Redeemed Chromatic, Fallen Metallic

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I've been browsing Dragons revisited and read how it mentioned chromatics sometimes turn from their evil ways and are redeemed. Likewise, in a sidebar, it mentioned a yellow dragon actually being a tarnished Gold dragon. I've been thinking...wouldn't it be nice to expand on these ideas? In my world, there is a Paladin order that was founded by a redeemed Blue Dragon. Having become good, his scales took on a metalic sheen, making him a Cobalt dragon. Would anyone like to expand on this with me? Perhaps when they either tarnish or Redeem, dragon type in question gains or loses certain abilities. I hope I have stirred the creative juices. Let's hear it!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Luna_Silvertear wrote:
I've been browsing Dragons revisited and read how it mentioned chromatics sometimes turn from their evil ways and are redeemed. Likewise, in a sidebar, it mentioned a yellow dragon actually being a tarnished Gold dragon. I've been thinking...wouldn't it be nice to expand on these ideas? In my world, there is a Paladin order that was founded by a redeemed Blue Dragon. Having become good, his scales took on a metalic sheen, making him a Cobalt dragon. Would anyone like to expand on this with me? Perhaps when they either tarnish or Redeem, dragon type in question gains or loses certain abilities. I hope I have stirred the creative juices. Let's hear it!

I've pretty much tossed the idea that draconic alignment should be tied to scale color and Golarion has fractured the idea of absolute adherence with Mengkare. Dragons aren't outsiders and this is not In'Nominee, so alignment should not make them change color.

I fully expect a novel by Mikaze and Set within 12 hours. Can't wait to see what they come up with.

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Allow me to clarify that perhaps they would have special abilities unlike their usual counterparts. For instance, and this is probably a bad example, but a fallen Silver dragon (Grey?) could create frost wraiths when a creature dies due to it's breath attack.

Hmmmmm.... it will be difficult to come up with unique colors and metals for certain dragon types without going into some really obscure metals and colors. Red and copper are going to be tough ones.

Paizo, or at least JJ, has all but disavowed Dragons Revisited, as I understand it. It was written when they were still a 3pp for 3.5 and they didn't have their own world identity really well thought out yet. But I actually like the idea of a brightening/tarnishing of scales similar to a redeemed/fallen person taking on a brighter or darker demeanor. It does kind of spoil surprises though. "Hey, what do that bronze's scales look like? Tarnished?! Eek! Don't trust anything he says!"

Matrix Dragon wrote:
Hmmmmm.... it will be difficult to come up with unique colors and metals for certain dragon types without going into some really obscure metals and colors. Red and copper are going to be tough ones.

I feel ya there. Maybe Iron for Red and Brown for Copper?

Wildebob wrote:
Paizo, or at least JJ, has all but disavowed Dragons Revisited, as I understand it. It was written when they were still a 3pp for 3.5 and they didn't have their own world identity really well thought out yet. But I actually like the idea of a brightening/tarnishing of scales similar to a redeemed/fallen person taking on a brighter or darker demeanor. It does kind of spoil surprises though. "Hey, what do that bronze's scales look like? Tarnished?! Eek! Don't trust anything he says!"

Maybe not everyone is familiar with every type of dragon. That yellow dragon may just be some obscure species of dragon...hint hint.

My world's dragons have always been free agents. Metallic dragons tend to be good, chromatic dragons tend to be evil, but there is no guarantee. One of my most critical "good" NPCs is a "redeemed" blue dragon. But since he typically goes around in elvish form, very few people even know he's a dragon.

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Gold -> Yellow
Copper -> Orange
Silver -> Grey
Brass -> Brown
Bronze -> Teal

White -> Tin
Red -> Iron
Blue -> Cobalt
Black -> Lead
Green -> ?

Umbral Reaver wrote:

Gold -> Yellow

Copper -> Orange
Silver -> Grey
Brass -> Brown
Bronze -> Teal

White -> Tin
Red -> Iron
Blue -> Cobalt
Black -> Lead
Green -> ?

This list is BOSS! I applaude you, Umbral Reaver.

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Umbral Reaver wrote:

Gold -> Yellow

Copper -> Orange
Silver -> Grey
Brass -> Brown
Bronze -> Teal

White -> Tin
Red -> Iron
Blue -> Cobalt
Black -> Lead
Green -> ?

I was actually thinking Chromatic good guys could be gems so

White -> Diamond
Red -> Ruby
Blue -> Sapphire
Black -> Jet (like the french word jaiet)
Green -> Emerald

Odraude wrote:
Umbral Reaver wrote:

Gold -> Yellow

Copper -> Orange
Silver -> Grey
Brass -> Brown
Bronze -> Teal

White -> Tin
Red -> Iron
Blue -> Cobalt
Black -> Lead
Green -> ?

I was actually thinking Chromatic good guys could be gems so

White -> Diamond
Red -> Ruby
Blue -> Sapphire
Black -> Jet (like the french word jaiet)
Green -> Emerald

Also boss!

The Exchange

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Umbral Reaver wrote:

Gold -> Yellow

Copper -> Orange
Silver -> Grey
Brass -> Brown
Bronze -> Teal

White -> Tin
Red -> Iron
Blue -> Cobalt
Black -> Lead
Green -> ?

Green -> Torbernite ?

Gem dragons are a separate set of creatures anyway.

Silver Crusade

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I love this as a concept, highly likely though that the scale colouring might be more subtle, highly noticeable by dragons, but less so by the 'mortal' races. Possibly a high perception roll, followed by a knowledge: Arcana or such to understand its significance by any non-dragon. Plus, there is so many illusion spells a dragon could use to disguise themselves. In the case of an undercover villian it'd be a very poor 'yellow' dragon that slipped up enough that the Paladin bothered to detect evil.

The only hesitation I have about these automatic coloration changes based on changing alignment is that it seems a little unfair to the dragons involved. It just means that whenever it would really count, dragons will be using magical means to disguise their color. Would prestidigitation work to disguise the change?

Scarab Sages

I'm in my late 30's, and have played Fantasy RPG's pretty much since I was 12. I have NEVER understood metallic dragons, and frankly find the idea to be rather goofy. This is solely my opinion though.

I typically only have chromatic dragons in my games, and they can be pretty much any alignment.

Most are greedy though, and like having a hoard, but that is mostly a racial trait and less to do with alignment.

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Dragons - Color coded for easy alignment detection.

GM - "You see a fat Red dragon fly into his lair"

PCs "We rush in and try to kill it"

GM - "You see a dragon surrounded by gnomes making toys, he smiles sweetly at you and welcomes you with a cup of cocoa, greetings travelers I am Kryxkryngal welcome to my workshop"

Minds get blown, the Dragon is Santa!

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Black -> Onyx, perhaps?

TheChozyn wrote:

Dragons - Color coded for easy alignment detection.

GM - "You see a fat Red dragon fly into his lair"

PCs "We rush in and try to kill it"

GM - "You see a dragon surrounded by gnomes making toys, he smiles sweetly at you and welcomes you with a cup of cocoa, greetings travelers I am Kryxkryngal welcome to my workshop"

Minds get blown, the Dragon is Santa!

I almost pissed myself laughing at reading this.

I think unrefined nickel is green, but I could be mistaken. I really like this idea, I have a good green dragon in my campaign, might have to "patch" the game by changing her to a metallic!

Odraude wrote:

I was actually thinking Chromatic good guys could be gems so

White -> Diamond
Red -> Ruby
Blue -> Sapphire
Black -> Jet (like the french word jaiet)
Green -> Emerald

I think Obsidian would be a more appropriate name than Jet.

That's about as ridiculous as Pac-Man. It's like saying Red is Blinky, Blue is Inky, White is Pinky, and Black is Clyde.

One can only guess what the Green one would be...Stinky, maybe? At any rate...

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