Boon Trading Thread

Pathfinder Society

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5/5 5/55/55/5

Drat, deal fell through. Damn you reaper and your slow shipping of bones! :)

Willing to trade painting services for a kitsune boon so I can make my Ninja in a pimp hat, or any race boon really since i can trade it to someone for the kitsune.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Want: Still looking for the Prosperity boon, so I can take advantage of insane day job rolls on my bard when I get a couple more levels on him.

Have: Sinscarred (+1 on all saves vs a particular school of magic, and +2 on spellcraft checks to identify that school)


Anybody want Expedition Manager? I'll trade for a similar con boon (Sinscarred sounds nice, but whichever).

Dark Archive 4/5

Are fetchlings one of the rarer boons? I'm interested in a fetchling boon and have a kitsune for trade. Any takers? I could also do it for dhampiir maybe, as I have a friend who wants a dhampiir boon.

Grand Lodge 4/5

The only fetchling boon I saw was the Grand Convocation chronicle for the PaizoCon special last year.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

something else cool

Triple Race (Kitsune/Nagaji/Wayang)
Varisian Caravaner
Shoanti Quah-Friend
Extra Trait (1 left)
Treasure Map!

Varisian Weapon Training - made a gnome sorcerer that was "raised by goblins" and gave her proficiency with the mighty dogslicer!

Extra Trait

@Patrick Harris - what does expedition manager do?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5

Shade-Blooded (Wayang Race)
Extra Trait
Shoanti Quah-Friend

Make me an offer. ;)

Shadow Lodge

New to PFS, so don't have a lot to offer to trade, except a LOT of miniatures that folks could use for their PCs or scenarios they are running.

Interesting boons to inspire new PC creation (race boons?)
Day Job boons

Miniatures of your choice from D&D Minis - Harbinger, Dragoneye, Archfiends, Giants of Legend... through Night Below sets.

I have pretty much everything from DDM - the older the set, the more minis I have from it. Drop a PM with the boons offered and the minis you're hunting for, within reason of course, since some of them are now fairly valuable. :)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

So, the final day of the con was very generous to me, and I wound up with some boons to trade.

Have, keeping:
Treasure Map
Tian Ancestry

Have, trading:
[2] Triple Race: Naga/Shade/Vulpine

Extra Trait
Expedition Manager (maybe)
Elemental Blooded: Slyph
Naga-Blooded (Yes, I could make one with the triple race boon. But I would think those are more valuable than a boon with just the Naga, especially with the Xenophobic boon floating around.)

Scarab Sages

I have:
succeed on any one unranked skill check
Plenty of M:tG (

I want:

Like most....can't help but to try I guess
Email: or PM


thistledown wrote:
Naga-Blooded (Yes, I could make one with the triple race boon. But I would think those are more valuable than a boon with just the Naga, especially with the Xenophobic boon floating around.)

You still need to pick one race from the Triple Race: Naga/Shade/Vulpine Boon when you apply it to a Xenophobic Boon. Applying a race boon to the xenophobic boon is treated just like applying it to a new character.

I believe there is no boon that grants access to just nagaji, so no reason to save the triple race boons.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Brian Lefebvre wrote:
thistledown wrote:
Naga-Blooded (Yes, I could make one with the triple race boon. But I would think those are more valuable than a boon with just the Naga, especially with the Xenophobic boon floating around.)

You still need to pick one race from the Triple Race: Naga/Shade/Vulpine Boon when you apply it to a Xenophobic Boon. Applying a race boon to the xenophobic boon is treated just like applying it to a new character.

I believe there is no boon that grants access to just nagaji, so no reason to save the triple race boons.

Gencon 2012 Boon #10 is just Nagaji. What was posted for Xenophobic on the other thread was "Attach any number of unused race boons to this one. Those races are treated as favored enemies by this character." So I would think you get all three as favored enemies with a triple boon.


The triple race boon says to pick one and cross the other two out when you use it, and xenophobic says to apply a race boon to the xenophobic boon as you would a brand new character. This does not allow you to bypass how a race boon is applied, which would be one race per boon.

The "any number" line refers to the fact there is no limit to the number of race boons that can be applied to a single xenophobic boon. If you had a race boon for every race in the advanced race guide you could apply them all to one xenophobic boon.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Ah, I see the line now.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Even if the boons come from different sources, you can still only have one of a particular boon on each character, right? (No putting 3 Extra Trait boons on the same guy?)

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16


Varisian Caravaner (+1 to attack goblinoids and either become specialized in perform(dance) or learn Varisian language)
Shoanti Quah-Friend (+1 to attack giants and either become specialized in survival or learn Shoanti language)
Treasure Map! (instead of a day job roll check 1 of 3 check boxes. When the 3rd box is checked you find the treasure and gain your level x 150 gp. When the 3rd box is checked you may spend 4PP and renew the treasure map to start over.)

Varisian Weapon Training - made a gnome sorcerer that was "raised by goblins" and gave her proficiency with the mighty dogslicer!

Triple Race (Kitsune/Nagaji/Wayang)
Extra Trait x2

Liberty's Edge

I'd SO love a Kitsune boon, if anyone has an extra.
I'm new to PFS and don't have another boon to offer in exchange, but maybe there's something else we can work out?

Dark Archive 5/5

Fiasko wrote:

I'd SO love a Kitsune boon, if anyone has an extra.

I'm new to PFS and don't have another boon to offer in exchange, but maybe there's something else we can work out?

Fiasko- pm me please...

Lantern Lodge

-Tien Library Training
-Monastic Combat Training

-Treasure Map
-Extra Trait
-Goblin Boon (would even give an Ifrit for this)

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

What is "Tien Library Training"?

Lantern Lodge

+1 attack against Onis
Skill Specialization Knowledge(Geography)
Tien as bonus language

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5

Hang on... I figure I should post the entire list of Boons I have... see if anyone wants to trade something from here. :)

Shade Blooded
Extra Trait
Shoanti Quah-Friend
Expedition Manager
Sacred Trust
Triple Race (Kitsune/Nagaji/Wayang)

Racial Boons,
if you dont have a race boon, send me a message with what you do have and we could try to make a deal. :)

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Wolf Alexander Vituschek wrote:
Monastic Combat Training

Out of curiosity, what does this do?

Lantern Lodge

Lets you perform any Combat Manuever without provoking at -2 CMB.
I post again my list and add my Tiefling boons. If somebody has Xenophobic, he might get some use out of them

-Tien Library Training
-Monastic Combat Training
-2x Taint of the lower planes (Tiefling)

-Treasure Map
-Extra Trait
-Goblin Boon (would even give an Ifrit for this)

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry

Wolf, Patrick H - have sent you each a PM

Dark Archive 4/5

Treasure map

any race boon.

Please PM me


Oh man. If anyone winds up with a Grippli boon after GenCon and they can't come up with a concept for it, my fiancé actually had an idea which moved me from "why the hell would I want to play a grippli?" to "oh my god that's awesome." So if you want to send it my way, I can promise to put it to good use.

Or if you ask really really nicely I might tell you the idea. But I don't want everyone to use it, because then it would just be boring.

Dark Archive 5/5

pathar wrote:
Oh man. If anyone winds up with a Grippli boon after GenCon and they can't come up with a concept for it

I am GMing again this year dont know if i will use mine or not...

I was considering a grippli ninja

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Something else cool.

Varisian Caravaner
Shoanti Quah-Friend
Treasure Map

Triple Race (Kitsune/Nagaji/Wayang)
Extra Trait x2

Elemental Ancestry(Fire)
Missing Mentor
Expedition Manager

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East


Have, trading:
[2] Triple Race: Naga/Shade/Vulpine

Extra Trait
Elemental Blooded: Slyph

Liberty's Edge 3/5 *

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thistledown, I'll trade Prosperity for whatever Vulpine you have left. PM.

If anyone has a Wayang boon they're willing to give away, I'll gladly take it. Just be aware that I don't really have anything to offer.

Lantern Lodge

Fiasko wrote:

I'd SO love a Kitsune boon, if anyone has an extra.

I'm new to PFS and don't have another boon to offer in exchange, but maybe there's something else we can work out?

Same, I just heard about PFS last night.

I have been playing the campaigns with a friend for almost a year now, we're up to book 3 of Curse of the Crimson Throne.

I have wanted to create a kitsune character in his games, but he will not allow it.
If I could play one in PFS, that would be amazing.

I have nothing to trade, but i am more then willing to make an arangement for a kitsune.

(Odd question to follow, does it allow only a single kitsune, or multiple characters?)

Silver Crusade 4/5

Jaffer wrote:

(Odd question to follow, does it allow only a single kitsune, or multiple characters?)

Each race boon allows you to make a single character of that race.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Sweet, I got my prosperity boon. Now I got to run green market and put it on that character.

Still looking for a Sylph boon.

Still have two Triple Race: Naga/Shade/Vulpine boons to trade.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Fromper wrote:

Want: Still looking for the Prosperity boon, so I can take advantage of insane day job rolls on my bard when I get a couple more levels on him.

Have: Sinscarred (+1 on all saves vs a particular school of magic, and +2 on spellcraft checks to identify that school)

This offer is still open, since it's been a month with no response to it.


I have Shoanti Quah-friend (+1 to hit Giants and specialized in survival or learn Shoanti language).

Not sure what I'm looking for. Make me an offer!

The Exchange

Want: Dhampir

Have: Shade-Blooded, Student of Runes, Varisian Caravaner, and Extra Trait.


Want: Grippli, extra trait, what is shade blooded? fun RP boons in general

Have: Gratitude! Also have an original soft cover Gnomes of Golarion. mmm effortless trickery!

The Exchange

Shade-Blooded allows you to play a Wayang character.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I would love a Graveblooded boon. I have an awesome RP idea for a Chelaxian Dhampir Necromancer/Bloatmage.

I have a triple race boon and a kitsune boon, and a vast collection of miniatures to choose from. PM me =)


pm sent Nefreet

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5

I want to trade my Wayang race boon for a Goblin race boon.

I would even be willing to throw in $10.

My son REALLY wants to play a Gobo!

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Anyone going to be at PaizoCon? Should we arrange a boon trading swap meet? Maybe Thursday night?


Sunday night would be better, as more people will have boons by then :)
Hmmm... maybe both.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Curaigh wrote:

Sunday night would be better, as more people will have boons by then :)

Hmmm... maybe both.

That is a good point. This could even be done in the Hotel Bar or Lobby.

I started a new thread to discuss.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Have:Cinderlands survivor: You gain a permanent benefits of endure elements spell but only in hot conditions and only in hot conditions and onlyto temperatures of 110 degrees F and below; you gain no bonuses in extreme cold. This is an extraordinary ability. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws against fire spells and efects and against any other effects related to heat.

Want: Kitsune boon. Will take any race boon and try to double trade in a pinch.


Have: Dhampir

Want: Sylph

Sczarni 1/5

Have: Gratitude, paper copy of Gnomes of Golarion.

Want: Grippli

PM if you are at all interested.


Treasure Map
Varisian Weapon Training

Extra Trait

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