Kitsune ability to change form


The Kitsune are able to change their form between the human and their anthropomorphic fox forms, but I really need to get a good description of their anthropomorphic form. Can anybody help? Also, is there a way to change into a regular fox?

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Well, I would post some links to pictures of their anthro form, but I'm worried that I might be breaking a forum rule by posting links to the official art. I suggest doing a Google search for 'kitsune pathfinder', and you'll find a few pictures in the first few image results that come up.

As for a regular fox form, there is a feat for that.

Thanks @Matrix Dragon,

Grand Lodge


if you want it to be like a anime fox person i think that would be up tp your dm. im pretty sure there like little 3-4 foot tall fuzzy people with a fox head tail and feet in one of the books similiar to how catfolk look like kajiit just a small fox with a bigger head. but your dm may say they look like ahri from league of legends -8 tails(unless you take the extra tail feat 8 times)

Grand Lodge

Yeah, there is always the Furcadia look.

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The original anime fox guy, yo.

Rynjin wrote:
The original anime fox guy, yo.

plant druid...

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Cool pic, except the head is so narrow.... :P

Snowtiger wrote:
if you want it to be like a anime fox person i think that would be up tp your dm. im pretty sure there like little 3-4 foot tall fuzzy people with a fox head tail and feet in one of the books similiar to how catfolk look like kajiit just a small fox with a bigger head. but your dm may say they look like ahri from league of legends -8 tails(unless you take the extra tail feat 8 times)

I love League of Legends, Ahri is one of my favorite characters along with Kayle. Back on topic now, can I choose to look exactly human, or can there be a little fox showing. Like I still have fox ears, or my tail(s) is showing?

Shadow Lodge

This is a good image of a kitsune, as is this.

Kerney wrote:
This is a good image of a kitsune, as is this.

I already knew how the fox form looks from previous answers, but can I choose to look exactly human, or can there be a little fox showing. Like I still have fox ears, or my tail(s) is showing?

Liberty's Edge

I think that would depend on your GM.

Personally I would allow it. Then you can have some Spice and Wolf-style adventures. Of course, everyone would know you're not human if you didn't disguise it...

I've found a new thing, this would probably weaken the Kitsune character, but can it have a
"star ball", it is also called 'Hoshi No Tama". It is basically a ball that it carries around in fox form that holds a great amount of it's magic.

My understanding is that their 'human' form can be whatever you design. The description from the Advanced Race Guide reads as follows:


Change Shape (Su): A kitsune can assume the [u]appearance of a specific single human form[/u] of the same sex. The kitsune

always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A kitsune in human form cannot use her bite attack, but gains
a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear human. Changing shape is a standard action. This ability
otherwise functions as alter self, except that the kitsune
does not adjust her ability scores.

I take this to mean you would provide a description of what she/he looks like in human form as well as in natural form. When I read the description for Kitsune Feat:Realistic Likeness, I feel like this supports my interpretation. The one caveat being that you are then able to 'precisely mimic the physical features of any individual you have encountered'.

The general antropomorphic form, would be whatever you choose so long as it is the same gender as your character.

Sylirinight wrote:

I've found a new thing, this would probably weaken the Kitsune character, but can it have a

"star ball", it is also called 'Hoshi No Tama". It is basically a ball that it carries around in fox form that holds a great amount of it's magic.

The easiest way to emulate this without bending rules is to have an arcane bonded item. You could get this with the Arcane Sorcerer Bloodline. The downside is that there is no 'orb' bonded item, but the benefits and downsides are fairly close to the legend.

I thought about using this for my current kitsune character, but having to 'wield' the bonded item every time he cast a spell was too big of a downside for a campaign that required stealth.

There is an actual Star Gem wondrous item, but it isn't that useful and doesn't resemble anything from the kitsune legends except for its form.

Matrix Dragon wrote:
Sylirinight wrote:

I've found a new thing, this would probably weaken the Kitsune character, but can it have a

"star ball", it is also called 'Hoshi No Tama". It is basically a ball that it carries around in fox form that holds a great amount of it's magic.

The easiest way to emulate this without bending rules is to have an arcane bonded item. You could get this with the Arcane Sorcerer Bloodline. The downside is that there is no 'orb' bonded item, but the benefits and downsides are fairly close to the legend.

I thought about using this for my current kitsune character, but having to 'wield' the bonded item every time he cast a spell was too big of a downside for a campaign that required stealth.

There is an actual Star Gem wondrous item, but it isn't that useful and doesn't resemble anything from the kitsune legends except for its form.

It says in the description that the orb glows with fox-fire, so maybe I could find a way and story about a Star Gem, maybe the story is that the star gem is a shard of a really powerful Kitsune's star ball. The bonded item power should really be called "Bonded Magical Gear"

Matrix Dragon wrote:
Sylirinight wrote:

I've found a new thing, this would probably weaken the Kitsune character, but can it have a

"star ball", it is also called 'Hoshi No Tama". It is basically a ball that it carries around in fox form that holds a great amount of it's magic.

The easiest way to emulate this without bending rules is to have an arcane bonded item. You could get this with the Arcane Sorcerer Bloodline. The downside is that there is no 'orb' bonded item, but the benefits and downsides are fairly close to the legend.

I thought about using this for my current kitsune character, but having to 'wield' the bonded item every time he cast a spell was too big of a downside for a campaign that required stealth.

There is an actual Star Gem wondrous item, but it isn't that useful and doesn't resemble anything from the kitsune legends except for its form.

It says in the description that the orb glows with fox-fire, so maybe I could find a way and story about a Star Gem, maybe the story is that the star gem is a shard of a really powerful Kitsune's star ball. The bonded item power should really be called "Bonded Magical Gear". Or something like that....

Grand Lodge

I have always felt Kitsune are a bit too, um, "yiffy", for my taste.

Maybe it's just bad experiences.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

For someone who doesn't like kitsunes, you sure post a lot in the topics about them ;)

Maybe it would be better to leave these topics alone instead of bringing furries up in them over and over?

What is yiffy?

Grand Lodge

Matrix Dragon wrote:

For someone who doesn't like kitsunes, you sure post a lot in the topics about them ;)

Maybe it would be better to leave these topics alone instead of bringing furries up in them over and over?

I do? Is once too many? When?

Did I offend someone along the way?

I thought I was otherwise helping.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rynjin wrote:
The original anime fox guy, yo.

I was sure you were thinking of this guy.

hogarth wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
The original anime fox guy, yo.
I was sure you were thinking of this guy.

But Robin Hood's not an anime.

Sheesh always about "furries". Anyone I've ever had play a humanoid animal race has either done it because they like the animal it's based on (our main Kitsune/Catfolk player loves cats and foxes) or they like the flavour of the race overall. I've yet to play with someone who played a "sexy cat girl" for the 'sexy' part of it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shalafi2412 wrote:
What is yiffy?

If you don't know, it is better that you never learn ;)

Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

If you are interested in the Kitsune lore and are looking for something created more along the lines of the mythology (or even something to give you some ideas) I highly recommend this 3rd party supplement:

Click here!

It even has the mechanics for Hoshi no Tama and handles them in a way that is not only balanced, but cleverly handled and true to their background. They also have a character in this that is extremely close to how Ahri looks (though her racial information is in another of their books).

Their version of Kitsunes use a small fox as its true form and also have a single human alternate form. They grow tails as they level and may take feats that allow them to summon foxfire and other neat tricks. Very cool race imo.

Aleron wrote:

If you are interested in the Kitsune lore and are looking for something created more along the lines of the mythology (or even something to give you some ideas) I highly recommend this 3rd party supplement:

Click here!

It even has the mechanics for Hoshi no Tama and handles them in a way that is not only balanced, but cleverly handled and true to their background. They also have a character in this that is extremely close to how Ahri looks (though her racial information is in another of their books).

Their version of Kitsunes use a small fox as its true form and also have a single human alternate form. They grow tails as they level and may take feats that allow them to summon foxfire and other neat tricks. Very cool race imo.

You've basically put all I've been looking for into one big solution, but my DM won't allow that source. But I switch DMs about every two months that I play with online, and the one that won't let me is the one that I actually know and play in person. I'll probably switch campaigns soon so it won't be to long now....

Rynjin wrote:
hogarth wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
The original anime fox guy, yo.
I was sure you were thinking of this guy.

But Robin Hood's not an anime.

Plus my character is a girl.....

In_digo wrote:
Sheesh always about "furries". Anyone I've ever had play a humanoid animal race has either done it because they like the animal it's based on (our main Kitsune/Catfolk player loves cats and foxes) or they like the flavour of the race overall. I've yet to play with someone who played a "sexy cat girl" for the 'sexy' part of it.

I'm actually kinda doing all three with this character....

Is there a way to get natural claw attacks?

Sylirinight wrote:
Is there a way to get natural claw attacks?

What class are you? If you're a Druid or Ranger (Natural Attack Style) you can take Aspect of the Beast.

I made this character a Paladin because you know how they are all holy and stuff correct? Well this character was originally a NPC created for my level 10 Cleric's cohort because it matched up, a holy healer and a holy fighter. I then liked how I built the character so now I'm making this a PC, but since the NPC tables are much weaker than PC tables, I'm upgrading the character. (I read what kitsunes usually play and they are usually rouges, druids, and rangers, so I feel kinda dumb.)

Edit: Ignore this as a Paladin then, though I'll leave it for anyone else. Barbarians can get them through the beast totem, and sorcerers through some of their bloodlines, though they're limited in how often/long you can use them.

Actually, if you've got a high enough Cha, Eldritch Heritage can get you claw attacks on any class with two feats, possibly building into better things later. As a Paladin, this might be promising.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

Eldritch Heritage isn't perfect, but might work. Plus the only prereq is a skill focus in perception which can't hurt at all really. Only thing is they are limited in duration (might be able to talk the DM into making it unlimited, I did for my campaign).

As for the other, yeah, it is awesome. I feel you on not finding a DM that would run it. I mostly DM myself and the chances I do actually get to play no one has allowed me to bust it out yet either.

Aleron wrote:

Eldritch Heritage isn't perfect, but might work. Plus the only prereq is a skill focus in perception which can't hurt at all really. Only thing is they are limited in duration (might be able to talk the DM into making it unlimited, I did for my campaign).

As for the other, yeah, it is awesome. I feel you on not finding a DM that would run it. I mostly DM myself and the chances I do actually get to play no one has allowed me to bust it out yet either.

Darkwolf117 wrote:

Edit: Ignore this as a Paladin then, though I'll leave it for anyone else. Barbarians can get them through the beast totem, and sorcerers through some of their bloodlines, though they're limited in how often/long you can use them.

Actually, if you've got a high enough Cha, Eldritch Heritage can get you claw attacks on any class with two feats, possibly building into better things later. As a Paladin, this might be promising.

Ok then, but I already have feats. These are the feats:

Magic Tailx2
Power Attack
Extra Lay on Hands

Which should I get rid of? I would REALLY love to keep the Magic Tail, but I want claws too, but if I do get claws, that would make my Paladin weaker. Should I not get the claws? Should I get the claws and get rid of Magic Tails or the other two? Should I just make the class a druid?

You could get rid of Extra Lay On Hands and probably never miss it.

If you made it a Druid you might get more mileage out of the Kitsune thing. You could always turn into a giant fox later and such, and take a Domain instead of an Animal Companion that might fit.

Rynjin wrote:

You could get rid of Extra Lay On Hands and probably never miss it.

If you made it a Druid you might get more mileage out of the Kitsune thing. You could always turn into a giant fox later and such, and take a Domain instead of an Animal Companion that might fit.

I'll probably do that, now I NEED TO REDO PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING!!!! Okay, thanks for the information. Being serious now, this will probably be better of this way.

Can some one find a cool picture of a girl kitsune for me? Please don't make it anything that includes porn or anything like that please!

Not sure if male or female. (This is actually from PF.)

Also this, though.

Brought to you by Googlemancy.

Edit: Arhi's cool too. (Edit 2: Default Skin) I suppose she's not all that foxlike though, besides the tails.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

deviantART is your friend!

Sylirinight wrote:
Can some one find a cool picture of a girl kitsune for me? Please don't make it anything that includes porn or anything like that please!

Figured I'd stick with the same show as last time for consistency.

I've gotten some great photos, keep them coming!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Click me for a Kitsune picture selection. Please note that the pictures are property of the artists. Some are of course half naked as always, artistic freedom blablabla. But if you click on one most of the artists did other kitsune pictures as well.

Now if you weren't looking specifically for a female kitsune, I'd have to post this. Not sure they get much more badass than that.

Well, obviously I just posted it anyway... so, here's this too, for what you might actually be looking for.

I've got a good collection now of pictures. Any good feats to take now that the class is a druid?

Grand Lodge

Natural Spell, Wild Speech.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Natural Spell, Wild Speech.

That's probably a better idea than getting Skill Focus (Perception) and Eldritch Heritage.

Grand Lodge

Casting Spells, the ability to speak, and the effectiveness of language dependent spells is a much better boon.

Also, there is no reason to pump charisma, and the massive bonus to Perception to wisdom will handle Perception just fine.

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