Pathfinder Adventure Path #181: Zombie Feast (Blood Lords 1 of 6) (Foundry VTT) Bundle

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Our Price: $34.99

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Something gnawing at you? The undead nation of Geb gains most of its international trade from the export of food grown on zombie-worked farms, but lately one farm has been the site of a series of strange occurrences. Dispatched to investigate the problem, the player characters discover a grave threat to Geb's minority living population, bringing them to the attention of the insidious Blood Lords who rule the land in the name of their undead wizard-king. Defeating the wicked forces behind the plot is the first step on a long road to gaining influence and power in Geb, but if the investigators can't solve the problem to the Blood Lords' satisfaction, their first step may be their last!

"Zombie Feast" is a Pathfinder adventure for four less-than-good-hearted 1st-level characters. The adventure begins the Blood Lords Adventure Path, a six-part, monthly campaign in which the characters rise from skilled troubleshooters to join the Blood Lords who rule a land of the dead.

This purchase will grant you an activation code which can be activated through your Foundry VTT account page at and access to the PDF version of the same content (both downloadable from your My Downloads page on Afterwards you will be able to install the "Pathfinder Adventure Path #181: Zombie Feast (Blood Lords 1 of 6) (Foundry VTT)" module on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen. To learn more about activating and installing premium content in Foundry Virtual Tabletop, visit

Note: If you already own the Pathfinder Adventure Path #181: Zombie Feast (Blood Lords 1 of 6) PDF, you may follow this link to purchase just the module for $19.99. If you do not own the PDF, it will be automatically added to your digital library when you purchase this Foundry module at its regular price.

Zombie Feast for Foundry VTT includes:

  • High-resolution character artwork and tokens for the unique undead monsters and NPCs in this AP
  • High-resolution, upscaled versions of the original maps.
  • Seven completely remade, highly detailed, and immersive adventure maps with support for Foundry Virtual Tabletop's Overhead Tiles and Foreground Layer features, re-created by Sigil Entertainment Group using assets from Forgotten Adventures.
  • Journal Entries for the entire contents of the book with additional encounter notes and Foundry VTT tips.
  • Scenes pre-configured with walls, lights, sound, tokens, and hazards already placed to provide GMs the most convenient experience running the adventure.
  • Soundscapes provided as ambient playlists and local sound sources to immerse your players, mixed using audio from the Syrinscape library.

The Foundry Virtual Tabletop software is required to use this product. For more information, visit

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FVTT90181-1 FVTT90181-2 FVTT90181-3 FVTT90181-4

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Average product rating:

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Great product


Great showing from the people at Sigil! Has everything I need, and already lot of great improvements on previous offerings. Really glad to have the token ring, but absolutely every scene oozes with detail. This will easily save me dozens of hours of prep.

Amazing Quality


Wonderful maps, art, sound, and presentation.
Endless hours of prep saved.

Dark Archive

If I'm reading the note correctly, if I buy the pdf first and then this module it will cost me 40$, if I do it the other way it will be just 30$.

Does this make sense? This didn't happen for the other Foundry modules.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

If you already own the PDF, follow the link in the note above and you'll be able to purchase for $19.99, if you don't, it will cost you $29.99 but you'll get the PDF for free

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The main draw of the PDF first is for those of us who have subscriptions, so get a free PDF with our physical copy. If you're only buying the PDF, it's best to buy this on its own and get the PDF for free.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dunno, passing on that one I guess? 30$ with a 10$ PDF discount is too much. It moved from "no brainer" to "am I making enough money per month to justify spending another 30$ on top of a 25$ book that I bought as well".

It's even more expensive than the FG module now and since I get everything except the maps for free, I'm just gonna do it manually again.

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I mean for me the soundsets, the lighting, the walls being done for me, and the quality increase in the maps are all well worth $30. You have to remember the extra work that goes into that, someone needs to be paid for their labor and $30 is more than fair

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Right, but I suppose 100$ would be a fair price as well, since I can just use those prep hours to work at my company and buy the module then?

Sarcasm aside, it's a hefty price tag to ask in a global recession, immense inflation, rent and energy price increases for something that is essentially optional. I'm sure that the upper class will pay for this, but they also paid for the Fantasy Grounds price clown fiesta

Silver Crusade

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I mean in the end, all roleplaying game products are that. Nobody needs an RPG product to live. The developers also are living in a recession and also deserve to make money. These are luxury purchases, not necessities.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
I mean in the end, all roleplaying game products are that. Nobody needs an RPG product to live. The developers also are living in a recession and also deserve to make money. These are luxury purchases, not necessities.

Totally true, but as a subscriber, it stings that functionally I get to pay 100% more for just the foundry module than if I were to just buy the PDF and module outside of a subscription.

Hopefully this will be looked at in a timely manner after GenCon.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

They really need to go back and take a closer look at this. Ive already come across multiple spots where Outlaws AP information is just thrown randomly into journal entries. The very first one being as soon as you open up the Chapter 1 Journal Entry and it lists the bank Brokers. Idk how this made it past Quality Control.

Grand Lodge

Odd question, if I don't use foundry can I purchase this and export the maps?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Starfinder Superscriber
Cori Marie wrote:
I mean in the end, all roleplaying game products are that. Nobody needs an RPG product to live. The developers also are living in a recession and also deserve to make money. These are luxury purchases, not necessities.

This is the opposite of good sales/marketing. You're supposed to tell people why they should buy something, not talk them out of it.

I know you really want that "Forum Cheerleader" title but wow are you not helping.

Anyways -- book subscribers get a free PDF of 20$ value. Seems fair to me.

But if you're a digital-only player that hardly helps you, and everyone's been griping about that. If I was a VTT-only player I would view this bundle as quite a deal and worthy of my patronage. Maybe if they do well it'll become a subscription item.

Shane Weber wrote:
Odd question, if I don't use foundry can I purchase this and export the maps?

You need the foundry client to actually download it. Afterwards it is just a folder with the images and audiofiles in there so it is easy to use it in a different way.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Leon Aquilla wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
I mean in the end, all roleplaying game products are that. Nobody needs an RPG product to live. The developers also are living in a recession and also deserve to make money. These are luxury purchases, not necessities.

This is the opposite of good sales/marketing. You're supposed to tell people why they should buy something, not talk them out of it.

I know you really want that "Forum Cheerleader" title but wow are you not helping.

Anyways -- book subscribers get a free PDF of 20$ value. Seems fair to me.

But if you're a digital-only player that hardly helps you, and everyone's been griping about that. If I was a VTT-only player I would view this bundle as quite a deal and worthy of my patronage. Maybe if they do well it'll become a subscription item.

This may surprise you, but Cori Marie is not a Paizo employee.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Rampant upselling is the opposite of "good sales".

The creatives who make these products and accessories need to be paid too so they can keep making them.

If it comes down to "some might not be able to afford this" and "we can't afford to stay in business and keep producing content", which do you think is gonna fly?

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yeah I was wondering when I suddenly got hired, and if so where my paycheck has been.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
Yeah I was wondering when I suddenly got hired, and if so where my paycheck has been.

Given the state of CS here, I'd reckon you're better at directing than some dedicated staff.

Anyways, I love the work Sigil put into this module, looking forward to seeing more of them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
xQueenGodivax wrote:
They really need to go back and take a closer look at this. Ive already come across multiple spots where Outlaws AP information is just thrown randomly into journal entries. The very first one being as soon as you open up the Chapter 1 Journal Entry and it lists the bank Brokers. Idk how this made it past Quality Control.

Especially if PDF owners are now paying so much more for these than the previous Foundry modules, I'd hope they had polished these better.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Gosh, maybe you should use the reporting feature in the module to report errors so they can correct them. The modules aren't made by Paizo staff, so it's less likely that leaving feedback here will help anything.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
Gosh, maybe you should use the reporting feature in the module to report errors so they can correct them. The modules aren't made by Paizo staff, so it's less likely that leaving feedback here will help anything.

That would require me purchasing the product, which the increased pricing and comments here about alleged drop in QC have dissuaded me from :)

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Starting with Blood Lords volume 2, which releases next week on 8/31, we plan to make additional changes to our Foundry VTT module prices to address some of the issues we inadvertently caused when we adjusted them for volume 1. More details can be found in this thread.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
> wrote:
additional changes to our Foundry VTT module prices

Wait... am I reading this right? So instead of just making the total paid equal $29.99 for everyone, even if you bought the PDF first, the solution was to raise the price to $34.99?

People are complaining about paying $19.99 if they already bought the PDF... In your example from the post you linked above, buying the the PDF gives a discount of $16 off the price of $34.99.

So now everyone gets a bigger price tag but those who bought the PDF first would be paying $18.99 instead of $19.99. Not sure a difference of $1 is much of a solution when you're paying $5 more for the bundle...

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

3 people marked this as a favorite.
WinHig wrote:
Wait... am I reading this right?

Not quite. We're trying to fix two different issues here.

The first issue was that when the PDF+module bundle was $29.99 and the module alone was $19.99 for PDF owners, people who bought the PDF on its own and then bought the module were paying a total of $8.99 more than people who bought the bundle. That wasn't what we wanted, which is why we're offering an $8.99 credit to everyone who was affected.

The second issue is that the feedback we've received ... and with which, having considered our options, we agree ... overwhelmingly indicates a preference that the discount for owning the PDF be equal to the value of the PDF rather than being arbitrarily set at $10.

The experience of producing our first three modules has given us a more accurate picture of how much these modules cost to produce, which was why we decided that we needed to raise prices in the first place. Having decided that a more sustainable price point was somewhere in the $16-20 range, our initial plan was to offer the module alone for $19.99 to PDF owners, with the module+PDF bundle going for $10 more. Now that we're basing the discount on the price of the PDF, we're setting the price of the module alone at $16 and simply adding the cost of the PDF to calculate the total price of the bundle.

This does mean that the price of the bundle is $5 higher with a PDF that sells for $18.99, but it also means that the total price of the bundle can decrease if the PDF is cheaper, and it means we can set the price for the module alone to $4 less than it is right now.

Andrew White wrote:
WinHig wrote:
Wait... am I reading this right?

Not quite. We're trying to fix two different issues here.

The first issue was that when the PDF+module bundle was $29.99 and the module alone was $19.99 for PDF owners, people who bought the PDF on its own and then bought the module were paying a total of $8.99 more than people who bought the bundle. That wasn't what we wanted, which is why we're offering an $8.99 credit to everyone who was affected.

The second issue is that the feedback we've received ... and with which, having considered our options, we agree ... overwhelmingly indicates a preference that the discount for owning the PDF be equal to the value of the PDF rather than being arbitrarily set at $10.

The experience of producing our first three modules has given us a more accurate picture of how much these modules cost to produce, which was why we decided that we needed to raise prices in the first place. Having decided that a more sustainable price point was somewhere in the $16-20 range, our initial plan was to offer the module alone for $19.99 to PDF owners, with the module+PDF bundle going for $10 more. Now that we're basing the discount on the price of the PDF, we're setting the price of the module alone at $16 and simply adding the cost of the PDF to calculate the total price of the bundle.

This does mean that the price of the bundle is $5 higher with a PDF that sells for $18.99, but it also means that the total price of the bundle can decrease if the PDF is cheaper, and it means we can set the price for the module alone to $4 less than it is right now.

For anybody who can't get subscriptions, that essentially does mean that the price is $5 higher? There's no discount to getting the bundle anymore.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It's not a coincidence that I have not posted in the forums for a long time. That is not meant to be dramatic or negative, just that this product made want to actually share some thoughts about it.

I am not affiliated with any party or any distinct individual related to this product. I paid for it.

I'm not sure about whatever happened with previous offerings (Frozen Flame, etc.), but I am really impressed with what the VTT Team / Sigil has done here with this specific chapter. There is an amazing attention to detail which surpasses the AP Chapter products sold for use by other popular VTTs.

Looking at the cost on top of the PDF, there is no question of the value here for me. I have used VTTs (Maptools) since before Roll20 and Foundry were a thing. I know the effort it takes to put on a good presentation. As a Foundry user this was worth my money.

If you disagree with the cost of the PDF AND THAT reflects on how you feel about this digital VTT product- that's a different conversation. One of which I'm not going to get into. To each their own.

But Sigil / Foundry VTT is not fleecing anybody with this specific digital product. I never bought a premium module for Foundry before this specific one, but lordy, my personal time has value too. (I have bought them for Roll20) They put some effort in for the additional expense (on top of the PDF) they're asking for.

Again, not shilling for any party. I'm being authentic here.

PS: I don't usually do reviews. I might this time because this is a digital product based upon a separate written product. There is degree of separation here I might be comfortable with in order to post a review. If I do decide to, it'll be the next month or so after I have ran the adventure on Foundry. You never know what kinks you might find. That said I can praise the product today because 10+ years of VTT experience gives me an insight to what look for. I installed it and examined it carefully. Everything so far exceeds my expectations. My motive for posting is to encourage others to be objective so this type of product will continue to be offered.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lord Viator wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Gosh, maybe you should use the reporting feature in the module to report errors so they can correct them. The modules aren't made by Paizo staff, so it's less likely that leaving feedback here will help anything.
That would require me purchasing the product, which the increased pricing and comments here about alleged drop in QC have dissuaded me from :)

I did this and guess what - they werent fixed. I even went into their Discord and they said they would fix it. Guess what? Still hasn't been fixed. It is pretty obvious what they care about and it isn't quality.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Have a little patience, bud. Things aren't a snap your fingers and get a fix, and right now the team is more focused on making sure that the modules work with Foundry v. 10 than anything else.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
Have a little patience, bud. Things aren't a snap your fingers and get a fix, and right now the team is more focused on making sure that the modules work with Foundry v. 10 than anything else.

Just curious, do you work for / represent Sigil?

Silver Crusade

Corie Marie is just a helpful and civil person on these boards.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Corie Marie is just a helpful and civil person on these boards.

Thanks, I didn't know if it was a case of an end user being helpful or a company representative being helpful.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
xQueenGodivax wrote:
They really need to go back and take a closer look at this. Ive already come across multiple spots where Outlaws AP information is just thrown randomly into journal entries. The very first one being as soon as you open up the Chapter 1 Journal Entry and it lists the bank Brokers. Idk how this made it past Quality Control.

Hello, as others have likely mentioned, bug reporting through landing page journals it the best way to get this to module developers to fix and respond. But to respond to this here, the issue was fixed with version 1.0.1 on 25 Aug 2022. We (the developers) also identified and documented this specific issue's root cause to avoid a repeat error in the future.

Well it was frustrating for me to find out that buying the PDF and module separately (19.99+14$ is cheaper than this bundle.

Tl;DR Buy them separate, not bundled.

There goes 3$ haha

Eleechee wrote:

Well it was frustrating for me to find out that buying the PDF and module separately (19.99+14$ is cheaper than this bundle.

Tl;DR Buy them separate, not bundled.

There goes 3$ haha


The price for the module separately is $16, so about a dollar more all together, unless there was a price difference/sale here or Foundry's site recently (I'm not the most knowledgeable on these things I fully admit).

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
TheCowardlyLion wrote:
Eleechee wrote:

Well it was frustrating for me to find out that buying the PDF and module separately (19.99+14$ is cheaper than this bundle.

Tl;DR Buy them separate, not bundled.

There goes 3$ haha


The price for the module separately is $16, so about a dollar more all together, unless there was a price difference/sale here or Foundry's site recently (I'm not the most knowledgeable on these things I fully admit).

There seem to be a bug somewhere, cause it's showing me a 2$ sale for some reason, dropping the code only price to 14$.

[EDIT] Actually, looking at the list of all available ones, they are all at 14$, OR on sale at that price from 16$ (but those are the minority).

Is the module available in languages other than English, or does it have to be translated manually?

TheCowardlyLion wrote:
Eleechee wrote:

Well it was frustrating for me to find out that buying the PDF and module separately (19.99+14$ is cheaper than this bundle.

Tl;DR Buy them separate, not bundled.

There goes 3$ haha


The price for the module separately is $16, so about a dollar more all together, unless there was a price difference/sale here or Foundry's site recently (I'm not the most knowledgeable on these things I fully admit).

What'll probably be more frustrating to you is that humble bundle has a bundle with all 6 books plus their foundry VTT counterparts for $35

TheFitGM wrote:
TheCowardlyLion wrote:
Eleechee wrote:

Well it was frustrating for me to find out that buying the PDF and module separately (19.99+14$ is cheaper than this bundle.

Tl;DR Buy them separate, not bundled.

There goes 3$ haha


The price for the module separately is $16, so about a dollar more all together, unless there was a price difference/sale here or Foundry's site recently (I'm not the most knowledgeable on these things I fully admit).

What'll probably be more frustrating to you is that humble bundle has a bundle with all 6 books plus their foundry VTT counterparts for $35

I mean yea.. for a limited time. Normally on that is not a bundle option and this is a partnership offering. I jumped all over the full bundle myself especially since it comes with so much that outside of this bundle I'd never have afforded on their own individually. While I know I could basically pull all the info from AoN, I get the benefit of knowing I also get to support the talent that Paizo has under their banner, which has always been a goal of mine when I got into this space and seeing how Paizo collaborates with their audience so heavily.

So, I got the Humble Bundle deal with all 6 books in both PDF and Foundry.

In order to use the latest PF2e remastered module I had to upgrade to Foundry V12, but now when I try to enable the Blood Lords module I get

An error occurred while rendering SigilPF2EAdventureImporter 22. You are only allowed to load template files with an extension in [html,handlebars,hbs]
at Hooks.onError (foundry.js:654:24)
at foundry.js:5795:13Caused by: Error: You are only allowed to load template files with an extension in [html,handlebars,hbs]
at a.<anonymous> (foundry.js:7839:39)
at a.value (socket.js:580:13)
at a.value (socket.js:499:22)
at U.emit (index.mjs:136:20)
at manager.js:204:18

With Foundry v11 as soon as I enabled the Blood Lords module I got the maps to show.
I tried disabling all modules and even re-creating the game world (I am using The Forge).

Is Foundry v12 supported for Blood Lords?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Cori Marie wrote:

Thank you for confirming!

I managed to get it running by deleting everything / re-creating the world and selectively enabling modules. I suspect the PDF importer (which I don't need anyway in this case) was causing some compatibility issues.

This package would've been great if the region/city maps were redone as in previous/other packs.

I am aware this is a somewhat of a nitpick. Switching between the art styles every time feels a bit jarring.

I recently purchased the Pathfinder Second Edition Bundle of the Dead by Paizo Inc. on Humble Bundle. I also purchased a license for Foundry VTT.

I have it installed on my pc (V12 Build 331) and port forwarding setup. I have installed the PF2e game system (v6.6.1) and installed the Blood Lords modules 1-6. (Note: when installing the modules, I did not get a prompt to download dependecies.)

When I create a new world, login as Gamemaster and go to "manage Modules". I cannot activate the module because the tick box is greyed out. Also, while hovering the mouse over the modules. I get the message "Cannot be enabled due to issues in required dependencies".

I have tried un-installing the modules and re-installing them. (Didn't work)

While searching around the internet I found a thread on the sub-reddit r/FoundryVTT titled "I recently bought Blood Lords from the Paizo Bundle and after downloading and adding the modules I can't get it to load. I have them in the compendium but double clicking on them does nothing. Anyone got any idea on how I can fix this " In the thread user Kristkos shared an image of a dependency module that needs to be installed called "Blood Lords - Basis Pack"

I think the missing Basis Pack is my issue but I cannot find it when I search for it. Is this a bug or am I just not doing something right?

I found the solution. When installing the Blood Lords modules. It isn't installing or prompting me to install the Blood Lords - Basis Pack. Which is the missing module. However, I was able to do this manually.

To manually install the blood lords - basis pack. Start foundry and then go to the Add-of Modules tab and click on install module. At the bottom of the window, there is a "Manifest URL" bar. Type the following into the bar ds/module-v12.json

This will download the missing module and you should now be able to enable them in your world.

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