[Hero Lab] Version 7.6 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available! Tome of Horrors, Irrisen, People of the North!

Product Discussion

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab. Note that this release requires yesterday's 4.1a update of Hero Lab itself.

We've begun adding the NPCs from the NPC Codex to Hero Lab as a free update for all our users. To use them, choose "Import Stock Hero" from the Character menu, and select the class you want to draw from. In this release, we've added 10 of the 11 core classes (everything but Wizard), and two of the prestige classes (Duelist and Pathfinder Chronicler). We'll be adding more classes in each update until we've made every NPC and iconic character in the NPC Codex available in Hero Lab.

This update adds People of the North as a free update for everyone who owns the Player's Companion: Golarion #4 package. This package is available for $4.99, and already contains Knights of the Inner Sea and Blood of Night.

We've also added Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter as a free update for our Campaign Setting #9 package. This package is also available for $4.99 and already contains Artifacts & Legends, Inner Sea Bestiary, and Mystery Monsters Revisited.

Want more monsters to choose from when deciding what to throw at your players? How about more than 750 of them? Frog God Games has created a Hero Lab package for their massive Tome of Horrors, and they're selling it through Hero Lab's own purchase mechanisms. You can purchase it using the "Purchase Data File" option in the License menu for $29.99. They've even included their own artwork - from the Portfolio menu, choose "Import Stock Hero", and you'll find all the monsters from Tome of Horrors with the artwork from the book included.

This update also adds the player content from Pathfinder #66, and includes several other bug fixes and improvements.

If you're not familiar with Hero Lab, please head over to the Hero Lab page of our website. There, you can download the program in demo mode and try it out. The only things you won't be able to do in demo mode are save and print (although you can see the print preview), so that you can give it a thorough test before you decide to purchase our program.

Another option if you'd like to try Hero Lab is our Hero Lab for the Pathfinder Beginner Box program. This program is free, and does support saving and printing, and allows you to make heroes and monsters from the Pathfinder Beginner Box.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Thank you for the update!

Just as a note, this latest version seems to have disabled user content such as the d20pfsrd Psionics Unleashed datafiles.

Also: I'm getting the following errors:
File: PFRPG_Bestiary2_Variants.user (line 93) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered('rYrthak')
File: PFRPG_Bestiary2_Variants.user (line 159) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered('rYrtBlind')
File: PFRPG_Bestiary2_Variants.user (line 169) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered('rYrtExplo')

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Is anybody else having problems opening up the Rappan Athuk encounters in HL after this update?

Got the same thing as Cavian...

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Is anybody else having problems opening up the Rappan Athuk encounters in HL after this update?

The Frogs are aware of it and working on it.

---Deep Cave Frog

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Alatariel wrote:
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Is anybody else having problems opening up the Rappan Athuk encounters in HL after this update?

The Frogs are aware of it and working on it.

---Deep Cave Frog

Awesome, thanks for the head's up, Alaterial! Hopefully it's not too massive of a fix or my Saturday game is gonna get complicated...

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Alatariel wrote:
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Is anybody else having problems opening up the Rappan Athuk encounters in HL after this update?

The Frogs are aware of it and working on it.

---Deep Cave Frog

Awesome, thanks for the head's up, Alaterial! Hopefully it's not too massive of a fix or my Saturday game is gonna get complicated...

It will probably not be fixed before then.

Skeeter Green

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Skeeter Green wrote:
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Alatariel wrote:
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Is anybody else having problems opening up the Rappan Athuk encounters in HL after this update?

The Frogs are aware of it and working on it.

---Deep Cave Frog

Awesome, thanks for the head's up, Alaterial! Hopefully it's not too massive of a fix or my Saturday game is gonna get complicated...

It will probably not be fixed before then.

Skeeter Green

Bummer Skeets, but, as a software developer myself, I understand. This stuff happens. Best of luck on the fix.

P.S. Slip Rachel an extra 20$ from me to get the d20Pro RA maps done too ;-)

When you run the Pathfinder update check the box to delete the files that are not updated. Then redo your license. I had the same issue and had to experiment with it. I got all the same issues when I installed it w/o checking the box.

I take checksG>!

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

There is an issue with some files not being usable by both Rappan Athuk and ToHC. And its coded into the ToHC update.

We're working on it. The big guns in the community have thrown in their support and help, so hopefully, we'll get answers form Lone Wolf on what can be done, and we'll get this resolved. it was a bit of a surprise.


Maybe I have just been lucky Skeeter, but I have not had any issues after the reinstall. Was getting the file errors and not being able to use either.

brvheart wrote:
Maybe I have just been lucky Skeeter, but I have not had any issues after the reinstall. Was getting the file errors and not being able to use either.

This will only happen if you have the Rappan Athuk HL file loaded. Fix to this is in sight, we are just determining the fastest route to it.

I recreated the problem by reimporting the RA file. I then reran the pathfinder update deleting the unused files. I can open all of the Pirates from the Wilderlands, Orcus and his minions from level 15 and create several monsters with classes that the races came from the new ToH.
I am not sure what files it deleted and what I may be missing, but not getting any errors at present under these conditions. Dunno, I don't code, I am just a tech. If I find a workaround that works, I don't argue and leave the fixes to you guys.

brvheart wrote:

I recreated the problem by reimporting the RA file. I then reran the pathfinder update deleting the unused files. I can open all of the Pirates from the Wilderlands, Orcus and his minions from level 15 and create several monsters with classes that the races came from the new ToH.

I am not sure what files it deleted and what I may be missing, but not getting any errors at present under these conditions. Dunno, I don't code, I am just a tech. If I find a workaround that works, I don't argue and leave the fixes to you guys.

It is actually a three-fold error, two of which can be fixed at your computer by you right now, but one that cannot be. We are waiting on a response for the third part to figure out what is going to be the fastest way to resolve it.

I don't mean to be vague, but the response we receive on the third part will let us know the best way to fix it without causing additional opportunities for people.

I am hoping to have more information to give everyone tomorrow if Skeeter doesn't beat me to it.

Cavian wrote:

Just as a note, this latest version seems to have disabled user content such as the d20pfsrd Psionics Unleashed datafiles.

Also: I'm getting the following errors:
File: PFRPG_Bestiary2_Variants.user (line 93) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered('rYrthak')
File: PFRPG_Bestiary2_Variants.user (line 159) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered('rYrtBlind')
File: PFRPG_Bestiary2_Variants.user (line 169) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered('rYrtExplo')

This has been fixed in the Community Bestiary v2.9. So just update from the auto-updater to install it. For more details see THIS post over at the HL forums.

When loading HL if you get any errors at all HL goes into safe mode and no longer loads user created content. So you didn't lose anything its all their. With the above fix everything will come back... =)

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Is anybody else having problems opening up the Rappan Athuk encounters in HL after this update?

This has now been fixed. Please see the post at Rappan Athuk Source fix with version 7.7 Pathfinder files for step by step instructions to utilize your Rappan Athuk files again.

The Deep Cave Frogs

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Umarian wrote:
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Is anybody else having problems opening up the Rappan Athuk encounters in HL after this update?

This has now been fixed. Please see the post at Rappan Athuk Source fix with version 7.7 Pathfinder files for step by step instructions to utilize your Rappan Athuk files again.

The Deep Cave Frogs

Arrrrgggh!! My elaborate plot to mess with Dr. JF's game Saturday foiled!!!


<goes back to the evil laboratory>

heh, thanks for the hard work from the Deep Cave Frogs. Extra flies for you!


Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Skeeter Green wrote:
Umarian wrote:
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Is anybody else having problems opening up the Rappan Athuk encounters in HL after this update?

This has now been fixed. Please see the post at Rappan Athuk Source fix with version 7.7 Pathfinder files for step by step instructions to utilize your Rappan Athuk files again.

The Deep Cave Frogs

Arrrrgggh!! My elaborate plot to mess with Dr. JF's game Saturday foiled!!!


<goes back to the evil laboratory>

heh, thanks for the hard work from the Deep Cave Frogs. Extra flies for you!


Was that flies, or files?

Ow! (booted back into the cave)

---Deep Cave Frog

Ok, downloaded the patch and ran it. No issues. Thanks for the quick turnaround!
Dang, out of work again!

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Alatariel wrote:
Skeeter Green wrote:
Umarian wrote:
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Is anybody else having problems opening up the Rappan Athuk encounters in HL after this update?

This has now been fixed. Please see the post at Rappan Athuk Source fix with version 7.7 Pathfinder files for step by step instructions to utilize your Rappan Athuk files again.

The Deep Cave Frogs

Arrrrgggh!! My elaborate plot to mess with Dr. JF's game Saturday foiled!!!


<goes back to the evil laboratory>

heh, thanks for the hard work from the Deep Cave Frogs. Extra flies for you!


Was that flies, or files?

Ow! (booted back into the cave)

---Deep Cave Frog

Hmmm, can you whip frogs?

No sunlight for you!


In all honesty, i would be lost without the Deep Cave Frogs. All HeroLab respect is due to them.


This is what happens when I drink on Fridays....is this Friday?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Skeeter Green wrote:

Arrrrgggh!! My elaborate plot to mess with Dr. JF's game Saturday foiled!!!


<goes back to the evil laboratory>


Nice Skeets! Just for that I'm gonna...

Rappan Athuk:

...name a goblin in Greznek 'Skeeter' and he's gonna have horrible stuff happen to him. Wonderful, terrible stuff. I'm not exactly sure what yet, but it's gonna involve green slime and an immovable rod. Yeah, it's like that. :-)

All jokes aside, a big thanks for the quick turn around time to all those involved! Those of us who run our games entirely online couldn't game at all without quality tools like you've all provided.

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
Skeeter Green wrote:

Arrrrgggh!! My elaborate plot to mess with Dr. JF's game Saturday foiled!!!


<goes back to the evil laboratory>


Nice Skeets! Just for that I'm gonna...

** spoiler omitted **

All jokes aside, a big thanks for the quick turn around time to all those involved! Those of us who run our games entirely online couldn't game at all without quality tools like you've all provided.

Hmm, do you REALLY want to escalate? When I introduce a DFJ gnome getting terrible things done to him in an upcoming major release, you'll see the error of your ways!

<psst> Skeet! That means you'll have to acknowledge the Dr.!

Aw, damn it all! Outsmarted again!

SG lol

Skeeter Green wrote:
Hmm, do you REALLY want to escalate? When I introduce a DFJ gnome getting terrible things done to him in an upcoming major release, you'll see the error of your ways!

Wow! That explains the major re-write Skeeter just sent to the Deep Cave Frogs. I was wondering why so many creatures had special stuff versus DFJ all of a sudden.... *Shudders* would hate to be this guy....

hehe J/K

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Skeeter Green wrote:

When I introduce a DFJ gnome getting terrible things done to him in an upcoming major release, you'll see the error of your ways!

Skeets my friend, can we agree that seeing a gnome named Dr. Johnny Fever, regardless of the circumstances, appear in an FGG product, would be freaking hilarious?

I'd either take that little guy as my Leadership cohort or send him back to hell with my greataxe; there couldn't be a middle ground with a name like that.

FYI - a few users, mostly those on Windows XP and Vista, are experiencing crashes with the latest Pathfinder update. We're investigating a permanent fix for this right now. For users who are currently experiencing the crash, here's a link to the previous version of the Pathfinder data files, which should fix the problem until we get the permanent fix out:


(Close Hero Lab, download the file, then double-click to import it. When you're asked if you want to import the older game system, say "yes", and don't allow Hero Lab to download an update to it.)

If anyone's being affected by the crash, the above file should restore your Pathfinder files to the previous version, which doesn't seem to have the same issue.

Hope this helps, and sorry for the inconvenience!

Colen McAlister
Lone Wolf Development Support

I've just uploaded a V4.1b release for Hero Lab. This includes a bug fix for the crash issue, so once you download it, you should be able to use the V7.7 Pathfinder data files as normal. (Note that this release is Windows only, as the bug didn't affect people running OS X.)

Thanks for everyone's patience while we got this issue worked out!

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