What was your first? What year was it? How old were you?

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Grand Lodge

D&D <> 1977 <> 8

Grand Lodge

Hybrid homebrew of Arduin<>1980<> 13

D&D 3.0 <> 2000 <> 16

D&D (Castle Caldwell & Beyond: The Abduction of Princess Sylvia). ~1988. ~7-8.

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Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

D&D, 1977 (Friday, June 3), 17

Terquem, oversharing. Fifteen yards. **fweeet!!**

4e, pretty close to when it came out. I think I was 17. I ran a goliath fighter that I tried to make as unkillable as possible :D. Then it died when the GM had us do this demon blood drinking initiation thing that was strait out of dragon age origins... I forgot what we even had to roll, but I just remember that I needed 100 and I got 99.

So I made a sassy female tiefling warlock, and it's still one of my favorite characters I've ever made. I wanted to remake it in pathfinder, but pathfinder tieflings are a lot different.

Moldvay Basic D&D set, 1982 (Christmas present), 11

BD&D, 1981 (summer), 11

Basic D&D <> 1991 <> 13

3.5 D&D, 2006, 15. The setting was Greyhawk, and my first character was a human weretiger ranger with about 20 gallons of Borderline Retarded Mary Sue (TM) on top.

Azmyth wrote:
D&D <> 1977 <> 8

D&D <> 1977 <> 15. -- we're talking about role-playing, right?


Red Box, 1987, age 11.

Blue box, B1 Into the Unknown, <>1979 <> 12

AD&D, 1982, 13


Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

D&D Eberron. 14 or 15. 2002.

D&D Basic Set; 1979; 10

Terquem wrote:

Cara, 1993, 16. We were listening to The Velvet Underground, which has always made me feel hip.

D&D<>1979<>19 - a homebrew dungeon my DM made.

Grand Lodge

3.0, 2001, 19

Grand Lodge

3.5 <> 2005 <> 22

AD&D, 1980, 24.

Holmes D&D Basic (B2: Keep on the Borderlands) <> 1980 <> 14

This sort of depends...

My first normal gaming event around a table:
AD&D 2nd <> 1992 <> 14

But I had previously been exposed to gaming by my brother's best friend's older brother (Grognard as I lovingly label him). They would play at his families dining room table. And I would watch and ask questions.

PS: The game Grognard was playing was AD&D 1st edition.

D&D 2e 89, D&D Isle of Dread adventure, 8

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

D&D Basic Set, 1977, 21

AD&D 1e

Dark Archive

home made paper rpg
8 yrs old


My first experience was DMing my brothers druid. He bought gauntlets of ogre power, a girdle of storm giant strength, and a hammer of thunderbolts and roamed across the countryside one-shoting giants. I also have vague memories of rolling up a cavalier and lance-charging black dragons... as a first level character.

I didn't really start playing until middle school when my friends and I would play very frequently. We quickly figured out that Unearthed Arcana was garbage, and played almost exclusively with players handbook, DMs guide, and the 3 monster books. I did play some second edition, but for some reason, enjoyed 1st edition more. Pretty much stopped playing after high school, then started up again about 10 years ago with 3.5. Been playing almost weekly ever since...

Chain Mail showing my age here it then following that into dnd around 75-77 I forget that whole decade a blurr. College 23 years old. 3rd edition was when I really started to get back into for dnd 25th anniversary

Advanced Fighting Fantasy, 1993.
Then AD&D 2e, 1993 or '94.

Sovereign Court


these boards are getting too numerous, aside from my poor atempt at humor above, I guess I should say D&D<>1976<>12

Shadowrun <> 2001 <> 16

Sovereign Court

Original Basic mixed with AD&D 1st Ed.
Sept 1979

Shadow Lodge

D&D, 1984, 10. And I was the DM.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

The first tabletop RPG I bought was the Red Box around 1987 or so (11 years old). I only played the solo adventures as I couldn't find anyone to play with me. (The only people I knew who played were boys in my class and when I asked about playing with them, they just stared at me and then ignored me. Ah, the blessed memories of middle school.)

I bought AD&D 2nd ed a year or so later. I didn't get to play it with anyone until I was 17, and that got cut short because the GM's mom told him D&D was satanic and he had to stop. Trufax, sadly.

The first full ongoing tabletop RPG campaign I played in was a Wraith: the Oblivion campaign in 1994 (age 18). Quite different from D&D, but a very cool and interesting experience nonetheless.

I first became familiar with the idea of D&D and some of the rules from the cartoon (not the rules) and then the Gold Box video games circa 1985-6.

D&D 3.5 --- 2003 --- 18

D&D, 1983, 10. Played my first character, a human thief, for around 2 years until I started my own gaming group and alternated DM'ing with one of my best friends. Good times.

Basic D&D <> weekend before summer vacation '81 <> 13
human magic user-thief made it to 3rd level before getting creamed by ogers. XD

I always love how many people on this board are older than me, compared to the kids at most sites.

2001, I was 19, and we were playing AD&D 2nd edition. Yeah, I know 3.0 was out, but the DM loved 2E.

Scarab Sages

D&D, December 25 1982 <> 11.

I got the basic box and Keep on the Boarderlands.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Started playing in 1975- D&D- In the World of Greyhawk (Still have the original maps-lamenated) Was 15- Started DMing and have been since then, in many Worlds of D&D. Now with Pathfinder, Greyhawk still my favorite!

D&D: B2:Keep On The Borderlands 1985

I was 10, my first character was a halfling named Dorvell (because the doorbell rang when I was trying to come up with a name). My brother ran the game (he was 13) and my Mother, Grandmother, and Grandfather all played along with us.

Silver Crusade

Tunnels&Trolls, 13 years old, 1978.

A GM ran me through a solo adventure(?), called Deathtrap Equaliser, just to introduce me to RPGs. I soon switched to the new fangled AD&D 1st ed.

Silver Crusade

Malachi Silverclaw wrote:

Tunnels&Trolls, 13 years old, 1978.

A GM ran me through a solo adventure(?), called Deathtrap Equaliser, just to introduce me to RPGs. I soon switched to the new fangled AD&D 1st ed.

My first AD&D DM ran (just) me through The Tomb Of Horrors...and I made it! Looking back, he was on my side. I got an artifact for my trouble, but it was the Hand of Vecna and it poisoned everyone I touched.

Things are very different now. Things are better now, IMnotsoHO.

Drakar och Demoner, 1985, 8 years old.

(Followed by D&D Basic a year or two later)

AD&D 1st ed, 1986, 13

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Am I the only one who thought this thread was about something else?

; )

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