of my shrinks office with only Paul, Megan and their almost one year old son as witnesses. Henry gave me ring he had worn forever with a pentacle inside of it, and Megan gave me her knotwork celtic ring to give to him since we had no money for rings of our own.

And thats how that all happend. Like I said, some people were skeptics, but here we are, 11 years later and still going strong.

Sorry for the long post, again. Couldn't remember if either one of us had actually told that story yet.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

I thought it was rather sweet and romantic. It took a while for my parents to get over the fact that I just up and got married without any of my family there though. It took them a while to warm up to Henry. I'm the baby of the family, there's five of us, and my folks weren't too happy about it.

Male Dhampir Stormborn Sorcerer 5/Summoner 1/Archmage 1
Init: +2 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 17 | FF: 15 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Percep: +8

*Stunned silence* No words, my words have failed me.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

I absolutely love that story!!!!

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

LOL, everyone I tell that story to says the same thing or is also stunned into silence by it. To this day, I'm not sure, but I think henry knew I could hear him and said that on purpose. It was just the way he was grinning from ear to ear. I didn't stop to think about it till way later.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

I know this kind of thing doesn't happen for everyone, so I knew it was special, just like Henry was special and meant to be mine I was meant to be his.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Well, I gotta go take a shower and get ready for this stupid training class I have to take for work this afternoon. They are installing a new computer system into our hospital so we can go paperless. We'll see how well this works out.

Freakin' hell. I can't even kill off my own NPCs...

Female Half-Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 5 l HP: 38/38 l AC: 20 [T:15, FF: 16] l Fort: +4, Ref: +6, Will: +5 l Init: +6 l Per: +11
2nd: 2/5; 1st: 2/8

If it makes you feel better, I current have no way to detect the invisible woman.

Female Half-Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 5 l HP: 38/38 l AC: 20 [T:15, FF: 16] l Fort: +4, Ref: +6, Will: +5 l Init: +6 l Per: +11
2nd: 2/5; 1st: 2/8

Besides for the very inefficient detect magic.

Ground control to Major Harakhty...

I'm very ill...I shall return but it probably won't be for a day or two.

Oh no! Arista fix him!

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Feel better.Get some rest.

Feeling better. Really cold though. Who's still here and ready to play?

Pfft. I'm always here.

I somehow knew you'd be the first to answer :P

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3


Male Dhampir Stormborn Sorcerer 5/Summoner 1/Archmage 1
Init: +2 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 17 | FF: 15 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Percep: +8

Still here.

Male Elf Cleric 8 / Hierophant 1 /\/\ Init: +1 | HP: 53 / 53 | AC: 18 | FF: 17 | Tch: 11 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +9 | Per: +10 | Special: +2 saves vs Enchant and emotions spells and effects |

Me too.

You only count as one though.

Female Witch 7 /\/\ HP: 32/38 | AC: 13 | Tch: 13 | FF: 11 | Fort: +2 Ref: +4 Will: +6 | Perception: +7 |

We do?

Yes. Alethiro=Drago=Corda

Male Dhampir Stormborn Sorcerer 5/Summoner 1/Archmage 1
Init: +2 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 17 | FF: 15 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Percep: +8


Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Sorry everyone, I know it's been a while but neither one of us were feeling very well. I'm still feeling alot of fatigue and having occasional bouts of dizziness and nausea. I'm here now though, I made home made chicken noodle soup on Tuesday and got some juice for extra vitamin I think we are a little better. It's just been kinda rough. I'm also working on a baby blanket for my niece so that's taking a bit outta me. I keep pricking my finger while working on it, so I just figure it wants my blood as well. LOL

I've been frustrated lately, not with the game but my job and the general crappiness of life lately. I didn't want to come on here and take it out on the games, but that's why posting has been molasses lately. I'm trying to find a new job, so is Arista. The cold weather and the impositions my job is putting on me haven't been helping. So I really, really apologize and I hope I can get this back on track soon.

Male Dhampir Stormborn Sorcerer 5/Summoner 1/Archmage 1
Init: +2 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 17 | FF: 15 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 | Percep: +8

No worries, I think it's a forum wide thing.


Any new crumminess with the job?

Oh, they expect me to be a babysitter now. Even though we're contracted, the security guards are the low man on the totem pole when it comes to plant politics. We take blame for anything and everything.

Who/what are you babysitting?


Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Okay, where is everyone? I know I've been sleeping alot, just wondering whats going on with everyone else.

I believe we're heading to investigate stuff.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Yeah, I saw that. It just seems as if the posting has been really slowing down as of late. I just wasn't sure of who all was still here. Henry and I will be around of course. We took an extra day off work this week, so we are off tonight, tomorrow night, and Wed night. We were gonna go to my moms for her birthday, but we thought we were gonna get hit with alot more snow, so we stayed home. Jokes on us, it didn't do anything yet. However, it's still really bad by my folks, so its good we stayed home anyways. They've been getting snow and ice since last Sunday. Snow plows and salting trucks don't go out to where they live, which is the middle of nowhere in the woods. Dirt road and all that.

Valentines day is my moms birthday, thats why I was wanting to go out there so bad. But I guess we will have to wait till next week. Come hell or high water, we WILL make it out there at some point.

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