For The Glory of Icathia Discussion

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M Vanara: AC 19 /15/14 / HP 30 / F +8* R +7* W +11* / Init. +7 / Perc. +13/ Sense Motive +16 Inquisitor (Spellbreaker) / 6
GM Henry Fortuna wrote:
Time for Deity Bingo, get your cards!

If things are as I think, Harakhty is going to make this a bit more high stakes soon.

Keno, anyone?

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Nethys was too busy taking inventory of all the f***s he does not give. God squabbles are beneath him.

Female Anizari Magus (Bladebound) 8 : Mythic tier 3 Champion

That is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

M Vanara: AC 19 /15/14 / HP 30 / F +8* R +7* W +11* / Init. +7 / Perc. +13/ Sense Motive +16 Inquisitor (Spellbreaker) / 6
GM Henry Fortuna wrote:
Nethys was too busy taking inventory of all the f***s he does not give. God squabbles are beneath him.

Exactly what I thought. Which is why the situation needs to be escalated.

I've read too many 60's Spiderman memes :P

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3
GM Henry Fortuna wrote:
I've read too many 60's Spiderman memes :P

No such thing.

It fits Nethys though. I should make some Pathfinder memes.

Female Anizari Magus (Bladebound) 8 : Mythic tier 3 Champion

Escalated? Who sees what just happened and thinks....we need to turn it up?

Ok so got the rooms mapped out just one tricky point but I'll bring it up in game.

I thought you'd put Niccolo and Drago together since he can dismiss his eidolon. I so wanted to have the brotherly "I want to bang your ex, though she might still have feelings for you" conversation.

Female Anizari Magus (Bladebound) 8 : Mythic tier 3 Champion

I though about it but the eidolon's paranoid and doesn't seem to want to leave.

Drago probably doesn't need the added stress, anyway.

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

I don't think it needs to sleep.

Female Anizari Magus (Bladebound) 8 : Mythic tier 3 Champion

Yeah he's been through the wringer lately.

It is an outsider, so it doesn't need to eat or sleep.

M Vanara: AC 19 /15/14 / HP 30 / F +8* R +7* W +11* / Init. +7 / Perc. +13/ Sense Motive +16 Inquisitor (Spellbreaker) / 6
Sādhanā Risbane wrote:

Escalated? Who sees what just happened and thinks....we need to turn it up?

Harakhty is of the mind the gods opposing Sarenrae there, lesser in number though they were, would be a greater threat than the complaceny seen from others like Shelyn, Erastil, Gozreh, etc.

The scales need to be balanced - or decalibrated at the very least.

Female Anizari Magus (Bladebound) 8 : Mythic tier 3 Champion

By putting more people against her? Essentially putting more people or forces against their mission? That is not going to end well.

M Vanara: AC 19 /15/14 / HP 30 / F +8* R +7* W +11* / Init. +7 / Perc. +13/ Sense Motive +16 Inquisitor (Spellbreaker) / 6
Sādhanā Risbane wrote:
By putting more people against her? Essentially putting more people or forces against their mission? That is not going to end well.

The other way around. Sarenrae made her choice, but while Harakhty trusts Asmodeus to keep his word, his allies are another story.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

That's why we're gonna kill every last f$#%ing one of them......or at least as many as possible.

-Posted with Wayfinder

No god-killing! I am not running that kind of game...

Why everyone so quite? Is Arista not allowed to be pissed off occasionally? Lol

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Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

No no honey.....I mean their little devils, worshipers, basically anyone who's for the side of evil and looking to stop us from completing our mission. That's all I meant.

-Posted with Wayfinder

She can be pissed off, but what she's saying is a little out of character. At least, that's how it feels to me.

Female Anizari Magus (Bladebound) 8 : Mythic tier 3 Champion

Heh for a second I thought you were going all Kratos. Honestly trying to process the likely reaction to a day like this one was.

Arista isn't promiscuous enough to be Kratos.

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Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

This whole day was out of f**!ing character. How else did u expect her to react? Everyone has a breaking point. She's reached hers.

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Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Back to work

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Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

Need to head off to bed soon need to be up at 6

G'night, rest well.

Female Anizari Magus (Bladebound) 8 : Mythic tier 3 Champion

Have a good rest, short as it is.

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Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3


Female Gnome Rogue 13; Mythic Tier 3rd (Trickster) HP: 115/115; AC: 26, FF: 19, T: 17; Fort: +8, Ref: +16, Will +7 (+4 vs fear); Perception: +19; Init: +8

Shoot, I should see if he's free.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Return to work delayed due to more severe tummy pain. I can't b doubled over trying to get vitals, empty drains, draw blood, ect ect ect.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Anizari Magus (Bladebound) 8 : Mythic tier 3 Champion


I wonder if it was that pizza...

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

I don't know.....but whatever it is I hates it. I was also smacked on the butt by a, my day is complete. Just have to get blood sugars and fill water jugs now. I'm not taking out the f~+$ing trash. That involves too much bending for how my stomach is feeling.

-Posted with Wayfinder

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May I break the patient's hands off, please?

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Lol....not unless u wanna take on someone's granny. Brain trauma....she didn't know what she was doing.

-Posted with Wayfinder

They always "don't know what they're doing". It's a trick, I tells ya!

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Oh please don't make me still hurts. I just ate my yogurt and I'm hoping it helps.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Dhampir Investigator (Psychic Detective) 12/Archmage 3 /\/\ Init: +6 | HP: 76/76 | AC: 21 | FF: 17 | Tch: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +13 | Will: +12 | +2 vs Disease / Mind-Affecting, +4 Ref vs Traps, +4 vs Psychic Spells / SLA | Perc: +17 (+6 vs Traps)

You know, the way things are going, it's possible Drago might go full on Anakin when we reach Vencious.

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No! No bad acting! Bad summoner, no eidolon!

Female Anizari Magus (Bladebound) 8 : Mythic tier 3 Champion

Oh that son of a b+@&! still has to pay for the part he played by giving Yrlhea to Ixen.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

He's going to pay for a whole host of things. Next shift is here and I need to give report so I can gets outta here before something else happens .

-Posted with Wayfinder

He traded her to Chalandra, who gave her to Ixen. I guess it amounts to the same thing though.

Male Dhampir Investigator (Psychic Detective) 12/Archmage 3 /\/\ Init: +6 | HP: 76/76 | AC: 21 | FF: 17 | Tch: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +13 | Will: +12 | +2 vs Disease / Mind-Affecting, +4 Ref vs Traps, +4 vs Psychic Spells / SLA | Perc: +17 (+6 vs Traps)

I just meant towards the demons in the tower. Just get all of his rage out by slicing and dicing them.

Ah, killing a bunch of children, 'kay?

Male Dhampir Investigator (Psychic Detective) 12/Archmage 3 /\/\ Init: +6 | HP: 76/76 | AC: 21 | FF: 17 | Tch: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +13 | Will: +12 | +2 vs Disease / Mind-Affecting, +4 Ref vs Traps, +4 vs Psychic Spells / SLA | Perc: +17 (+6 vs Traps)

Not my intention.

I would hope not. About time to go home.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Anizari Magus (Bladebound) 8 : Mythic tier 3 Champion

As long as there's no younglings involved otherwise I'l have to go Obi Wan on my student.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Why would someone put a FALL MATT folded up by a sink where someone can FALL over it!?!?!? Aaarrrrggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

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