This thread is not about the critique and dissection of the non-top 32. This is a thread where we can ask each other if we saw each others items.
If it's illegal to do this the mods can lock the thread.
My item was the flask of healing. It was a flask that was like a splash weapon and when you threw it, it healed 2d8+4 damage (hurting undead of course).
Did anyone see this?
Feel free to post if you want to ask if someone saw an item.
Yep I saw this(pre and post Cull), and I remembered thinking of Dark Souls flask thingie (granted you can't throw that one).
I liked it but will wait until you post in the Critique My Item thread to give other thoughts!
I saw that one.
Mine was a Clockwork Heart that brought you back but you were basically a free willed zombie.
Saw yours quite often Woodengolem.
Yes, saw your flask of healing twice. I didn't keep track exactly, but I am pretty sure one of those was a post-cull sighting, too.
Well that's a relief. Hit marathon twice over while never seeing it.
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I saw the flask a couple times, too. Pretty sure I saw it post-cull, as well.
Saw clockwork heart and flask of healing. Liked both.
Mine was gloves of the lightning tamer but never saw it myself in voting
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mad_mac_hl wrote: Saw clockwork heart and flask of healing. Liked both.
Mine was gloves of the lightning tamer but never saw it myself in voting
Put me down for being pretty sure I saw the flask of healing and the gloves of the lightning tamer. I didn't keep meticulous records like some.
I'll dive in and place a claim on my own item: Dawnflower Ankh. I saw it both pre and post cull, so I find it interesting when Marathon voters never saw their items. Randomness can be a gremlin.
Definitely saw the gloves of the lightning tamer. And it was definitely a post-cull item; probably one of the last 50 or so unique items that I saw.
Also saw the dawnflower ankh several times.
Saw the gloves of the lightning tamer and the dawnflower ankh many times as well, especially post Cull.
Sean McGowan wrote: Definitely saw the gloves of the lightning tamer. And it was definitely a post-cull item; probably one of the last 50 or so unique items that I saw.
Also saw the dawnflower ankh several times.
Confirmed. Saw flask of healing too. Really liked it.
mine was the Vest of Mongrelkind (gave you a bonus to disguise/UMD to mimic another race, and a 1 point race trait)...
i saw it pre-cull but not post-cull, really curious if it made it through?
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Pretty sure I saw the vest of mongrelkind on my last day voting, so I'm about 95% sure you made it through the cull.
Did anyone see the Lonely Man's Party Starter?
And if you have a copy of it can you message me with it? I lost my copy of it due to an accident.
N. Edward Lange wrote: mine was the Vest of Mongrelkind (gave you a bonus to disguise/UMD to mimic another race, and a 1 point race trait)...
i saw it pre-cull but not post-cull, really curious if it made it through?
Pretty sure I saw it post-cull.
CalebTGordan wrote: Did anyone see the Lonely Man's Party Starter?
I can't say I did but then again I don't think I saw all the top 32.
But I'm completely intrigued by the name! Please post it on Friday.
Yes, definitely saw the mongrelkind vest post cull.
And also saw/recorded ther lonely man's instant party. Shall send you that in a moment.
I'll be posting a list of all 810 items I saw (and which ones I know for sure survived the cull) after the Top 32 have had a day or two in the spotlight.
CalebTGordan wrote: Did anyone see the Lonely Man's Party Starter?
And if you have a copy of it can you message me with it? I lost my copy of it due to an accident.
I'm pretty sure I saw that post-cull. At least I hope I did cause I really liked it.
I don't have a copy unfortunately.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I definitely saw the Vest of Mongrelkind post cull. For a while it seemed like it was my "every fifth item" item to vote on. I saw it a lot.
Eric Morton wrote: I'll be posting a list of all 810 items I saw (and which ones I know for sure survived the cull) after the Top 32 have had a day or two in the spotlight. That would be awesome Eric. Looking forward to it.
CalebTGordan wrote: Did anyone see the Lonely Man's Party Starter?
And if you have a copy of it can you message me with it? I lost my copy of it due to an accident.
Hi Caleb, I just sent it to you. It made my keep folder. :)
EDIT: Oops, it looks like Sean had already sent it to you.
Thank you to Pedro and DankeSean. Having a copy of the Party Starter means I can use it in my game again!
Saw every item listed post cull with exception of lonely man's party starter which I never saw once.
Mine was Listening Stone- in retrospect it was an overpriced magic tape recorder but my HB crew had way too much fun with it, wondering if anyone saw it post cull. I was worried it'd get lumped in with the walkie talkie items and I never saw it post cull (which was depressing.)
I'll take my beating on the critique my item thread when it opens up.
I think I saw listening stone late on so would have been post cull. There were quite a lot of communication items so I suspect you had lot of competition!
Saw the Vest of Mongrelkind, Lonely Man's Party Starter, AND the Listening Stone post Cull.
Item - my general impressions (all seen post cull)
flask of healing - i would use it
clockwork heart - didn't like the flavor/mechanics
gloves of the lightning tamer - needed a bit more clarity
dawnflower anhk - favorite camping/plot device
lonley man's instant party - immensely disliked, joke item
vest of mongrelkind - made my Top 32 list
listening stone - boring tape recorder
2 people marked this as a favorite.
I loved the Lonely Man's Instant Party.
Well thanks for the general impression Thomas. On friday once it opens I'd be interested to hear that fleshed out.
mad_mac_hl wrote: There were quite a lot of communication items so I suspect you had lot of competition! Yep exactly what I feared, mine was not a communication item it was intended for a few uses but yeah a tape recorder in retrospect. A tape recorder capable of playing back inspire courage or say soundburst but I understand the item's flaws and I vastly overpriced it concerned over abuses.
Notes for next year:
-If you spend most of your words clarifying the effect: throw it out and start over.
-If the item mimics the effects of real world tech: throw it out and start over.
-When ready to submit: Go to bed and check 1 more time in the AM you will catch at least 1 flaw this way.
-Google item name to make sure it isn't associated with something goofy before submitting.
-After designing price compare to existing magic items and other superstar items, this is way more improtant than you think, you downvoted items based on price.
GM_Solspiral wrote: Notes for next year:
-If you spend most of your words clarifying the effect: throw it out and start over.
-If the item mimics the effects of real world tech: throw it out and start over.
-When ready to submit: Go to bed and check 1 more time in the AM you will catch at least 1 flaw this way.
-Google item name to make sure it isn't associated with something goofy before submitting.
-After designing price compare to existing magic items and other superstar items, this is way more improtant than you think, you downvoted items based on price.
Less seriously:
- Avoid saying that your item "responds eagerly to touch." That one really triggered my inner Beavis & Butthead. I think I failed my Will save to avoid snickering just about every single time.

GM_Solspiral wrote: mad_mac_hl wrote: There were quite a lot of communication items so I suspect you had lot of competition! Yep exactly what I feared, mine was not a communication item it was intended for a few uses but yeah a tape recorder in retrospect. A tape recorder capable of playing back inspire courage or say soundburst but I understand the item's flaws and I vastly overpriced it concerned over abuses.
Notes for next year:
-If you spend most of your words clarifying the effect: throw it out and start over.
-If the item mimics the effects of real world tech: throw it out and start over.
-When ready to submit: Go to bed and check 1 more time in the AM you will catch at least 1 flaw this way.
-Google item name to make sure it isn't associated with something goofy before submitting.
-After designing price compare to existing magic items and other superstar items, this is way more improtant than you think, you downvoted items based on price. I went nuts googling mine right before I put it up. Then after voting was over started playing Dishonored and there it was in my inventory. A clockwork heart.
Ariax wrote: Less seriously:
- Avoid saying that your item "responds eagerly to touch." That one really triggered my inner Beavis & Butthead. I think I failed my Will save to avoid snickering just about every single time.
Facepalm... yeah that does indeed sound dirty in retrospect. Noted
-Also note remember to save document as I actually don't have a copy of my own item anymore which is funny since I have so many others!
Thomas LeBlanc wrote: dawnflower anhk - favorite camping/plot device I knew I had an uphill battle coming in with a camping item. A friend and I had a lot of chuckles over the anti-camping item fervor after I had submitted. When Clark (I think) mentioned something about a camping item being in the top 89 I got a little hopeful, but alas!
Next year I'm going to enter the grossest walkie talkie item ever, a matched pair of troll ears and mouth. You talk into the ear at your end, and the mouth speaks at the other end to your buddy.
Anyone see the Paint of Discerning Demise?
Yes. I saw that one a lot actually. Discerning Demise that is.
I remember liking the dawnflower anhk for what its worth.
Kris G wrote: Anyone see the Paint of Discerning Demise? I remember that plot device.
Anyone see the Battle Standard of Perilous Defiance?
How many saw Irrisen Sacrificial Athame? I only saw it twice...and don't knowwhat the cull was...
Saw many of these items....though the camping/communication/healing generally got voted down pretty fast.
Saw the Battle Standard of Perilous Defiance many, many times.
theheadkase wrote: Saw the Battle Standard of Perilous Defiance many, many times. Good - thanks. Glad to know it didn't get eaten in the intertubes -- I never saw it myself while judging. I'll take my lumps over in the critique thread when it opens up.
Did anyone happen to see the Helm of the Hive? That was mine.
Yup saw the helm I believe
Anyone catch glimpse of the Farsight Stone?
Several sightings of the farsight stone here, including post cull
I'd really like to know if my Fellhound Collar made it to judging, or if I got myself auto-disqualified through some beginner's mistake...
That name rings a bell, I am fairly certain I saw it post Cull. Although it's a bad sign that I don't recall it very well...I have a pretty good memory of most of the items...
Post it up for critique on Friday and we'll be more than happy to dissect (as gently as possible)!