False factoids

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KahnyaGnorc used to be the jokers wingman when he went out, but after the incident with the aforementioned fruit cake, hitting the bars with the clown price of crime just wasn't the same.

GM_B is Facebook friends with Calendar Man and Crazy Quilt.

GoatToucher tried to start his own facebook like online community, called goatbook, except cloven hooves and PTSD got in the way.

GM_Beernorg's left leg is .78 inches longer then the other. Were he to walk long enough in a "straight" line, he would make a full circle!

Gregor Greymane makes a living by launching himself out of an Alpenhorn with no trousers on.

Scarab Sages

Pulg eats scissors when he finds them, reasoning they can no longer hurt him that way.

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IHIYC has been known to run with scissors. When Pulg chases after him to eat the scissors it results in a humorous Benny Hill style chase scene.

Molten Dragon once incinerated an entire troop of mimes while listen to the Benny Hill chase music on his Ipod. For this we thank him.

GM_B once took the long way through an infinite plane to avoid a mime school field trip, citing that the quick way was "literally a mime field."

KahnyaGnorc has been PUNished repeatedly for their bad puns.

Scarab Sages

Molten Dragon was the cause of the Irish Potato Famine. It was all just an accident and he is very, very sorry.

IHIYC is actually a dream manifestation of a fifth grader's potato battery science project. The potato generated enough electricity to gain sentience, but lacks mechanisms to express itself or impact the world outside of its dreams.

GoatToucher made a wish, and his wish was POTATOES.

GT is constantly sucking on lemons.

Edit: Pulg is never early.

Scarab Sages

Schism is never early, nor ever late, but arrives precisely when he means to.

Tarrintino stole the cookie from the cookie jar...

Gregor Greyman forgot that he used just for men and got rid of his grey, so really he should be called Gregor Fakeblackmane.

GM_B's secret passion: Nude ballroom dancing

Gregor doesn't want to lose your love tonight.

Molten Dragon embraces the love that cannot be named, the love between a fiery dragon and a from the wrong side of the tracks iguana.

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GM_Beernorg is actually a walking community of civilised peas.

Pulg once went to see a dermatologist about some hairy growth on his chin.

Old Doc Flumph once subsisted on earth worms and grass for a whole year, just for fun.

Ol Gregor has been known to attack the darkness.

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Molten Dragon once attempted to eat the darkness, under the assumption that is how one becomes a Dark Lord. Alas it did not work.

Scarab Sages

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GM_Beernorg once saw a red door and wanted to paint it black. So he did.

Sovereign Court

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IHIYC is fluent in flatugen (having studied it for two years in college), this was useful when a rebellious youth (GoatToucher, the pre-cult years) got on the wrong side of Old Doc Flump (when the latter didn't speak English).

Scarab Sages

Avatar of Zon-Kuthon has a recurring nightmare wherein his disembodied-but-still-conscious head is stuck on a table somewhere, and those spikes coming out of it have been covered in grapes, cheese cubes, small pickles, tiny sausages, marshmallows, and similarly impaleable cocktail snacks.

IHIYC didn't always hide in closets. As a wee lad, he was known as I'm Hiding in Your Cupboard.

KahnyaGnorc is a lycanthrope, specifically a werevole. They often crash furry parties, hilarity ensues...

Molten Dragon and a corset made out of half-eaten Scotch Eggs go together like oo-shanga langa, shalangyty langy lang

Pulg once walked around with an arrow through his head. People laughed, thinking it a prop. Pulg, then, decked them. It was only after he got home and looked into a mirror that he realized what they were laughing at.

KG would have helped, but Pulg had already decked him.

The initials after Dr. House's name actually stand for Molten Dragon Dangles Downwards Steadily, Danzig Vaseline Milita.

Pulg is a founding member of the Danzig Vaseline Militia.

KahnyaGnorc is actually the founder of the Danzig Vaseline Milita, and you would not believe how much vaseline they go through in a year, the amount is simply mind boggling.

A fly in the Vaseline GM_B is. Sometimes it blows his mind, keep getting stuck there all the time.

KahnyaGnorc lost the pearl, and the price she paid..(actually listened to that album this morning on the way to work)

GMB once coated my pile of gold I sleep on in Vaseline. . Not funny, GMB. Darn near broke my neck when I slipped off it.

What Molten Dragon didn't say was that he slipped while trying to get the Vaseline on that one spot on his back he can't reach.

Sovereign Court

MS doesn't use Vaseline, for some reason, he bursts into flame the moment he puts it on.

AZK has similar powers as the Ant Man except when AZK shrinks he turns into an 8-bit version of himself.

MD once volunteered to work for Kefka, but was turned down because, in Kefka's words, "The dragon is CRAAAAAAAAZY!"

Liberty's Edge

KahnyaGnorc is the natural enemy of dolphins everywhere.

Lucky 7, despite the name, is very much unlucky, else, he would not be undead and be suffering from unfortunate eye glow syndrome.

Liberty's Edge

GM-Beernorg briefly enjoyed a career as a Riot Grrl.

lucky7 once dated Squirrel Girl.

Scarab Sages

KahnyaGnorc once filled in for Robin, even getting to don his costume, but then all she wound up doing was spend the whole evening helping Batman do upkeep on all his Rogues Gallery files - boy, that guy is meticulous.

Sovereign Court

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IHIYC filled in for all the inmates at Arkham Asylum, his craziness surpasses even that of the Joker.

The Avatar of Zon-Kuthon starred in a special horror movie series as the main antagonist.

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