Sauce987654321 |

Fire Storm
This spell deals 1d10 points of fire damage per level, up to a maximum of 20d10. The spell also causes any creature that fails it's reflex saving throw to catch on fire, taking 4d10 points of fire damage each round until the fire is extinguished. The creature can extinguish by spending a full-round action and succeeding at a reflex saving throw (using the spell's original DC). Falling prone and rolling on the ground
grants a +2 circumstance bonus on the save. Leaping into a lake or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the fire.
Greater: if you are at least a 5th-tier mythic character you can expend three additional uses of mythic power when casting this spell. In addition to the effects listed above, the area of the spell is increased to a 1,000-ft square per level, and any fire damage dealt by the spell ignores fire resistance and fire immunity.
Ant Haul
The target's carrying capacity is multiplied by 3 +1 per mythic tier.
Greater: if you are at least a 3rd-tier mythic character you can expend two additional uses of mythic power when casting this spell. In addition to the effects listed above, the target is considered two size categories for the purposes of it's carrying capacity. If the target cannot benefit from the size bonus, instead add x16 to it's size multiplier for calculating its carrying capacity.
I can add many more later, but I would like to read other suggestions, as well.

Venomblade |

I'd love to see a mythic version of Magic Jar that functions more like a ghost's Malevolence/Possession ability. I'll see if I can come up with a writeup for it later.
Could make it so that you know which souls are near you and you can easily choose the correct one to possess. Spend a mythic point to make the range 1 mile? Extra Duration?

Matrix Dragon |

Matrix Dragon wrote:I'd love to see a mythic version of Magic Jar that functions more like a ghost's Malevolence/Possession ability. I'll see if I can come up with a writeup for it later.Could make it so that you know which souls are near you and you can easily choose the correct one to possess. Spend a mythic point to make the range 1 mile? Extra Duration?
Well, I was thinking it would be better to simply eliminate the whole thing where you store your own soul in the jar, and instead use the jar for the target's soul. Your body is merged with the target that you possess. Something like that would eliminate a lot of the awkwardness of the spell.

Dilvias |

Mythic raise dead: does not give negative energy level. Second point means you don't need the material component.
Mythic Bane: -1 to attack rolls, damage rolls and saves.
Mythic detect alignment: gain all information in 1 round.
Mythic shield of faith: See mythic barkskin
mythic resist energy: Increase energy resistance by mythic tier. In addition, all saves from chosen energy source is at +2.
mythic darkness: you and 1 person/3 levels can see through the darkness without penalty.
mythic death knell: double bonuses granted.
mythic (stat booster): target can double bonus for one round, after which the spell ends.
mythic (enchantement spells): save at -2. a second point increases the penalty to -4.
mythic shield other: You take a quarter of the damage, instead of half.
mythic sound burst: damage increses to 2d8, and stunning duration increases to 1d4 rounds.
mythic silence: you and 1 person/3 levels is immune to the silence.
mythic tongues: you gave +4 to bluff, diplomacy, intimidate or a perform skill that uses your voice.

Lathiira |

Mythic deathwatch
The range of this spell extends to sixty feet. In addition, you may make a Knowledge (religion) check when you identify an undead creature with this spell. This is a free action. If successful, you learn about the undead creature's abilities as per the Knowledge skill. Make this roll with a bonus equal to your mythic tier.
Greater deathwatch: If you spend two mythic points when casting this spell, you know the exact hit point total of any creature you see. In addition, you become instantly aware if the creature is under the effect of any of the following: disease, poison, drugs, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain.
Mythic earthquake
The mythic earthquake spell expands to affect an additional ten foot radius per mythic tier. Any structure within the area of effect take 2d6 damage per caster level, ignoring hardness and not halved as damage to objects usually is. Casters attempting to cast spells within the earthquake must make a concentration check (DC is 20 plus your mythic tier plus spell level).

Matrix Dragon |

The 'greater' effect of this spell is kind of inspired by the fact that my first mythic character is probably going to be a kitsune, and I feel that a proper 'kitsune possession' spell or ability is noticeably absent from pathfinder ;)
I wanted to put in additional lines about having to hold onto the spell's focus in order to have 'control' over the possession effects, but that might make the spell too long and complex.
Mythic Magic Jar
This spell no longer requires a focus, and when cast does no place your soul into a receptacle. Instead, your body is treated as the receptacle for all purposes of the spell, and your body only becomes lifeless as a side effect of this spell whenever you are possessing another body.
Greater Magic Jar: If you expend an additional use of mythic power when casting this spell, you also gain the ability to merge your body with a target that is adjacent to you while this spell is active instead of just attacking its life force. If the target fails a will save, you and all your gear merges with the target (magic items become nonfunctional), and you possess the host in the same manner as the magic jar spell. When the possession ends, the host is stunned for one round and you emerge from him in an adjacent square of your choice.

Matrix Dragon |

Mythic Disjunction: Automatically succeeds against anti magic zones and artifacts. If you spend mythic power, everyone who fails the save has their magic items explode.
It's a spell for GMs that are pissed at their players.
Lol, the one mythic spell that players will never cast, because they don't want to destroy their loot!

PhillyG |

I don't want to hijack this discussion, but I feel like this is the place to suggest that some kind of mythic metamagic that can make an existing spell mythic is needed.
I don't completely understand the concern for balance, fairness, bias, etc. that permeates these forums, so I am not willing to suggest what mythic metamagic would do to a spell. I thought that those of you already inventing mythic spells must be using some guidelines on what makes a spell mythic, and might like to post those guidelines along with the spells. For extra credit, post your guidelines in the form of a mythic metamagic feat.
My thinking is that rather than raising the level of the spell, mythic metamagic would expend various amounts of mythic power points at the time of casting.
For inspiration: here is my characters currently memorized spells (D=divination school spell):
1) D:Comprehend Languages, Grease, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield, Silent Image, Unseen Servant
2) D:See Invisibility, Darkness, Extended Mage Armor, Flaming Sphere, Pyrotechnics
3) D:Clairaudience / Clairvoyance, Haste, Slow
4) D:Arcane Eye, Black Tentacles, Dimension Door

Boomerang Nebula |

School: universal
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S, M (lucky charm e.g. four leaf clover)
Range: personal (special)
Duration: 24 hours or until discharged.
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: none
Allows the caster to spend one mythic point as an immediate action to create one fortuitous event. The event must either be one that would eventually happen through natural causes, in which case what the spell does is cause the event to happen with serendipitous timing, for example: all bridges will collapse at some point, this spell allows the caster to collapse the bridge just as the frost giant hordes happen to be crossing it. Or the spell can be used to cause some possible but unlikely event to occur. For example: while fighting in a storm having a lightning bolt strike the evil black dragon just as it takes flight would be a reasonable use of the spell, but a lightning bolt appearing on a clear day would not.
The exact effect is subject to GM approval and cannot be similar to an event previously created by that caster. So once a particular caster uses the spell to collapse a bridge it can never be used again by that caster to collapse a bridge. If a player tries to recreate the same effect twice (GMs decision as to what constitutes an effect) GMs should feel free to deliver catastrophic consequences instead, as the forces of luck should not be trifled with!
Players should be encouraged to come up with imaginative ways for using this spell, but they must activate the spell beforehand it cannot undo events that have already happened, that is events the GM (or player) have already described, for example: whilst being led to their cell the caster could make the guard forget to lock the door but once they are in the cell it is too late. For effects that directly cause damage this should be limited to 1d8 per mythic caster level (no saving throw and not subject to spell resistance).
This is a potentially very powerful spell in the hands of a creative player and GMs need to make a judgement as to what is reasonable in each circumstance and also what fits within their campaign. Large scale effects such as tsunamis and meteor strikes should not be allowed.

Boomerang Nebula |

Esoteric Identity
School: abjuration
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S
Range: touch
Duration: 1 hour / level (or permanent)
Saving Throw: will negates
Spell Resistance: none
This spell causes the recipient to be easily overlooked and forgotten about. The spell grants a bonus to stealth equal to the effective caster level. Any levels of rogue, or similar prestige classes (e.g. arcane trickster or shadowdancer) of the recipient (not the caster unless they cast it on themselves) stack when determining the effective caster level of the spell. As a side effect the recipient also has a -10 circumstance penalty to all diplomacy checks while the spell is in effect.
The spell also inhibits detection by any form of magical scrying including truesight and even makes it difficult for anyone to concentrate on the affected individual when in plain sight. In order to identify, magically scry, attack or even talk about someone pretected by esoteric identity requires a will save equal to 10 + the effective caster level of the spell + 2 per mythic point spent on the casting. If the recipient of the spell initiates combat they may be attacked normally, but if they break line of sight at any time they are automatically forgotten about provided there are other viable targets. If there are no other viable targets the attacker can make a will save to try to remember who attacked them to continue the pursuit. If the recipient has the hide in plain sight ability or invisibility they can use either ability to effectively break line of sight and thus become forgotten about whilst sitting right under the nose of their enemy!
Over use of this spell is dangerous. Every time the spell is cast on a particular person there is a cumulative 5% chance that the spell will become permanent, causing even close friends and family to completely forget who the recipient is. The recipient is allowed one will save to try to prevent the effect from being permanent, however once esoteric identity is in effect only a wish or miracle spell can cancel it.

Rogar Stonebow |

Casting Time : 1 hour
Duration : 3 months per mythic level
Components : V,S,M (seeds from each type of tree within forest, seeds must be planted throughout the forest during the casting of spell.)
Area : 1 square mile per level
Awakened Forest: At the time of casting, designate upto 3 targets per level. Targets do not need to be present at time of casting but must be known to the caster and be marked by his /her arcane mark, or previously healed by the caster within a months time if divine. The awakened forest does not attack those with animal intelligence inhabiting the forest. All other must make a reflex save each round while within the forest. Those who fail their save take 1 d10 bludgeoning damage per mythic level. Those not designated by the caster or with animal intelligence must move at half speed or take double the damage.
An awakened forest can serve as a druids grove, granting those druids attuned to it certain powers.

Boomerang Nebula |

Time Immunity.
School: transmutaton
Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S, M (special)
Range: touch
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: not applicable.
Spell Resistance: not applicable.
This spell allows the recipient to ignore the ravages of time. Whilst under this spell the recipient does not age and can potentially live for hundreds of years if the spell is recast every day. The recipient is also immune to time based magical effects such as spells like slow and haste (although they may choose to be affected if they wish) and magical aging. The spell also counters the effect of time stop and allows the recipient to act normally rather than being frozen.
If the recipient is already effectively unaging, for example they are a lich, then there is no material component for this spell. If the recipient is a normal mortal then some rare (possibly unique) and difficult to find material component is required. GMs should choose something that makes sense in their particular campaign. Typically the material component is not used up in the casting of the spell and would be something from myth and legend like: the philosopher's stone, ambrosia, the heart of a tarrasque or the fountain of youth.
The caster may also spend mythic points to effectively wind back the clock (1 day for every mythic point spent). This rewinding of the clock removes any curses, ability drain, death (if cast on a recently dead corpse), negative lavels, damage etc. sustained during the rewound period.

Boomerang Nebula |

Cloying Darkness.
School: evocation
Casting Time: standard action
Components: S
Range: medium
Area of Effect: cylinder 20 foot high and 40 foot radius.
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving Throw: will (prevents the darkness from moving with the target).
Spell Resistance: yes.
This spell uses the powers of shadow to weave a cloying darkness that is opaque to all kinds of vision. The darkness is so thick as to become tangible and actually effect movement through it. Anyone other than the caster attempting to move through the darkened area must make a combat maneuver check versus the DC of the spell or remain stationary. A successful check allows movement through the darkness as though it were difficult terrain. If the terrain was classed as difficult terrain prior to the spell being cast then movement through the darkness becomes one quarter normal speed.
Sounds are also muffled by the darkness yielding a -10 circumstance penalty to perception rolls involving hearing to anyone within the area of effect. Spellcasters also need to make a DC25 concentration check to cast spells with verbal components whilst in the darkness.
The caster may move and hear normally within the darkness but cannot see through it. The caster may elect to centre the spell on an object or a person. If cast on a person and they fail their will save (and spell resistance roll) the effect moves with them.
Shadowdancers can also move and hear normally within the area of effect and may use any of their shadow abilities (e.g. shadow power and shadow jump) whenever they are within 50 feet of a cloying darkness spell without it counting towards their daily limit. Shadowdancers may also make a combat maneuver check versus the DC of the spell to take control and move the effect around, in which case it moves at a rate of 30 feet per round.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Time Immunity.
School: transmutaton
Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S, M (special)
Range: touch
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: not applicable.
Spell Resistance: not applicable.This spell allows the recipient to ignore the ravages of time. Whilst under this spell the recipient does not age and can potentially live for hundreds of years if the spell is recast every day. The recipient is also immune to time based magical effects such as spells like slow and haste (although they may choose to be affected if they wish) and magical aging. The spell also counters the effect of time stop and allows the recipient to act normally rather than being frozen.
If the recipient is already effectively unaging, for example they are a lich, then there is no material component for this spell. If the recipient is a normal mortal then some rare (possibly unique) and difficult to find material component is required. GMs should choose something that makes sense in their particular campaign. Typically the material component is not used up in the casting of the spell and would be something from myth and legend like: the philosopher's stone, ambrosia, the heart of a tarrasque or the fountain of youth.
The caster may also spend mythic points to effectively wind back the clock (1 day for every mythic point spent). This rewinding of the clock removes any curses, ability drain, death (if cast on a recently dead corpse), negative lavels, damage etc. sustained during the rewound period.
Timestop doesn't affect anyone but the caster so it doesn't "freeze" people. It just speeds up the caster. The new write up states that timestopped casters can't cast offensive spells.

Boomerang Nebula |

The idea behind the time immunity spell is that the caster's frame of reference becomes absolute in the local area. So if a nearby opponent casts haste they will not speed up relative to the caster.
I had thought that the hasted person would still be hasted relative to other combatants, but that would probably be too complicated to manage, so for the sake of simplicity perhaps we could just say that time immunity automatically cancels any other time based effect in the area such as time stop, haste etc.
By the way I love the name: Tiny Coffee Golem.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

The idea behind the time immunity spell is that the caster's frame of reference becomes absolute in the local area. So if a nearby opponent casts haste they will not speed up relative to the caster.
I had thought that the hasted person would still be hasted relative to other combatants, but that would probably be too complicated to manage, so for the sake of simplicity perhaps we could just say that time immunity automatically cancels any other time based effect in the area such as time stop, haste etc.
By the way I love the name: Tiny Coffee Golem.
I like the idea. May want to include this phrase in the description. "frame of reference becomes absolute in the local area" It helps relay the idea.

![]() |
Mythic Fly (could also apply to overland flight and moreso fly, mass)
The spell also confers the benefits of the hover, wingover, and flyby attack monster feats as well as the air mastery special ability (see air elementals).
You can spend an additional 2 mythic power causing movement while flying to not provoke attacks of opportunity. Additionally, the target's flight speed increases by 10 feet per mythic tier (too much?).
Mythic Polymorph, Greater
You may make use of any form changing spell of 6th level or lower (including undead anatomy, monstrous physique, etc)
You may expend an additional mythic power to increase the maximum level of form changing spell you may use. 7th level form changing spells cost 1 additional mythic power. 8th level spells cost 2 additional mythic power.
This might be too imbalanced because you're effectively getting an 8th level spell for the price of a 7th. However, this is mythic we're talking about.
Mythic Invisibility, Mass
Creatures affected by this spell are partially incorporeal as long as the effect lasts. They are immune to non-magical damage and only take half damage from magical sources (other than force effects which function normally). Additionally, attacks made while under the effect of the spell are resolved against the target's touch AC. Affected creatures gain no additional benefits of being incorporeal.
You may spend and additional 4 mythic power to cause the spell to function as Greater Invisibility. Using this ability reduces the duration of the spell to 1 round/level.
Perhaps the two effects should be reversed. I don't know which is more powerful. Perhaps both are too powerful.
Mythic Reverse Gravity
The gravitational pull of the spell increases significantly causing ranged attacks to have a 50% miss chance when affected by the spell and forcing flying creatures (magical or natural flight) to make a fortitude save each round they attempt to leave the area or be stuck in place until the start of their next turn.
You may spend an additional 3 mythic points to increase the gravity even further. Affected flying creatures are treated as though they did not have the ability to fly while in the area of the spell. Additionally, creatures in the area take 1d6 non-lethal damage/2 levels (max 10d6) every round they are affected by the spell (fort half) due to the extreme gravitational forces.

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Mythic Shield
This spell grants a +6 shield bonus to AC. In addition the target of the spell may grant himself total cover as if using a tower shield (still requires a standard action)
You may spend an addition use of mythic power to cast this spell onto an actual shield. The shield bonus provided by the spell is treated as an enhancement bonus to the shield. Using the spell in this way also confers all the benefits of the standard shield spell (immunity to magic missile and adding shield bonus to touch AC vs incorporeal touch attacks). Shields affected by this spell add the spells bonus to the shield's hardness and HP for the duration.