Corcus |
Now, I'm not a new player by any means, but I have a serious question for the forums.
Dual Wielding wands? Is it possible? If so, what modifiers/penalties do you take?
The main reason why Im wondering is Im sadly the ONLY source of arcane magic in an upcoming campaign and I want to try and supplement my supply of spells to the UTMOST degree.
If dual wielding wands is not an option in addition to my regular casting (Im a sorcerer just for your information) We are starting out at first level and of course, the funds are not available for wands yet. But in a few levels im hoping to start building them.
Thank you very much for your input!

Oterisk |

Well, it sounds cool...
But activating a wand is a standard action. So unless you have a 9th level Pathfinder Chronicler buddy to use Inspire action on you, you are stuck to using one per round.
That being said, Staff-like Wand is cool. Too bad it is limited to wizard only, not to mention having craft staff as a prereq.

Oterisk |

Haste doesn't give you an additional Standard action, it only gives you an additional attack with a full attack at your highest bonus. So, it would give you another chance to land a touch attack, but that is about it.
If you want to get Improved Familiar and you have a good UMD score, that could be a way to get two off in a round, but some DM's frown on this, although it doesn't seem to be that powerful to me. Wands suffer from low DC's and caster levels.

darkwarriorkarg |
If you're in a home game, you could ask your GM to adapt Dnd 3.5 feats.
Specificaly, Double Wand Wielder
Which does have
1) a feat tax of Craft Wand (useful) and two weapon fighting (not so much for a wizard)
2) Uses up 2 charges at a tiome on the second wand.
Otherwise, a familiar or cohort can use wands for you. I recommed the faerie dragon (it has 3 ranks of sorcerer)

Quatar |

You can hold a wand in each hand and use one or the other each round.
But you can't use both of them, the same as you can't cast two spells.
And no, before you ask, you can't Quicken metamagic a wand.
Spellcasters are build around the limitation of 1 spell per round, maximum 2 with Quicken. You'll just have to learn to live with that.
You can pick up Brew Potion I guess and brew the low level buff spells into potions, then give them out. Now everyone else has to use their own action to buff instead of you using 5 of yours.
Or be an Alchemist, Extracts work that way too - but guess you don't wanna do that.

Starbuck_II |

Now, I'm not a new player by any means, but I have a serious question for the forums.
Dual Wielding wands? Is it possible? If so, what modifiers/penalties do you take?
The main reason why Im wondering is Im sadly the ONLY source of arcane magic in an upcoming campaign and I want to try and supplement my supply of spells to the UTMOST degree.
If dual wielding wands is not an option in addition to my regular casting (Im a sorcerer just for your information) We are starting out at first level and of course, the funds are not available for wands yet. But in a few levels im hoping to start building them.
Thank you very much for your input!
There is a feat for it in 3.5: Dual wand wielding. Second wand uses double the charges. But hey two spells/rd.

Abrir |
my dm is allowing third party classes. i'm thinking about using one of hte spell casting Godlings it has:
Dual Casting (Su): You have so mastered your spellcasting powers that you can cast two spells at once, though you must divide your mystic power to do so. As a full-round action, you may cast two spells that each have a casting time of 1 standard action or less. Your caster level for both spells is halved. Both spells cast must have a spell level no greater than 1/4 your normal caster level. Source: Genius Guide to the Godling Ascendant
example(casting level 4)i'm able to cast two lvl 1 spells, with half caster level (2)... i couldn't fond ot so maby that doesn't excist, unless someone else has see it?
I've taken two levels of both ninja, and monk, later taking probably 8 or 9 levels of cleric.
i thought there was a trait or a feat that allowed a +4 to one type(divine or arcane) caster level up to maximum character lvl. ... i couldn't find it so maybe that doesn't exist, unless someone else has see it?
also isn't it possible to turn a move or stranded action in to swift action which would allow 3 quickened or 2 quicken and 1 standered spells in one round? even with out duel casting.

Nathanael Love |

Also look at Runestaffs from 3.5 Magic Item Compendium to expand your spell selection--
They are expensive but they come with 3-6 spells on each that you can use a spell slot of the same or higher to cast (twice a day apiece)
Still uses your own spell slots, but for a sorcerer effectively gives you more spells known, and for a wizard it let you default a prepared spell for those.
Edit: I also think the artificer in eberron got a lot of this type of stuff-- may have just gotten the feats as bonus feats, but it might be worth a read. (even though the main point of that class was to get the XP component free which is no longer an issue)

Zwordsman |
That older dual wand thing was remade in one of the 3rd party.(as mentioned above)
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/3rd-party-feats/kobold-press/general-feats--- 3rd-party---kobold-press/two-wand-technique
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/3rd-party-feats/kobold-press/general-feats--- 3rd-party---kobold-press/wand-casting
I couldn't find much more sadly. I looked up a lot of stuff before when I was trying to make Jarlaxle from Legend of Drizzt books